The Cyber

Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
67th PsalmO Sing to the Lord, Whose Boun­ti­ful Hand
SaarbrückenSaarbrücken, Ger­ma­ny.Angels’ Sto­ry, The
SabadellThe Span­ish ci­ty.Heavenly Fa­ther, We Adore Thee
SabaothHoly, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Is the Lord
SabbataSince Je­sus Free­ly Did Ap­pear
SabbathSafely Through An­oth­er Week
Sabbath BellWith Thank­ful Voice Praise Ye the Lord
Sabbath MornWelcome, De­light­ful Morn
SabbatsdagSwedish for Sab­bath.
  1. Day of God, The
  2. Glory to the Fa­ther Give
  3. Sabbath Day
  4. They That Mourn in Dun­geon Gloom
SachsenThe Ger­man state of Sax­ony.Out of the Sha­dow
SacramentoThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.O When Shall I See Je­sus?
Sacramentum Uni­ta­tisThou, Who at Thy First Eu­cha­rist Didst Pray
The Sacred HeartDraw Nigh and Take the Bo­dy of the Lord
Sacred Har­mo­nyWelcome, Wel­come!
Sacred MornHail, Thou Bright and Sac­red Morn
SælirIcelandic for blessed.And Then the Sav­ior Turned
Safe HomeHark! Hark! The Notes of Joy
Safe Pas­sageIn the Morn­ing (Pet­tus)
Safely, Safe­lySafely, Safe­ly, Ga­thered In
Saffron Wal­denThe town in Es­sex, Eng­land.Dear Fa­ther-Mo­ther
Sag Har­borThe town on Long Is­land, New York.Angels, Roll the Rock Away
SaginaThe sa­gi­na plant that was a fa­vor­ite spring fod­der for Ro­man sheep.
  1. Ancient of Days! The Years Roll On
  2. And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
  3. Before the Great Je­ho­vah’s Bar
  4. Book—Let All Bow Down and Read, The
  5. Faith Means We’re Sure
  6. How Shall the Young Di­rect Their Way?
  7. Last Pray­er, A
  8. Not Till the Freez­ing Blast Is Still
  9. Star of the East, How Sweet Art Thou
  10. Thus the Great Lord of Earth and Sea
  11. What Are These Wounds, So Deep, So Wide?
Sagina (Short)
  1. Behold the Ser­vant of the Lord
  2. Dead and Alive
  3. Lord Je­sus Christ, True Man and God
  4. Modern Chris­ti­an­ity
  5. My Reins, My Fab­ric’s Ev­ery Part
  6. O God of Light
  7. O Hap­py Na­tion
  8. Object of All Our Know­ledge Here
  9. That Man Whose Im­pi­ous Tongue De­nies
SaginawThe Mi­chi­gan ci­ty.Ask and Ye Shall Re­ceive
  1. Day of Life
  2. Day After Ar­ma­ged­don, The
  3. Sailing in­to Port
  4. Weeps the Sav­ior o’er His Foe
  5. When Op­pressed with Sore Afflict­ion
Saint-CloudThe com­mune in the west­ern sub­urbs of Pa­ris, France.Why Keep Je­sus Wait­ing?
Saint-Ma­loThe French ci­ty.Sweet Sto­ry of Je­sus
Saint-TropezSaint-Tro­pez, France.Easter Joy (White)
SaipanThe western Pacific is­land.No Abid­ing Ci­ty Here
Saint CrossBeside the Man­ger
Saint Lu­ciaThe Car­ib­be­an na­tion. Keep in Touch with Je­sus
SaitamaSaitama, Ja­pan (さいたま市).Father, Be­fore Thy Throne
SakaiSakai, Ja­pan (堺).Joy-Life, The
SalamancaSalamanca, Spain. Whom Did Je­sus Pi­ty?
SaleO Ren­der Thanks to God Above
Salem (Meth­fes­sel)When Mo­thers of Sa­lem
Salem (Har­mon­ia)Friend of Sin­ners Dies, The
SalernoSalerno, Ita­ly.Sin No More (Whit­tle)
SalesTo Thee, O Com­fort­er Di­vine
SalfordWith Joy We Me­di­tate the Grace
SalighetsgrundFaith in the Blood
SalinasSalinas, Ca­li­for­nia.Potter and the Clay, The
  1. God! The Eter­nal, Aw­ful Name
  2. Thou Fram­er of the Light and Dark
SalomeO Come Be­fore the Lord
SalonicaIn Thy He­rit­age the Hea­then
SaltilloSaltillo, Mex­ico.Get Rea­dy for Heav­en
SaltoSalto, Ar­gen­ti­na.How Long, O How Long?
Salus Mor­tal­iumLatin for sal­va­tion of mor­tals.
  1. My Cause Is God’s
  2. Our Lord the Path of Suf­fer­ing Trod
Salvation (Hays)
  1. Come and Hear the Words of Je­sus
  2. Lily of the Val­ley, The
Salvation (Ken­tuc­ky)Our Ci­ties Cry to You, O God
Salvation (Kirk­pat­rick)Jesus Saves
Salvation’s PlanLost and Sin­ful World to Save, A
Salvation’s StoryFrom Death un­to Life
Salvator (Goss)Savior, Breathe an Ev­en­ing Bless­ing
Salvator (Jew­son)Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keep­ing
Salve Domine
  1. Christmas Mes­sage, The
  2. Light of the World, We Hail Thee
  3. Light of the World’s Dark Sto­ry
Salve Fes­ta Di­esHail Thee, Fes­tiv­al Day
Salvete Flor­esLatin for greet­ings, flow­ers.
  1. Hence from My Soul, My Sins, De­part
  2. Long Did Both Kings and Pro­phets Wait
  3. Mighty Frame of Glo­ri­ous Grace, The
  4. O High­est Love, in Low­li­est Guise
  5. Sweet Flow’r­ets of the Mar­tyr Band
Salzburg (Hay­dn)Salzburg, Aus­tria.
