NameNamed AfterUsed By
Å Her­re Je­sus
  1. I Found My God in Ear­ly Years
  2. Thou Hast, O God, the Work Be­gun
A Pa­tre Uni­ge­ni­tusFrom East to West, from Shore to Shore
AachenAachen, Ger­many.In the Si­lent Mid­night Watch­es
AalborgAalborg, Den­mark.I Want to Be an An­gel
AargauAargau, Switz­er­land.No Voice but Thine
AarhusAarhus, Den­mark.Pure Gold
AbbaCome to Our Poor Na­ture’s Night
Abbey DoreAbbey Dore, Eng­land.Glory to God on High
Abbey WoodAbbey Wood, Lon­don.
  1. Inner Circ­le, The
  2. O the Hour When This Ma­te­ri­al
Abbot’s LeighAbbot’s Leigh, Eng­land, where the tune was com­posed.
  1. Lord, We Thank Thee for the Plea­sure
  2. Lord, You Give the Great Com­mis­sion
AbbotsfordAbbotsford House, Scot­land, home of Wal­ter Scott.
  1. As Some Tall Rock Amidst the Waves
  2. Captain of Thine En­list­ed Host
  3. Great Fram­er of Un­num­bered Worlds
  4. Hark! The Re­deem­er from on High
  5. My Soul Is Sad and Much Dis­mayed
  6. O Sav­ior of the World For­lorn
  7. Sinners, At­tend the Dread­ful Word
  8. Was It for Sin?
  9. Ye Judg­es of the Earth, Be Still
  10. Ye Sons of Ad­am, Vain and Young
AbendliedGerman for ev­en­ing song.Come un­to Me, Ye Wea­ry (Dix)
AbendsGerman for in the ev­en­ing.
  1. Again, as Ev­en­ing’s Sha­dow Falls
  2. Around the Throne of God a Band
  3. Behold, a Lu­cid Light Ap­pears
  4. Dearest of Names, Our Lord, Our King!
  5. Desiring to Love Christ
  6. Drawn Is the Cur­tain of the Night
  7. For Si­on’s Sake I Will Not Cease
  8. God Guards the Good with Watch­ful Eye
  9. Jesus, Thou Ev­er­last­ing Word
  10. Judge Me, O Lord, and Prove My Ways
  11. I Asked the Lord That I Might Grow
  12. Mysterious Pre­sence, Source of All
  13. Never, My Heart, Wilt Thou Grow Old
  14. O Ho­ly Lord, Con­tent to Fill
  15. O Light of Life
  16. O Lord, Thy Bene­dic­tion Give
  17. Pour Down Thy Spir­it
  18. Through Mi­ry Paths I La­bored On
  19. ’Tis Gone, That Bright and Orb­èd Blaze
  20. Truth of God, The
  21. Up to the Hills I Lift Mine Eyes
  22. When Sins and Fears Pre­vail­ing Rise
  23. When Youth De­vote Their Ear­ly Days
  1. Alas, My Ach­ing Heart
  2. And Am I Born to Die?
  3. Awful Day Draws Near, An
  4. For Man the Sav­ior Shed
  5. God’s Ho­ly Law Trans­gressed
  6. How Swift the Tor­rent Rolls
  7. I Lift My Soul to God
  8. In Ex­pec­ta­tion Sweet
  9. In Hun­ger, Watch, and Pray­er
  10. Let Sin­ners Take Their Course
  11. Let Wan­ton Men Be­ware
  12. More Marred Than Any Man’s
  13. O Per­fect Life of Love
  14. O What a Sound Was There!
  15. Shall Wis­dom Cry Aloud?
  16. Signs in the Pes­ti­lence
AberdeenAberdeen, Scot­land.
  1. Behold Christ Ris­ing from the Grave
  2. But One Loaf
  3. Children, to Your Cre­at­or, God
  4. Come, Ye Re­deem­èd of the Lord
  5. Day Af­ter Day I Sought the Lord
  6. God Is Gone Up
  7. God Reigns, Ev­ents in Or­der Flow
  8. Great God, the Na­tions of the Earth
  9. Isles of the Deep, Re­joice!
  10. Jesus, the Ris­ing Lord of All
  11. Laugh, Ye Pro­fane
  12. Long Sunk in Su­per­sti­tion’s Night
  13. Lord, When My Rap­tured Thought Sur­veys
  14. No Strength of Na­ture Can Suf­fice
  15. O Lord, ’Tis Ma­tter of High Praise
  16. On Thee, Each Morn­ing, O My God
  17. Our God of Love, Who Reigns Above
  18. Remember
  19. See How the Fruit­less Fig Tree Stands
  20. So Low­ly Doth the Sav­ior Ride
  21. There Is No God, So Sa­ith the Fool
  22. Time Draws Nigh, My Soul, The
  23. To God, Ye Choir Above, Begin
  24. To Thine Al­migh­ty Arm We Owe
  25. Why Does Your Face, Ye Hum­ble Souls
AbergeleAbergele, Wales.
  1. I Wor­ship Thee, Most Gra­cious God
  2. Our Child­ren, Lord, in Faith and Pray­er
Aberystwyth (Ouse­ley)Aberystwyth, Wales.For Man the Sav­ior Shed
Aberystwyth (Par­ry)Aberystwyth, Wales, where com­pos­er Jo­seph Par­ry taught.
  1. God, How Can We Com­pre­hend?
  2. God of Truth, and Pow­er, and Love
  3. Him on Yon­der Cross I Love
  4. Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord
  5. Jesus, Lov­er of My Soul
  6. Lamb of God, We Fol­low Thee
  7. What but Thy Right Hand of Pow­er?
  8. When from Scat­tered Lands Afar
Abide with Me (Lyte)Abide with Me
Abiding Grace
  1. Angelic Mes­sen­ger, Re­peat
  2. As Parch­èd in the Bar­ren Sands
  3. By Faith We Find the Place Above
  4. Come, Hum­ble Sin­ner
  5. Faded Leaf, The
  6. Father, For­give, the Sav­ior Said
  7. Father, We Wait to Feel Thy Grace
  8. From Thee, My God, All Bless­ings Spring
  9. How Is Our Na­ture Spoiled by Sin
  10. How Oft Doth Beau­ty Lead to Sin
  11. How Should the Sons of Ad­am’s Race
  12. I Am, Sa­ith Christ
  13. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Saints, and See
  14. Now That the Sun Is Gleam­ing Bright
  15. On Man, in His Own Im­age Made
  16. Should We Not Thank and Praise Our God?
  17. Since With­out You We Do No Good
  18. Thou Grace Di­vine, En­circ­ling All
  19. When Pe­ter Boast­ed, Soon He Fell
AbidjanAbidjan, Iv­ory Coast.Eternal God, Ce­les­ti­al King
AbileneThe dis­trict un­der the te­trarch Ly­sa­ni­as (Luke 3:1).Wonderful Vir­tue in Pray­er
AbingdonAbingdon-on-Thames, Eng­land.Wondering World In­quires to Know, The
AbingerAbinger, the rur­al ci­vil par­ish in Mole Val­ley, Sur­rey, Eng­land.Low in Thine Ago­ny
Abney (Hull)Is­aac Watts’ friend Tho­mas Ab­ney (?–1722).Alas! and Did My Sav­ior Bleed?
Abney (Treat)
  1. Endeavor Hymn
  2. Hark! The Sound of An­gel Voic­es
AbridgeAbridge, Eng­land.
  1. Afflictions Do Not Come Alone
  2. Be Thou My Guard­ian and My Guide
  3. Hail, God the Son, in Glo­ry Crowned
  4. I Wait­ed for the Lord My God
  5. In Vain the Pow­ers of Dark­ness Try
  6. Let Thou­sands, Lord, Be Sent Abroad
  7. My God, My Fa­ther, Bliss­ful Name!
  8. Perfect Path of Pur­est Grace, A
  9. When Bend­ing o’er the Brink of Life
  10. Who Dares At­tempt th’Eter­nal Name?
AbruzzoAbruzzo, It­aly.
  1. I’ve Been Wait­ing for You
  2. Take the World, but Give Me Je­sus
AbschiedGerman for fare­well.
  1. All Ye That Seek the Lord Who Died
  2. Children, in Years and Know­ledge Young
  3. David Re­joiced in God His Strength
  4. Father in Heav’n, Look Down, I Pray
  5. Jesu! the Ve­ry Thought Is Sweet
  6. Just Are Thy Ways
  7. Lord, in Thy Field I Work All Day
  8. Lord, What Was Man?
  9. New Song (Bo­nar), The
  10. Thy Brok­en Body, Gra­cious Lord
  11. When Far As­tray
  12. When Is­ra­el Out of Egypt Went
  13. World He Made He Still Sus­tains, The
AbtComposer Franz Abt.He Giv­eth His Be­lov­èd Sleep
AbuelaSpanish for grand­mo­ther.When Je­sus Laid His Hand on Me
AbueloSpanish for grand­fa­ther.When Je­sus Laid His Hand on Me
AbujaAbuja, Ni­ger­ia.Come, Oh Come, with Thy Brok­en Heart
