Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
CaballeroSpanish for gentle­man or horse­man.Lord of Life, on This Thy Day
Cabin JohnCabin John, Ma­ry­land.Precious Sav­ior, Dear Re­deem­er
Cabo San Lu­casCabo San Lu­cas, Mex­ico.His Com­ing Draw­eth Nigh
CáceresCáceres, Spain.O Beau­ti­ful for Spa­cious Skies
CaddoCaddo Par­ish, Lou­isi­ana.
  1. I Wait­ed Pa­tient for the Lord
  2. On Ju­dah’s Plains as Shep­herds Sat
  3. Thy Mer­cy and Thy Truth, O Lord
CádizCádiz, Spain.Make Room for Je­sus
CadoganAbide with Me (Lyte)
Caersalem [Bless­ed Lord]Welsh for Je­ru­sa­lem.Zion, Found­ed on the Mount­ains
CæsareaCæsarea, Is­ra­el (קֵיסָרְיָה).
  1. Almost Per­suad­ed
  2. Why Un­be­liev­ing?
Cagayan de OroCagayan de Oro, Misamis Ori­en­tal, Phil­ip­pines.Shine in My Heart, Lord Je­sus
CagliariCagliari, Sar­din­ia.Give Me the Bi­ble
Cahokia MoundsCahokia Mounds, Il­li­nois.How I Wish I Knew
CairnbrookHoly Fa­ther, in Thy Mer­cy
CairoCairo, Egypt (القاهرة).Still One in Life, and One in Death
CaithnessCaithness, Scot­land.
  1. Among the Princ­es, Earth­ly Gods
  2. Great God, with Won­der and with Praise
  3. Ho! Ye That Thirst, Ap­proach the Spring
  4. My Nev­er Ceas­ing Songs Shall Show
  5. O for a Clo­ser Walk with God
  6. O Thou Whose Jus­tice Reigns on High
  7. O Thou Whose Spir­it Wit­ness Bears
  8. Wherefore Is It That Thou, O Lord
Caladesi Is­landCaladesi Is­land, Flo­ri­da.Carried by the An­gels
CalaisCalais, France.White Cof­fin, The
CalaverasCalaveras Coun­ty, Ca­li­for­nia.Once Was Heard the Song of Child­ren
CalbucoCalbuco Vol­ca­no, Chile.Christ Is Ris­en (Root)
CalcuttaKolkata, In­dia ( কলকাতা)From Green­land’s Icy Mount­ains
CalebThe man in Num­bers 13:30.Thanks for the Bi­ble
CaledoniaLatin name for Scot­land north of the Ri­ver Forth.Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (Wa­ter­bu­ry)
Caledonia (Gar­butt)God of My Sal­va­tion, Hear
CalgaryCalgary, Ca­na­da.Lord, I Come to Thee
CaliforniaThe Am­eri­can state.Service Is Our Watch­word
CalkinComposer John Cal­kin.Around the Throne of God

Also see St. David (Cal­kin)

Call, TheCome, My Way, My Truth, My Life
Call to Mis­sions—Ma­ce­don­iaMacedonia
CallawayCallaway Gar­dens, Georg­ia.Look Up! Be­hold, the Fields Are White
Calm (Dykes) [Ilk­ley]
  1. Into Thy Gra­cious Hands I Fall
  2. O Lord, My God, My Joy­ful Heart

Also see Hast­ings

Calm (Hop­kins)Calm on the Lis­ten­ing Ear of Night
Calon LânWelsh for pure heart.
  1. Abba, Fa­ther! We Ap­proach Thee
  2. Better Far Than Life to Me
  3. Blessèd Sav­ior, Thou Didst Suf­fer
  4. Christ Is Born of Bless­èd Ma­ry
  5. Hand That Rocks the Cra­dle, The
  6. Legion Dis­pos­sessed, The
  7. Lowly Bend­ing at Thy Foot­stool
  8. Wonder of the Sto­ry, The
CalvaIn Vain We La­vish Out Our Lives
Calvary (Monk)
  1. Let Me Dwell on Gol­go­tha
  2. What a Mourn­ful Life Is Mine
  3. When the Gos­pel Race Is Run
Calvary (Squires)Father, I Know That All My Life
Calvary (Stan­ley)
  1. For the Dear Ones Part­ed from Us
  2. Lord of Life and King of Glo­ry
Calvary (Tur­vey)
  1. Brethren, the End Is Near
  2. How Weak the Thoughts, and Vain
Calvat [As­pi­ra­tion]More Ho­li­ness Give Me
Camacha [Faith Div­ine]Composer Ben­ja­min Ram­sey’s re­si­dence in Chi­ches­ter, Sus­sex, Eng­land.
  1. Since We Have Con­fi­dence
  2. Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord
CamargoCamargo, Mexi­co.Rally, Sol­diers, One and All
CamasCamas, Wash­ing­ton.Great Is the Love of Je­sus
CamberwellCamberwell, Lon­donSee Cam­bridge
CamborneCamborne, Corn­wall.Trustingly, Trust­ing­ly
Cambria [St. Ni­cho­las]Latinized form of Cym­ru, the Welsh name for Wales.Here from the World We Turn
Cambridge (Har­ris­on)Cambridge, Eng­land.