  1. And Did the Ho­ly and the Just
  2. How Oft, Al­as!
  3. Of Jus­tice and of Grace I Sing
Salzburg (Hintze)
  1. At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
  2. Christ, by Heav­en­ly Hosts Adored
SalzgitterSalzgitter, Ger­ma­ny.Oh, the Debt of Love
SamanthraHis Voice, as the Sound of a Dul­cim­er Sweet
SamaraSamara, Rus­sia (Са­ма­ра).As Doves to Their Win­dows
SamariaThe eastern Me­di­ter­ran­ean re­gion.I Am Com­ing to the Cross
SamosSamos, Greece (Σά­μος).Christian! Seek Not Yet Re­pose
  1. Jesus, We on the Word De­pend
  2. Trembling Be­fore Thine Aw­ful Throne
SamsunThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Hark, the Voice of Je­sus Call­ing (March)
Samuel (Monk)Hushed Was the Ev­en­ing Hymn
Samuel (Sul­li­van)
  1. Father, Who Art Alone
  2. Hail Bright­est, Hap­pi­est Morn
  3. Hushed Was the Ev­en­ing Hymn
  4. Israel in An­cient Days
  5. Lord, Hear Me When I Pray
  6. We Give Im­mor­tal Praise
Samut Pra­kanSamut Pra­kan, Thai­land (สมุทรปราการ).Jesus Loves You (Smith)
San An­dre­asThe apos­tle Andrew.Jesus’ Teach­ing
San Ber­nar­di­noSan Ber­nar­di­no, Ca­li­for­nia.Every Step with Je­sus
San Cle­men­teSan Cle­men­te, Ca­li­for­nia.I Love My Pre­cious Sav­ior
San Cris­tó­balSan Cris­tó­bal, Ar­gen­ti­na.Hurry and Tell Him
San Di­egoSan Di­ego, Ca­li­for­nia.Hallelujah to Thy Name!
San DimasSan Di­mas, Ca­li­for­nia.There Is Al­ways Time for Pray­er
San Fer­mínThe first bi­shop of Pam­plo­na, Spain.Sing, My Soul, from Bond­age Free
San Fran­cis­coSan Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. Gird on the Sword and Ar­mor
  2. When First This Match­less Sto­ry
San Ga­bri­elSan Ga­bri­el, Ca­li­for­nia.My Heart’s Pray­er (Blan­chard)
San Gen­na­roThe 3rd Cen­tu­ry Bi­shop of Be­ne­ven­to, It­aly.As Wide as the Skies Is Thy Mer­cy, O God
San Gio­van­niItalian for St. John.Clinging to the Cross (Ad­ams)
San JoseSan Jose, Ca­li­for­nia.God Is Com­ing
San JuanSan Juan, Puer­to Ri­co.Truth’s Ad­vent
San Juan Is­landsSan Juan Is­lands, Wash­ing­ton.Jesus Is Call­ing for Thee
San Lu­casCabo San Lu­cas, Mex­ico.Farther Along
San Lu­is Obis­poSan Lu­is Obis­po, Ca­li­for­nia.I’ll Be a Friend to Je­sus
San Lu­is Po­to­síSan Lu­is Po­to­sí, Mex­ico.Onward Roll the Ag­es
San Lu­is ReyMission San Lu­is Rey, Ca­li­for­nia.Christ Alone Has Pow­er to Save
San Mar­cosSan Mar­cos, Tex­as.Some Sweet Morn (Mar­vin)
San Ma­ri­noSan Ma­ri­no, sur­round­ed by Ita­ly.Will You Rise?
San Ma­teoSan Ma­teo, Ca­li­for­nia.I Come, O Gra­cious Lord
San Ni­co­lásSan Ni­co­lás de los Gar­za, Mex­ico.Savior, Re­mem­ber Me
San Pe­droSpanish for St. Pe­ter.Just Where I Am
San Ra­fa­elSan Ra­fa­el, Ca­li­for­nia.Tell the Christ­mas Story
San Sal­va­dorSan Sal­va­dor, El Sal­va­dor.Cometh a Bless­ing Down
Sancti Ve­ni­teLatin for saints come.Draw Nigh and Take the Bo­dy of the Lord
San Vi­cen­teSan Vi­cen­te, El Sal­va­dor.Where Thou Go­est, I Will Go
SanaaSanaa, Ye­men (صنعاء‎).Lo, They Come, the Vic­tors
Sanctuary (Dann­ström)What Joy There Is
Sanctuary (Dykes)
  1. As Above the Dark­est Storm Cloud
  2. Cry of the Needy, The
  3. Hail the Glo­ri­ous Gold­en Ci­ty
  4. Hark! the Sound of Ho­ly Voic­es
  5. Messenger, The
  6. New Hap­py Land, The
  7. See, He Comes!
  8. Who Is This That Comes From Edom? (Words­worth)
Sanctuary (Run­yan)Lord, I Have Shut the Door
SanctumLatin for ho­ly.Take Thy Pas­tor’s Pray­er and Bless­ing
Sand Hill RoadSand Hill Road, Men­lo Park, Ca­li­for­nia.Prodigal Child, The
  1. From Out the Depths I Cry, O Lord
  2. God of Our Life
  3. I’ll Trust in Thee
  4. Light of the World! Faint Were Our Wea­ry Feet
  5. Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up
SandringhamSandringham, Eng­land.See Per­fect Love
SandsO Teach Thou Us to Count Our Days
SanduskySandusky, Ohio.See Ken­tuc­ky
SandysTeach Me, My God and King
SangerhausenSangerhausen, Ger­ma­ny.Good News from Heav­en the An­gels Bring
Sanibel Is­landSanibel Is­land, Flo­ri­da.Sinner, Je­sus Loves You Still
ŞanlıurfaŞanlıurfa, Tür­ki­ye.He That Keep­eth
Santa AnaSanta Ana, Ca­li­for­nia.Call, and I Will An­swer
Santa Cla­raSanta Cla­ra, Ca­li­for­nia.Unfurl the Chris­tian Stan­dard
Santa Cla­ri­taSanta Cla­ri­ta, Ca­li­for­nia.All Hail! Hap­py Day
Santa CruzSanta Cruz, Ca­li­for­niaTo Be Lost in the Night
Santa FeSanta Fe, New Mex­ico.Clefted Rock, The
Santa Mo­ni­caSanta Mo­ni­ca, Ca­li­for­nia.Thy Bro­ther Calls to Thee
Santa Ro­saSanta Ro­sa, Ca­li­for­nia.We’re on the Way to Ca­naan’s Land
Santa Tri­ni­taO Mak­er of the Sea and Sky
SantanderSantander, Spain.Call Them In
SantiagoSantiago, Chile.