AcadiaThe for­mer co­lo­ny of New France in north­east­ern North Am­eri­ca.O Bro­ther Man
AcapulcoAcapulco, Mex­ico.Thou De­light­est, O Lord
  1. Heaven at Last
  2. Praise the Sav­ior, Ye Who Know Him
  3. Saints in Glo­ry, We To­geth­er
AccraAccra, Gha­na.
  1. Church of God Is One, The
  2. Exalt the Lord Our God
  3. God of Eter­nal Love
  4. How Dread­ful Is the Place
  5. Made of a Wo­man
  6. Prepare a Thank­ful Song
  7. See What a Liv­ing Stone
  8. Sing to the Lord Aloud
  9. Stupendous Mys­te­ry!
  10. Ye Worms of Earth, Arise
Accrington [Con­fi­dence]Accrington, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Come, Bles­sèd Spir­it! Source of Light
  2. Praise Ye the Lord, ’Tis Good to Raise
AcehAceh, In­do­ne­sia.Lift Aloft the Cross of Je­sus (Cros­by)
Ach bleib bei unsLord Je­sus Christ, with Us Abide
Ach Gott und Herr [Bec­cles]
  1. Alas, My God, My Sins Are Great
  2. Now Praise We Great and Fa­mous Men
  3. Satan, the Dire In­vad­er, Came
  4. Strengthen for Ser­vice, Lord
Ach Gott vom Him­melO Lord, Look Down from Hea­ven
Ach, was sollOh, How Great Is Thy Com­pas­sion
Ach wirJesu! Lord Most Migh­ty
Ack, Sa­li­ga Stun­derSwedish for Ah, Bless­ed Mo­ments.
  1. Sign of the Cross, The
  2. With God and His Friend­ship
Ack, Vad Är Dock Liv­et HärSwedish for Alas, what is life here?See Swed­ish Lit­any.
AckleyComposer Bent­ley Ack­ley.Some Bless­èd Day
AckworthAckworth, Eng­land.My Ref­uge (Wood)
AconcaguaAconcagua, Ar­gen­ti­na.
  1. Carol for Christ­mas Eve
  2. Days Are Swift­ly Go­ing By, The
  3. He Dies! The Heav’n­ly Lov­er Dies!
  4. Sinful Earth Was Sunk in Woe, The
  5. Thou Shalt Not Doubt the King Most High
  6. Unseen Hand, The
  7. Ye Faith­ful Souls, Who Je­sus Know
AcropolisAcropolis, Ath­ens, Greece (Ακρόπολη).Take It to Je­sus in Pray­er
ActonActon, Lon­don.Every Hour I Need Thy Bless­ing
AcushnetAcushnet, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. Look, O My Soul, With­in the Veil
  2. Offerings to Thy Throne Which Rise, The
Ad Cœ­nam Ag­niLatin for To the sup­per of the Lamb.Lamb’s High Ban­quet Called to Share, The
Ad In­fer­nosLatin for to hell.It Is Fin­ished! Bless­èd Je­sus
Ad Pe­ren­nis Vi­tae Fon­temLatin for To the pe­ren­ni­al source of life.Christ, En­throned in High­est Hea­ven
AdamstownAdamstown, Pit­cai­rn Is­lands.
  1. Perfect Peace (Hare)
  2. Thomas with the Ten
  3. When Will My Sweet Re­lease Be Signed?
AdanaAdana, Tür­ki­ye.Bury Thy Sor­row
AdcockComposer John Ad­cock.Hear Us, Heav’n­ly Fa­ther
Addis Aba­baAddis Aba­ba Ethi­op­ia.
  1. Angels Broke the Seal
  2. At the Com­ing of the Bride­groom
  1. Have Thine Own Way, Lord
  2. King of the Iv­ory Pala­ce
AdenAden, Ye­men.Christ Alone Has Pow­er to Save
Ades Pa­ter Su­pre­meLatin for Come, su­preme Fa­ther.Father Most High, Be with Us
Adeste Fi­del­esLatin for Come, all ye faith­fulO Come, All Ye Faith­ful
Adesto Sanc­ta Tri­ni­tasLatin for At­tend, Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty.Be Pres­ent, Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty
Adieu (Harp)French for good­bye.My Bird
AdishamAdisham, Kent, Eng­land.How Pleas­ant, How Di­vine­ly Fair
AdıyamanAdıyaman, Tür­ki­ye.Song of Hea­ven and Home­land, A
AdmahOne of the ci­ties de­stroyed with So­dom and Go­mor­rah (Deu­ter­on­omy 29:23).
  1. Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tow­er
  2. Unclean, of Life and Heart Un­clean
AdmirationCurrently un­used (NWC, PDF)
Adoration (Doane)
  1. Childhood’s Years Are Pass­ing o’er Us
  2. Christ is Born (Wil­bor)
  3. Hark, the Hosts of Hea­ven Are Sing­ing
  4. He Is Com­ing (Bo­nar)
  5. In a Low­ly Man­ger Sleep­ing
  6. Jesus On­ly, When the Morn­ing
  7. Persia
  8. Risen
  9. Wide o’er Earth’s Re­mot­est Bor­der
Adoration (El­vey)Round the Lord in Glo­ry Seat­ed
Adoration (Lu­ard-Sel­by)Alleluia! Sing to Je­sus!
Adoration (Wood­man)For the Deep Love That Kept Us
Adoration, TheSaw You Nev­er, in the Twi­light?
Adoro De­vo­teLatin for I pray de­vout­ly.Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, Fount of Life Alone
Adoro Te (Barn­by) [Ell­er­ton, St. Chry­sos­tom]Latin for I adore Thee.
  1. Agony, The
  2. Farewell to a Mis­sion­ary
  3. Great God, the Heav’ns’ Well Or­dered Frame
  4. How Love­ly, Lord of Hosts, to Me
  5. Hymn for Mid­night, A
  6. If Now Thou Dost Thy Work Re­vive
  7. Infinite God, to Thee We Raise
  8. Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
  9. Let Those Who Doubt the Hea­ven­ly Source
  10. Merciful God, Vouch­safe to Me
  11. O Beth­lem Town To­night Is Cold
  12. O Thou, Who Know’st What Is in Man
  13. Oh, Why, by Fu­ri­ous Rage Com­bined
  14. Shepherd of Is­ra­el, Bow Thine Ear
  15. Then, Then the Gos­pel Day Shall Rise
  16. Think, Migh­ty God, on Fee­ble Man
  17. Thus Speaks the Lord to Wick­ed Men
  18. We, On­ly We Be­lieve In­deed
  19. When Time Seems Short and Death Is Near
  20. Why Should I Ask the Fu­ture Load?
  21. Ye That De­light to Serve the Lord
Adoro Te (Van Damme)Father, See Thy Child­ren
Adoro Te De­vo­teThee We Adore, O Hid­den Sav­ior, Thee
AdowaAdowa, Ethi­op­ia (al­so spelled Ad­wa).
  1. Be It My On­ly Wis­dom Here
  2. Come, All Ye Peo­ple, Bless Our God
  3. Come, Lord, and Help Me to Re­joice
  4. In Pa­tient Faith, Till Christ Shall Come
  5. Living Prin­ci­ple of Grace, The
  6. Midday Sun, with Fierc­est Glare, The
  7. Whene’er I Look in­to Thy Word
Adrian (Gould)Like Noah’s We­ary Dove
Adrian (Rine­hart)Come un­to Me, When Sha­dows Dark­ly Ga­ther
AdsumLatin for I am here.Christ of the Up­ward Way
AdullamThe cave where Da­vid hid (1 Sam­uel 22:1).Dark Was the Night
AdvanceSound Ye the Trum­pet Call
Advent (Goss) [Chris­ma­ta, Fare­ham, In­no­cence, Me­dia]
  1. Hungry, and Faint, and Poor
  2. Let Hearts and Tongues Unite
  3. Long Had the Na­tions Sat
  4. Lord, the So­ver­eign King, The
  5. Lord, Who Late Was Dead, The
  6. No Dist­ant Lord Have I
  7. Our Eyes Sal­va­tion See
  8. Our Lord, Who Knows Full Well
  9. Prince of Peace Is Come, The
  10. When Ov­er­whelmed with Grief
  11. Where Shall the Man Be Found?
  12. Ye Who Mes­si­ah Seek
Advent (Ply­mouth)
  1. For a Sick Friend in Dark­ness
  2. Lord, in Thy Pre­sence Dread and Sweet
  3. Merciful God, to Thee We Cry
Advent PeaceWhile to Beth­le­hem We Are Go­ing
AdwellAdwell, Ox­ford­shire, Eng­land.That Day of Wrath
AeTriumphant Zi­on! Lift Thy Head
AerionLord, I Am Thine
Aeterna Chris­ti Mu­ne­raLatin for eter­nal gifts of Christ.
  1. Eternal Gifts of Christ the King, The
  2. Rejoice! the Year up­on Its Way
AffectionEternal Gifts of Christ the King, The
AfftonAffton, Mis­sou­ri.Go Bear the Joy­ful Tid­ings
