Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
I Am Pray­ing for You
  1. I Am Pray­ing for You
  2. We Have a Mes­sage
I Bring My All to Thee
  1. Little Cares Which Fret­ted Me, The
  2. Uncertain How the Way to Find
I den Se­na Mid­natt­stun­denSee Mid­night
I Do Be­lieve
  1. Be Thou My Judge, O Right­eous Lord
  2. Forever Here My Rest Shall Be
  3. Happy Is He That Fears the Lord
  4. To Us a Child of Hope Is Born
I Have a Sav­iorI Have a Sav­ior
I Love Thee
  1. I Love Thee
  2. O Je­sus, My Sav­ior
I Love to Hear the Sto­ryI Love to Hear the Sto­ry
I Obey
  1. I Obey
  2. I’ve Been Long­ing That the Sha­dows
I See Thee Stand­ing
  1. Behold the Mi­ra­cle Re­newed!
  2. Bestow, Dear Lord, up­on Our Youth
  3. Come All Who Love the Slaugh­tered Lamb
  4. In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust
  5. Jesu, Great Heal­er of Man­kind
  6. There Is a Sea
I Speak of Beth­le­hemThey Speak to Me of Prince­ly Tyre
I Would Be TrueI Would Be True
IașiThe Ro­man­i­an ci­ty.Hosanna! Bé­ni Soit
IbéricoA type of Span­ish cured ham.How Lov­ing Is Je­sus!
IbstoneThe vil­lage where the fath­er of com­pos­er Ma­ria Tid­dem­an was rec­tor.
  1. Flung to the Heed­less Winds
  2. Hush! Bless­èd Are the Dead
Ich arm­er MenschGerman for I, wretch­ed man.Behold, My Soul, Thy Sav­ior King
Ich dank’ dirGerman for I thank you.
  1. Let Me Be Thine For­ev­er
  2. Redeemed, Res­tored, For­giv­en
Ich dank’ dir schonKing of Love My Shep­herd Is, The
Ich hal­te treu­liche stillGod, Bless Your Church with Strength!
Ich singe dirGerman for I sing to you.I Lift My Ban­ner, Sa­ith the Lord
Ich sterbe täg­lichGerman for I die dai­ly.
  1. Help Us, O Lord!
  2. I Come, O Sav­ior, to Thy Ta­ble
Ich will dich lie­benThee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tow­er (Wink­worth)
IckenhamThe lo­ca­tion in Lon­don.Since I Am Thine, Lord
IconiumThe city in Acts 14:1.Lost, but Je­sus Saved Me
IdumeaThe his­tor­ic­al Mid­east re­gion south of Is­ra­el and the Dead Sea.And Am I Born to Die?
Iğ­dırThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Do I Not Need Thee?
Ihr Kin­der­lein kom­metCome Hi­ther, Ye Child­ren
IJsselmeerThe bay in Hol­land.My Lord, My Love, Was Cru­ci­fied
IlkleySee Calm
  1. Lord, in This Dark, This Aw­ful Hour
  2. Unless the Lord the House Shall Build
IllinoisGo, Labor On: Spend, and Be Spent
Illsley [Bish­op]
  1. Almighty God, Who from the Flood
  2. Behold, the Son of God Ap­pears
  3. Earth’s Mig­hty Mak­er, Whose Com­mand
  4. Maker of Man, Who from Thy Throne
  5. O Bound­less Wis­dom, God Most High
  6. O Sav­ior, Who for Man Hast Trod
IlluminatioSee Rock of Ag­es
IlluminationI Look to Thee in Ev­ery Need
Ilse [Er­furt]Let Songs of Prais­es Fill the Sky
IlsleyComposer Frank Ils­ley.Once to Ev­ery Man and Na­tion
Immanuel (Webbe)Behold! Be­hold, He Com­eth
Immanuel’s LandSands of Time Are Sink­ing, The
ImmergrünGerman for ev­er­green.Evergreen Val­ley, The
Immortal LoveO Je­sus, When I Think of Thee
ImmortalityCome, Sound His Praise Abroad
ImphalThe city in Ma­ni­pur, In­dia.There’s Cleans­ing in the Pre­cious Blood
Implicit TrustSlowly, Slow­ly Dark­en­ing
In all­en mein­en That­henO Food to Men Way­far­ing
In Bab­i­lo­ne
  1. God, We’ve Known Such Grief and An­ger
  2. Hail, Thou Once Des­pis­èd Je­sus
In dir ist Freu­deIn Thee Is Glad­ness
In Dul­ci Ju­bi­lo
  1. Good Chris­tian Men, Re­joice
  2. Now Sing We, Now Re­joice

See also Schles­wig

In Hoc Sig­noLatin for In this sign. As­so­ci­at­ed with a dream in which Ro­man em­per­or Con­stan­tine I re­ceived the mes­sag­e In hoc sig­no vin­ce (In this sign [the cross], con­quer) be­fore the Ba­ttle of Mil­vi­an Bridge in 312 AD. The ba­ttle was a cru­cial ev­ent in a ci­vil war that end­ed with Con­stan­tine as sole rul­er of the Ro­man Em­pire and Chris­ti­an­ity es­tab­lished as the em­pire’s of­fi­cial re­li­gion.Teach Me to Pray
In höch­sten Nöt­enGerman for in dire need.When in the Hour of Ut­most Need
In Me­mo­ri­am (Mak­er)Clean Heart, A
In Me­mo­ri­am (Ro­berts)
  1. God of In­fin­ite Com­pas­sion
  2. Jesus, from Thy Ser­vants Tak­en
  3. There’s a Fold Both Safe and Hap­py
In Me­mo­ri­am (Stain­er)There’s a Friend for Lit­tle Child­ren
In Na­ta­li Do­mi­niLatin for on the birth­day of the Lord.