  1. From Ca­li­for­nia’s Vine­yards
  2. From Chi­na’s Dark Do­min­ions
  3. Return of Sum­mer
Santiago de Com­po­ste­laSantiago de Compo­ste­la, Spain.One of These Lit­tle Ones
Santo Do­min­goSanto Do­min­go, Do­mi­ni­can Re­pub­lic.Christ Is Com­ing (Stow)
SantoriniSantorini, Greece (Σαν­το­ρί­νη).Precious Words (Ro­gers)
SantosSantos, Bra­zil.Kindly and Gra­cious­ly
São Pau­loSão Pau­lo, Bra­zil.We Come in Child­hood’s Joy­ful­ness
São To­méSão To­mé, São To­mé and Prín­ci­pe.Wanderer’s Pray­er, The
SapientiaLatin for wis­dom.Children’s Song
SapporoSapporo, Ja­pan (札幌市).Be a Mes­sen­ger for Je­sus
Sarah (Ar­nold)Messiah, Full of Grace
Sarah (Ga­bri­el)
  1. Eternal Spir­it, God of Truth
  2. Gentiles by Na­ture
  3. Thy Pro­mised Mer­cies Send to Me
  4. To Thee, O God! Our Thanks We Rear
SarajevoSarajevo, Bos­nia-Her­ze­go­vi­na.Jesus Christ Is Pass­ing By
SarasotaSarasota, Flo­ri­da.O Praise Him
SaratogaThe New York lake.Old Par­son’s Sto­ry, The
SaratovSaratov, Rus­sia (Са­ра­тов).Meet Mo­ther in the Skies
SarawakSarawak, Ma­lay­sia.Somewhere There’s World of Beau­ty
SardisThe ci­ty men­tioned in Re­ve­la­tion 1:11.
  1. Christians, Lo, the Star Ap­pear­eth
  2. May the Grace of Christ Our Sav­ior
SardiusHo­ly Father! Thou Hast Taught Us
SarpySarpy Coun­ty, Ne­bras­ka.In Thy Glo­ri­ous Res­ur­rect­ion
SarrattSarratt, Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Geof­frey Ry­ley was born.
  1. All Hail, Ye Lit­tle Mar­tyr Flow­ers
  2. O God, Thou Art My God Alone
SarumO Lord of Life (Pease)
SaskatchewanSaskatchewan, Ca­na­da.From Cross to Crown
SaskatoonSaskatoon, Ca­na­da.Unveiled Christ, The
Satisfied (Will­iams)Satisfied (Will­iams)
SatorAre There No Years in Heav­en?
Savannah (Foun­de­ry) [Höch­ster Pries­ter]
  1. Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Pre­pare
  2. Holy Lamb, Who Thee Con­fess
  3. Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee
  4. Let Us Plead for Faith Alone
  5. Lord, as We Thy Name Pro­fess
  6. Praise to God, Your Prais­es Bring
Savannah (Pley­el)Hail, Hap­py Day!
Savannah (Ro­bin­son)Lord All Worlds (Dwight)
SavileGod Made Me for Him­self
Saving HealthSing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
SavoieThe re­gion in the French Alps.Blessèd Are They That Are Per­se­cut­ed
Savoy Cha­pel
  1. And Is the Time Ap­proach­ing?
  2. For All Thy Care We Bless Thee
  3. I Need Thee, Pre­cious Je­sus
  4. ’Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee
  5. To Thee, O Dear, Dear Sav­ior!
  6. We Love the Good Old Bi­ble
Sawley [Coat­ham]Sawley, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Earth, with Its Dark and Dread­ful Ills
  2. Eternal Source of Life and Light
  3. Jehovah, God the Fa­ther, Bless
  4. Jesus, These Eyes Have Nev­er Seen
  5. Jesus, Thou Art the Sin­ner’s Friend
  6. Lord Shall Come in Dead of Night, The
  7. O How the Thought of God At­tracts
  8. O Sav­ior, Aw­ful Was the Word
  9. O Teach Me More!
  10. O Why so Far Re­moved?
  11. Sinners, Be­hold That Down­ward Road
  12. Speak Gent­ly
  13. Whole Cre­ation Was Un­done, The
SawstonThe vil­lage in Cam­bridge­shire, Eng­land.Faith of Our Fa­thers
SaxbySee Storrs
SaxonyBy Pre­cepts Taught of Ag­es Past
Saxony (Ham­mer­schmidt)Jesus! Shall Our Watch­word Be
Saxony (Kirk­pat­rick)
  1. I Thought up­on the Days of Old
  2. King, O Lord, with Songs of Praise, The
  3. O Lord, Our Lord, How Won­drous Great
Saxony (Ol­iv­er)Jesus, o’er the Grave Vic­to­ri­ous
SchaffhausenSchaffhausen, Swit­zer­land.Not My Own (Cro­sby)
ScarthoThe town in Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.Sons of Men, Be­hold from Far
SchaumburgThe Il­li­nois ci­ty.Sweetest New-Born Ba­by
SchillingComposer Fred­er­ick Schill­ing.Hark! A Burst of Heav­en­ly Mu­sic
SchindlerBetty Jane Schind­ler.Cross of My Re­deem­er, The
SchleswigThe re­gion in north­ern Ger­ma­ny.World’s De­light, The

See also In Dul­ci Ju­bi­lo

Schmücke dich [Go­then­burg]German for dec­or­ate your­self.Deck Thy­self, My Soul, with Glad­ness
SchroederRod of the Root of Jes­se
SchubertO God the Rock of Ag­es
SchultzO Chris­tian Home
Schumann [Heath]Composer Ro­bert Schu­mann.