  1. Arise, My Gra­cious God
  2. Begin with God
  3. Belovèd, It Is Well!
  4. Come, Ho­ly Spir­it, Come
  5. Exalt th’Eter­nal Son
  6. Light of the Gen­tile Race
  7. With Joy We Lift Our Eyes
Cambridge (Ran­dall) [Cam­bridge New]No Track Is on the Sun­ny Sky
Cambridge (Wal­mis­ley)See Wal­mis­ley
Cambridge NewSee Cam­bridge (Ran­dall)
CambridgeshireThe coun­ty in east Eng­land.Song of Christ­mas Eve
CamdenCamden Town, Lon­don.See Wal­tham (Cal­kin)
Camden Mar­ketUnder the Stars
Camden RoadO God, by Whom the Seed Is Giv­en
CameroniaHe Wants Not Friends That Hath Thy Love
Camino Re­alSpanish for roy­al road or king’s high­way.Let the Lit­tle Child­ren Come
CampLord Our God Alone Is Strong, The
Camp SakimaThe Scout camp near Knob Lick, Mis­sou­ri.
  1. Spirit Tells Me So, The
  2. We Seek a Rest Be­yond the Skies
CampaniaCampania, It­aly.Missionary Hymn
CampecheCampeche, Mex­ico.I Re­mem­ber Cal­va­ry
Campi FlegreiPhlegraean Fields, Na­ples, It­aly.Suffer the Child­ren to Come un­to Me
CampinasCampinas, Bra­zil.Except Ye Re­pent
Campmeeting [Be­lief]
  1. Happy the Man to Whom His God
  2. How Glo­ri­ous Is Our Hea­ven­ly King
  3. O Lord, An­oth­er Day Is Flown
  4. Our Life Is Like a Va­por, Gone
  5. Prayer Is the Soul’s Si­ncere De­sire
  6. Thus Sa­ith the Lord, Your Work Is Vain
CanaThe site of Je­sus’ first mi­ra­cle (John 2:1).O God, Be Me­rci­ful
Cana of Ga­li­leeRejoice, Re­joice, Be­liev­ers
CanaanGladsome Hymn of Praise We Sing, A
CañadaCa­ña­da de los Ala­mos, New Mex­ico.Christ on the Mount
ÇanakkaleÇanakkale, Tür­ki­ye.Something to Do in Hea­ven
CanarsieCanarsie, Brook­lyn, New York.Golden Car­ol, The
Canary WharfCanary Wharf, Lon­don.Christ, Thou Alone
CanberraCanberra, Aus­tra­lia.I Saw One Hang­ing on a Tree
CancúnCancún, Mex­ico.Storm the Fort
CandlerMethodist bi­shop War­ren A. Cand­ler.Come, O Thou Trav­el­er Un­known
ÇankırıÇankırı, Tür­ki­ye.Canaan Me­lo­dies
CannesCannes, France.In a Low­ly Man­ger Sleep­ing
  1. Awake, Ye Sleep­ing Souls, Awake
  2. O Kind Cre­at­or, Bow Thine Ear
  3. O Lord, Make Haste to Hear My Cry
CanonburyCanonbury, Is­ling­ton, Lon­don.
  1. Children of God, Re­nounce Your Fears
  2. Father, to Thy Kind Love We Owe
  3. Glory to God, Whose So­ver­eign Grace
  4. How Beau­te­ous Were the Marks Di­vine
  5. I Love the Lord, for My Re­quest
  6. Lord, My Weak Thought in Vain Would Climb
  7. Lord, Speak to Me
  8. My Soul Com­plete in Je­sus Stands
  9. O Bow Thine Ear, Eter­nal One
  10. O God, Thy World Is Sweet with Pray­er
  11. O Grant Us Light
  12. O Je­sus, Youth of Na­za­reth
  13. O Thou, Whose Glo­ry Shone Like Fire
  14. Oh, Sweet­ly Breathe the Lyres Above
  15. Savior, of the Vir­gin Born, The
  16. Sweet Hour of Ho­ly, Thought­ful Pray­er
CantabriaCantabria, Spain.Was It for Me? (Whyte)
Cantate Do­mi­noLatin for sing to the Lord.Sing, My Soul, to God Who Made Thee
CanterburyCanterbury, Eng­land.
  1. Christ from Whom All Bless­ings Flow
  2. Come, and Let Us Sweet­ly Join
  3. Depth of Mer­cy
  4. Holy Spir­it, Truth Di­vine
  5. Jesu, Grant Me This, Pray
  6. Ruler of the Hosts of Light
Canterbury (Hench­man)Ye Hosts of Hea­ven, Ye Migh­ty Ones
Cantique de Si­mé­on
[Nunc Di­mit­tis, Nun prei­set alle]
O Glad­some Light
Cantique de Za­cha­rieCantique de Za­cha­rie
CantusLatin for song.Yet There Is Room
Cantus Glo­ri­os­usIt Came up­on the Mid­night Clear
Cape CodCape Cod, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Jesus Is His Name
Cape Hat­ter­asCape Hat­ter­as, North Ca­ro­li­na.Ring Out, Ye Bells
Cape Ver­deThe ar­chi­pe­la­go off the north­west coast of Af­ri­ca.All Hail Glad Day
CapelGod Make My Life a Lit­tle Light
CapelloSpanish for silk co­coon.My Son, Know Thou the Lord
CapetownCapetown, South Afri­ca.
  1. Gracious Spir­it, Ho­ly Ghost
  2. Three in One and One in Three
ČapljinaČapljina, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Blood-Bought
CapriCapri, Ita­ly.O, the Bless­èd Pro­mise
CaptivaCaptiva Is­land, Flo­ri­da.Sovereign of Heav’n
CapulinCapulin Vol­ca­no, New Mex­ico.Let Earth Re­sound Again
CaputLatin for head.Head of the Hosts in Glo­ry!
