Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
HaarlemHaarlem, Ne­ther­lands.God of Grace, O Let Thy Light
HabakkukThe Old Tes­ta­ment pro­phet.
  1. Come On, My Part­ners in Dis­tress
  2. How Hap­py Is the Pil­grim’s Lot
  3. How Vain, Great God
  4. Jesus of Na­za­reth, Look Down
  5. They Come from Far a King to Seek
HabanaThe Cu­ban ci­ty.
  1. Christian! Walk Care­ful­ly
  2. Help Us to Wor­ship Thee
  1. Come, Ev­ery Pi­ous Heart
  2. Jehovah’s Per­fect Law
Haf Trones Lam­pa Fär­digSee Vi­gil
HagåtñaThe ci­ty on Guam.Our Fa­thers Long Ago
HagerupSee Grieg
HagerstownGreat God, In­dulge My Hum­ble Claim
HagueIn Heav’n Above
HaifaThe ci­ty in Is­ra­el.Succor of the Tempt­ed
HainautHainaut, Bel­gium.Twine the East­er Gar­land
Hainault [Raw­lins]I Will Go
HaitiThe Car­ib­be­an na­tion.Patriot’s Pray­er, The
HakkâriHakkâriTürkiye.Jesus, On­ly Je­sus
HaldonOh! Come to the Mer­ci­ful Sav­ior
Halifax (Green­wood)We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
Hall (Jones)Onward, On­ward, Men of Hea­ven
Hall (Lauf­er)Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord
HallandHalland coun­ty, Swe­den.Father’s Love, The
HalleSee the Des­tined Day Arise
Halle (Hay­dn)
  1. Now from La­bor and from Care
  2. Praise the Lord, for He Is Good
HallelWith Glad­ness We Wor­ship
HallettGod of Mer­cy, God of Grace
HälsokällanSee Kjell­man
HalsteadHe Is Com­ing, He Is Com­ing
Halton Hol­gate [Boyce, Shar­on, Jer­sey]Halton Hole­gate, Eng­land.
  1. Light of Those Whose Drea­ry Dwell­ing
  2. Lord and Sav­ior, True and Kind
  3. Where Is This Stu­pen­dous Stran­ger?
HamaHama, Syr­ia (حماة)Carol, Mer­ri­ly Car­ol!
HambridgeIn Pa­ra­dise Re­pos­ing
Hamburg [Bos­ton]
(see al­so Komm, Seele)
  1. Alpha, Ome­ga
  2. Amidst Us Our Be­lov­èd Stands
  3. Before Mes­si­ah’s Pres­ence Meet
  4. Christ a Re­deem­er and Friend
  5. Ere Mount­ains Reared Their Forms Sub­lime
  6. Father of All, Be­fore Thy Throne
  7. Father, Whose Ev­er­last­ing Love
  8. الله روح عادل
  9. Lodestone, The
  10. My Lord, How Full of Sweet Con­tent
  11. O Lord My God! How Great Art Thou!
  12. O That My Load of Sin Were Gone!
  13. O Thou That Hear’st When Sin­ners Cry
  14. Old and New
  15. Peace, Trou­bled Soul
  16. Royal Ban­ners For­ward Go, The
  17. Shall I, for Fear of Fee­ble Man
  18. Sweet and Abun­dant Is This Boast
  19. Thy Will Be Done, I Will Not Fear
  20. ’Tis Fin­ished! So the Sav­ior Cried
  21. To Us a Child Is Born from Heav’n
  22. Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart
  23. When I Sur­vey the Won­drous Cross
HamhŭngHamhŭng, Ko­rea.What Have I Done To­day?
HamiltonWhen at This Dist­ance, Lord, We Trace
Hammersmith (Fil­by)Hammersmith, Lon­don, where com­pos­er Will­iam Fil­by played the or­gan at St. Pe­ter’s Church.Far Down the Ag­es Now
Hammersmith (Glad­stone)Dear Lord and Fa­ther of Man­kind
Hampden-Sid­ney [Leb­bae­us]Jesus, Son of God Most High
HampshireThe coun­ty in south­ern Eng­land.Lord, a Lit­tle Band and Low­ly
Hampstead (Da­vies)O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
Hampstead (Horn­er)
  1. Giver of Con­cord, Prince of Peace
  2. Look Back, My Soul, with Grate­ful Love
Hampstead (Small­wood)When, Gra­cious Lord, When Shall It Be?