  1. Hail to the Sab­bath Day
  2. Jesus In­vites His Saints
  3. Let Songs of Praise Arise
  4. Not by Thy Migh­ty Hand
  5. O Bless­èd Son of God
  6. Our of Day of Praise Is Done
  7. Parting Hymn We Sing, A
  8. See Your Ex­alt­ed Lord
  9. Sinners in Vain Ex­pect
  10. We Give Thee but Thine Own
SchwabenThe re­gion in southern Ger­ma­ny.Beneath the Cross of Je­sus (Herr)
SchwarzwaldThe re­gion in south­west­ern Ger­ma­ny.Only Trust in Je­sus
SchwerinSchwerin, Ger­ma­ny.Holy Spir­it, Dwell in Me
ScienceNow Sweep­ing Down the Years Un­told
ScotiaThe for­mer Ro­man name for Ire­land.Far Be­yond the Dark Blue Sea
ScotlandVoice of Free Grace Cries, The
ScottsdaleThe Ari­zo­na city.O Re­sur­rect­ion Morn
Scudamore Upton Scu­da­more, Wil­tshire, where com­pos­er Ri­chard Chope was cur­ate.Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
ScudderFountain of Life and of Grace, A
SderotSderot, Is­ra­el (שְׂדֵרוֹת).When Je­sus Deems It Best
SeadriftSeadrift, Texas.Carefully, Tear­ful­ly
Seasons (Men­dels­sohn)Crown with Thy Bene­dic­tion
Seasons (Pley­el)
  1. At Thy Com­mand, Our Dear­est Lord
  2. Praise, Lord, for Thee in Zi­on Waits
SeattleThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.Beautiful Bi­ble
Sebastian (Frey­ling­hau­sen)It is Fi­nished

Also see Sno­ho­mish

Sebastian (Hod­ges)Middle name of com­pos­er John Hodg­es.Hush! The Virg­in’s Song Is Ring­ing
SeccombO He Whom Je­sus Loved
Second Mode Me­lo­dyBehold, the Bride­groom Com­eth (Moul­trie)
SecunderabadThe In­di­an ci­ty.I’m but a Lit­tle Child
SedonaThe Ari­zo­na town.O Je­ho­vah, Hear My Words (Couch)
SeduliusFrom East to West, from Shore to Shore
Seelenbräutigam [Ro­chelle, Spire]Dutch/Low Ger­man for spir­it­ual bride­groom.
  1. Holy Tri­ni­ty, Thanks and Praise to Thee
  2. Jesus, Still Lead On
  3. Round Me Falls the Night
SeftonPraise for Thee, Lord, in Zi­on Waits
SegoviaSegovia, Spain.Praise to Je­sus
SeguinSeguin, Te­xas.Kind Words—Earth’s Good Ang­els
SegurYes, My Na­tive Land, I Love Thee
SeitenstettengasseThe street in Vi­en­na, Aus­tria.Pearly Gates (Fran­cis), The
SelafoO Touch Him Too!
SelbyO for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
SelçukThe Turk­ish town.Calmly She Fad­ed
SeldenRest for the Toil­ing Hand
  1. All Things Are Pos­si­ble
  2. How Ma­ny Pass the Guil­ty Night
  3. O Love Di­vine, What Hast Thou Done!
  4. To Christ the Lord
Sellinge [Sel­lindge]Sellindge, Eng­land.
  1. All Yes­ter­day Is Past
  2. We Know Thee Who Thou Art
SelmaFair Waved the Gold­en Corn
SelvinIf, on a Qui­et Sea
SelwynSee Bar­thol­dy
SemarangThe In­do­ne­sian ci­ty.Lord, Dis­miss Us with Thy Bless­ing (Haw­ker)
Semper As­pec­te­mus
  1. For Ev­er Would We Gaze on Thee
  2. Hail Fa­ther, Whose Cre­at­ing Call
SenegalThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Tell the Glad Sto­ry Abroad
SeoulThe Ko­re­an ci­ty.He Hid­eth My Soul
SeraphSee Beth­le­hem
SeraphimJesus, I My Cross Have Tak­en
  1. Blest Christ­mas Morn
  2. Immortal Love, For­ev­er Full
  3. O God, the God That Sav­eth Me
  4. O Lord, While We Con­fess the Worth
  5. O Mind of God
  6. O Thou, in All Thy Might so Far
  7. We May Not Climb the Heav­en­ly Steeps
SerugAbraham’s great-grand­fath­er (Ge­ne­sis 11:20).O God, With­in Whose Sight
ServiceToil of Brain, or Heart, or Hand, The
  1. Impenitent Man’s Lot, The
  2. Lord, We Are Blind
  3. To God for Help Will I Re­pair
  4. Wait, O My Soul, Thy Mak­er’s Will
SethComposer Seth Mitch­ell.Currently unused (score)
SevastopolThe Cri­me­an ci­ty.On Christ­mas Day (Dodge)
SewardSeward, Ne­bras­ka.
  1. God Al­migh­ty in His Wis­dom
  2. I Be­lieve in God the Fa­ther
SewallComposer Frank Sew­all.My God, and Is Thy Ta­ble Spread?
SeychellesThe In­dian Ocean is­land nation.Birth of Our Sav­ior, The
Seymour [We­ber]Mr. Sey­mour, a bass in the choir at Cen­ter Church, Hart­ford, Con­nec­ti­cut (the church of com­pos­er Hen­ry Great­or­ex).
  1. God of Mer­cy, God of Grace (Tay­lor)
  2. Holy Spir­it, from on High
  3. Holy Spir­it, Pi­ty Me
  4. Lord, I Can­not Let Thee Go
  5. Lord, This Day Thy Child­ren Meet
  6. Lord to Me Thy Ways Make Known
  7. Slowly, by God’s Hand Un­furled
  8. Softly Now the Light of Day
  9. Suppliant, Lo!
  10. Zion, at Thy Shin­ing Gates
SexagesimaThat Fear­ful Day
ShaanxiThe Chi­nese pro­vince.Jesus’ Lit­tle Lamb
ShackelfordWhile Shep­herds Watched Their Flocks (Tate)
  1. Child Is Born in Beth­le­hem, A
  2. Jehovah Reigns, His Throne Is High
ShamokinSee Laus Re­gis
ShandongThe Chi­nese pro­vince.Be True to God
ShanghaiShanghai, Chi­na.There Is None Like Thee
SharjahSharjah, Unit­ed Ar­ab Emir­ates.On East­er Morn
Sharm El SheikhThe ci­ty on the south­ern tip of the Sinai Peninsula.Onward, Right On­ward
SharonSee Hal­ton Hol­gate
Sharon (Gore-Ou­se­ley)Be Near Us, Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty
Sharon (Wall­head)When Down­ward to the Dark­some Tomb
ShawmutA old na­tive Am­eri­can word for the re­gion of pre­sent day Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.My For­mer Hopes Are Dead
Shawnee LodgeThe Boy Scout Or­der of the Ar­row chap­ter in St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri.