  1. Oh, When the Sab­bath’s Chim­ing
  2. When I Awake from Slum­ber
CaraboboCarabobo, Ve­ne­zue­la.I Know There’s a Rest
CarcassonneCarcassonne, France.Now I’m Com­ing Home
CárdenasSan Juan de Di­os de Cár­de­nas, Cu­ba.Jesus Loves Me (Good­enough)
CardiffCardiff, Wales.Come, Ho­ly Ghost, All-Quick­en­ing Fire
CarewWe Give Thee but Thine Own
CareyLaborers of Christ, Arise
Carey’s Sur­reyComposer Hen­ry Car­ey.
  1. Come, O My Soul, the Call Obey
  2. Creator Spir­it, by Whose Aid
  3. Give Me the Faith Which Can Re­move
  4. He That Has God His Guard­ian Made
  5. I Walk with Love Along the Way
  6. Leader of Faith­ful Souls
  7. Lord My Pas­ture Shall Pre­pare, The
  8. My Heart Is Full of Christ
  9. O Love, I Lan­guish at Thy Stay
  10. O Thou, Be­fore the World Be­gan
  11. We Have Not Known Thee as We Ought
  12. What Am I, O Thou Glo­ri­ous God!
CaridadFreedom in Christ
CarillonHallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah! (Fran­cis)
CarinthiaCarinthia, Aus­tria.Swift as an Ea­gle’s Flight
Caritas [Ten­der­ness]One Is Kind Above All Oth­ers

Also see Gor­don

CarletonO Love Di­vine and Gold­en
CarlisleCarlisle, Eng­land.
  1. God of Al­migh­ty Love
  2. Thou Art My Por­tion, Lord
CarlsbadCarlsbad, Ca­li­for­nia.Our Child­ren
CarlsruheKarlsruhe, Ger­many.Father, We Hum­bly Pray
Carlton [Ave­ling]
  1. Friend of Sin­ners, Lord of Glo­ry
  2. Hail! Thou God of Grace and Glo­ry!
  3. Onward, Bro­thers
CarmiThe son of Reu­ben (Ge­ne­sis 46:9). Lord, I Will Bless Thee All My Days
CarminaDay Is Fast Ap­proach­ing, The
CarnelianThe se­mi­pre­cious stone.Come Hi­ther, All Ye Wea­ry Souls
  1. Hark! The Cry, Be­hold, He Com­eth
  2. Hark! What Mean Those La­men­ta­tions?
  1. For un­to Us a Child Is Born
  2. It Came up­on the Mid­night Clear
CarolynBehold the West­ern Ev­en­ing Light
CarondeletCarondelet, Mis­sou­ri.Shine on Our Land
CarradaleCarradale, Scot­land.
  1. Be Mer­ry All
  2. I Am Not Skilled to Un­der­stand
  3. I Love the Ho­ly Son of God
CarrowMy God, I Thank Thee
ÇarşambaÇarşamba, Tür­ki­ye.Rejoice Ev­er­more
Carson CityCarson Ci­ty, Ne­va­da.I’ll Be with You
CartagenaCartagena, Co­lom­bia.His Lit­tle Ones
  1. In Doubt and Temp­ta­tion
  2. No Room in the Inn
Carter LakeCarter Lake, Ne­bras­ka.When I Be­hold Him
CartmelProbably Cartmel, Eng­land.O That Mine Eye Might Clos­èd Be
CartonI’ve Found the Pearl
CaryHymnist Phoe­be Ca­ry.One Sweet­ly Sol­emn Thought
CarylAsleep in Je­sus
CasablancaCasablanca, Mo­roc­co (الدار البيضاء).More and More the Weight of Glo­ry
CascaisCascais, Por­tu­gal.Gospel He­rald
CasertaCaserta, Ita­ly.Again We Meet in Gla­dness
  1. Savior, Let Thy Sanc­tion Rest
  2. Sion’s Daugh­ter, Weep No More
  3. What Our Fa­ther Does Is Well
  1. Ardan Nues­tros Co­ra­zo­nes
  2. Christian Hearts, in Love Unit­ed
Castalian SpringsCastalian Springs, Ten­nes­see.This Wide World for Je­sus
CastellónCastellón, Spain.Save Me, Gra­cious God
CastilloHeaven at Last
Castle Ed­enCastle Ed­en, Dur­ham, Eng­land.Priceless Is Thy Trea­sure
Castle Ris­ingCastle Ris­ing, Kings Lynn, Nor­folk, Eng­land.Roseate Hues of Ear­ly Dawn, The
CastlefordCastleford, Wake­field, West York­shire, Eng­land.With Songs and Hon­ors Sound­ing Loud
CastrovilleCastroville, Tex­as.Others He Saved
CaswellSee Al­ex­an­dria
CataniaCatania, Si­ci­ly.Father of All, in Whom Alone
CatatumboCatatumbo Ri­ver, Co­lom­bia and Ve­ne­zue­la.Have Faith in the Blood
CaterhamCaterham, Tan­dridge, Sur­rey, Eng­land.God of Na­ture and of Grace, The
CathcartCathcart, Glas­gow, Scot­land.Fling Out the Ban­ner
Cathedral ChantLord Will Come! The Earth Shall Quake, The
CatherineBe Thou My Help­er in the Strife
CattaraugusCattaraugus Coun­ty, New York.Hear the Gos­pel Call (Holtz­claw)
CaumartinRue de Cau­mar­tin, Paris, France.Paul and Si­las
CaymanThe Car­ib­bean is­lands.Master Has Come ov­er Jor­dan, The
CayugaCayuga, New YorkFountain of Life and of Grace, A