Afton (Ad­ams)Robert Burns’ po­em Flow Gent­ly, Sweet Af­ton.O Great God of Na­tions
Afton (Spil­man)Come, Saints, and Adore Him
AfulaAfula, Is­ra­el.There Are Trea­sures for Child­ren in Hea­ven
AgapeIn the New Test­ament, the fa­ther­ly love of God for hu­mans, and the hu­man re­ci­pro­cal love for God.
  1. For the Bread, Which Thou Hast Brok­en
  2. In the Qui­et Con­se­cra­tion
  3. Peace of God Which Knows No Mea­sure
AgawamAgawam, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Cast Thy Bread up­on the Wa­ters
AgincourtAgincourt, FranceSee Deo Gra­ci­as
AglandMy God, How End­less Is Thy Love
AgnesJesus, We Are Far Away
Ag nus DeiLatin for Lamb of God.O Sav­ior, I Have Naught to Plead
AgraAgra, In­dia.Surely I Come Quick­ly
AğrıAğrı, Tür­ki­ye.Sunday School Less­on Hymn
AgrigentoAgrigento, Si­ci­ly.Come to Je­sus Now
AguascalientesThe Mex­ican ci­ty and state.King May Come To­day, The
AhazThe king of Ju­dah (2 Kings 16:1).Praise of Si­on Waits for Thee, The
AhiraThe son of Enan (Num­bers 1:15)See Leigh­ton (Great­or­ex)
AhmedabadAhmedabad, In­dia.Glory to God (Pren­tice)
AhnfeltComposer Os­kar Ahn­felt.
  1. Forward in His Name
  2. In Hea­ven All Is Glad­ness
AholiabThe man in Exo­dus 31:6.Savior, Lead Me
AhrweilerLandkreis Ahr­weil­er, Ger­ma­ny.Rejoicing in Hope
AhvazAhvaz, Iran (اهواز).Christian’s Good Night, The
AhwahneeAhwahnee, Ca­li­fo­rnia.Nobody Knows but Je­sus
AinCome, All Har­mo­ni­ous Tongues
Ainsworth (Hast­ings)Ainsworth, Great­er Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.
  1. Faint Not, Chris­tian
  2. Hark! That Sound of Rap­tur­ous Joy
  3. ’Tis Thanks­giv­ing Morn Again!
AiredaleAiredale, Cas­tle­ford, Eng­land.Love Di­vine, All Loves Ex­cel­ling
AirliePossibly Air­lie, Scot­land, the ci­vil par­ish in the Scot­tish coun­cil area of An­gus.
  1. Hosanna We Sing
  2. Sinners How Blest, The
AjalonAjalon Val­ley, Is­ra­el (Jo­shua 10:12).See Red­head
AjmanAjman, Unit­ed Ar­ab Em­ir­ates.Carry the Tid­ings
AkitaAkita, Ja­pan.Morning Hymn
AkoloAkolo Ri­ver, Con­go.Follow All the Way
AkonHe Was Not Will­ing
AksarayAksaray, Tür­ki­ye.Hark! The Sound of Ho­ly Voic­es
AksimAksim, Go­then­burg, Swe­den.Will My Mo­ther Know Me There?
AlbaceteAlbacete, Spain.As Those Who Seek the Break of Day
AlamedaAlameda, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. My Bro­ther’s Keep­er
  2. For Mer­cies, Count­less as the Sands
  3. Second Mi­ra­cu­lous Draught, The
  4. What Then Are They, Who Dare De­ride
AlanyaAlanya, Tür­ki­ye. In the Fie­ry Fur­nace
  1. Lord, Lead the Way the Sav­ior Went
  2. O God, Thou Art Our King of Old
  3. O Lord, That Art My Right­eous Judge
  4. Once, Onl­y Once
  5. We Love, Thee Lord, and We Adore
  6. What Shall I Ren­der to My God (Watts)
AlbanyAlbany, New York.
  1. Ancient of Days
  2. Father of Lights
AlbermarleWhen Day’s Sha­dows Length­en
Albert [Koe­nigs­berg]Composer Hein­rich Al­bert.Hallelujah! Fair­est Morn­ing
Albert LeaAlbert Lea, Min­ne­so­ta.Jesus Will Save You Now
AlbertaAlberta, Ca­na­da.Who at My Door Is Stand­ing?
AlbionAn ar­cha­ic, al­ter­na­tive name for Great Bri­tain.My Soul, with Joy At­tend
AlbroPossibly Ald­bo­rough, York­shire, Eng­land.Crown His Head with End­less Bless­ing
AlbuquerqueAlbuquerque, New Mex­ico.O Ref­uge Sweet
AlcatrazAlcatraz Island, San Fran­cis­co Bay.Till He Come
AlcesterAlcester, War­wick­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Born to Bless Us, Born to Save!
  2. Bright and Joy­ful Is the Morn
  3. Hallelujah! Raise, O Raise
  4. Jacob’s Star Is Ris’n at Last
  5. Lamb of God, I Look to Thee
  6. Now May Fer­vent Pray­er Arise
  7. Thou Who Roll’st the Year Around
AlchevskAlchevsk, Ukraine.Hope in Je­sus, A
AlenaTo Us a Child of Hope Is Born
AldersgateAldersgate, Lon­don.My Times Are in Thy Hand
AldershotAldershot, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.
  1. I Am Com­ing Back
  2. Mother’s Grave
  3. Welcome, Bless­èd Je­sus
AlderwayApparently Al­der Way, West Cross, Swan­sea, Wales.King of Kings
AleppoAleppo, Syria (حلب).Able to De­liv­er
AlessandriaAlessandria, Ita­ly.No Rest­ing Time Here
  1. Holy Bi­ble, Book Di­vine
  2. Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord (Dodd)
  3. How I Love Thy Law, O Lord
  4. Never Fur­ther Than Thy Cross
  5. Prince of Peace, Con­trol My Will
  6. ’Tis a Point I Long to Know
  7. When This Song of Praise Shall Cease
Alexander (Gwyllt)Great Re­deem­er, Friend of Sin­ners
Alexandria (Ar­nold) [Cas­well, Flet­cher]
  1. Beneath the Sha­dow of the Cross
  2. Dearest of All the Names Above
  3. O Je­sus, Sweet the Tears I Shed
  4. O That the Lord Would Guide My Ways
AlfeldAlfeld, Ger­ma­ny.Judgment at the Door
AlfordHymn writ­er Hen­ry Al­ford.
  1. Caught by th’Al­migh­ty Hand
  2. How Sang the Hea­ven­ly Army
  3. No Form of Hu­man Fram­ing
  4. Ten Thou­sand Times Ten Thou­sand
AlfretonAlfreton, Eng­land.
  1. O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day
  2. O God, Cre­ation’s Sec­ret Force
AlgarveAlgarve, Por­tu­gal.Out of the Sha­dow-Land
AlgeriaThe Af­ri­can coun­try.I Have Heard Thy Voice, Lord Je­sus
AlicanteAlicante, Spain.Creed of Faith, The
AlgiersAlgiers, Al­ge­ria.Homeland, The
AlhambraAlhambra, Gra­na­da,Spain.O Spir­it, Come
  1. Hear, O Lord, Our Sup­pli­ca­tion
  2. Lone Amidst the Dead and Dy­ing
Alice SpringsAlice Springs, Aus­tral­ia.Solace
AliciaJust as Thou Art
  1. Behold, the Lord to Zi­on Rides
  2. Give Thanks to God, In­voke His Name
  3. How Aw­ful Is Thy Chast­en­ing Rod
  4. O Rise Up from Thy Ho­ly Place
  5. On Thee, O God of Pu­ri­ty
  6. Race of God’s An­oint­ed Priests, The
  7. Sovereign of Hea­ven, Thine Em­pire Spreads
  8. Thy Mer­cies Fill the Earth, O Lord
Alki BeachAlki Beach, Se­at­tle, Wash­ing­ton.Ye Are the Light of the World (Hat­chett)
All’ Ehr’ und LobGerman for all hon­or and praise.
  1. Awake, Thou Spir­it, Who Didst Fire
  2. When, Stream­ing from the East­ern Skies
All for Je­sus (Hull)
  1. All for Je­sus
  2. As the Ser­pent Raised by Mo­ses
  3. Sitting at the Feet of Je­sus
All Hail the Pow­erAll Hail the Pow­er of Je­sus’ Name
All Hal­lows (Mar­tin)
  1. Land We Love Is Call­ing, The
  2. Outside the Ho­ly Ci­ty
All Hal­lows (Wise­man)None Oth­er Lamb
All Is Well
  1. Come, Come, Ye Saints
  2. Renew Your Church
All Saints [Cut­ler]
  1. Anniversary Hymn (Bates)
  2. At Length There Dawns the Glo­ri­ous Day
  3. Hosannah to the Prince of Light
  4. Lord un­to His Christ Has Said, The
  5. Macedonia
  6. O Je­sus, Prince of Life and Truth
  7. Son of God Goes Forth to War, The
  8. Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of Old
  9. World’s As­tir!, The