  1. Calvary
  2. Was It for Me?
SheenFrom Glo­ry to Glo­ry Ad­vanc­ing
Sheffield (Ma­ther) [At­ter­cliffe]The Eng­lish ci­ty.Praises of Thy Won­ders, The
ShelteredJesus Alone Can Save
Sheltered DaleProdigal Son, The
Sheltering Wing [Guild­hall]
  1. No Long­er of Him Be It Said
  2. O Zi­on, ’Tis Thy God’s Com­mand
ShenyangShenyang, Chi­na.We Shall Meet Again
ShenzhenShenzhen, Chi­na.Christmas Bells Are Ring­ing, The
ShephamShepham, Ca­naan (Num­bers 34:11).Eternal Pow­er, Al­migh­ty God
ShepherdMy Shepherd is the Lord

Also see St. Da­vid (Cal­kin)

Shepherd CareLovingly the Shep­herd
ShepherdsThat Day of Wrath
SheppardMatt Shep­pard, one time As­sist­ant Band Di­rec­tor at Mill­ard West High School, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.God Is Love!
Shepton-Beau­champShepton-Beau­champ, So­mer­set, Eng­land.Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might
Sherborne (Men­dels­sohn)
  1. Bless, O Lord, the Op­en­ing Year
  2. See the Gold up­on the Hills
Sherborne (Monk)Sherborne, Dor­set, Eng­land.Bishop of the Souls of Men
SherbourneThe riv­er in Cov­en­try and War­wick­shire, Eng­land.Let the World Their Vir­tue Boast
SherbrookSherbrook, Qué­bec, Ca­na­da.
  1. Away with Our Fears!
  2. O Je­sus, Our King
SherburneTo God Our Voic­es Let Us Raise
SheridanSheridan, Wy­om­ing.Children of the Tem­ple, The
SherlockLord, We Come Be­fore Thee Now
ShermanCan Sin­ners Hope for Heav­en?
SherwinSing Al­ways
  1. Beyond, Be­yond That Bound­less Sea
  2. From Beth­le­hem to Cal­va­ry
ShildonFountain of Mer­cies, God of Love
ShillingstoneShillingstone, Dor­set, Eng­land.Sleep Thy Last Sleep
ShillongShillong, Meg­ha­la­ya, In­dia.Then Do I Love Je­sus
Shinar (שנער)The term used in the He­brew Bi­ble for the ge­ne­ral re­gion of Me­so­po­ta­mia.’Tis the Fair Dawn of Heav’n­ly Day
ShindlerO Sing to Me of Heav’n
ShinjukuShinjuku, Ja­pan (新宿区).No Sor­row There
ShiplakeShiplake, Ox­ford­shire, Eng­land.Unchanging God, Hear from Eter­nal Heav’n
ShipstonProbably Ship­ston-on-Stour, War­wick­shire, Eng­land.Firmly I Be­lieve and Tru­ly
ShiptonHymnist An­na Ship­ton.Call Them In
ShirazShiraz, Ir­an (شیراز).Christian’s Hope, The
ShirlandShirland, Eng­land.My God, My Life, My Love
  1. Who Is This Fair One in Dis­tress?
  2. Worthy the Lamb of Bound­less Sway
Shoemaker [White­side]To Thee, O Gra­cious Lord, We Sing
ShoreSovereign Rul­er of the Skies
ShorehamBy Christ Re­deemed, in Christ Re­stored
ShorelineSpeed the Light (Brad­ley)
ShorterMy In­fant, Lord, to Thee I Glad­ly Bring
ShortleHenry Shor­tle, of Pro­vince­town, Mas­sa­chu­setts, father-in-law of com­pos­er Charles Good­rich.
  1. O Lord, Our God, Al­migh­ty King
  2. O Peo­ple Blest, Whose Sons in Youth
ShotteryShottery, Strat­ford-up­on-Av­on, Eng­land.Sweet Sav­ior! in Thy Pi­ty­ing Grace
  1. Jesus Asked One Day
  2. Leaning on the Ev­er­last­ing Arms
Showers of Bless­ing (Mac­La­gan)Even Me
ShropshireShropshire, Eng­land.Jesu, the World’s Re­deem­ing Lord
ShubahSee In­vi­ta­tion (Hast­ings)
SialkotSialkot, Pa­ki­stan.O God, Be Mer­ci­ful and Bless
SibiuSibiu, Ro­ma­nia.Night Hymn
SichuanSichuan, Chi­na.Oh, What a World of Sad­ness
SiciliaSicily, Ita­ly.
  1. How Can I Keep from Sing­ing?
  2. Shepherd of Souls, Thy Sheep Be­hold
SicilyCome, Thou Con­de­scend­ing Je­sus!
Sicilian Mar­in­ers
  1. Hearken to the Thank­ful Reap­ers
  2. Lord, Dis­miss Us with Thy Bless­ing
  3. Now in Part­ing, Fa­ther, Bless Us
  4. O Thou Joy­ful Day
  5. O Thou Joy­ful, O Thou Won­der­ful

Also see Mar­in­ers

SidonSi­don, Le­ba­non.Father of Peace, and God of Love
Sieh, hier bin ichGerman for See, here I am.
  1. In His Tem­ple Now Be­hold Him
  2. Long Ago, in So­lemn Mid­night
  3. Rise, O Lord! In All Thy Glo­ry
SiennaCome, Lord, and Tarry Not
Sierra Le­oneThe Af­ri­can coun­try.This Is Our En­dea­vor
Sierra Ne­va­daThe Am­eri­can mount­ain range.
  1. My Shep­herd Leads (Mc­Na­ma­ra)
  2. O Lord, Thy Per­fect Word
Sierra Vis­taThe ci­ty in Ari­zo­na.Soft the Bells Are Ring­ing
SiirtThe Tur­kish ci­ty.Rejoice, Ye Saints (Stunz)
SilchesterMarching to Zi­on
Silent Rev­er­enceLet All Mor­tal Flesh Keep Si­lence
Silent Wor­shipLet All Mor­tal Flesh Keep Si­lence
SilesiaFormer re­gion of Ger­ma­ny, now in Po­land.To Thy Pas­tures Fair and Large
SilesiusPseudonym of Jo­hann Scheffl­er.Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tow­er (Wes­ley)
SilksworthLet the Song Go Round the Earth
SiloamThe pool in Je­ru­sa­lem (John 9:7).