CearáCeará, Bra­zil.All That Thrills My Soul
CebuCebu, Phil­ip­pines.I Know Who Pi­lots Me
CedarCedar of Le­ba­non, The
CelayaCelaya, Mex­ico.Easter Morn
CelebrationGod’s Migh­ty Won­ders
CelesteHow Good Is the God We Adore
  1. Bright and Glo­ri­ous Is the Sky
  2. Hark, the Heav’n­ly Voic­es Sing
Celestial Voic­esIn Our Hearts Ce­les­ti­al Voic­es
CensorinusAll Things Bless Thee
  1. God of the Past, Ac­cept Our Praise
  2. O God, Thou Po­ten­tate of All
Central ChurchThou Know­est, Lord
Central ParkCentral Park, New York Ci­ty.God Bless Our School To­day
CephasAlternate name for Pe­ter the Apos­tle.Thou Art the Christ, O Lord
CeutaThe Spani­sh ci­ty in North Af­ri­ca.Glory to God (Wec­ker­ly)
CeylonThe for­mer name for Sri Lan­ka.Father of Life, Con­fess­ing
ChadThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Little Sol­diers (Neu­bert)
ChalfontChalfont, Penn­syl­van­ia.Last Dread Trump Is Sound­ing, The
ChalveyChalvey, Slough, Berk­shire, Eng­land.Few More Years Shall Roll, A
ChamorroThe Aus­tro­ne­sian lan­guage.Promised Star Ap­pear­eth, The
ChamouniChamonix, France.There’s a Wide­ness in God’s Mer­cy
ChamperretPlace de la Porte-de-Cham­per­ret, Par­is, France.Whilst Beth­le­hem’s Shep­herds Kept Their Flocks
ChandigarhChandigarh, In­dia (ਚੰਡੀਗੜ੍).Be a Wit­ness for the Mas­ter
ChandlerAbove the Clear Blue Sky
ChandosHandel’s Chan­dos an­them series.Lord, Give Me Light to Do Thy Work
ChangchunChangchun, Chi­na (长春市).He Is Ris­en (Ri­chards)
ChangshaChangsha, Chi­na (长沙市).One by One (Dunn)
Channel Is­landsThe is­lands off the coast of Ca­li­for­nia.Joyous, Joy­ous East­er Day
ChantillyChantilly, Vir­gin­ia.Sufficient Grace
ChapekComposer Jo­seph H. Cha­pek.Little Child’s Gift car­ol
Chapel Roy­al
  1. Come, See the Place Where Je­sus Lay
  2. Great Mov­er of All Hearts
  3. If Death My Friend and Me Di­vide
ChapinO Where Shall Rest Be Found?
ChapmanOne Day
Chapultepec Cha­pul­te­pec, Mex­ico.Tidings of Joy
CharenteCharente, France.Be Not Af­raid, On­ly Be­lieve
  1. Chariot, The
  2. Lord’s Knock­ing, The
CharitasLatin for cha­ri­ty.Lord of Glo­ry, Who Hast Bought Us
Charity (Spark)Shout, Ye Low­er Sons of Men
Charity (Stain­er)Gracious Spir­it, Ho­ly Ghost
CharlotteCharlotte, North Ca­ro­li­na, birth­place or ev­an­gel­ist Bil­ly Gra­ham.Flocks Were Wrapped in Slum­ber, The
CharleroiCharleroi, Bel­gium.We Con­se­crate Our­selves Anew
Charles (Sew­all)Elizabeth R. Charles.Is Thy Cruse of Com­fort Wast­ing?
Charles (Park­er)Elizabeth R. Charles.Lo, the Day, the Day of Life!
CharlestonCharleston, South Ca­ro­li­na.Hail! My Ev­er Bless­èd Je­sus
CharlottesvilleCharlottesville, Vir­gin­ia.We See Not, Know Not
CharnwoodCharnwood, Lei­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land
  1. O God, Our Mak­er, Throned on High
  2. We Leave Thy House, but Leave Not Thee
CharterhouseCharterhouse, Lon­don, Eng­land.O Son of Man, Our He­ro Strong and Ten­der
ChartresChartres, France.
  1. Saw You Nev­er, in the Twi­light?
  2. See the Bless­èd Sav­ior Dy­ing
  3. Spake the Glo­ri­ous Lord in Hea­ven
Château de Vin­cennesChâteau de Vin­cennes, Pa­ris, France.There Came Three Kings from Far Away
ChathamSpirit Di­vine, At­tend Our Pray­er
ChattanoogaChattanooga, Ten­nes­see.New Song (Pier­son), The
ChautauquaChautauqua, New York.
  1. Day Is Dy­ing in the West
  2. Thou Has Been Our Guide This Day
ChebarThe ri­ver where the pro­phet Eze­ki­el saw his vi­sions (Ezekiel 1:1).There Is an An­cient Ri­ver
ChecotahChecotah, Ok­la­ho­ma.Coming to Thee
ChelmsfordChelmsford, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Eternal Source of Life and Light

Also see Twen­ty-fourth

Chelsea (Att­wood)Come, Let Us to the Lord Our God
Chelsea BridgeChelsea Bridge, Lon­don.It Reach­es Me
ChelyabinskChelyabinsk, Rus­sia (Челябинск).Father, Hold My Hand
ChenangoChenango, New York.Lord, Thou Wilt Bring the Joy­ful Day
ChengduChengdu, Chi­na (成都市).To Thee, O God
CheniesChenies, Eng­land.
