Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
På Dig Jag Hop­pas, Herre KärThine Ago­ny, O Lord, Is O’er
Pacific Pa­li­sadesPacific Pa­li­sades, Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.God’s Praise Book
PacificaPacifica, Ca­li­for­nia.Ever Near
PackingtonJesus, We Look to Thee
PadangThe In­do­ne­si­an ci­ty.Praise the King of Hea­ven
PaddockWord Made Flesh, The
Paddock WoodThe town and ci­vil par­ish in the bo­rough of Tun­bridge Wells, Kent, Eng­land.Worker for Jesus, A
PaderbornPaderborn, Ger­many, where ar­ran­ger Sid­ney Ni­chol­son heard it sung in the ca­thed­ral.Because Thou Hast Said
Paddington (Ply­mouth)Behold, the Day Is Come
Paddington (Red­head)Paddington, Lon­don, where com­pos­er Ri­chard Red­head played the or­gan at the Church of St. Ma­ry Mag­da­lene for 30 years.
  1. Lamb’s High Ban­quet Called to Share, The
  2. O Christ, the Lord of Hea­ven, to Thee
PaduaPadua, Ita­ly.Shepherds Watch­ing o’er the Plain
Pæan [Pa­ra­dise]Lord of the Liv­ing Har­vest
PaedeiaThy Lit­tle Ones, Dear Lord, Are We
PaisleyPaisley, Scot­land.Jesus of Na­za­reth Pass­eth By
PalawanPalawan, Phil­ip­pines.He Is Com­ing By and By
PalenciaPalencia, Spain.Angels’ Song (Ja­me­son), The
Palestine (Funk)
  1. Beautiful Land, The
  2. City of Light, The
  3. They Have Gone to the Land
Palestine (Mod­ern Harp)Jesus, My Sor­row Lies Too Deep
PalgraveSon of Man, to Thee I Cry
Palm BeachPalm Beach, Flo­ri­da.Labor While We May
Palm SpringsPalm Springs, Ca­li­for­nia.Fill Me Now
Palm Sun­dayThere Was a Time When Child­ren Sang
Palms of Glo­ryPalms of Glo­ry
Palmer (Click)Dear Lord, How Won­drous Is Thy Love
Palmer (Pat­ti­son)I Have a Home Above
Palmer (Swee­zy)Composer Ho­ra­tio Pal­mer.My Griefs of Heart Abound
Palmyra [Smi­ley]
  1. I Look to Thee in Ev­ery Need
  2. Thou Art the Ev­er­last­ing Word
Palo Al­toThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Drifting Away from the Sav­ior
Palos Ver­desThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Shine Through My Life
Panama Ci­tyThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.I Wor­ship Thee, Sweet Will of God
PamplonaThe Span­ish ci­ty.
  1. Blessèd Cleans­ing Fount­ain
  2. On This Glo­ri­ous East­er Morn­ing
Pange Ling­uaLatin for (loose­ly transl­at­ed) sing, my tongue.Now, My Tongue, the Mys­te­ry Tell­ing
PantanalThe wet­land re­gion in South Am­eri­ca.’Tis Beau­ti­ful
PapillonFrench for but­ter­fly.Awake! Awake! Glad Voic­es Make
PapillionThe Ne­bras­ka ci­ty.Happy Are They
PappusJohann Pap­pus.My Cause Is God’s
PapworthThe vil­lage in Cam­bridge­shire, Eng­land.Savior, Bless­èd Sav­ior (Thring)
ParáThe Bra­zil­ian state.Merrily the East­er Bells
ParacleteGod the Fa­ther’s On­ly Son
Paraclete (Rus­sell)To Thee, O Com­fort­er Di­vine
Paradise (Dykes)O Pa­ra­dise!
Paradise (Lea­vitt)My God, the Spring of All My Joys
ParanThe lo­ca­tion where the Is­rael­ites stayed while go­ing to Ca­naan (Num­bers 12:16).See Un­ser Herr­scher
ParanáThe Bra­zil­ian state.I Dreamed That the Great Judg­ment Morn­ing
ParbarA struc­ture or build­ing on the west side of So­lo­mon’s tem­ple (1 Chro­ni­cles 26:18).Far from My Thoughts
ParisThe Vir­gin­ia town where com­pos­er Mi­chael Lon­ne­ke was or­gan­ist at the Ang­li­can Church of the Good Shep­herd.