  1. Long Have I Sat Be­neath the Sound
  2. Though Trou­bles Great O’er­sha­dow Me
Silver CordEcclesiastes 12:6
  1. Saved by Grace
  2. Yes, She Is Gone
Silver HillJesus, Thou Joy of Lov­ing Hearts
Silver SpringThe ci­ty in Ma­ry­land.Wonderful Love That Found Us
Silver Street [Fal­con Street, New­ton]
  1. All Na­tions, Clap Your Hands
  2. Awake, and Sing the Song
  3. Come, Lift Your Joy­ous Eyes
  4. Glad Was My Heart to Hear
  5. Grace, ’Tis a Charm­ing Sound
  6. Hail to the Vir­gin Born
  7. Sow in the Morn Thy Seed
  8. Stand, Sol­dier of the Cross
Simeon (San­key)The tribe of Is­ra­el.Let Us Praise and Adore
SimferopolSimferopol, Cri­mea.Bless This Hour of Pray­er
SimpsonWhile Thee I Seek
Simi Val­leySimi Val­ley, Ca­li­for­nia.Blood-Washed Throng, The
Sinai (Barn­by)And Must I Be to Judg­ment Brought?
Sinai (Per­rot)Lord of Might from Si­nai’s Brow, The
SinaloaSinaloa, Mex­ico.Learn of Je­sus (Cros­by)
SinclairIn the Si­lent Mid­night Watch­es
Sine No­mi­neLatin for with­out a name.For All the Saints
SingaporeThe Asian ci­ty.My Bud in Heav­en
SinopSinop, Türkiye.Hymns My Mo­ther Sang, The
SintraSintra, Por­tu­gal.’Tis Good to Sing Prais­es
SinŭijuSinŭiju, Ko­reaWhat Are You Do­ing for Je­sus?
ŞırnakŞırnak, Türkiye.Is It True? (Reed)
SivasSivas, Türkiye.She Rests in Peace
SkåneSkåne, Swed­en.Must He Bear the Cross Alone?
  1. Father, the Watch­es of the Night Are O’er
  2. In Bound­less Mer­cy
Skara BraeThe Neo­lith­ic set­tle­ment in Scot­land.Earth’s Ten Thou­sand Voic­es
Skellig Mi­chaelThe Ir­ish isl­and.O Come and Sing His Prais­es
SkopelosThe Greek is­land.I Love to Hear of Je­sus
SkopjeThe Ma­ce­don­ian ci­ty.Lord Love Thee, The
Slane (Hus­tad)
  1. Be Thou My Vi­sion
  2. God of Cre­ation, All-Pow­er­ful
ŚląskPolish for Si­le­sia.
  1. Christ My Help­er
  2. Tell Me No More of Earth­ly Toys
Sleepers, WakePraise the Lord Through Ev­ery Na­tion
SloveniaThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.Jesus Is Here
SmileySee Pal­my­ra
SmyrnaSmyrna, Türkiye.Christmas Morn­ing (Meigs)
SmythJesus Is My Best of Friends
SnettishamSnettisham, Nor­folk, Eng­land.Babe of Beth­le­hem (Lat­ta), The
Snohomish [Se­bas­ti­an]Snohomish, Wash­ing­ton.O God, Most Mer­ci­ful and True
SnowComposer Fred­er­ic Snow.Consecration Hour Is Nigh, The
  1. As Thirsts the Hart for Cool­ing Flood
  2. Where Shall I Be? (Snow­den)
SnowfieldThou Shalt, O Lord, Des­cend
So gehstSo, Lord, Thou Go­est Forth to Die
So gehst du nunThy Cross, O Je­sus, Thou Didst Bear
So giebst duWilt Thou For­give?
So lange Je­sus bleibt der HerrSo lange Je­sus bleibt der Herr
So nimm denn meine HändeO Take My Hand, Dear Fa­ther
SochiThe Rus­sian ci­ty on the Black Sea.Growing Up for Je­sus
SofiaThe Bul­gar­ian ci­ty.O Word of God
  1. Lord Will Hap­pi­ness Di­vine, The
  2. Morning Bright, The
  3. O Lord of Life, Thy Quick­en­ing Voice
  4. See Is­ra­el’s Gen­tle Shep­herd Stand
  5. Soon with Re­sist­less Arm Shall Death
  6. Talk with Us, Lord
  7. To Thee, Be­fore the Dawn­ing Light
SojournerOf Mer­cy and of Jus­tice
SolanoSolano County, Ca­li­for­nia.Glory in the High­est (Hughes)
SoldauSoldau, Po­land (now named Dział­do­wo).
  1. Fading Day Adorns the West, The
  2. O Son of Man, Who Walked Each Day
  3. Spirit of God, That Moved of Old
  4. Where High the Heav­en­ly Tem­ple Stands
Soldiers of Christ
  1. All Hail, Mys­te­ri­ous King!
  2. Soldiers of Christ, Arise
SoldoAfter Awhile
SoledadThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Christ Is Kind and Ten­der
Solemnity’Twas on That Dark, That Dole­ful Night
Solid Rock
  1. Conflicting Feel­ings
  2. Lord Is Com­ing, The
  3. My Hope Is Built
  4. With Grate­ful Heart My Thanks I Bring
Solitude (Downes)
  1. As the Sun’s En­liv­en­ing Eye
  2. Lord, For­ev­er at Thy Side
Solitude (Prout)
  1. Angels Un­awares
  2. Blest Is the Man Who Makes the Word
  3. In Christ I Feel the Heart of God
Solitude (Sho­wal­ter)O for a Heart to Praise My God
Soll’s seinGerman for Let it be.Summer Days Are Come Again, The
Sollt ich mein­em Gott nicht sing­en [Can­ta­te Do­mi­no]I Will Sing My Mak­er’s Prais­es
SolomonI Love the Lord, He Heard My Voice
SolonThere Is a Fount­ain Filled with Blood
SolothurnSolothurn, Swit­zer­land.O Thou Who Mak­est Souls to Shine
SomerleySomerley House, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.Sons of Zi­on, Raise Your Songs
SomersetSomerset, Eng­land.Dear Shep­herd of Thy Peo­ple, Hear
SomervilleSomerville, Mas­sa­chu­setts.My Op­en­ing Eyes with Rap­ture See
Something for Je­sus [Fen­wick]
  1. Come, for the Feast Is Spread
  2. Savior, Thy Dy­ing Love
SommeThe riv­er in France.Lift Up Your Heads, Re­joice
SommerliedGerman for sum­mer song.God, Who Made the Earth
Son of ManYoung and Ra­di­ant
Song 1 (Gib­bons)
  1. Eternal Rul­er of the Cease­less Round
  2. Lord, Who the Night You Were Be­trayed
Song 5 (Gib­bons)Strong Son of God, Im­mor­tal Love
Song 4 (Gib­bons)Lord, When Thy King­dom Comes
Song 13 (Gib­bons)Holy Je­sus! God of Love!