HamptonFar from My Thoughts
Hamsher HighThe high school in Web­ster Groves, Mis­sou­ri.There Is Room for Thee
HamulThe son of Pe­rez (1 Chronicles 2:5).’Tis the Fair Dawn of Heav’n­ly Day
Han Lef­verSwedish for He lives.He Lives! O Faint­ing Heart, Anew
HanauHanau, Ger­ma­ny.Fair Free­dom’s Land
Hanalei BayThe lo­ca­tion in Kauaʻi, Ha­wa­ii.Hear Thou My Pray­er
HananiahThe Is­ra­el­ite cap­tive in Ba­by­lon (Da­ni­el 1:6)I Trust in Thee
HanbyProbably Ben­ja­min R. Ha­nby. He and com­pos­er Will­iam Lan­thurn were both min­is­ters with the Unit­ed Brethr­en in Christ.Peace, Peace Is Mine
HandyDeceit and False­hood I Ab­hor
HanedaThe dis­trict of Ōta, To­kyo, Ja­pan.Riches of His Grace, The
Hanford (Sul­li­van)Hanford, Dor­set, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Ar­thur Sul­li­van oft­en stayed at the home of Mrs. Ger­trude Clay-Ker-Sey­mer.
  1. From North and South and East and West
  2. From Out the Depths I Cry to Thee
  3. Jesus, My Sav­ior, Look on Me
  4. Lord, Let Us Feel That Thou Art Near
  5. My God and Fa­ther, While I Stray
  6. Through Good Re­port and Ev­il, Lord
HanforthTo God Be Glo­ry
HangzhouThe Chi­nese ci­ty.’Neath the Sha­dow of Thy Wing
HankeyHymnist Kath­er­ine Han­key.
  1. I Love to Tell the Sto­ry
  2. Ô Mer­veil­leuse His­toire
HannahMy Mo­ther’s Pray­er (Van De­Ven­ter)
HanoiThe Vi­et­na­mese ci­ty.Onward, Up­ward, Home­ward
  1. Disposer Su­preme, and Judge of the Earth
  2. O Come All Ye Saints
  3. O Praise Ye the Lord (Ba­ker)
  4. O Praise Ye the Lord (Tate)
  5. O What Shall I Do, My Sav­ior to Praise?
  6. Omnipotent Lord, My Sav­ior and King
  7. People of God, The
  8. We Praise Thee, O God
Hanson PlaceHanson Place Bap­tist Church, Brook­lyn, New York, where com­pos­er Ro­bert Low­ry was pas­tor.
  1. În Stră­ve­chea Carte Sfân­tâ
  2. O How Blest to Be a Pil­grim
  3. Shall We Ga­ther at the Ri­ver?
HanwellLo! the Lord, the Migh­ty Sav­ior
Happy Fac­esCome with Hap­py Faces
Happy Land
  1. Cry of the Hea­then, The
  2. There Is a Hap­py Land
Happy Lit­tle Pil­grimsHappy Lit­tle Pil­grims
Happy Town of Sa­lemHappy Town of Sa­lem
HarareThe ci­ty in Zim­bab­we.Immanuel, Prince of Peace
HarbinThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Thy Will Alone
HarbridgeThe vil­lage in Hamp­shire, Eng­land.Martyr’s Grave, The
HardingIt Was for Me
HarewoodChrist Is Our Cor­ner­stone
Harington [Re­tire­ment]Composer Hen­ry Har­ing­ton.O Thou from Whom All Good­ness Flows
Hark, the VoiceHark, the Voice of Je­sus Call­ing (March)
HarlechThe town in Mer­io­neth­shire, Wales.
  1. Attend, While God’s Ex­alt­ed Son
  2. Lord Is King! (Per­ro­net), The
HarlesdenThe area in the Lon­don bor­ough of Brent.Now He Will Save
Harmony Grove
  1. Holy State Is Wed­ded Life, A
  2. To Thee, Our Fa­thers’ God, We Bow
HaroldHarold B. Ware, a World War I avi­at­or from Scran­ton, Penn­syl­van­ia, who died of inf­lu­en­za in No­vem­ber 1918, a few days be­fore the end of the war.Be Strong!
HarperAll Things Praise Thee
Harre meine SeeleGerman for Wait, my soul.Wait on God and Trust Him
HarrowThe bo­rough of Lon­don.Fall Down, Ye Na­tions!
HarstonForth in Thy Name, O Lord
HartelBehold, a Strang­er at the Door
HartfordSee Blair­gow­rie
HarthamLo, a Lov­ing Friend Is Wait­ing
HartingLife and Strength of All Thy Ser­vants
HartsoughComposer Lew­is Hart­soughHigher Rock, The
HarvatMichael E. Har­vat, for­mer Min­is­try Spe­cial­ist for Mu­sic & Youth at Com­mu­ni­ty Co­ve­nant Church, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Hark! What Sounds Are Sweet­ly Steal­ing?