  1. Before Thy Foot­stool Kneel­ing
  2. Ere God Had Built the Mount­ains
  3. Heavens De­clare Thy Glo­ry (Birks), The
  4. In Homes Where Pride and Splen­dor
  5. Light for All
  6. O Star of Truth, Down-Shin­ing
  7. Sky Can Still Re­mem­ber, The
  8. To Thee, in Youth’s Bright Morn­ing
  9. When Je­sus Comes in Glo­ry
  10. Where’er His Crea­tures Ga­ther
ChennaiChennai, In­dia (சென்னை).By the Gate They’ll Meet Us
CherbourgCherbourg, France.I Live for Thee
ChereponiChereponi, Gha­na.Jesu, Je­su
CherkasyCherkasy, Ukraine (Черкаси).Prayer for Guid­ance, A
ChernihivChernihiv, Ukraine (Чернігів).O Come to Me
ChernivtsiChernivtsi, Ukraine (Чернівці).When the Shades of Com­ing Sor­row
CherubimRosy Dawn, with Locks of Gold
CheshamChesham, Eng­land.Now We Bring Our Christ­mas Trea­sures
CheshireCheshire, Eng­land.
  1. Angel Comes, He Comes to Reap, The
  2. He Reigns—th’Al­migh­ty Reigns Su­preme
  3. Lord, from the Ill and Fro­ward Man
  4. O Sav­ior, May We Nev­er Rest
  5. Our Sav­ior Christ Will Quick­ly Come
  6. Rulers of So­dom! Hear the Voice
  7. Save Me, O God, the Swell­ing Floods
  8. Weep Not for Him Who On­ward Bears
  9. When the Great Judge
  10. Woe to the Men on Earth Who Dwell
Cheshunt Col­legeCheshunt Col­lege, Eng­land, found­ed by Se­lina, Count­ess of Hunt­ing­don.Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tow­er
Chester (Bill­ings)Let Tyr­ants Shake Their Iron Rods
Chester (Ora­to­ry)Thou Art My Hid­ing Place, O Lord
Chester (Stan­ley)Let Ev­ery Crea­ture Join
ChesterfieldSee Rich­mond (Ha­weis)
Chestnut HillChestnut Hill, Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.Come, Ye Faith­ful, Raise the Strain
ChesworthBehold the Morn­ing Sun
Chevy ChaseChevy Chase, Ma­ry­land.Our Roy­al Christ­mas Gift
ChhattisgarhChhattisgarh, In­dia.Descend up­on Us
Chiang MaiChiang Mai, Thai­land.Use Me, Sav­ior
ChiapasChiapas, Mexi­co.Songs by Night
ChibaChiba, Tokyo, To­kyo, Ja­pan.Christ Has Ris­en
ChicopeeChicopee, Mas­sa­chu­setts.No Room in the Inn
ChicagoChicago, Il­li­nois.
  1. In the Floods of Tri­bu­la­tion
  2. Onward, Up­ward
Chichen It­zaChichen It­za, Yu­ca­tan Mex­ico.When the King Comes!
ChickashaChickasha, Ok­la­ho­ma.Hide Not Thy Face
ChicopeeChicopee, Mas­sa­chu­setts.No Room in the Inn
ChiesaItalian for church.Come, O Thou Migh­ty Sav­ior
ChigwellChigwell, Essex, Eng­land.Jesus, o’er the Grave Vic­tor­ious
ChihuahuaChihuahua, Mex­ico.I Will Nev­er Leave Thee
Child in the Man­gerChild in the Man­ger
  1. I Love to Think That Je­sus Saw
  2. It Fell up­on a Sum­mer Day
  3. God Speaks to Us in Bird and Song
  4. They All Were Look­ing for a King
Children’s Of­fer­ingsBeauteous Are the Flow­ers of Earth
Children’s PraiseWilt Thou Hear the Voice of Praise?
Children’s Prais­esAround the Throne of God in Hea­ven
Children’s Voic­esAbove the Clear Blue Sky
ChileThe South Am­eri­can coun­try.Autumn
ChillicotheChillicothe, Mis­sou­ri.Sound the Trum­pet (Burr)
ChiltonChilton, Coun­ty Dur­ham, England.Who o’er the Waves from Shore to Shore
Chilton Foli­atChilton Foli­at, Wilt­shire, Eng­land.Almighty Fa­ther of All Things That Be
ChimesAlmighty Fa­ther, Heav’n­ly King
Chimney RockChimney Rock, Ne­bras­ka.O Sing a Song of Beth­le­hem
ChinaWhy Do We Mourn De­part­ing Friends?
Chinese Me­lo­dyLet Us with a Glad­some Mind
ChinoChino, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. Redeemed, and with the Price of Blood
  2. Thou, Whom Their Mak­er Hea­ven and Earth
ChiosChios, Greece.My Peo­ple, Give Ear
Chipping OngarChipping On­gar, Es­sex, Eng­land.All Hail the Glad­some East­er Morn
ChiselhurstChiselhurst, Brom­ley, Lon­don, Eng­land.
  1. Can Sin­ners Hope for Hea­ven?
  2. Lord, the Right­eous Judge, The
ChișinăuChișinău, Mol­do­va.Savior’s Care, The
Chiswick ParkChiswick Park, Lon­don.Alleluia! King Vic­to­ri­ous
Chon BuriChon Buri, Thai­land (ชลบุรี).
  1. Lord of Earth, Thy Form­ing Hand
  2. No Sur­ren­der!
ChongqingChongqing, Chi­na (重庆市, for­mer­ly Chung­king).Return Ye
ChongjinChongjin, North Ko­rea (청진시).Angels Are Com­ing for Me, The
ChopeRichard Chope (1830–1928)In the Field with Their Flocks Abid­ing
ChopinFrédéric Cho­pin (1810–1849)O Come and to Je­ho­vah Sing
ChorleywoodChorleywood, Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Hymn for Christ­mas
  2. O’er Beth­l’hem’s Hill, in Time of Old
ChouteauThe 18th & 19th Cen­tu­ry French fur trad­ing fa­mi­ly in the Am­eri­can Mid­west.