Also see Ware­ham

All Saints Old [Zeuch mich]
  1. Fly Abroad, and Tell the Sto­ry
  2. Let Us Love and Sing and Won­der
  3. Lo, He Comes! Let All Adore Him
  4. Nothing Know We of the Sea­son
  5. One There Is, Above All Oth­ers
  6. Precious Bi­ble! What a Trea­sure
  7. Who Are These Like Stars Ap­pear­ing?

Also see Weisse Flag­gen

All SoulsLift Up Your Hearts
All the Way [Ul­ster]
  1. All the Way My Sav­ior Leads Me
  2. Gracious Lord, Re­mem­ber Da­vid
Alle Jahre wie­derGerman for ev­ery year again.As Each Hap­py Christ­mas
Alle Mensch­en müss­en ster­benGerman for ev­ery­one must die.All Men Liv­ing Are but Mor­tal
AlleghenyAllegheny River, Penn­syl­van­ia.All Peo­ple That on Earth Do Dwell
Allein Gott [At­tol­le Paul­um]German for on­ly God.
  1. Across the Sky the Shades of Night
  2. All Glo­ry Be to God on High
  3. All Glo­ry Be to Thee, Most High
  4. O Sin­ner, Lift the Eye of Faith
Allein zu dirIn Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord
Alleluia (Lowe)In His Tem­ple God Be Praised
Alleluia (Praise)Christ Is Ris­en (Lane)
Alleluia, Dul­ce Car­men (Hop­kins)Alleluia, Song of Glad­ness
Alleluia Pe­ren­neLatin for eter­nal hal­le­lu­jahs.Sing Al­le­lu­ia Forth in Du­te­ous Praise
Alleluia (Wes­ley)Alleluia! Sing to Je­sus!
Alles ist an Gott­es Se­genGerman for Ev­ery­thing de­pends on God’s bless­ing.
  1. All De­pends on Our Pos­ses­sing
  2. Christians, Come, in Sweet­est Mea­sures
AlleyneCameron. C. All­eyne, ap­par­en­tly (he held the 1910 co­py­right).
  1. Let Un­be­liev­ers, Void of Grace
  2. Magnitude of Mer­cy, The
  3. Not in Vain
  4. Sleep, Wea­ry World
  5. Tossed on the Wide, Tem­pes­tu­ous Sea
AllgäuAllgäu, Ba­va­ria, Ger­ma­ny.Way, the Truth the Life (Hor­ton), The
AllingtonAllington, Kent, Eng­land.Our Day of Praise Is Done
Allmächtiger GottGerman for al­migh­ty God.
  1. Blood Has a Voice to Pierce the Skies
  2. Great God, a Bless­ing from Your Throne
  3. Great God, How Oft Did Is­ra­el Prove
  4. Great Is the Lord, His Pow­er is Great
  5. Have Mer­cy, Lord, Thy Wrath Re­move
  6. How Bless­èd Is This Place, O Lord
  7. King of Saints, How Fair His Face, The
  8. My Ref­uge Is the God of Love
  9. My Spir­it Sinks With­in Me, Lord
  10. O Pas­chal Feast, What Joy Is Thine
  11. O Right­eous God, Thou Judge Su­preme
  12. Thee Will I Love, O Lord, My Strength
  13. Thou Hast In­deed Made Ma­ni­fest
  14. When Jo­shua, by God’s Com­mand
  15. Why, He­rod, Un­re­lent­ing Foe
  1. In Thee, O Spir­it, True and Ten­der
  2. Palm Sun­day