HarvestLord of the Har­vest! It Is Right and Meet
Harvest-tideO Praise Ye the Name of Je­ho­vah
Harvey’s ChantWith Joy and Glad­ness in My Soul
HarvilleI Can­not Walk in Dark­ness Long
HarvingtonGod of Ab­ra­ham Praise, The
  1. Hark, Ten Thou­sand Harps and Voic­es
  2. Lord, in Love Thou Didst Re­ceive Us
  3. Praise the Sav­ior, All Ye Na­tions
Harwich (Ma­son)Lord of Earth and Sky, The
HarwoodSee Dar­wen
HaryanaHaryana, In­dia (हरियाणा).Jesus Bids You
HaslingdenO Christ, Our Joy, Gone Up on High
Hastings [Calm]How Calm and Beau­ti­ful the Morn
Hattie (Rupp)
  1. Bosom Where I Oft Have Lain, The
  2. In This Lone Hour of Deep Dis­tress
Hattie (Stans­ber­ry)Giver and Guard­ian of My Sleep
HauppageHauppage, New York.Walk to Em­ma­us, The
Haven (Hast­ings)O God, Give Ear
Haven (Le­mare)Father, Let Thy Smil­ing Face
HaverhillWe Know, by Faith We Know
HawardenThere Is a Bless­èd Home
HawesComposer James Hawes.Have You Not a Word for Je­sus?
HawkhurstCome, Gra­cious Spir­it, Heav’n­ly Dove
HawleyComposer Charles Haw­ley.Gently Lord, O Gent­ly Lead Us
HaydnComposer Franz Haydn.Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Wak­ing
  1. Father of All, Whose Po­wer­ful Voice
  2. O Mas­ter, It Is Good to Be
HayhurstComposer John Hay­hurst.There Is a Bet­ter World

Also see Bet­ter World

HaywardThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Look to Je­sus, When in Trou­ble
HazelwoodThe sub­urb of St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri.Choose Ye This Day
He Lead­eth Me [Aught­on]
  1. Can We in Un­be­liev­ers Find
  2. Christmas Morn­ing (Field)
  3. Eternal, Spot­less Lamb of God
  4. He Lead­eth Me
  5. No Change of Time
  6. Star of Ja­cob, The
  7. Thro’ the New Heav’n What Voic­es Ring
  8. We Hom­age Pay
He Lifted MeIn Lov­ing­kind­ness Je­sus Came
He Lives Again
  1. He Lives Again
  2. Jesu, Show Us Thy Sal­va­tion
Headstone LaneThe lo­ca­tion in Lon­don.Happy New Year!
Healing BalmSee Ward
Heart Ev­er Faith­fulO Joy­ous East­er Morn­ing (Bach)
Heart of Je­susIn the Heart of Je­sus
HeathSee Schu­mann
Heathen Per­ish, TheHeathen Per­ish, The
  1. All Things Praise Thee
  2. Jesus, Lamb of God, for Me
  3. Now the Bu­sy Week Is Done
HeathrowHeathrow Air­port, Lon­don.
  1. How Fair up­on the Mount­ains
  2. Story Sweet and True, A
Heaven Is My HomeI’m but a Strang­er Here
Heavenly Fa­ther
  1. Heavenly Fa­ther, We Be­seech Thee
  2. Welcome, Wel­come, Qui­et Morn­ing
Heavenly FlightWhile on the Verge of Life I Stand
Heavenly FoldO Praise the Lord, for He Is Good (118)
Heavenly Home (Tow­ner)How They Sing Up Yon­der!
Heavenly Home, TheO Spir­it, Freed from Earth
Heavenly HostO Lord, Give Heed un­to Our Plea
Heavenly Je­ru­sa­lemJerusalem My Hap­py Home
Heavenly Mu­sicWhat Hea­ven­ly Mu­sic
Heavenly Pow­erIt’s Fill­ing Me
HebdomadalWalk in the Light
HebeiThe Chi­nese pro­vince.He Know­eth the Way
Heber (Hop­kins)Hymnist Re­gi­nald He­ber.God Is Love, by Him Up­hol­den
Heber (Kings­ley)
  1. Eternal Prais­es to the Lord
  2. Jesus, I Love Thy Charm­ing Name
  3. O Come, My Peo­ple, to My Law
HebronThe lo­ca­tion in Ge­ne­sis, near the oaks of Mam­re, where Ab­ra­ham built an al­tar to God.
  1. Angel of Love
  2. Awake, My Soul, to Joy­ful Lays
  3. Beset with Snares on Ev­ery Hand
  4. Dismiss Us with Thy Bless­ing, Lord
  5. Eternal Son, Eter­nal Love
  6. Lord, Cause Thy Face on Us to Shine
  7. Lord, ’Tis a Plea­sant Thing to Stand
  8. My God, My God, I Cry to Thee
  9. O Christ, Who Hast Pre­pared a Place
  10. Ride On, Ride On in Ma­jes­ty!
  11. So Let Our Lips and Lives Ex­press
  12. Thus Far the Lord Hath Led Me On
  13. Thy Foes Suc­ceed­ing Times Shall Own
  14. Ye Ser­vants of th’Al­migh­ty King
HedgesSinging for Je­sus, Our Sav­ior and King
HeidelbergThe Ger­man ci­ty.Tell Them

Also see Chris­tus, der ist mein Le­ben.