Song 18 (Gib­bons)
  1. Immanuel, Sunk with Dread­ful Woe
  2. Lord Je­su, Who at La­za­rus’ Tomb
  3. ’Tis He! ’Tis He! The Son of God!
Song 20 (Gib­bons)
  1. Behold! With Aw­ful Pomp
  2. Mine Eyes and My De­sire
  3. Must I in Judg­ment Stand?
  4. My Lord, My Life, My Love
Song 22 (Gib­bons) [He­ze­ki­ah]Love of the Fa­ther
Song 24 (Gib­bons)
  1. And Tru­ly It Is a Most Glo­ri­ous Thing
  2. Day Is Come, The
  3. From Vir­gin’s Womb This Christ­mas Day Did Spring
  4. O Word Im­mor­tal of Eter­nal God
Song 34 (Gib­bons)
  1. God of Eter­nal Ma­jes­ty
  2. He Lacks Not Friends That Hath Thy Love
  3. Jesu, My Sav­ior, Bro­ther, Friend
Song 46 (Gib­bons)Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
Song 67 (Gib­bons)Originally used with en­try 67 in George Wi­ther’s 1623 Hymnes and Songs of the Church.
  1. Are All the Foes of Si­on Fools?
  2. Forever Bless­èd Be the Lord
  3. Lo! What a Glo­ri­ous Sight Ap­pears
  4. Lord, from the Depths to Thee I Cried
  5. O Sing a New Song to the Lord
  6. What Is It for a Saint to Die?
  7. Within the Mad­den­ing Maze of Things
Songs of PraiseWhy Do Hea­then Na­tions Rage?
SonomaSonoma, Ca­li­for­nia.God’s Time Now
SonoraSonora, Mexi­co.Call the Roll
Sons of La­bourSons of La­bor, Dear to Je­sus
SorrentoSorrento, Ita­ly.Lord, with Glow­ing Heart I’d Praise Thee
SorrowsNight, with Ebon Pin­ion
SoufrièreFrench for place where sul­fur is ex­tract­ed.Do You Know the Won­drous Sto­ry?
South BendThe ci­ty in In­di­ana.Abiding Rest
South Cer­neyThe parish in Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.O Lord, to Whom the Spir­its Live
South Is­landSouth Is­land, New Zea­land.Christ Hath Aris­en
SouthamptonThe ci­ty in Hamp­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Father in Heav­en, Hear Us To­day
  2. Softly the Si­lent Night
SouthertonWe Meet Again
SouthillJerusalem My Hap­py Home
Southport (Da­vies)Are There No Years in Heav­en?
Southport (Kings­ley)Wherever Two or Three May Meet
SouthwarkThe bor­ough in Lon­don.Cantate Do­mi­no
Southwell (Da­man)
  1. And Will the Judge Des­cend?
  2. Help, Lord, the God­ly Fail!
  3. I Fear the Ser­pent’s Hiss
  4. I Would, but Can­not Sing
  5. Lord Je­sus, Think on Me
  6. Not All the Blood of Beasts
  7. O Lord, How Ma­ny They
  8. Out of the Deep I Call
  9. Would Those Who Thirst for Blood
Southwell (Ir­ons)
  1. How Sad Our State by Na­ture Is!
  2. Now Let Our Cheer­ful Eyes Sur­vey
SouthwickThou Art Com­ing, O My Sav­ior
SouthwoldO Lord, Turn Not Thy Face from Me
Sovereign Sum­monsLord, the So­ver­eign, Sends His Sum­mons Forth, The
SovereigntyGreat God of Won­ders
Spa Fields Cha­pelSee Rich­mond (Ha­weis)
SpaldingSpalding, Eng­land.Light of the Wan­der­ing
Spanish ChantBlessèd Lamb of Cal­va­ry
Spanish HymnBlessèd Sav­ior, Thee I Love
Spanish WellsThe dis­trict in the Ba­ha­mas.Voice of Love, The
Speak, Lord (Wer­de­baugh)Quiet Hour (Grimes), The
Spes Cœ­les­tisAwake, Glad Soul
SpetisburyAll Praise Be to God (Bridg­es)
SpielbergSpielberg bei Knit­tel­feld, Aus­tria.Thy King­dom Come (Stryk­er)
SpireSee Seel­en­bräu­tig­am
SpiresThe Lu­ther­an Diet of Spires.
  1. Day, the Sol­emn Day Shall Come, The
  2. Extended on a Curs­èd Tree
  3. Glory of These For­ty Days, The
  4. He Reigns!
  5. In Pi­ty to a Dy­ing World
  6. Let God, the God of Bat­tle, Rise
  7. Thoughts on God and Death
Spiritus Vi­taeO Breath of Life
SplendorVoice Says Cry!, The
Splendor Pa­ter­naeO Pasch­al Feast, What Joy Is Thine
  1. As Pants the Hart for Cool­ing Streams
  2. O for a Heart of Calm Re­pose
SpokaneThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.King Is Here, The
Sponsa Chris­tiBride of Christ, Whose Glo­ri­ous War­fare
Spout Cot­tageA Non­con­for­mist cha­pel that once stood at the side of Spout House in Stan­ning­ton, Shef­field, England.Remember the Time When Our Sav­iour Was Born
SpringJesus, the All-Re­stor­ing Word
Spring CarolSing, for the World Re­joic­es
Spring of SoulsCome, Ye Faith­ful, Raise the Strain
Springfield (Grieg)Springfield, Mas­sa­chu­setts, home to the ar­mo­ry im­mor­tal­ized in Hen­ry Wads­worth Long­fel­low’s 1845 poem, The Ar­senal at Spring­field.Down the Dark Fu­ture
Springfield (Mins­hall)Cast Thy Bur­den on the Lord
SpringhillHear Our Pray­er, O Heav’n­ly Fa­ther
Sri Lam­pangCurrently un­used (score)
Star of DayThere Is a Calm for Those Who Weep
Strength and Stay
  1. My Lord, My Mas­ter, at Thy Feet Ador­ing
  2. O Strength and Stay
StuttgartThe Ger­man ci­ty.