  1. God, to Thee We Hum­bly Bow
  2. Hark, the An­gel Choirs Pro­claim
  3. On the Birth­day of the Lord (Wash­burn)
In StormWhen Through the Torn Sail
In Te­ne­bris Lu­menLatin for light in dark­ness.
  1. Jesus, in Thy Great Name I Go
  2. Sweet Sav­ior, Bless Us Ere We Go
  3. Tremble, Ye Fam­i­lies Pro­fane
In Vi­am Rec­tamLatin for the right way.I Was a Wan­der­ing Sheep
Inasmuch (Bu­rnap)O Daugh­ters Blest of Ga­li­lee
IncheonThe Ko­re­an ci­ty.Glory in the High­est (Zim­mer­man)
India Ba­sin
  1. See, Lord the Pur­chase of Thy Death
  2. Tremendous Lord of Earth and Skies
  3. Unknown Tra­vel­er to Em­ma­us, The
Indiana [High­way]Indiana Uni­ver­si­ty at Bloom­ing­ton.
  1. Whither Will You Wan­der?
IndianapolisThe In­di­ana city.Morning Star, The
IndianolaThe Tex­as city.We Praise Thee and Bless Thee
IndoreThe In­di­an city.
  1. Great Re­fin­er, The
  2. Truth in Song
IndreThe French dé­parte­ment.With Harp and with Trum­pet
IngatestoneThe vil­lage in Es­sex, Eng­land.Holy Spir­it, Lord of Glo­ry
InghamGod Call­ing Yet
InglesideArise and Shine, O Zi­on Fair
InglewoodThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.More Like Je­sus
IngraveThere’s a Friend for Lit­tle Child­ren
InnocenceSee Ad­vent (Goss)
InnocentsFeast of the Ho­ly In­no­cents.
  1. Amplest Grace in Thee I Find
  2. As the Sun Doth Dai­ly Rise
  3. Christian, Rise and Act Thy Creed
  4. Conquering Kings Their Ti­tles Take
  5. First of Cities, Beth­le­hem
  6. Joy Is Now in Ev­ery Place
  7. Morn of Morns, and Day of Days
  8. Morning Breaks up­on the Tomb
  9. Once Again, Dear Lord, We Pray
  10. Sweet the Time, Ex­ceed­ing Sweet
  11. Who, O Lord, Shall Dwell with Thee?

Also see Na­varre

InnsbruckThe Aus­tri­an ci­ty, named for its bridge ov­er the Ri­ver Inn.
  1. Duteous Day Now Clos­eth, The
  2. Now All the Woods Are Sleep­ing
  3. Now Woods and Wolds Are Sleep­ing
  4. O Thou Who Dost to Man Ac­cord
  5. Zion, Awake and Bright­en
Integer Vi­taeLatin for blame­less in life, or in­no­cent.See Flem­ming
Intercession [St. Luke]
  1. Almighty God, Whose On­ly Son
  2. Bow Down Thine Ear, Al­migh­ty Lord
  3. Deep in the Dust Be­fore Thy Throne
  4. O Je­su, Cru­ci­fied for Man
  5. O Lamb of God, Whose Love Di­vine
Intercession NewWhen the Wea­ry, Seek­ing Rest
IntercessorO Word of Pi­ty, for Our Par­don Plead­ing
InterlakenThe Swiss town.Wake All Mu­sic’s Ma­gic Pow’rs
Into My HeartInto My Heart
InvernessThe Scot­tish ci­ty.O That I Could Re­pent
Invitation (Hast­ings) [Re­turn, Shu­bah, Wan­der­er]
  1. Father Su­preme, by Whom We Live
  2. See, from on High, a Light Di­vine
  3. ’Tis Thine Alone, Al­migh­ty Name
Invitation (La­trobe)Lamb of God, Whose Bleed­ing Love
Invitation (Mak­er)
  1. Come to the Sav­ior Now
  2. Joy! Joy! A Year Is Born
Invitation (Root) Come to the Sav­ior
Invitation (Wal­lace)How Plea­sant and How Good It Is
  1. All Things Bless Thee
  2. Heav’nly Fa­ther, Send Thy Bless­ing
IoniaThe re­gion on the west­ern coast of Tür­ki­ye.Children, Hear the Melt­ing Sto­ry
  1. Another Year Has Now Be­gun
  2. With All My Pow­ers of Heart and Tongue
Iowa CityThe Io­wa ci­ty.