HeilbronnHeilbronn, Ger­ma­ny.Heavenly An­gels, List­en
Heiliger GeistGerman for Ho­ly Ghost.Oh That Day, That Day of Ire
HeimwehGerman for home­sick­ness.As the Hart, with Ea­ger Looks
Heinlein [Aus der Tiefe rufe ich]Composer Paul Hein­lein, to whom the tune was ear­li­er attrib­ut­ed (ap­par­ent­ly in er­ror).
  1. Christ Will Ga­ther in His Own
  2. Forty Days and For­ty Nights
  3. Heavenly Fa­ther, Bless Me Now
  4. Holy Fa­ther, Hear My Cry
  5. It Is Fin­ished, All the Pain
  6. Jesu, Sav­ior, Son of God
  7. On the Banks Where Jor­dan Rolled
  8. Sinners, for Trans­gress­ion, See
  9. What! Is This the On­ly Rest?
HelenWho, O Lord, with Thee Abid­ing
Helft mir Gott­es Gü­teFrom the Ger­man phrase mean­ing Help me praise God’s good­ness.
  1. Come, Let Us All, with Fer­vor
  2. To God the An­them Rais­ing
HemsfordWith Christ We Share a Mys­tic Grave
HelmsleyLo! He Comes with Clouds Des­cend­ing
Help MeHelp Me, O Lord
HelsingborgThe Swed­ish ci­ty.Great Bat­tle for Truth, The
HelsinkiThe Fin­nish ci­ty.Redeemed by the Blood
HenanThe Chi­nese pro­vince.Still They Go and Leave Us
HendonA vil­lage in Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land (now a Lon­don sub­urb), which com­pos­er Cé­sar Ma­lan re­port­ed­ly vis­it­ed.
  1. Angels, Roll the Rock Away
  2. Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know
  3. Be Now Imi­tat­ors of Your Lord
  4. Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground
  5. Come, Thou Sav­ior of Our Race
  6. Met Again in Je­sus’ Name
  1. Dear God, Our Fa­ther
  2. Father, in Thy Mys­te­ri­ous Pres­ence Kneel­ing
HenriettaHenrietta Blair, a pseu­do­nym of Fan­ny Cros­by.Thy Ho­ly Spir­it, Lord, Alone
HenryHark, the Glad Sound!
HepherThe young­est son of Gi­le­ad (Num­bers 26:32).Delay Not, O Sin­ner, Draw Near
HeraldSee Monk­land.
HéraultThe French dé­parte­ment on the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an coast.May I Be a Jew­el
Hereford (Heins)Birthplace of com­pos­er Fran­cis Heins.There’s a Voice in the Wil­der­ness Cry­ing
Hereford (Ou­se­ley)
  1. Death Can­not Make Our Souls Af­raid
  2. Mistaken Souls, That Dream of Heav’n
  3. Once More the Sol­emn Sea­son Calls
  4. When Sick­ness Shakes the Lan­guid Frame
  5. With My Whole Heart I’ve Sought Thy Face
Hereford (Wes­ley)O Thou Who Cam­est from Above
HergaChristians, Sing the In­car­na­tion
Heri Mun­dus Ex­ul­ta­vitLatin for yes­ter­day, the world re­joiced.Yesterday, with Ex­ul­ta­tion
  1. O God, My Strength and For­ti­tude
  2. Sweet Is the Me­mo­ry of Thy Grace
HermasA well-to-do freed­man and ear­nest Chris­tian in an­cient Rome.
  1. All the Hap­py Child­ren
  2. Golden Harps Are Sound­ing
  3. Jesus, Bless­èd Sav­ior
  4. On Our Way Re­joic­ing
  1. Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard?
  2. My Faith­ful Shep­herd Is the Lord
  3. We Love the Ve­ne­ra­ble House
HermosaSpanish for beau­ti­ful.When in the Gates of Zi­on
HeroldWhy, O God, Thy Peo­ple Spurn?
HerongateIt Is a Thing Most Won­der­ful
Herr Gott Va­terSun of My Soul
Herr, ich habe miss­ge­han­deltGerman for Lord, I have mis­treat­ed.

Lord, to Thee I Make Con­fess­ion

Herr Je­su ChristGerman for Lord Je­sus Christ.