  1. Bethlehem in Land of Ju­dah
  2. Bethlehem, of Nob­lest Ci­ties
  3. Cuanto Soy y Cuan­to En­ci­er­ro
  4. Earth Has Many a No­ble Ci­ty
  5. God, My King, Thy Might Con­fess­ing
  6. Hark! A Voice Is Loud­ly Ring­ing
  7. Jesus, Thou Art Mine For­ev­er
  8. O My Soul, Bless God the Fa­ther
  9. Savior King! In Hal­lowed Un­ion
SudanThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Waiting and Watch­ing
SudburySee Es­sex
SuffieldTeach Me the Mea­sure of My Days
SubmissionI Do Not Ask, O Lord
SubstitutionO Christ, What Bur­dens Bowed Thy Head
SuffolkFalling in­to Line
Sugar LandSugar Land,Tex­as.Shepherds Watch­ing on the Plain
Suffer Lit­tle Child­renLet Lit­tle Child­ren Come to Me
Sugarloaf Mount­ainSugarloaf Mount­ain, Maine.O Won­drous Cross
SulawesiSulawesi, In­do­ne­sia.Song of the Ag­ed Chris­tian
SumatraSumatra, In­do­ne­sia.Bravely Chime, O East­er Bells
Summer Land (Fi­thi­an)In Sum­mer-Land
SummerfordGod of the Na­tions, Who from Dawn of Days
SummersideSing with All the Saints in Glo­ry
Sumus Ti­biLord of All Cre­ation
Sun and ShieldJesus, Sun and Shield Art Thou
Sun of GraceJesus, Sun of Glad­ness
Sun ValleySun Valley, Ida­ho.Sweet Is the Pro­mise
SundownHail, Glad­den­ing Light
SunlightI Wan­dered in the Shades of Night

Also see Gre­na­da

SunneSunne, Swe­den, birth place of Nils Fryk­man.Idol of Du­ra, The
SunninghillO Throned, O Crowned with All Re­nown
SunnyvaleSunnyvale, Ca­li­for­nia.Be Ac­tive
SunriseAt Thy Feet, O Christ
Sunset (Barn­by)My God and Fa­ther! While I Stray
Sunset (Lutz)At Ev­en, Ere the Sun Was Set
SunshineBeautiful Bright Sun­shine, The
SupplicationFather of Om­ni­pres­ent Grace
Supreme Sac­ri­fice, TheO Val­iant Hearts
SurabayaSurabaya, In­do­nesia.Sing, My Soul, His Won­drous Love
SuratSurat, In­dia (સુરત).Lift Me High­er (Shack­lock)
ŠurmanciŠurmanci, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Hail, Tri­umph­ant King of Glo­ry
SurreySee Car­ey’s Sur­rey
Sursum Cor­da (Lo­mas)Christ of the Up­ward Way
Sursum Cor­da (Sew­all)
  1. Arise, All Souls, Arise
  2. By His Love
SussexSussex, Eng­land.
  1. God Is Love; His Mer­cy Bright­ens
  2. Saints of God! Lo, Je­su’s Peo­ple
Sussex Carol
  1. As Man and Wo­man We Were Made
  2. On Christ­mas Night All Chris­tians Sing
Sutherland (Ash­ford)Holy, and True, and Right­eous Lord
SutherWelcome, Thou Vic­tor in the Strife
Sutherland (Ash­ford)Holy, and True, and Right­eous Lord
Sutherland (Brad­bu­ry)Give Thanks to God Most High
SuvaSuva, Fi­ji.I Am a Lit­tle Sol­dier
SuyapaSuyapa, Hon­du­ras.O Wis­dom, Pre­cious Wis­dom
SvalbardSvalbard, Nor­way.I Am Je­sus’ Lit­tle Lamb
SverdrupEngineer Leif Sverd­rup.Light Be­hind the Cloud, A
SwabiaSchwaben, Ger­ma­ny.
  1. Behold What Won­drous Grace
  2. Great Giv­er of All Good
  3. I Name Thy Hal­lowed Name
  4. Lord, if at Thy Com­mand
  5. O Shep­herd of the Sheep
  6. This Is the Day of Light
SwahiliSee War­um sind die Thrän­en
SwainsthorpeSweet Is the Work, O Lord
SwallownestThe vil­lage in the ci­vil par­ish of As­ton cum Augh­ton and the Me­tro­po­li­tan Bo­rough of Ro­ther­ham, South York­shire, Eng­land.Lord, When to Thee a Lit­tle Lad
SwanlandWith Hearts in Love Abound­ing
SwanseaThe Welsh ci­ty.Litany of the Pas­sion
SwansideThe re­si­dence of the tune’s com­pos­er, Fran­cis Duck­worth.Shadow of the Cross (Bo­nar), The
  1. Do Ye, O Men, Speak Right­eous­ness
SwedenSavior, When Night In­volves the Skies
Swedish Litany [Ack, Vad Är Dock Liv­et Här]Jesus, in Thy Dy­ing Woes
Sweet By and By
  1. In the Sweet By and By
  2. Send the Light (Bar­rows)
Sweet Hour
  1. Away, My Un­be­liev­ing Fear!
  2. Before the Throne of God Above
  3. Come Forth with Twice-An­oint­ed Feet
  4. Isten Ha­tal­mas
  5. Jesus, My All, to Heav­en Has Gone
  6. Jesus, Out of Our Hearts Re­move
  7. O God, Be Mer­ci­ful to Me
  8. Sweet Hour of Pray­er
  9. Though Sor­rows Rise and Dan­gers Roll
  10. Would You Be­hold the Works of God?
Sweetest Name (Bridg­ers)He Keeps Me Sing­ing
SwindonSwindon, Wilt­shire, Eng­land.Christ the Con­quer­ing King
SydneyWhat Star Is This, with Beams so Bright?
SympathyGreat Phy­si­cian, The
SyracuseThe ci­ty in New York.Starless Crown, A
SzczecinThe Po­lish ci­ty.Pilgrim’s Home, The