  1. How Long Wilt Thou For­get Me, Lord?
  2. Incarnate God! The Soul That Knows
  3. Now Let the Sons of Be­li­al Hear
  4. O Let the Land Mourn Through Its Coasts
  5. We Sing the Glo­ries of Thy Love
Park Place Beyond the Ri­ver
Park StreetThe street in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. All Ye That Fear God’s Ho­ly Name
  2. Arise! Arise, with Joy Sur­vey
  3. Behold the Blind Their Sight Re­ceive
  4. Come, O My Soul, in Sac­red Lays
  5. Before Je­ho­vah’s Aw­ful Throne
  6. Bless, O My Soul! the Liv­ing God
  7. From Age to Age Ex­alt His Name
  8. Great God! At­tend While Zi­on Sings
  9. Indulgent So­ver­eign of the Skies
  10. Lo! Round the Throne a Glo­ri­ous Band
  11. Lord of the Sab­bath and Its Light
  12. My Soul, Thy Great Cre­at­or Praise
  13. Thee We Adore, Eter­nal Lord
  14. Thrice Hap­py He Who Shuns the Way
  15. True Wis­dom
  16. Unmoved by Fear, My Praise Is Due
  1. Amidst Thy Wrath Re­mem­ber Love
  2. Grace Be­fore Meat
  3. She Loved Her Sav­ior
PärlanSwedish for pearl.O That Pearl of Great Price!
PärnuThe Es­to­ni­an ci­ty.Our Hope
ParousiaSee Wil­ders­mouth
ParramattaParramatta, Aus­tral­ia.At Home Bey­ond the Sea
PasadenaThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Who Is My Neigh­bor?
PascalSee Te De­um
Pascal’s Wag­erThe fa­mous ar­gu­ment by French phi­lo­so­pher, ma­the­ma­ti­cian and phy­si­cist Blaise Pas­cal (1623–1662).Fear Not, O Zi­on’s Daugh­ter
PascoThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.This Is Not My Place of Rest­ing
PåskemorgenNorwegian for East­er morn­ing.Quiet, Lord My Frow­ard Heart
Passion Chor­ale
  1. Commit What­ev­er Grieves Thee
  2. O Sac­red Head, Now Wound­ed
  3. O Teach Me What It Mean­eth
Pastor Bon­usLatin for good shep­herd.
  1. At All Times Praise the Lord
  2. I Seek the King­dom First

Also see St. Hill

Pastor Pas­tor­umLatin for shep­herd of the shep­herds.Faithful Shep­herd, Feed Me
Pater Om­ni­umLatin for Fa­ther of all.
  1. Happy For­ev­er, Hap­py I
  2. Music on Christ­mas Morn­ing
  3. O God, Thy Right­eous­ness We Own
  4. O God, What Of­fer­ing Shall I Give?
  5. Of All the Thoughts of God
  6. This Is the Field
  7. Thou Art, O God, the Life and Light
  8. Three Kings of Co­logne, The
PatialaThe In­dian ci­ty and ad­min­is­tra­tive dis­trict.Morn of Life
PatienceO God, Thy Pa­tience Moves My Soul
Patmos (Ha­ver­gal)The Greek is­land where the Apos­tle John wrote the book of Re­ve­la­tion.Take My Life and Let It Be
Patmos (Stor­er)The Greek is­land where the Apos­tle John wrote the book of Re­ve­la­tion.
  1. I Heard a Sound of Voic­es
  2. O’er Con­ti­nent and Ocean
PattayaPattaya, Thai­land (เมืองพัทยา).When Je­sus Was Slain
PattenAmos W. Pat­ten, chap­lain of North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty.Almighty Lord, with One Ac­cord
  1. Burden of Du­mah, The
  2. Jehovah, My God, on Thy Help I De­pend
PavlovicWhen Christ Was Born in Beth­le­hem (Da­vis)
PaxThou from the Cra­dle to the Grave
Pax Dei (Dykes)Latin for peace of God.
  1. Again Re­turns the Day of Ho­ly Rest
  2. Go Down, Great Sun
  3. O God, I Love Thee
Pax Dei (Holmes)Latin for peace of God.