  1. Gospel Shows the Fa­ther’s Grace, The
  2. Lord Je­sus Christ, Be Pre­sent Now
  3. Lord Je­sus Christ, We Hum­bly Pray
  4. O Come, Loud An­thems Let Us Sing
  5. Old Year Now Hath Passed Away, The
Herr Je­su Christ (Bach)Arise, O Lord, Our God, Arise
Herr Je­su Christ, mein’sGerman, short for Herr Je­su Christ, mein’s Le­bens Licht (Lord Je­sus Christ, the light of my life)Lord, Help Us Ev­er to Re­tain
Herr und Ältster dein­erGerman for Lord and your el­der.Now, My Soul, Arise
Herr Je­su Christ, wahr Mensch und GottGerman for Lord Je­sus Christ, True Man and God.Royal Ban­ners For­ward Go, The
Herr wie duLord Je­su! May Thy Grief
Herr, wie du willstGerman for Lord, as You will.
  1. Behold the Man! How Hea­vy Lay
  2. Lord, as Thou Wilt
  3. Lord Je­sus Christ, Thou Liv­ing Bread
  4. O Gott, Va­ter, wir lo­ben dich
Herre, Jeg Har Hand­let IlleNorwegian for Lord, I have act­ed bad­ly.
  1. God’s Eter­nal Word Is Spok­en
  2. Ye Who, Clad in Shin­ing Rai­ment
Herre Je­su KristLord Je­sus Christ, My Sav­ior Blest
Herre Utran­sa­ka MigDanish for Lord, Search Me.Let Us All with Glad­some Voice
HerrnhutHerrnhut, Ger­ma­ny.Jesus Makes My Heart Re­joice
Herrnhut (Crü­ger)Whene’er Again Thou Sink­est
HertfordshireThe Eng­lish coun­ty.Meadow Song, The
HerveyPeople of the Liv­ing God
HerzegovinaThe coun­try on the Bal­kan pe­nin­su­la in south­east­ern Eur­ope.Rhyme, a Rhyme for East­er Time, A
Herzlich liebLord, Thee I Love with All My Heart
Herzlich tut mich er­freu­enDay of Res­ur­rec­tion, The
Herzliebster Je­suGerman for Dear­est Je­sus
  1. Ah, Ho­ly Je­sus
  2. De Quelle Of­fense Portes-Tu La Peine?
  3. From the Re­ces­ses of a Low­ly Spir­it
  4. O, Dear­est Je­sus
  5. O Lord, Our Fa­ther, Shall We Be Con­found­ed?
  6. When the Fierce North Wind
Hesperus [Que­bec, Whit­burn, Venn]
  1. Arise, O Lord, with Heal­ing Rod
  2. Behold, the World’s Re­deem­ing Light
  3. Bright King of Glo­ry
  4. By Roads That Wound Up­hill and Down
  5. Come, Hum­ble Saints, and Place Your Trust
  6. Complete in Thee
  7. Father and Friend! Thy Light, Thy Love
  8. Happy the Man That Finds the Grace
  9. Help Us, O Lord, Thy Yoke to Wear
  10. His Flock the Heav’n­ly Shep­herd Feeds
  11. His Own Re­ceived Him Not
  12. If So­lo­mon for Wis­dom Prayed
  13. Jesus, Thou Joy of Lov­ing Hearts
  14. Let the Se­venth An­gel Sound on High
  15. Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly
  16. My Lord, I Do Not Ask to Stand
  17. Not to Our­selves
  18. O God of Love, O King of Peace
  19. O God of Mer­cy! Hear­ken Now
  20. O Lord and Sav­ior, We Re­cline
  21. O Lord of Hosts, Al­migh­ty King
  22. See! Roused by Dis­cord’s Fierce Al­arms
  23. Thou, Lord of Life
  24. When Jor­dan Hushed His Wa­ters Still
Hetch HetchyThe Ca­li­for­nia val­ley.
  1. Millennium Hymn
  2. My Trust Is in the Lord (Lyte)
Heut’ tri­um­phier­et Got­tes SohnGerman for To­day God’s Son is tri­um­phant.New Hea­ven, New War
HezekiahThe king of Ju­dah (2 Kings 18). See Song 22
Hic Breve Vi­vi­turBrief Life Is Here Our Por­tion
HidalgoThe Mexi­can state.Softly the Si­lent Night
High in the Hea­vensHigh in the Hea­vens, Eter­nal God
Higher Ground
  1. Give Thanks to God, He Reigns Above
  2. Higher Ground
  3. What Good Can Come?
  4. Word, the Un­cre­at­ed Son, The
Highland ParkThe Il­li­nois ci­ty.Burning Babe, The
  1. Bishop of Souls, Re­gard Our Cry
  2. How Pre­cious, Lord, Thy Sac­red Word
HighwaySee In­di­ana
HighwoodHark, What a Sound
HilariterLatin for joy­ful­ly.Whole Bright World Re­joic­es Now, The
HilderstonePraise to Our God, Whose Boun­te­ous Hand
HilkiahThe high priest in 2 Kings 22:4.