  1. Just Out­side the Door
  2. Thy Church, O God, Shall Find Ful­filled
ChrismataThe Greek word mean­ing spir­it­ual gift.See Ad­vent (Goss)
Christ AroseLow in the Grave He Lay
Christ Church (Steg­gall)Christ Church, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ox­ford.
  1. Atoning Work Is Done, The
  2. By Whom Was Da­vid Taught?
  3. Descend, Ce­les­ti­al Dove
  4. Great King of Glo­ry, Come
  5. Jerusalem on High
  6. Jesus the Lord Is Born
  7. Let All the World Re­joice
  8. March On, My Soul, with Strength
  9. O Ye Im­mor­tal Throng
  10. Rejoice, the Sav­ior Reigns!
Christ Church (Ou­se­ley)Sweet Sav­ior, Bless Us Ere We Go
Christ Is Com­ingChrist Is Com­ing
Christ lag in To­des­band­enGerman for Christ lay in death bonds.Christ Je­sus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
Christ the LordChrist the Lord, the Lord Most Glo­ri­ous
Christ un­ser HerrGerman for Christ our Lord.To Jor­dan Came Our Christ, the Lord
Christe du bei­standGerman for Christ, You help.Father Most Ho­ly, Mer­ci­ful and Ten­der
Christe Sanc­tor­umLatin for Christ’s saints.
  1. Christ Is the World’s Light
  2. Cross of Christ, The
  3. Father Most Ho­ly, Mer­ci­ful, and Lov­ing
  4. Father, We Praise Thee
ChristendomPast Are the Cross, the Scourge, the Thorn
Christi Mut­terGerman for mo­ther of Christ.It Is Fi­nished! Man of Sor­rows
Christian En­dea­vorLord, from Far Se­vered Climes We Come
ChristineNow Is the Saint’s Sal­va­tion Come
  1. Angels Re­joiced and Sweet­ly Sung
  2. Awake, My Soul, Stretch Ev­ery Nerve
  3. Hark from on High Those Bliss­ful Strains!
  4. Hosanna! Raise the Peal­ing Hymn
  5. May I Through­out This Day of Thine
  6. Mortals Awake, with An­gels Join
  7. While Shep­herds Watched Their Flocks (Tate)
Christmas Brings JoyChristmas Brings Joy to Ev­ery Heart
Christmas Car­olKind Friends Have Decked the Christ­mas Tree
Christmas ChimesHark! The Mer­ry, Mer­ry Bells
Christmas Eve (Zun­del)Hark! What Ce­les­ti­al Sounds
Christmas Eve (Knud­sen)
  1. I Am So Glad Each Christ­mas Eve
  2. Shepherds, Re­joice! Lift Up Your Eyes
Christmas Is­landChristmas Is­land, Aus­tra­lia.Death Shall Not Des­troy My Com­fort
Christmas Morn (Co­nant)Blest Christ­mas Morn
Christmas Morn (Hop­kins)Wise May Bring Their Learn­ing, The
Christmas Morn (Spiel­man)This Is the Hap­py Christ­mas Morn
Christmas Morn­ingLittle Child­ren, Can You Tell
Christmas Song
  1. Destruction of Sen­nach­er­ib, The
  2. I Ex­tol You, O Lord
  3. Look Aloft
  4. Stable at Beth­le­hem, The
  5. There’s a Gar­den
  6. There’s a Song in the Air
ChristosGreek for the an­oint­ed one.To Thee and to Thy Christ, O God
Christum wir sollen lob­en schonGerman for Christ we should al­rea­dy praise.Now Praise We Christ, the Ho­ly One
Christus Con­so­la­torLatin for Christ the Com­fort­er.Art Thou Wea­ry, Art Thou Lan­guid?
Christus, der ist mein Le­ben [Hei­del­berg]German for Christ, who is my life.
  1. Abide, O Dear­est Je­sus
  2. For Me to Live Is Je­sus
  3. What Sweet of Life En­dur­eth?
Christus der uns sel­ig machtGerman for Christ who bless­es us.In the Tomb Be­hold He Lies
Christus ist erstandenGerman for Christ is ris­en.Sing, O Earth and Hea­ven!
Chula Vis­taChula Vis­ta Ca­li­for­nia.Easter Flow­ers, East­er car­ols
ChurChur, Swit­zer­land.Lost Sheep, The
  1. O Lord, Thy Per­fect Right­eous­ness
  2. Shall Athe­ists Dare In­sult the Cross?
Church Tri­um­phant
  1. Again the Lord’s Own Day Is Here
  2. Arm of the Lord, Awake!
  3. Awake, Arise, Be­hold the Day
  4. Blest Be th’Eter­nal In­fin­ite!
  5. Come, Na­tions, Come
  6. Give to the Lord, Ye Sons of Fame
  7. Hail to the Prince of Life and Peace
  8. Happy the Man Who Fear­eth God
  9. Hark! Hark! What News the An­gels Bring
  10. My Soul Is Grieved
  11. Now Dawn­ing Glows the Day of Days
  12. Now Let Our Faith with Joy Sur­vey
  13. O Christ, the Heav’ns’ Eter­nal King
  14. On All the Earth Thy Spir­it Show­er
  15. Praise of Si­on Waits for Thee, The
  16. We Build Our School on Thee
Church Vi­gi­lantO Thou Who Turn­est in­to Morn­ing
CiceroCicero, Il­li­nois.Wide, Wide, World, The
CidentonSong writ­er A. C. Ci­den­ton.Tomorrow
CincinnatiCincinnati, Ohio.Opening Hymn
CirebonCirebon, In­do­ne­sia.Oh, Speak to Me, My Sav­ior
ČitlukČitluk, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Are You Rea­dy for the Judg­ment?