  1. Blest Are the Sons of Peace
  2. Until the Day Dawn
Pax TecumLatin for peace be with thee.Peace, Per­fect Peace
Pax Ve­ri­ta­tisGod of the Na­tions, Who Hast Led
  1. To Thee, O Lord, I Lift Mine Eyes
  2. Why Should I Fear in Evil Days
Peace (Chad­wick)
  1. Because I Knew Not When My Life Was Good
  2. I Sought the Lord
  3. Sing to the Lord, the Rock of Our Sal­va­tion
  4. Sun Is Sink­ing o’er the Mount­ains Far, The
  5. Vision from the Apo­ca­lypse
  6. Two Views, The
Peace (Nar­ra­tive) [Cro­well, Ten­der Shep­herd]Bless Me, O My Sav­ior, Bless Me
Peace of GodPeace to Soothe Our Bit­ter Woes
Peaceful BePeaceful Be
Peaceful NightPeaceful the Wond­rous Night
PeacemakersHe’s the Prince of Peace­mak­ers
PeakhurstThe lo­cale near Syd­ney, Aus­tral­ia.O Earth, Thou Shalt Not Lang­uish
PealLord, Thou Hast Searched and Seen Me Through
Pearly GatePearly Gate, The
PearsallWorld Is Ve­ry Evil, The
PearsfieldVers Jé­sus Éle­vons les Yeux
Peel CastleHear Us, O Lord
PekanbaruThe In­do­ne­si­an ci­ty.Pearl of Great Price, The
  1. Behold, from Realms of Light
  2. O Bless­èd Souls Are They
Pelham Man­orPelham Man­or, New York. Ring Mer­ri­ly!
PembrokeBe It My On­ly Wis­dom Here
Pen yr YrfaO Lamb of God, Still Keep Me
PenangThe Ma­lay­sian state.Praise to God
PendletonThe Ore­gon ci­ty.
Penfield (Ma­son)Who, from the Gloomy Shades of Night
Penfield (Pierce)Hymnist Thorn­ton B. Pen­field.In Lov­ing Ado­ra­tion
PenielThe lo­ca­tion where Ja­cob wrest­led an an­gel (Ge­ne­sis 32:30).There Burns a Star o’er Beth­le­hem Town
PenitenceOn the Good and Faith­ful
  1. Draw Nigh and Take the Bo­dy of the Lord
  2. Gather Us in, Thou Love That Fill­est All
  3. God of the Chang­ing Year
  4. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee
  5. Lamentation
PenlanBardic name of com­pos­er Da­vid Jen­kins.In Hea­ven­ly Love Abid­ing
PenmaenmawrThe Welsh town where com­pos­er Sar­ah Stock died.
  1. Chariots of the Lord Are Strong, The
  2. God of My Mer­cy and My Praise
  3. I Walk a Lone­ly Pil­grim Here
  4. Tender Light of Home Be­hind, The
PenparkJesus, I Live to Thee
PensacolaThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Jesus Leads
PenshurstBefore Je­ho­vah’s Aw­ful Throne
  1. My Heart Is Rest­ing, O My God
  2. Song of Life
Pentecost (Boyd)
  1. Go, La­bor On: Spend, and Be Spent
  2. Great God! Did Pi­ous Ab­ram Pray?
  3. Great God, Let All My Tune­ful Pow­ers
  4. Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might
  5. In What Con­fu­sion Earth Ap­pears!
  6. Keep Thy­self Pure
  7. Learn, O My Soul, What ’Tis to Die!
  8. Let There Be Light, Lord God of Hosts
  9. My God, in Whom Are All the Springs
  10. O God, Whom I De­light to Praise
Pentecost (Sel­by)To Thee, O Com­fort­er Di­vine
PentonvilleLike Sheep We Went As­tray
PenzanceDread Je­ho­vah, God of Na­tions
PeraltaThe Spa­nish town.I’m Hold­ing On
Perfect Love [Sand­ring­ham]
  1. O Per­fect Love
  2. Still, Still with Thee
PercivalsSavior, Teach Me Day by Day
PerezJesus’ an­ces­tor (Mat­thew 1:3).Jesus Is Our Shep­herd
PerfectnessBond of Per­fect­ness, The
PerkinsComposer Ed­ward Per­kins.God of Har­vest Praise, The
PerpignanThe French ci­ty near the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an coast and the Span­ish bor­der.Angel’s Mes­sage (Earle), The
PerranporthThe Cor­nish town.Father, Let Me De­di­cate
Perry StreetAll Praise to Thee, Eter­nal Lord
Personent Ho­dieLong Ago, Pro­phets Knew
PerthAnd Art Thou, Gra­cious Mas­ter, Gone?