  1. Awake, Ye Guil­ty Souls
  2. Lo, Jesus Spreads His Wrath Abroad
  3. Lord, How Dread­ful Is His Wrath, The
  4. Preserve Thy Faith­ful Ser­vant, Lord
  5. That Sol­emn Day Will Soon Ar­rive
HillhurstI Heard the Voice of Je­sus Say
HillsboroThe town in Mis­sou­ri.Trusting and Hop­ing
HillsdaleThe town in Mis­sou­ri.We Are Go­ing (Fos­ter)
HiloThe ci­ty in Ha­waii.We’ll All Stand Up for Je­sus
Hilton HeadThe is­land in South Ca­ro­li­na.With Je­sus
HilversumThe Dutch ci­ty.Our Home­land
Himmel [Light of the World]Holy Ghost, Dis­pel Our Sad­ness
HinchmanLight of Light, En­light­en Me
HinghamLife Is the Time to Serve the Lord
HinsdaleDear Lord, Who Dwell­est with Us Now
HirahA na­tive of Adul­lam, and a friend of Ju­dah (Genesis 38:1,12).With All My Pow­ers of Heart and Tongue
His BloodHis Blood Has Made Me Whole
His Won­drous WaysWe Will Ex­alt You, Our God the King
Hitchcock [Fair­field]With Rev­er­ence Let the Saints Ap­pear
HixsonHow Sang the Hea­ven­ly Ar­my
HobartThou Art My Por­tion, Lord
HobokenThe New Jer­sey ci­ty.How Sweet ’Twill Be
Höchsten Nö­thenJesus, Thy Name Has Pow­er to Bless
Höchster Priest­erSee Sa­van­nah
HoddersonHead of Thy Church Tri­um­phant
HodgesO Day of Rest and Glad­ness
HoffmanHymnist Eli­sha Hoff­man.
  1. Bethlehem-Town
  2. It Was His Love
HogarthHad I the Tongues of Greeks and Jews
HohenschwangauThe Ba­va­ri­an cas­tle.Christmas Song
HohenwerfenThe Aus­tri­an cas­tle.Tell Je­sus (Tay­lor)
HokkaidoHokkaido, Ja­pa­n (北海道).Moments of Bless­ing
Holborn HillThe lo­ca­tion in Lon­don.
  1. God Gives His Mer­cies to Be Spent
  2. My Gra­cious Lord, I Own Thy Right
  3. O Lord, How Ma­ny Are My Foes
  4. On Thee, Great Rul­er of the Skies
  5. Praise Waits in Zi­on
  6. Together, Lord, We Come to Thee
  7. Upon the Gos­pel’s Sac­red Page
  8. When God, Pro­voked with Dar­ing Crimes
Hold the Fort
  1. Hold the Fort
  2. Praise the Lamb
Hold Thou My HandHold Thou My Hand (Cros­by)
HoldemanLavern Hol­de­man, former pas­tor at Com­mu­ni­ty Co­ve­nant Church, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Immortal Babe, Who This Dear Day
HoldenSend Forth, O God, Thy Light and Truth
Holiness [Long­staff]Take Time to Be Ho­ly
HollandHow Oft, O Lord, Thy Face Hath Shone
  1. Grace and Truth Shall Mark the Way
  2. Great God, and Wilt Thou Con­des­cend?
  3. O Thou Through Suf­fer­ing Per­fect Made
  4. Softly Fades the Twi­light Ray
  5. Thou Gra­cious Pow­er
  6. Thou Sweet, Be­lov­èd Will of God
  7. When Wick­ed Men with En­vi­ous Rage
HollingsideHollingside Cot­tage, near Dur­ham, Eng­land, where com­pos­er John Dykes lived.