Also see Con­so­la­tor

Alma Mater (Red­head)Behold the Prince of Peace
Alma Re­demp­tor­isLatin for Soul of the Redeemer.See Con­so­la­tor
AlmadenAlmaden Valley, San Jose, California.
  1. Bride, The
  2. Lead Thou Me
AlmanComposer Sam­uel Al­man.No Oth­er Name (Cros­by)
AlmatyAlmaty, Ka­zakh­stan.Tenting by the Cross
AlmereAlmere, Netherlands.Christ the Lord Is Ris­en To­day (Hutch­ins)
AlmeríaAlmería, An­da­lu­sia, Spain.Come, Ho­ly Spir­it (Ma­goun)
AlmondsburyAlmondsbury, Bristol, England.Almighty Fa­ther, Lord Most High
Almsgiving (Dykes)Written for an of­fer­ing hymn.
  1. My God, Is Any Hour so Sweet
  2. My God, My Fa­ther, Make Me Strong
  3. O Lamb of God! That Tak’st Away
  4. O Lord of Heav’n and Earth and Sea
  5. Sovereign of Heav’n
  6. Thy Grace Im­part
Almsgiving (Wes­ley)O Lord, How Joy­ful ’Tis to See
Aloha Oe
  1. He Lives on High
  2. He’s Com­ing Soon
AlpertonAlperton, Lon­don.Easter Car­ol (Cros­by)
AlphaGreat God, Our Voice to Thee We Raise
AlpharettaAlpharetta, Geor­gia.Love of God (Jack­son), The
AlpsLoud to the Prince of Heav’n
AlranteMy Voice Shalt Thou Hear
Alsace [Eth­el­berg]Alsace, France.
  1. How Shall I Fol­low Him I Serve?
  2. When Je­sus Dwelt in Mor­tal Clay
Also hei­lig ist der TagGerman for So ho­ly is the day.Hallow We with Praise the Day
AlstoneAlstone, Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Adam, Our Fa­ther and Our Head
  2. As When the Wea­ry Tra­vel­er Gains
  3. Blessèd Re­deem­er, How Di­vine
  4. By Va­ri­ous Max­ims, Forms and Rules
  5. Do Flesh and Na­ture Dread to Die?
  6. Newborn Child This Ear­ly Morn, The
  7. Now Let the Fee­ble All Be Strong
  8. We Are but Lit­tle Child­ren Weak
  9. Why Did the Jews Pro­claim Their Rage?
Alstyne [End­less Praise]Fanny Cros­by’s mar­ried name.My Song Shall Be of Je­sus
AltamiraAltamira caves, Spain.I Am Rea­dy
Alta Tri­ni­ta Be­ataLatin for ho­ly, bless­ed Tri­ni­ty.Blessèd Feasts of Bless­èd Mar­tyrs
AltoonaAltoona, Penn­syl­van­ia.Onward Press­ing
AlvanSinners, Will You Scorn the Mes­sage?
AlverstokeAlverstoke, Unit­ed King­dom.O Hap­py Home
AlvordGo with Thy Ser­vant, Lord
AmadeusComposer Wolf­gang Ama­de­us Mo­zart.À Qui Donc Iri­ons-Nous?
AmadoraAmadora, Por­tu­gal.God Speed His Word
AmalfiAmalfi, Ita­ly.Pearly Gates, The
AmandaThrough Ev­ery Age, Eter­nal God
AmaraListen to the Won­drous Sto­ry
AmarilloAmarillo, Tex­as.Shut in with Thee
AmasyaAmasya, Tür­ki­ye.A Song of Praise (Fry)
Amazing LoveAnd Can It Be That I Should Gain?
AmazonThe South Am­eri­can ri­ver.Take the Wa­ter of Life
AmbalaAmbala, Har­ya­na, In­dia.Make Way for the King
AmberleyAmberley, West Sus­sex, Eng­land.Roseate Hues of Ear­ly Dawn, The
  1. Wake the Song of Ju­bi­lee
  2. Who Are These That Come from Far?
Amen, Je­sus Han Skal RaadeDanish for Amen, Je­sus shall coun­sel.See Da­na
  1. Anthems to God Above
  2. Forth from Their Father­land
  3. God Bless Our Na­tive Land
  4. God Op­ens Wide His Hand
  5. My Coun­try ’Tis of Thee
  6. My Sav­ior, ’Tis of Thee
America Be­friendSee Re­pub­lic
AmericanNearer, My God, to Thee
American HymnAngel of Peace
  1. How Hap­py Are the Lit­tle Flock
  2. Let God Arise and Let His Foes
  3. Thou Art My God, O God of Grace
  4. When He Com­eth!
AmersfoortAmersfoort, Ne­ther­lands.O Ho­ly Church, but Yes­ter-Night
AmershamAmersham, Eng­land.Deeper Yet
Ames (von Neu­komm)
  1. Awake, My Soul, nor Slum­ber­ing Lie
  2. Firm Was My Health
  3. How Long, O Lord, Shall I Com­plain?
  4. Lord I Will at All Times Bless, The
  5. Lord, Thou Hast Called Thy Grace to Mind
  6. O God, Thou Hast Cast off Thy Saints
  7. O Lord, Thy Hea­ven­ly Grace Im­part
AmesburyAmesbury, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. Eternal God, Whose Pow­er Up­holds
  2. Good Is the Lord, the Heav’n­ly King
  3. Jesus, Our Lord, As­cend Thy Throne
  4. My Sav­ior, on the Word of Truth
  5. O Mas­ter Work­man of the Race
  6. Veil, Lord, Mine Eyes Till She Be Past
  7. When Pha­raoh Dared to Vex the Saints
  8. You That Have Spent the Si­lent Night
Amherst (Bart­lett)Amherst, Mas­sa­chu­setts.When All Thy Mer­cies, O My God
Amherst (Chis­holm)He Sup­pli­eth All of My Need
AmiensAmiens, France.Angels Sang Around the Stall, The
AmistadAmistad, New Mex­ico.Christ Is My Re­deem­er
AmmanAmman, Jor­dan.Gos­pel Trum­pet’s Sound­ing, The
AmnosGreek for lamb.Let Thy Blood in Mer­cy Poured
Amo TeLatin for I love you.My Je­sus, I Love Thee
AmritsarAmritsar, In­dia.While Stars of Christ­mas Shine
AmsterdamAmsterdam, Ne­ther­lands.
  1. Celebrate Im­ma­nu­el’s Name
  2. Father, God, We Glo­ri­fy
  3. God of Heav’n, Ap­pear Below
  4. God, the Om­ni­pres­ent God
  5. Hearken to the So­lemn Voice
  6. Jesus, Fix Thy King­dom Here!
  7. Jesus Leaves His Throne Above
  8. Let the World La­ment Their Dead
  9. Maker, Sav­ior of Man­kind
  10. O the Blood, the Pre­cious Blood
  11. Once a Wo­man Si­lent Stood
  12. Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
  13. Rise, My Soul, and Stretch Thy Wings
  14. Sinner, Hear the Sav­ior’s Call
  15. When Des­cend­ing from the Sky
An Was­ser­flüs­sen Ba­by­lonGerman for be­side the streams of Ba­by­lon.
  1. Lamb Goes Forth: The Sins He Bears, A
  2. Lamb Goes Un­com­plain­ing Forth, A
AnagolaSongs of Im­mor­tal Praise
AnahA son of Se­ir the Hor­ite (Ge­ne­sis 36:20).Ye Mighty Rul­ers of the Land
AnaheimAnaheim, Ca­li­for­nia.When Mo­ther Prayed
AnaniasThe man in Acts 9:10.When My Wea­ry Hands Are Fold­ed
AnatoliaThe re­gion com­pris­ing most of mo­dern Tür­ki­ye.Watchman on the Walls of Zi­on
AnchorageAnchorage, Alas­ka.Redeeming Grace
AncyraFormer name of An­ka­ra, Tür­ki­ye.
  1. Come, Ye That Fear the Lord
  2. Eternal King of Hea­ven on High
  3. In Vain My Fan­cy Strives to Paint
  4. O All Ye Peo­ples, Bless Our God
  5. O What a Stiff, Re­bel­li­ous House
  6. Sing, All Ye Na­tions, to the Lord
  7. Thou Plen­te­ous Source of Life and Love
AndamanAndaman and Ni­co­bar Is­lands, In­dia.Thou Wilt De­fend Us
AndernachAndernach, Ger­ma­ny.This Day the First of Days Was Made
AndorraThe state in the east­ern Py­re­nees mount­ains.First and Last Call, The
Andover (Ba­con)Andover, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Happy Meet­ing
Andover (Beech­er)Scene Around Me Dis­ap­pears, The
AndréPraise God, Ye Ser­vants of the Lord
  1. Infinite Ex­cel­lence Is Thine
  2. See, Je­sus, Thy Dis­ci­ples See
AnerleyAnerley, Lon­don.Come to Christ, the Lord
Angel ChoirHark! I Hear the An­gels Sing­ing
Angel FallsAngel Falls, Ve­ne­zue­la.Infidel and His Daugh­ter, The
Angel Is­landAngel Is­land, San Fran­cis­co.Jesus, While Our Hearts Are Bleed­ing
Angel Voic­esAngel Voic­es, Ev­er Sing­ing
AngelcombAngelcomb Peak, Yukon, Ca­na­da.Jesus, I Will Trust Thee
AngelsForth in Thy Name, O Lord
Angel’s Hymn (Tan­s’ur)High in the Hea­vens, Eter­nal God
Angels’ Song
  1. Eternal Beam of Light Di­vine
  2. We De­di­cate to Thee
  3. What Shall We Of­fer Our Good Lord?
Angel’s Song (Pil­grim­age)As the World Around Was Sleep­ing
Angel’s Sto­ry [Crux Chris­ti­an­ti]
  1. Far Off Our Breth­ren’s Voic­es
  2. I Love to Hear the Sto­ry
  3. In Hea­ven­ly Love Abid­ing
  4. Lord God of Hosts in Mer­cy
  5. New Year Pray­er, A
  6. O Je­sus, I Have Pro­mised
  7. That Glo­ri­ous Day Is Com­ing
  8. There Is a Migh­ty Ques­tion
  9. Whole Wide World for Je­sus (Plantz), The
AngelusLatin for an an­gel.
  1. At Ev­en, Ere the Sun Was Set
  2. God of My Life, Whose Gra­cious Pow­er