City of God (Wool­sey)Lord Will Pro­vide (Wool­sey), The
City of LightKing of the Ci­ty Splen­did
City RoadCity Road, Lon­don, Eng­land.The Joy of Christ­mas
Civitas DeiLatin for ci­ty of God.Fathers Built This Ci­ty, The
ClaflinWe Thank Thee, O Our Fa­ther
ClairvauxBernard of Clair­vaux.Jesus, the Ve­ry Thought of Thee
ClaphamClapham, Lon­don, Eng­land.
  1. Thou Lord, Art Love, and Ev­ery­where
  2. Thy Good­ness, Lord, Our Souls Con­fess
ClaremontJoin All the Glo­ri­ous Names
Clarendon (Tuck­er)What Shall I Ren­der to My God? (Watts)
Clarendon StreetClarendon Street, Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.See Gor­don
ClarionOld Year’s Long Cam­paign is O’er, The
ClarissaCurrently un­used (NWC, PDF)
Clark’s GrovePossibly Clarks Grove, Min­ne­so­ta.I Heard the Voice of Je­sus Say
ClarksvilleClarksville, Ten­nes­see.My God, It Was Thy Grace
ClaudeGod of Thun­der and the Light­ning
  1. Behold, He Comes—The Judge Ap­pears
  2. Castle of the Hu­man Heart, The
  3. Lord, the Judge, Be­fore His Throne, The
  4. O Weep Not o’er Thy Child­ren’s Tomb
  5. Oh What Amaz­ing Hor­rors Seize
  6. Sovereign of Life, I Own Thy Hand
  7. Vain Man, Thy Fond Pur­suits For­bear
  8. When Threat­en­ing Ene­mies As­sail
Clay’s Li­ta­nyJesus, with Thy Church Abide
Cleansing for MeCleansing for Me
Cleansing Fount­ain [Fount­ain]
  1. And Are Thy Plagues and Mer­cies, Lord
  2. Let All the God of Da­ni­el Praise
  3. Men Who Slight Thy Faith­ful Word, The
  4. My Bu­si­ness Lays at Wis­dom’s Gate
  5. Thanksgiving, A
  6. There Is a Fount­ain Filled with Blood
ClearwaterClearwater, Flo­ri­da.Abiding Rest
CleethorpesCleethorpes, Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.Again the Morn of Glad­ness
CleggHow Hea­vy Is the Night
ClemsonClemson, South Ca­ro­li­na.Still with Thee, O My God
ClephaneHymnist Eli­za­beth Cle­phane.Beneath the Cross of Je­sus
ClermontClermont, France.Beside the Man­ger
ClevedonClevedon, North So­mer­set, Eng­land.Holy Ghost, Dis­pel Our Sad­ness
ClevelandCleveland, Ohio.Pilgrim’s Jour­ney, The
ClewerO Let Him Whose Sor­row
Cliffe WoodSinging for Je­sus! Prais­ing His Name!
Clifton (Brab­ham)Alas, My Ach­ing Heart
Clifton (Tur­pin)Behold the Mes­sen­gers of Christ
Clifton Col­legeClifton Col­lege, Bris­tol, Eng­land.
  1. Lord, Be­hold Us with Thy Bless­ing
  2. Savior, Come, Thy Friends Are Wait­ing
ClintonO Lord, Our Lord
CloistersBending Be­fore Thee
  1. Haste, Trav­el­er, Haste!
  2. I Shall Not Want
  3. Jesus, Whose Blood So Free­ly Streamed
  4. O’erwhelmed with Won­der and Sur­prise
ClooneyClooney, Coun­ty Clare, Ire­land.Upward Path, The
Closer WalkJust a Clos­er Walk with Thee
CloudPraise Him
ClovisClovis, New Mex­ico.My Great Phy­si­cian
Cluj-Na­po­caCluj-Na­po­ca, Ro­ma­nia.Looking on the Bright Side
ClydePossibly the Firth of Clyde, Scot­land.Precious, Pre­cious Blood of Je­sus
ClydesdaleThe draft horse breed de­vel­oped from the farm hors­es of Clydes­dale, Sco­tland.O Lovely Voic­es of the Sky
ClyneHymnist Nor­val Clyne.
  1. Blasts of Chill De­cem­ber, The
  2. To Sin, the World, and Sa­tan Sold
CoachellaThe Ca­li­for­nia val­ley.In the Hol­low of His Hand (Ev­er­ett)
CoahuilaThe Mexi­can state.Evening Hymn (Bohne)
CoathamCoatham, York­shire, Eng­land.See Saw­ley
Cobb [Lau­da Si­on Sal­va­tor­em]
  1. Come, Pure Hearts
  2. Zion, to Thy Sav­ior Sing­ing
CoblentzKoblentz, Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern, Ger­ma­ny.All My Hope on God Is Found­ed
CochranLight of the World! Whose Kind and Gen­tle Care
CockfostersCockfosters, Lon­don, Eng­land.By Name
Cœlites Plaud­antLatin for the hea­vens are play­ing.