  1. Jesus, Mer­ci­ful and Mild
  2. Lord, How Large Thy Boun­ties Are
  3. Pour Thy Bless­ings, Lord, Like Show­ers
  4. Time, with an Un­wear­ied Hand
  5. What Are These Ethe­re­al Strains?
HollisterHol­lis­ter, Ca­li­for­nia.Blessèd Book
Holly SpringsThrough the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us
Hollywood [Bal­ti­more]The Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Through the Night of Doubt and Sor­row
Holmby HillsThe neigh­bor­hood in Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.Learn of Je­sus
  1. How Hap­py Ev­ery Child of Grace
  2. It Is the Lord, Who Doth Not Grieve
Holy An­themHoly An­them, The
Holy ChurchLord of the Liv­ing Har­vest
Holy Com­fortIn the Hour of My Dis­tress
Holy Com­mun­ion Lord, Hear My Pray­er
Holy Cross
  1. Great Is the Lord, His Works of Might
  2. His Wide Do­min­ion Shall Ex­tend
  3. How Con­des­cend­ing and How Kind
  4. In Life’s Gay Dawn
  5. Not All the Out­ward Forms on Earth
  6. O Je­sus, King Most Won­der­ful
  7. Prayer Is the Breath of God in Man
  8. Ye Is­lands of the Nor­thern Sea
Holy Day (Gow­er)Lord, on Thy Re­turn­ing Day
Holy Day (Par­ker)Come, Let Us All with One Ac­cord
Holy FaithJesus, My Lord, My God, My All
Holy GhostLord, in This Thy Mer­cy’s Day
Holy GuideWhat Time I Am Af­raid
Holy Hill
  1. Behold the Rose of Sha­ron Here
  2. O, Blest in Spir­it Are the Poor
  3. O Thou, Whom All Thy Saints Adore
  4. Thy Wis­dom and Thy Might Ap­pear
  5. United Pray­ers As­cend to Thee
Holy Man­naBrethren, We Have Met to Wor­ship
Holy Place
  1. In Thy Ho­ly Place
  2. Righteous God, Whose Venge­ful Phi­als
Holy RoodRevive Thy Work, O Lord
Holy Se­pul­chreBy Je­sus’ Grave on Ei­ther Hand
Holy Tri­ni­ty
  1. All Fad­ed Is the Glow­ing Light
  2. Another Year of Set­ting Suns
  3. There Is No Sor­row, Lord, Too Light
  4. Why Should the Child­ren of a King
  5. With Glo­ri­ous Clouds En­com­passed Round
Holy WarChristian, Dost Thou See Them?
HolyroodFair Waved the Gold­en Corn
HolywellI Sing the Migh­ty Pow­er of God
HolywoodSee St. Tho­mas (Webbe)
HomeCurrently un­used (score)
Home of the BlestThere’s a Beau­ti­ful, Beau­ti­ful Land
HomecomingYour Word Is a Lamp for My Feet
Homeland (Booth)Great God, the World Is Full of Thee
Homeland (Sul­li­van)Homeland! O the Home­land!, The
HomerFount of Ever­last­ing Love
HomewoodHomewood, Il­li­nois.Jesus Is Com­ing (Whit­ford)
Hong KongHong Kong, Chi­na (香港).My Cru­ci­fied Lord
HonitonHoniton, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Ed­win Flood was an or­gan­ist.Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord God of Hosts
Honaunau BayThe lo­ca­tion in Ha­waii.Waiting for Thy Com­ing
HondoThe Tex­as ci­ty.Wise May Bring Their Learn­ing, The
HonoluluThe Ha­wai­ian ci­ty.No Tears in Hea­ven (Cros­by)
Honor OakThe lo­ca­tion in Lew­is­ham, Lon­don.Blessèd Gos­pel
Honoro Pa­trisLatin for in hon­or of the Fa­ther.Eternal God, Mov­er Un­moved
Hope (Hay­den)Father! I Go to Thee!
Hope (Ir­ons)O God, I Thank Thee for Each Sight
HopkinsWhen from the East the Wise Men Came
HopkintonJudge Me, O God, and Plead My Cause (Bar­low)
HorburyNearer, My God, to Thee
HordvilleThe Ne­bras­ka town.Hearts and Hands
HorebNow God Be with Us
HorlivkaThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.I Am Re­deemed (Cros­by)
HormozganHormozgan, Ir­an (هرمزگان).Not Now
HornbridgeThe town in East Lon­don.Certainly I Will Be with Thee
HornseyAt Mid­night—A Cry
HorshamThrough the Night Thy An­gels Kept
HorsleyComposer Will­iam Hors­ley.
  1. God of Our Life! Thy Va­ri­ous Praise
  2. How Bit­ter-sweet the Mys­te­ry
  3. Whatever Dims Thy Sense of Truth
HortonLove for All!
Hos GudHos Gud Er Idel Glede
Hosanna (Dykes)Hosanna to the Liv­ing Lord
Hosanna (El­li­ott)Hosanna to the Liv­ing Lord
Hosanna (Gaunt­lett)Away with Our Fears, Our Trou­bles and Tears
Hosanna in Ex­cel­sisHosanna in the High­est
Hot SpringsThe Ar­kan­sas ci­ty.Sing Praise to Je­sus
HotchkissComposer Amel­ia Hotch­kiss.Dear Lord, As­cend­ed Sav­ior
HoudiniAt the Grave
  1. My Soul, Bless the Lord!
  2. O Hea­ven­ly King, Look Down from Above
Houghton-le-SpringBread of Hea­ven, on Thee We Feed
HounslowThe Lon­don bo­rough.Jesus, I Come to Thee
House SpringsThe town south of St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri.I’ll Feed on Husks No More
HoustonThe Tex­as ci­ty.Glory Ev­er Be to Je­sus
Howard (Cuth­bert)
  1. Do Not I Love Thee, O My Lord?
  2. O Praise and Bless the Lord, My Soul
Howard (Wil­son)My Soul in Si­lence Waits for God
HowcroftI’ll Live for Him
HowellThou Hast Said, Ex­alt­ed Je­sus
HowittLoud to the Prince of Heav’n
Howley PlaceFather, Son and Ho­ly Ghost
HoxtonHoxton, Lon­don.Father! Who in the Ol­ive Shade
HuachucaHuachuca Mount­ains, Ari­zo­na.