  3. Nature with Op­en Vol­ume Stands
  4. Now Let Our Mourn­ful Songs Re­cord
  5. O God of Grace and Right­eous­ness
  6. O God, Whose Pres­ence Glows in All
  7. O Sav­ior! Is Thy Pro­mise Fled?
  8. Who Shall As­cend Thy Heav’n­ly Place?
  9. With Joy, Ye Saints, Di­rect Your Eyes
AngleseyAnglesey, Wales.Wonderful Bi­ble
AngmeringAngmering, Sus­sex, Eng­land.Fill Thou My Life
AngolaThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Will He Bid Us En­ter In?
AngstDread Hath Come on Me, A
AngueraAnguera, Ba­hia, Bra­zil.Come, Ye That La­bor
AnguillaAnguilla, Car­ib­be­an.Child of Sin and Sor­row
AnhaltThe his­to­ri­cal Ger­man du­chy.Will You Meet Me at the Fount­ain?
AnhuiAnhui, Chi­na (安徽省).Savior, Guide Me
Anima Chris­tiLatin for soul of Christ.Soul of Je­sus, Make Me Whole
AnkaraAnkara, Tür­ki­ye.Never Alone (Bow­ser)
AnkenyAnkeny, Io­wa.Watch, for the Sav­ior Is Com­ing
Ann Ar­borAnn Ar­bor, Mi­chi­gan.I’ll Be Rea­dy
Annapolis (Hod­ges)Annapolis, Ma­ry­land.I Could Not Do With­out Thee
Annapolis (Kin­ne)God’s Call to Is­ra­el
AnnenComposer Hen­ri An­nen.Pour T’Ex­al­ter, Ô Fils du Père
AnnettaLet Us Draw Near
AnnieSee Emb­ry
Annie Laur­ieOf All in Earth or Hea­ven
Annie LisleCurrently un­used (NWC, PDF). Also see In­di­ana.
Anniversary SongWake the Song
Annue Chris­tiLatin for in the year of Christ.
  1. Lord of Cre­ation, Bow Thine Ear
  2. There Is a Bless­èd Home
Annunciation (Bar­ry)Lord God, the Ho­ly Ghost
Annunciation (Ed­wards)To a Maid En­gaged to Jo­seph
AnsticeO Lord! How Hap­py Should We Be
AntalyaAntalya, Tür­ki­ye.We Won’t Give Up the Bi­ble
AntananarivoAntananarivo, Ma­da­gas­car.Turn on the Search-Light
AnthesComposer Fried­rich An­thes.Come un­to Me, Ye Wea­ry (Dix)
AntibesAntibes, France.He Will Come Per­haps at Morn­ing
AntiguaAntigua, Ca­rib­be­an.Stand Up, My Soul
AntiochThe an­cient ci­ty near pre­sent day An­tak­ya, Tür­ki­ye.
  1. All Hail the Morn
  2. Joy to the World
  3. Light of Beth­le­hem (Lee), The
AntipoloAntipolo Phi­lip­pines.Lonely Mound, The
AntofagastaAntofagasta, Chi­le.Bolted Door, The
AntonComposer An­ton Gers­bach.O Lord, My Ear­nest Cry
AntrimAntrim, Ire­land.What Can I Do?
AntwerpAntwerp, Bel­gium.
  1. Be with Us, Gra­cious Lord, To­day
  2. Blest Be the Fa­ther and His Love
  3. Preserve Me, Lord
  1. Come, Let Us Sing un­to the Lord
  2. Time Is Near, The
  3. Triumphant Zi­on! Lift Thy Head
AnversThe French name for An­twerp, Bel­gium.What Art Thou Do­ing for Je­sus?
Anza VistaAnza Vista, San Fran­cis­co.Word of God (Mill­er), The
AotearoaMaori for New Zea­land.What East­er Brings
AparecidaAparecida, Bra­zil.Voix du Sei­gneur m’Ap­pelle, La
ApeldoornApeldoorn, Ne­ther­lands.Alder by the Ri­ver, The
AphekaThe vil­lage in Jo­shua 15:53.With Joy We Me­di­tate the Grace
ApiaApia, Sa­moa.Trim Your Lamp
ApocalypseCome, Praise the Lord
Apostle Is­landsThe is­lands in Lake Su­per­ior.Savior, Bless­èd Sav­ior (Ben­nett)
ApostlesIf Du­ty Calls
AppenzellAppenzell, Switz­er­land.Will I Be There?
AppletonAppleton, Wis­con­sin.
  1. Arm These Thy Sol­diers, Migh­ty Lord
  2. His Cheer­ing Mes­sage from the Grave
  3. How Blest the Per­fect in the Way
  4. Ye Gates of Peace and Joy Un­told
AprilEaster Dawn
ApsleyApsley, Hert­ford­shire, England.Meeting in Glo­ry
AquillaWelcome, Days of So­lemn Meet­ing
AquinasItalian phi­lo­so­pher, theo­lo­gian, and jur­ist Tho­mas Aqui­nas.Very Bread, Good Shep­herd, Tend Us
Ar Hyd Y NosWelsh for the live­long night.
  1. All Through the Night
  2. All Thru the Night
  3. God, That Mad­est Earth and Hea­ven
  4. Now to Heav’n Our Pray­er As­cend­ing
  5. One Is Kind Above All Oth­ers
  6. Through the Love of God Our Sav­ior
  7. ’Tis the Church Tri­um­phant Sing­ing
Arabia (White)Away with Our Sor­row and Fear
Arabia (Wil­son)Song of Spring Once More We Sing, A
ArakArak, Ir­an (اراک).Lead Me, Bless­èd Je­sus
AraratMount Ararat, Tür­ki­ye.Sing for Joy
Arcadelt [Je­ru­sa­lem]Composer Jacques Ar­ca­delt.I Need Thee, Pre­cious Je­sus
Arch StreetArch Street, Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.Revive the Hearts of All
ArdècheArdèche, France.Fighting at Our King’s Com­mand
ArdahanArdahan, Tür­ki­ye.I Am Never Wea­ry of Je­sus
ArdudwyArdudwy, Wales.God the Lord Is King
ArendalArendal, Nor­way, birth­place of com­pos­er Ele­vi­ne HeedeCome, Thou Ev­er­last­ing Spir­it
ArequipaArequipa, Pe­ru.Royal Wel­come, A
ArezzoArezzo, Ita­ly.Living in Sun­light
ArfauWelsh for wea­pons.Arise in All Thy Splen­dor, Lord
ArfonThe south­ern shore of the Me­nai Strait, the part of main­land Wales clos­est to the is­land of An­gle­sey.
  1. Clefted Side, The
  2. Come to Judg­ment
  3. Go and Dig My Grave To­day
  4. God, My Fa­ther, Hear Me Pray
  5. Lord, on Me, Ev­en Me, Con­fer
  6. Savior, Shine and Cheer My Soul
  7. Sinner, in Thine Own Es­teem
  8. Thou Didst Think of Me
  9. Throned upon the Aw­ful Tree
  10. Weary, Lord, of Strug­gling Here
ArgyleO That the Lord’s Sal­va­tion
Ariel [Mo­zart]
  1. How Great the Good­ness Kept in Store
  2. Jesus, Thou Soul of All Our Joys
  3. Let All on Earth Their Voic­es Raise
  4. Thou Great Mys­te­ri­ous God Un­known
ArimatheaJoseph of Ar­ima­thea (Mark 15:43)Angels, Roll the Rock Away
AristidesLord, While for All Man­kind We Pray
  1. Arise and Sing, Dis­pel Your Fears
  2. By Faith in Christ I Walk with God
  3. God, Who in Va­ri­ous Meth­ods Told
  4. Great For­mer of This Va­ri­ous Frame
  5. Great Je­ho­vah! Who Shall Dare, The
  6. How Ma­ny Things Com­bine to Show
  7. Lord, I Was Blind
  8. Oft Has My Youth­ful Mind Been Led
  9. Sweet Is the Sun­light Af­ter Rain
  10. We Come Ere Yet the Ills of Life
  11. When All Be­speaks a Fa­ther’s Love
  12. Wonders, Lord, Thy Love Has Wrought, The
  13. World May Boast the Bril­liant Light, The
ArlesArles, France.Now un­to Je­ho­vah, Ye Sons of the Migh­ty
ArlingtonArlington, Vir­gin­ia.
  1. Again the Lord of Light and Life
  2. Am I a Sol­dier of the Cross?
  3. Amid the Splen­dors of Thy State
  4. Angels Pro­claim the Hap­py Morn
  5. Do I Be­lieve What Je­sus Sa­ith?
  6. Hail! Ev­er Hail! Aus­pi­cious Morn
  7. High Let Us Swell Our Tune­ful Notes
  8. How Large the Pro­mise, How Di­vine
  9. In One Har­mo­ni­ous Cheer­ful Song
  10. Lord, in Thy Pres­ence Here We Meet
  11. Lord Our Sav­ior Is the Way, The
  12. Lord, We Have Heard Thy Works of Old
  13. My Fa­ther Blessed Me
  14. Naked as from the Earth We Came
  15. O God, Our Strength, to Thee Our Song
  16. O Lord, Around Thy Al­tar Now
  17. Shout to the Lord, and Let Our Joys
  18. Sun of Right­eous­ness Ap­pears, The
  19. There Is a Book That All May Read
  20. There Seems a Voice in Ev­ery Gale
  21. This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made
  22. What Though I Can­not Break My Chain
  23. Why Do the Weal­thy Wick­ed Boast?
  24. Ye Hum­ble Souls, Ap­proach Your God
ArmageddonThe hill of Har Məgīddō (הַר מְגִדּוֹ‎) in Is­rael.
  1. Look Away to Je­sus (Hough)
  2. Who Is on the Lord’s Side?
ArmaghArmagh, Ire­land.Prostrate, Dear Je­sus, at Thy Feet
  1. All Praise to Our Re­deem­ing Lord
  2. God Is a Spir­it, Just and Wise
  3. God of My Child­hood and My Youth
  4. My God, the Steps of Pi­ous Men
  5. Now That My Jour­ney’s Just Be­gun
  6. True Mes­si­ah Now Ap­pears, The
ArmentroutHoly Fa­ther, Bless Us
ArmleyArmley, West York­shire, England.Thou Whom My Soul Ad­mires Above
ArmorGird on the Roy­al Ar­mor
ArmstrongWhen the Lord of Love Was Here