  1. I’ll Re­joice
  2. O Ho­ly Dove, As­sist My Love
IpanemaThe area in Rio de Ja­nie­ro, Bra­zil.Oh, Sin­ner, Come
IraBy Vows of Love To­ge­ther Bound
Ira Jus­taLatin for just an­ger.He Who Once in Right­eous Ven­geance
  1. Help Us, O Lord, the Good De­cay
  2. How Dread­ful, Lord, Will Be the Day
  3. Lord Shall Come, The
  4. O Hark un­to the Sound­ing Bell!
  5. When Dread­ful o’er a Mourn­ing Land
  1. Christ Is Born, Go Forth to Meet Him
  2. Come and See What God Is Do­ing
  3. Mary Glad­ly Told Her Cou­sin
  4. No One Knows the Day or Hour
  5. Once in Roy­al Da­vid’s City
  6. Welcome Sight! the Lord Des­cend­ing!
Irene (Schole­field)
  1. Blessèd Hope, The
  2. Come to Our Poor Na­ture’s Night
  3. Lord of Mer­cy and of Might
Irene (Frey­ling­hau­sen)Sinners, Dis­miss Your Fear
  1. Father of Me, and All Man­kind
  2. How Hon­or­able Is the Place
  3. How Dear to Me, O Lord of Hosts
  4. How Glo­ri­ous Si­on’s Courts Ap­pear
  5. I’ll Bless the Lord from Day to Day
  6. Son of Man from Jor­dan Rose, The
  7. Through All the Chang­ing Scenes of Life
  8. Thy King­dom Come, on Bend­ed Knee
IronsI Love to Hear Sweet Voic­es Sing
IrvineThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Welcome, Sweet Sun­shine
IrvingComposer Ir­ving Harts­horn.Lord, the God of My Sal­va­tion
Isaiah (Barn­by)Now Are the Days of Hum­blest Pray­er
Isaiah (Fel­ix)Naquele Dia
IscahThe daugh­ter of Ha­ran and niece of Abra­ham (Gen­e­sis 11:29).
  1. How Full of An­guish Is the Thought
  2. Praise Ye the Lord, Let Praise Em­ploy
IschglThe town in Tyr­ol, Aus­tria.Seraphs Laud Thee
IsèreThe French dé­parte­ment.He Will Guide Me
IsfahanThe Iran­i­an ci­ty.We Ga­ther in the Sab­bath School
IshmaelForever with the Lord
IshpemingThe Mi­chi­gan town.O God, to Thine An­oint­ed King
İskenderunThe Tur­kish ci­ty.I’m Sing­ing Too
Isle of WightMy God, Con­si­der My Dis­tress
Isles of the SouthWake, Isles of the South!
  1. From Foes That Would the Land De­vour
  2. His Are the Thou­sand Spark­ling Rills
IspartaThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Blessèd Gift
Israel (Goss)
  1. O Thou Who Sits En­throned on High
  2. Savior Lives, No More to Die, The
  3. Ye Heav’ns, with Sounds of Tri­umph Ring
Israel (Mar­tin)Ye Fair Green Hills of Ga­li­lee
Israel (Ma­son)No Voice but Thine
IstanbulThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Jesus, I Love Thee
Iste Con­fes­sor
  1. He, Whose Con­fes­sion God of Old Ac­cept­ed
  2. Lord of Our Life, and God of Our Sal­va­tion
  3. Only Be­got­ten, Word of God Eter­nal
Italian Hymn [Mos­cow]
  1. Christ for the World We Sing
  2. Come, All Ye Saints of God
  3. Come, O Thou God of Grace
  4. Come, Thou Al­migh­ty King
  5. Glory to God on High
  6. Gone Are Those Great and Good
  7. Let Us Awake Our Joys
  8. Lord, Thou Hast Known Our Joy
  9. Song for Christ­mas
  10. Spirit of Wis­dom and Pow­er
  11. Woman’s Hymn, The
  12. Ye Who His Tem­ple Throng
IthacaThe New York ci­ty.
  1. Let the Low­er Lights Be Burn­ing
  2. Often When We Sit and Pon­der
IvankovicFollow Me
IvesGod, How Can We Com­pre­hend?
IvyhatchLord Is King!, The
IxellesThe Bel­gian ci­ty where com­pos­er Re­naud de Vil­bac died.Beneath the Cross of Je­sus (Herr)
İzmirThe Turk­ish city.Christ Is Mine