  1. From Day­spring’s Faint­est East­ern Goal
  2. Let Ev­ery Tongue My Sav­ior Praise
  3. Ye Sol­diers of the King of Kings
HuatulcoThe Mexi­can ci­ty.I Know Not
HubeiThe Chi­nese pro­vince.King in Zi­on
HubertComposer Hu­bert Main.Blessèd Rock. Al­so see Ver­di.
HuddersfieldHoly Fa­ther, Cheer Our Way

Also see Dov­er

HudsonAlas! and Did My Sav­ior Bleed?
HuelvaThe Span­ish ci­tyMy Fa­ther Planned It All
HuertaKatherine Huer­ta-Simp­son, mu­sic teach­er at Mill­ard West High School, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Just Where Thou Art
HullNo Book Is Like the Bi­ble
Hull New
  1. Dying Cre­at­or, Slaugh­tered Lamb
  2. Master Comes! He Calls for Thee, The
HumberThe tid­al es­tu­ary on the east coast of north­ern Eng­land.Sabbath School, The
Humble Prais­esTo God the On­ly Wise
Humble Ser­viceYour Miss­ion
HumboldtThe Ten­nes­see ci­ty.Wondrous Love (Kirk­land)
Humility (Goss)See amid the Win­ter’s Snow
Humility (Tuck­er­man) [Row­land]
  1. Through All the Years, May Is­ra­el Say
  2. O Je­sus, Mas­ter, When To­day
  3. Thou, Who Didst Make and Fa­shion Me
  1. Daughter of Zi­on, from the Dust
  2. Hosanna! Be the Child­ren’s Song
  3. Lift Up Your Hearts to Things Above
  4. O What Am­az­ing Words of Grace
HunnysComposer Will­iam Hun­nys.
  1. Behold, I Come, the Sav­ior Cries
  2. My Barns Are Full
  3. Repent, the Voice Ce­les­ti­al Cries
  4. See Where the Great In­car­nate God
  5. Thanks Be to God, Who Heard Our Pray­er
  6. Upon a World of Guilt and Night
  7. When God Comes Forth
Hunters PointQuiet Hour (Mc­Ma­ni­man), The
Huntington BeachHuntington Beach, Ca­li­for­nia.When He Shall Ap­pear
HuronMillions With­in Thy Courts Have Met
HursleyThe par­ish in Hamp­shire, Eng­land, where hym­nist John Ke­ble served 30 years.
  1. Behold the Wo­man’s Pro­mised Seed
  2. Come, Sin­ners, to the Gos­pel Feast
  3. Dawning Day at Length Ap­pears, The
  4. Dear Je­sus, in Whose Life I See
  5. Hour of My De­par­ture’s Come, The
  6. O Bless the Hour When Ev­en­ing Comes
  7. O for a Glance of Hea­ven­ly Day
  8. O God, Be Thy An­oint­ed Son
  9. O God of Peace, Thee We Im­plore
  10. O Thou Who Hast, in Ev­ery Age
  11. Sun of My Soul
  12. Who Shall Roll the Stone Away? (Eng­ström)
HurstComposer J. HurstIn His Own Rai­ment Clad
HutchbyJehovah’s Per­fect Law
HydeAll Ye Na­tions, Praise the Lord
HyderabadHyderabad, Pa­ki­stan (حیدرآباد).
  1. Beacon-Light
  2. Future, The
HyfrydolWelsh for plea­sant or me­lo­di­ous.
  1. Alleluia! Sing to Je­sus
  2. Blest the Man That Fears Je­ho­vah
  3. Call Je­ho­vah Thy Sal­va­tion
  4. Come, Thou Long Ex­pect­ed Je­sus
  5. Hearts to Hea­ven and Voic­es Raise
  6. Holy, Ho­ly, Lord God Al­migh­ty
  7. In Thy He­ri­tage the Hea­then
  8. Jesus, I My Cross Have Tak­en
  9. Jesus! What a Friend for Sin­ners
  10. King, Mes­si­ah, Long Ex­pect­ed
  11. Lord, Thy Glo­ry Fills the Hea­ven
  12. Yonder, See the Lord Des­cend­ing
Hymn of EveI Will Go in the Strength of the Lord
Hymnus Eu­cha­ris­ti­cusSee, Fa­ther, Thy Be­lov­èd Son