Also see Em­me­lar

ArnheimArnheim, Ne­ther­lands.Assembled at Thy Great Com­mand
ArnhemArnhem, Ne­ther­lands.First and Sec­ond Bless­ing, The
  1. Awake, My Soul, Awake, My Tongue
  2. Thy Cease­less, Un­ex­haust­ed Love
Arnsberg [Wun­der­bar­er Kö­nig]Arnsberg, North Rhine-West­phal­ia, Ger­ma­ny.
  1. God Him­self Is with Us
  2. God Him­self Is with Us (Lee)
  3. God Is in His Tem­ple
  4. God Re­veals His Pres­ence
ArnvilleSongs Anew of Ho­nor Fram­ing
Arnos GroveArnos Grove, En­field, Lon­don.Rise, Child­ren of God
ArranArran, Firth of Clyde, Scotland.
  1. Day of the Lord, The
  2. Go Up, Go Up, My Heart
  3. Once to Our World There Came
ArrasArras, France.Sing the Song, the Tri­umph Song
ArrowtownArrowtown, New Zea­land.Great Glad Day, The
ArtaviaAnd Didst Thou Love the Race
ArthurNow Lift the Car­ol
Arthur’s SeatArthur’s Seat, a hill Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land.
  1. All Hail, In­car­nate God
  2. Behold a Lit­tle Child
  3. God Is Gone Up on High
  4. Hail Pro­ge­ny Di­vine!
  5. Lord of Earth and Sky, The
  6. March On, O Soul, with Strength
  7. Promises I Sing, The
  8. Set Forth Be­fore Our Eyes
  9. Spacious Hea­v’ns De­clare, The
  10. Though Sin­ners Bold­ly Join
  11. We’ll Sing, in Spite of Scorn
  12. What Con­tra­dict­ions Meet
  13. When in His Might the Lord
  14. Ye Sons of Ad­am, Join
  15. Ye Vir­gin Souls, Arise
ArtvinArtvin, Tür­ki­yeMore Like Je­sus Would I Be
ArubaAruba, Car­ib­be­an.Present Sal­va­tion
AsaphThe sing­er in 1 Chro­ni­cles 15:19.Savior, Bless­èd Sav­ior
Asbury (Har­mo­nia)Methodist bi­shop Fran­cis As­bu­ry.Behold the Sav­ior of Man­kind
AscalonAshkelon, Is­ra­el (אַשְׁקְלוֹן), known in the Mid­dle Ages as As­ca­lon.See Cru­sad­ers’ Hymn
Ascending SongNot On­ly When As­cends the Song
AscenditLatin for He went up.O Christ, Our Joy, Gone Up on High
Ascendit De­usLatin for God as­cends.
  1. Fear Not, Thou Faith­ful Chris­tian Flock
  2. Lord As­cend­eth Up on High, The

See also Zu mein­em Herrn

AschaffenburgAschaffenburg, Ger­ma­ny.’Twas a Bluebird Told the Story
AschamSee Day by Day
AscotAscot, East Berk­shire, Eng­land.’Tis Bet­ter High­er Up
  1. Beneath the Forms of Out­ward Rite
  2. By Whom Shall Ja­cob Now Arise?
  3. Evils That Be­set Our Path, The
  4. God, My Sup­port­er and My Hope
  5. I Take the Jour­ney of a Day
  6. On God Alone My Soul Re­lies
  7. Sweet Flow­ers Are Bloom­ing in God’s Sight
  8. There Is a Land of Pure De­light
  9. Thou Who Hast Called Our Be­ing Here
  10. When God Des­cends, a Stream­ing Fire
  11. Wounds Which Je­sus Once En­dured, The
Ash GroveTranslation of the Welsh Llwyn Onn.
  1. Hark! East­ward and West­ward
  2. Master Hath Come, The
  3. On This Night, Most Ho­ly
  4. Wedding Took Place, A
Ashburton (Wes­ley)
  1. Chautauqua Hymn
  2. Pilgrims Here on Earth and Strang­ers
Ashbury HeightsAshbury Heights, San Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­fo­rnia.
  1. Come to Je­sus, Come To­day (Da­vis)
  2. Welcome, Christ­mas, Wel­come Here
AshdodAshdod, Is­ra­el (אַשְׁדּוֹד).Shall We Know Her?
AsherThe tribe of Is­ra­el.Lord Arose, The
AshfordAshford, Coun­ty Wick­low, Ire­land.He Pro­mised Me
AshgabatAshgabat, Turk­men­is­tan.
  1. Pray for the Wan­der­er
  2. First Came the Hour of Pray­er
AshkelonAshkelon, Is­ra­el.We Have a Firm Foun­da­tion
AshleySalvation! O the Joy­ful Sound!
Ashland (Smith)Blest Land of Ju­dea
Ashland (Stu­art)Come, Soul, and Find Thy Rest
AshurNoah’s grand­son (Ge­ne­sis 10:22).Lord, Thee I’ll Praise with All My Heart
AshwellHow Blest the Right­eous When He Dies!
AsilomarFrom the Span­ish phrase asi­lo al mar, mean­ing asy­lum or re­fuge by the sea.Hear the Lov­ing Voice
AskerAsker, Akers­hus coun­ty, Nor­way.Hark! The Sound of An­gel Voic­es
Asleep in Je­sus [Ju­ni­ata]Asleep in Je­sus
AsmaraAsmara, Eri­tre­an.Sing Sweet Car­ols
AspenAspen, Co­lo­ra­do.Peace on Earth (Hunt)
AspinwallAspinwall, Penn­syl­van­ia.
  1. All Con­quer­ing Lord, Whom Sin­ners Adore
  2. All Glo­ry to God
  3. All Those That Pass By
  4. Break Forth in­to Praise
  5. Seasons Are Fixed by Wis­dom Di­vine, The
  6. Thy Faith­ful­ness Lord, Each Mo­ment We Find
  7. Thy Spir­it, O Lord
AspirationWelcome, De­light­ful Morn

Also see Cal­vat

AspurgPossibly As­perg, Ger­ma­ny.See Frech
AssateagueThe is­land off the coast of Ma­ry­land and De­la­ware.
  1. All Praise Be to God! (Holme)
  2. Kingdom Is Com­ing, The
AssisiAssisi, Ita­ly.His Are the Thou­sand Spark­ling Rills
AssiutPossibly As­si­ut, Egypt.O God, Give Thou Ear to My Plea
AssuranceBlessèd As­sur­ance
AssyntAssynt, west Su­ther­land, High­land, Scot­land.There Were Whis­per­ings in the Hea­vens
AstanaAstana, Ka­zakh­stan.Anointed
AstenGod Who Sits En­throned on High, The
AstonThe ward in Birm­ing­ham, Eng­land, birth­place of com­pos­er John Hey­wood.Sinner’s Bu­ri­al, The
AsturiasAsturias, Spain.Glory in the High­est (Ma­son)
AswarbyAswarby, Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.See Don­cas­ter
AsylumInstruct Me in Thy Stat­utes, Lord
AthHail, So­ver­eign Love
Athens (de Gi­ar­di­ni)Athens, Greece.I Heard the Voice of Je­sus Say
AtherstoneThe War­wick­shire town where com­pos­er Ed­ward Hus­band was cur­ate.For My Sake, and the Gos­pel’s
AthertonAtherton, Ca­li­for­nia.Lead Us Gent­ly
AtkinsonAtkinson, Ne­bras­ka.Gracious Spir­it, Ho­ly Ghost
AtlanticO Lord, How Ma­ny Are My Foes
Atlantic Ave­nueThe New York Ci­ty street.Hear My Pray­er (Holmes)
Atlantic Ci­tyThe New Jer­sey ci­ty.I Pray Thee
AttainmentIt Reach­es Me
Atolle Paul­umSee Alle­in Gott
Atonement (Breth­ren)Lamb of God, Whose Bleed­ing Love
Atoning Sac­ri­ficeOh More Than Mer­ci­ful!
AttercliffeAttercliffe, Shef­field, Eng­land.See Shef­field
AttwoodCreator Spir­it, by Whose Aid
Au Fort de Ma Dé­tresseOur Fa­ther’s Home Eter­nal
  1. Arise, My Soul! My Joy­ful Pow­ers
  2. Encouraged by Thy Love and Care
  3. Our Joy Is a Cre­at­ed Good
AuburndaleAuburndale, Flo­ri­da.He Is with Thee
AucklandAuckland New Zea­land.Show Pi­ty, Lord
Auctor Vi­taeAuthor of Life Di­vine
Auctoritate Sae­cu­liLatin for By the au­tho­ri­ty of the cen­tu­ry.
  1. Let the Round World with Songs Re­joice
  2. O Thou Whose All Re­deem­ing Might
  3. This World’s a Rough and Stormy Sea
Audite Au­di­en­tes MeLatin for list­en to me.O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I Cry
AudleyAudley, Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.O Ho­ly Lord, Our God
Auf, auf mein HerzGerman for Up, up, my heart.Awake, My Heart, with Glad­ness
Auf mein­en lie­ben GottGerman for To my dear God.
  1. O Bride of Christ, Re­joice
  2. Time Is Ve­ry Near, The