PerugiaThe It­al­ian ci­ty.I Will Make the Dark­ness Light
PescadoresSpanish for fish­er­men.Our Child­ren
PeshawarThe ci­ty in Pa­ki­stan.Our Lord Is Com­ing
Petah Tik­vaThe Is­ra­eli ci­ty.Heavenly Ech­oes
Peterborough (Goss)Arm These Thy Sol­diers, Migh­ty Lord
Peterborough (Har­ris­on)
  1. Once More, My Soul, the Ris­ing Day
  2. Rise, O My Soul, Pur­sue the Path
  3. Thy Mer­cy Lord, Is in the Heav’ns
  4. What Wis­dom, Ma­jes­ty and Grace
Peterborough (Monk)Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
PetersburgThe Vir­gin­ia ci­ty.Look Up! Be­hold, the Fields Are White
PetersenMay the Grace of Christ Our Sav­ior
PetershamThy Word Is Like a Gar­den, Lord
PetersonFor the Bread, Which Thou Hast Brok­en
PetitioO Bless­èd Spir­it from on High
Petition (Ad­ams)O Thou Al­migh­ty God
Petition (Hay­dn)Sometimes a Light Sur­pris­es
PetraSee Red­head
PettmanComposer Ed­gar Pett­man.Who Is This Babe So Low­ly?
PharesJesus’ an­ces­tor (Mat­thew 1:3).Go to Thy Sav­ior
PhetchaburiThe Thai pro­vince and town.No Tears in Hea­ven (Cum­mings)
PhiladelphiaThe Penn­syl­van­ia ci­ty.Father, to Thee
Phillips (Main)Philip Phil­lips.Jesus, Sav­ior, Hear My Call
PhinehasThe priest in Num­bers 25:7–8.Jesus Is Liv­ing
PhoenixThe Ari­zo­na ci­ty.Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of Old
PhraeThe Thai pro­vince and town.We Shall Meet Our Friends De­part­ed
PiacenzaThe Ita­li­an ci­ty.Amidst the Cheer­ful Bloom of Youth
PhuketThe is­land off the coast of Thai­land.His Prais­es I Will Sing
PicardyThe French re­gion.
  1. For the Heal­ing of the Na­tions
  2. Let All Mor­tal Flesh Keep Si­lence
  3. See th’Eter­nal Judge Des­cend­ing
  4. Sing, My Tongue, the Glo­ri­ous Bat­tle
  5. Thirty Years Among Us Dwell­ing
PiccadillyThe road in the City of Westminster, London.Thanksgiving Day
Pico Ri­ve­raThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Heavenly Bread
PiemonteThe Ita­li­an re­gion.Heaven Is Not Far Away
PiersonHymnist Ar­thur Pier­son.Oh, I Am So Hap­py in Je­sus
PietàThe sta­tue by Mic­hel­an­gelo Buo­nar­ro­ti.How Sweet­ly the Morn of the Sab­bath Arose
PietasTo Thee, O Com­fort­er Di­vine
  1. Blest Je­sus, When My Soar­ing Thoughts
  2. By Faith I Look
PilesgroveAnother Six Days’ Work Is Done
PilgrimGuide Me, O Thou Great Je­ho­vah
Pilgrim Bro­thersHail the Glo­ri­ous Gold­en Ci­ty
Pilgrim Host, TheNow Rest, Ye Pil­grim Host
Pilgrimage (El­vey)Guide Me, O Thou Great Je­ho­vah
Pilgrimage (Herrn­hut)What Of­fer­ing Shall I Bring to Thee?
Pilgrimage (Wes­ley)I Lay My Sins on Je­sus
  1. Hark! Hark, My Soul!
  2. Yet Once Again
  1. Jesus, Sav­ior, Pi­lot Me
  2. Ten Vir­gins (Dick­in­son), The
  3. Vital Spark of Hea­ven­ly Flame
PinatuboThe Phi­lip­pine vol­ca­no.My Trust
PinellasThe Flo­ri­da coun­ty.Trusting Je­sus (Stites)
PisgahA mount­ain ridge in Moab, from whose sum­mit (Mount Ne­bo) Mos­es viewed the Pro­mised Land (Deu­te­ro­no­my 34:1).