Also see Des Moines

AughtonAughton, Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land.See He Lead­eth Me
Augusta [Li­ver­pool, Je­rome]While Thee I Seek, Pro­tect­ing Pow­er
Auld Lang Syne
  1. Gloomy Night Will Soon Be Past, The
  2. How Sweet the Hour
  3. It Sing­eth Low in Ev­ery Heart

Also see Fair Ha­ven

AuléProbably from the Greek αυλε, mean­ing pal­ace, house, or un­co­vered court­yard.
  1. Great and Migh­ty Won­der (Lu­ther­an), A
  2. I Love That Ho­ly Scrip­ture
  3. Over Yon­der (Gor­eh)
  4. Unknown Coun­try, The
AurangabadAurangabad, In­dia.Speak Gent­ly to Thy Bro­ther
AureliaLatin for gol­den. First com­posed for Je­ru­sa­lem the Gold­en.
  1. Another Year Is Dawn­ing
  2. Church’s One Foun­da­tion, The
  3. God Is My Strong Sal­va­tion
  4. In Days of Old on Si­nai
  5. In Time of Tri­bu­la­tion
  6. Live Out Thy Life With­in Me
  7. My Light and My Sal­va­tion
  8. O Com­fort to the Drea­ry
  9. O Fa­ther, All Cre­at­ing
  10. O Fa­ther, You Are So­ver­eign
  11. O God, Thou Art the Fa­ther
  12. O Liv­ing Bread from Hea­ven
  13. Perhaps You Have Been Chos­en
  14. Remember Christ, Our Sav­ior
  15. Son of Con­so­la­tion, The
  16. There Where the Judg­es Ga­ther
  17. This Night, O Lord, We Bless Thee
  18. When Tho­mas Heard from Je­sus
Aus der Tie­fe ru­fe ichGerman for I call from the depths.See Hein­lein
Aus Gna­den soll ich se­lig wer­denGerman for by grace I shall be saved.By Grace I’m Saved
Aus mein­es Herz­ens GrundeGerman for From the bot­tom of my heart.
  1. Arise, Sons of the King­dom
  2. Lo, God to Heav’n As­cend­eth
  3. My In­most Heart Now Rais­es
  4. Oh, Sing with Ex­ul­ta­tion
  5. Ye Sons of Men, Oh, Heark­en
Aus tie­fer Not
  1. From Depths of Woe I Raise to Thee
  2. Out of the Deep I Cry to Thee
  3. Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee
AustinAustin, Tex­as.
  1. Rejoice with Me (Scott)
  2. When Is­ra­el Sins, the Lord Re­proves
AustraliaMy Soul Shall Rest in Hope
Austria (Hay­dn)
  1. Christ Is Com­ing (Child­ress)
  2. Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Liv­ing
  3. Earth, with All Thy Thou­sand Voic­es
  4. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spok­en
  5. God Is with Us
  6. Heaven Is Here, Where Hymns of Glad­ness
  7. Holy Fa­ther! Thou Hast Taught Us
  8. Let Us All with Grate­ful Prais­es
  9. Looking for Our Lord and Sav­ior
  10. Midnight’s Sa­ble Hour Is Pass­ing
  11. Not Alone for Migh­ty Em­pire
  12. Raise the Psalm
  13. Sing a New Song to Je­ho­vah
  14. Strong of Bo­dy, High of Spir­it
  15. Zion’s King Shall Reign Vic­to­ri­ous
Austria (Beet­ho­ven)Ye Neigh­bors and Friends of Je­sus
Author of LifeAuthor of Life Di­vine
  1. Father, Thine Elect Who Lov­est
  2. Gently Lord, O Gent­ly Lead Us
  3. Jesus Spreads His Ban­ner o’er Us
  4. Mighty God, While An­gels Bless Thee
  5. O, My Peo­ple!
  6. O My Soul, Bless Thou Je­ho­vah
  7. There’s a Light up­on the Mount­ains
AvaChild of Sin and Sor­row
AvalonLord, I Will Praise Thy Name
Ave Mar­is Stel­laLatin for Hail, star of the sea.
  1. Hail, O Star That Point­est
  2. Star of Ocean Fair­est
Ave Ver­um Cor­pusLatin for Hail, true bo­dy.Hail, Bo­dy True
Ave Vir­go Vir­gi­num [Gau­de­amus Par­ti­tur]Brothers, Join­ing Hand to Hand
AvelingSee Carl­ton
AventuraAventura Flo­ri­da.Infinite Love
AviemoreAviemore, Scot­tish High­lands.By All Whom Thou Hast Made
ÁvilaÁvila, Spain.Oh, Come and Work for Je­sus
AvisonComposer Charles Avi­son.Shout the Glad Tid­ings
AvocaAvoca, Io­wa.Rock of Ref­uge, The
AvonSee Mar­tyr­dom
Avondale (Booth)We Bless Thee for Thy Peace, O God
Avondale (Caw­thorne)
  1. Heavenly Jour­ney, The
  2. Sing a Hymn to Je­sus
Avondale (Ga­bri­el)
  1. Lord, Like the Pub­li­can I Stand
  2. Tender Love a Fa­ther Has, The
AvronThe Pa­ri­si­an dis­trict.Do It Now
AwayAway! Away!
Awful Ma­jes­ty [Dun­lap’s Creek]
  1. Day Ap­proach­eth, The
  2. Hark! Sin­ner, Hark!
  3. Sing to the Lord, Ye Heav’n­ly Hosts
AxbridgeAxbridge, So­mer­set, Eng­land.Safe Home, Safe Home in Port!
AydınAydın, Tür­ki­ye.Unfailing One, The
AyerAyer, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Nothing of My Own to Claim
Ayers RockAyers Rock, Aus­tra­lia.Soft Falls the Ev­en­ing
Aylesbury (Camp)Aylesbury, Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land.
  1. I Con­stant Care Will Take
  2. My Sav­ior and My King
  3. My Trust Is in the Lord
  4. Our Child­ren Thou Dost Claim

Also see Wirks­worth

Aylesbury (Che­tham)
  1. My Home (Kor­ris)
  2. Stretched on the Bed of Grief
AynhoeAynhoe, North­amp­ton­shire, Eng­land.Soldiers of Christ, Arise
AyrshireAyrshire, Scot­land.Source of All Bless­ed­ness
AyrtonPossibly Eng­lish com­pos­er Ed­mund Ayrt­on (1734–1808).O Hap­py Day, That Fixed My Choice
AzabuAzabu, Mi­na­to, To­kyo, Ja­pan.God Is in His Ho­ly Tem­ple
AzariahThe Is­ra­el­ite cap­tive in Da­ni­el 1:6.Thanks for the Bi­ble
Azmon [Den­field]The lo­ca­tion in Num­bers 34:4.
  1. All Na­ture Feels At­tract­ive Pow­er
  2. Behold the Love, the Ge­ner­ous Love
  3. Buried Be­neath the Yield­ing Wave
  4. Come, Hap­py Souls, Ap­proach Your God
  5. Come, Let Us Join with Faith­ful Souls
  6. Hail! Fa­ther, Son and Ho­ly Ghost
  7. Happy the Child Whose Young­est Years
  8. I Love the Lord Who Heard My Cry
  9. In All My Lord’s Ap­point­ed Ways
  10. Jesus, Thine All Vic­tor­ious Love
  11. Let Him to Whom We Now Be­long
  12. My God, How Won­der­ful You Are
  13. My Heart Re­joic­es in Thy Name
  14. O for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
  15. O, from These Vi­sions Dark and Drear
  16. O God! To Thee Our Hearts Would Pay
  17. O Sav­ior, Whom This Ho­ly Morn
  18. Our Lord, You Stood in Pi­late’s Hall
  19. Rejoice in God
  20. Rejoice, Ye Right­eous, in the Lord
  21. Savior Calls, The
  22. Servant of All, to Toil for Man
  23. Thousand Ora­cles Di­vine, A
  24. Thy Breath, O Lamb, as Rush­ing Wind
  25. We Bear the Strain of Earth­ly Care
  26. When Some Kind Shep­herd from the Fold
AzusaAzusa, Ca­li­for­nia.Never Mind, Nev­er Fear