  1. Death May Dis­solve My Bo­dy Now
  2. When I Can Read My Ti­tle Clear
Pitcairn (Cairns)The south Pa­ci­fic Ocean is­lands.Seek Ye First (Tay­lor)
Pitcairn (Kin­sey)Sing, O Child­ren
PittsburghSee Gott sei Dank
PixhamBe True and List
PlaceritaThe Ca­li­for­nia town.Some Hap­py Day
PlainfieldPlainfield, New Jer­sey, where com­pos­er Ro­bert Low­ry was pas­tor at the Park Ave­nue Bap­tist Church.Nothing but the Blood
Plaintive Mar­tyrs [Mar­tyrs]Oh Thou Whose Ten­der Mer­cy Hears
PlaistowO Je­su Christ, from Thee Be­gan
PlanoThe Tex­as ci­ty.Through Mid­night Ag­es Dark and Lone
PlatteThe Ne­bras­ka ri­ver.O Child, Look Up Again
Playa del Car­menThe ci­ty on Mex­ico’s Yu­ca­tán Pe­nin­su­la.O Ho­ly Calm!
Pleading Sav­iorHail, Thou Once Des­pis­èd Je­sus
PleadingO Lord, to Thee I Cry
Pleasant Pas­turesSavior, Like a Shep­herd Lead Us
Pleyel’s HymnComposer Ig­naz Pley­el.
  1. Banner of the King, The
  2. Brother, Hast Thou Wan­dered Far?
  3. Brother, Hast Thou Wan­dered Far?
  4. Children of the Hea­ven­ly King
  5. Hasten, Sin­ner, to Be Wise
  6. Heavenly Fa­ther, Sovereign Lord
  7. Now Be­gin the Heav’n­ly Theme
  8. On the Wa­ters Dark and Drear
  9. Seeking for a Liv­ing Spring
  10. Sinner, Art Thou Still Se­cure?
  11. Soldiers, Who Are Christ’s Be­low
  12. Sons of Men, Be­hold from Far
  13. Stealing from the World Away
  14. Welcome, Wel­come, Day of Rest
  15. When Thy Mor­tal Life Is Fled
PlitvičeThe area in cen­tral Cro­atia.Elijah’s In­ter­view with God
PločePloče, Cro­atia.Precious Sac­ri­fice, The
PlumasPlumas County, Ca­li­for­nia coun­ty.Holy Spir­it, Come In
PlumerTo Us a Child of Hope Is Born
PlymouthOur High­est Joys Suc­ceed Our Griefs
PodbrdoThe Slo­ve­ni­an ci­ty.Glory in the High­est (Ford)
PodgoricaThe ci­ty in Mon­te­ne­gro.Jesus, I’ll Go Through with Thee
PodlaskieThe Po­lish pro­vince.Our Of­fer­ing
Point Vi­cen­teThe lo­ca­tion in Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.We Will Work While It Is Day
PoitiersPoitiers, France.Let Us Haste to Beth­le­hem
PolarisThe pole star.No Oth­er One but Je­sus
PoltavaPoltava, Uk­raine (Пол­та­ва).He Did It All for Me
PolycarpSee Grace Church
PomonaThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Wonderful Je­sus
PompeiiThe Ita­li­an ci­ty.When Child­ren Give Their Hearts to God
PontmainMy Faith Looks Up to Thee
PontevedraThe Span­ish province and ci­ty.Dare to Show Your Col­ors
PopocatépetlThe Mexi­can volcano.I Pro­mised to Be True
Port-au-PrincePort-au-Prince, Hai­ti.Immanuel’s Praise
Port An­ge­lesPort An­ge­les, Wash­ing­ton.Crown Him (La­ti­mer)
Port Har­courtPort Har­court, Ni­ge­ria.Arise, Young Men, Arise
Port La­va­caPort La­va­ca, Tex­as.Welcome the Qui­et Sab­bath Dawn
Port LouisPort Lou­is, Mau­ri­ti­us.They Leave the Land of Gems and Gold

Also see Mar­cho di Rèi

Port of SpainThe ci­ty in Tri­ni­dad and To­ba­go.Indwelling
Port Or­chardPort Or­chard, Wash­ing­ton.O God of Love, O King of Peace
PortalBehold Me Stand­ing at the Door
PortlandPortland, Ore­gon.Little Bells of East­er
Porto Fe­lizPorto Fe­liz, Bra­zil.Christ Is Ris­en! Lift the Song
PortofinoPortofino, It­aly.Let Us Walk in the Light
PortrushPortrush, Nor­thern Ire­land.Little Friends of Je­sus
PortseaRighteous Fa­ther, We Have Wronged Thee
PortsmouthSee Dar­wall’s 148th
PortugalHow Love­ly, How Di­vine­ly Sweet
Portuguese HymnWe Thank Thee, Our Fa­ther (Cros­by)

Also see Ades­te Fi­del­es

PosadasPosadas, Ar­gen­ti­na.Lord For­ev­er Shall En­dure, The
PosenThe for­mer Ger­man name for Poz­nań, Po­land.
  1. Lord, Who Didst the Pro­phets Teach
  2. Safe up­on the Bil­lowy Deep
  3. Savior, Teach Me Day by Day
PotenzaPotenza, Ita­ly.There Is Joy in My Soul
PotomacThe ri­ver that runs by Wash­ing­ton, DC, birth­place of com­pos­er Ro­bert Sta­ples.Beyond the Hills (Bo­nar)
PotosíPotosí, Bo­li­via.Brighter Land, The
PotsdamPotsdam, Ger­many.
  1. ’Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here
  2. Two Thou­sand Trou­bled Years
PottsvillePottsville, Penn­syl­van­ia.Soon and For­ev­er
Poughkeepsie, New York.We Are but Young
PowderhornPowderhorn, Co­lo­ra­do. Ever On­ward
  1. O God, Thy Pow­er Is Won­der­ful
  2. With Rest­less and Un­gov­erned Rage
PoznańPoznań, Po­land.Light That Once in Ju­dah Shone, The
PozzuoliPozzuoli Ita­ly.God’s Great Re­frain
  1. How Are Thy Ser­vants Blest, O Lord!
  2. We Lift Our Hearts in Thanks To­day
Praetorius 7Come Sing, Ye Choirs Ex­ult­ant
PrahaPraha, Slo­va­kia.Eternity! Tre­men­dous Word
PraiaPraia, Cape Ver­de.Christ Is Ris­en (Lane)
PraisePraise Ye Je­ho­vah!
Praise SongI Bless the Christ of God
Praise the LordChrist the Lord, the Lord Most Glo­ri­ous
PraisesHosanna to the Liv­ing Lord
Prayer (Ab­bot)Praise to God, Im­mor­tal Praise
Prayer (Bab­cock)Prayer Is the Soul’s Sin­cere De­sire
Prayer (But­cher)
  1. In Sweet Com­mun­ion
  2. Rolling Year, Al­migh­ty Lord!, The
Prayer (Mar­shall)Tomorrow, Lord, Is Thine
Precious Mo­mentsPrecious Mo­ments
Precious PeaceBe Still, My Soul
Precious WordsPrecious Words
  1. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Brass
  2. My Heart a Blis­sful Theme In­dites
Prescott (Lut­kin)Jesus, Thou All Re­deem­ing Lord
Prescott (Stew­art)Precious Child, so Sweet­ly Sleep­ing
Preserve Us, LordLo! Now Is Our Ac­cept­ed Day
  1. Good Man’s Steps Are Led Aright, The
  2. How Good and Plea­sant Is the Sight
Preston (Doane)The Con­nec­ti­cut birth­place of com­pos­er How­ard Doane.Regard My Grief and Res­cue Me
Preston (Jen­ner)Lord of the Har­vest, Once Again
Preston (Mac­lean)And Is It So? A Lit­tle While
PretoriaPretoria, South Af­ri­ca.
  1. As Ev­er Flow the Wa­ters to the Sea
  2. We Praise Thee (Goode­nough)
Prière d’Es­pritSpirit Di­vine, At­tend Our Pray­er
PrijedorPrijedor, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.O Day of Re­sur­rec­tion
PrimaveraThee We Wor­ship
PrimroseSee Twen­ty-Fourth
Prince Ed­ward Is­landPrince Ed­ward Is­land, Ca­na­da.Looking This Way
Prince of PeaceMorning Pur­ples All the Sky, The
Prince of Peace, TheHush, All Ye Sounds of War
Princess Eu­ge­niePrincess Eu­gé­nie Au­gu­sta Amal­ia Al­ber­ti­na of Swe­den (1830–1899).Currently un­used (score)
PrincethorpePrincethorpe, War­wick­shire, Eng­land.Lead Us, Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther
PriodasWelsh for wed­ding.We Join to Pray, with Wish­es Kind
PrioryMy Shep­herd Is the Lamb
Prisoner’s SongAt Mid­night’s Ho­ly Hour
PristinaPristina, Ko­so­vo.Work for the Home on High
Pro PatriaLatin for one’s coun­try.To Thee Our God We Fly

Also see Oma­ha

ProcessionalTo Thy Tem­ple Ho­ly
ProchCurrently un­used (score)
Progress (Me­lo­dist)How Sweet­ly the Morn of the Sab­bath Arose
Progress (San­ders)Old and New
ProgressoProgresso, Be­lize.Jesus, How I Love Him!
PromiseGod’s Pro­mise
Promised LandHo­ly Father! Thou Hast Taught Us
Prompto Gen­tes An­imoLatin for the Gen­tiles are rea­dy to take heart.God the Fa­ther, God the Word
Propior DeoLatin for near­er to God.Nearer, My God, to Thee
Protection [Foun­da­tion]
  1. Being His
  2. How Firm a Foun­da­tion
  3. In God Will I Trust

Also see Rip­pon

Providence (Leach)Escape for Thy Life
Providence (Straub)
  1. God Sees the Lit­tle Spar­row Fall
  2. Let All the Hea­then Writ­ers Join
  3. Thy Works of Glo­ry, Migh­ty Lord

Also see Men­don

ProvoProvo, Ut­ah.Our Lord’s Res­ur­rec­tion
PruenPain and Toil Are Ov­er Now
PrussiaThe former Ger­man state.Hear Thy Child­ren, Gen­tle Je­sus
PrysgolThe bard­ic name of com­pos­er Will­iam Ow­en.How Blest Is He Whose Tres­pass
PrzewodówPrzewodów, Po­land.Sing, O Sing the Love of Je­sus
PuebloPueblo, Colo­ra­doWhy Do Bells at Christ­mas Ring?
Puer Na­tusLatin for a child is born.Babe Is Born in Beth­le­hem, A
Puer No­bis Nas­ci­turLatin for a child is born to us.
  1. All Praise to Thee, Eter­nal Lord
  2. Boy Is Born in Beth­le­hem, A
  3. Come, Thou Re­deem­er of the Earth
  4. Joy Dawned Again on East­er Day
  5. Lord Is Come (Watts), The
  6. O God, Thou Giv­er of All Good
  7. That East­er­tide with Joy Was Bright
  8. To Shep­herds as They Watched by Night
  9. What Star Is This, with Beams so Bright?
Puerto RicoResurrection and the Life, The
Puerto Vall­ar­taPuerto Vall­ar­ta, Mexi­co.Blessèd Bi­ble! How I Love It
PugliaPuglia, It­aly.When the Earth Is Bright with Dew
PuigcerdàPuigcerdà, SpainTell It to Je­sus (Booth)
PunePune, In­dia ( पुणे ).Come in and Dwell with Me
PunjabPunjab, In­dia (ਪੰਜਾਬ)City of Sal­va­tion
PunonThe lo­ca­tion in Num­bers 33:42.O Turn, Great Rul­er of the Skies
Punta Ca­naPunta Ca­na, Do­mi­ni­can Re­pub­lic.There Is a Land of Pure De­light
Punta Gor­daPunta Gor­da, Flo­ri­da.I Could Not Do With­out Thee
PurduePurdue Uni­ver­si­ty, In­di­ana.Jesus Was a Child Like Me (Cook)
Pure ZealZeal Is That Pure and Heav’n­ly Flame
PuritanOur Fa­thers’ God, to Thee We Raise
Purleigh [Ex­mouth]
  1. O Love Di­vine, How Sweet Thou Art
  2. O Thou That Hear’st the Pray­er of Faith
  3. O That I Could, in Ev­ery Place
  4. O Thou to Whom Arch­an­gels Raise
PutneyO’er the Realms of Pa­gan Dark­ness
Putney HillO Thou from Whom All Good­ness Flows
PyongyangPyongyang, North Ko­rea (평양시).Welcome!
PforzheimPforzheim, Ger­ma­ny.Prince of Peace (Long), The