  1. Christ, the Fair Glo­ry of the Ho­ly An­gels
  2. Honor and Glo­ry, Pow­er and Sal­va­tion
Cœna Do­mi­niLatin for the Lord’s Sup­per.Draw Nigh and Take the Bo­dy of the Lord
CoimbatoreCoimbatore, In­dia.Some Day at Home
CoimbraCoimbra, Por­tu­gal.Man the Life-Boat (Cle­ments)
ColbyHymnist H. F. Col­byMy Faith Still Clings
Colchester (Wes­ley)Colchester, Es­sex, Eng­land.With Sol­emn Faith We Of­fer Up
Colchester (Will­iams)Come, Lord, and Warm Each Lan­guid Heart
ColdreyJesus, Sun and Shield Art Thou
ColeraineColeraine, Coun­ty Lon­don­der­ry, North­ern Ireland.Victim Di­vine, Thy Grace We Claim
Coleshill [Mep­sell]Coleshill, War­wick­shire, Eng­land.See Dub­lin
ColimaColima, Mexi­co.Speed the Gos­pel Ar­my
CollegeThou Didst Teach the Throng­ing Peo­ple
College ParkCollege Park, Ma­ry­land.King Has Come, The
College Sta­tionCollege Sta­tion, Tex­as.Climbing Zi­on’s Mount­ain
Colliers WoodColliers Wood, Lon­don, England.List the Mu­sic Peal­ing
ColmarColmar, France.Hark! Up­on the Morn­ing Breez­es
ColoFly, Ye Sea­sons
ColomaColoma, Ca­li­for­nia, where gold was dis­cov­ered in 1848.Easter Gifts
ColombiaThe South Am­eri­can coun­try.Winter
ColomiersColomiers, France.Old Fa­shioned Sto­ry, The
ColomboColombo, Sri Lan­ka.Until He Come!
Colonel HillColonel Hill, Ba­ha­mas.Song of the New Cre­ation
ColónColón, Pa­na­ma.Half Has Nev­er Been Told, The
Colorado SpringsColorado Springs, Co­lo­ra­do.Church of Christ, O Sleep No More
ColporteurForward, Men and Bro­thers!
ColumbiaSee St. Fran­ces
Columbia HeightsColumbia Heights, Wash­ing­ton, DC.Holy Fa­ther, We Adore Thee
ColumbusColumbus, Ohio.I Am Wait­ing for the Dawn­ing
Colwyn BayColwyn Bay, Wales.O Lord, Be Thou My Help­er True
ColytonColyton, De­von, Eng­land.On Our Way Re­joic­ing
Come and SeeWho Is This of Whom Ye Tell?
Come Faith­ful Peo­pleCome, Faith­ful Peo­ple
Come SingCome Sing, Ye Choirs Ex­ult­ant
Come un­to MeCome un­to Me, Ye Wea­ry (Dix)
Comfort (Ga­bri­el)O Sleep­less Nights, O Cheer­less Days
Comfort (Har­mo­nies)O God of Glo­ry!
Comfort (Nick­ens)Comfort in Trou­ble
Comfort (Psal­ter)O Je­ho­vah, Hear My Words
Comfort (To­ron­to)My God, I Am Thine
Comforter Di­vineTo Thee, O Com­fort­er Di­vine
Commandments (Bour­geois)Day Thou Gav­est, Lord, Is End­ed, The
Comme an Agn­eauFrench for like a lamb.Comme un Ag­neau, Tu Te Lais­sas Meur­trir
CommemorationO Fa­ther, by Whose Ser­vants
CommendatioLatin for re­com­men­da­tion.And Now, Be­lov­èd Lord, Thy Soul Re­sign­ing
CommonwealthWhen Wilt Thou Save the Peo­ple?
Communion (Wes­ley)Nearer, My God, to Thee
ComorosThe In­di­an Ocean na­tion.Keep in the Line
CompassioOh! Come to the Mer­ci­ful Sav­ior
CompassionAnd Didst Thou Love the Race?
Complete in Thee
  1. Angels Gazed to See Their God, The
  2. Blest Is the Man, Su­preme­ly Blest
  3. Jesus, the Cause Be­longs to Thee
  4. Jesus, What Grace Dost Thou Be­stow
  5. Master, We Call to Mind Thy Word
  6. Must We Not Then in Pa­tience Wait?
  7. We Wor­ship Thee
  8. Woe to the Man, Eter­nal Woe
Compton (Eng­lish)God, Our Fa­ther, Made the Day­light
Compton (Great­or­ex)Lord, in Thy Sight, O Let My Pray­er
ConcepciónConcepción, Chi­le.Judgment Day, The
ConchitaGrant Thy Bless­ing
ConcordThe New Hamp­shire ci­ty.Faint, Yet Pur­su­ing (Gris­wold)
CondescensionThere Is a House Not Made with Hands
ConditorLatin for found­er.Creator of the Stars of Night
Confidence (Cham­ber­lain)Just as Thou Art
Confidence (Har­mon­ia)When Han­nah, Pressed with Grief
Confidence (Moore)
  1. Th’Al­migh­ty Reigns Ex­alt­ed High
  2. Faith Is a Liv­ing Pow­er from Hea­ven

Also see Ac­cring­ton

Confidence (Ou­se­ley)Forty Days Thy Seer of Old
Confidence (Ro­de­hea­ver)
  1. Search the Scrip­tures (Li­ver­more)
  2. Walk Thou with Me
Confidence (Mer­rill)As the Sun Doth Dai­ly Rise
Confidence (You­ens) [Tor­quay]I Know That My Re­deem­er Lives (Med­ley)
ConformityJesus, My Sav­ior, Let Me Be
CongletonCongleton, Che­shire, Eng­land.Here, O My Lord, I See Thee
CongoThe Af­ri­can ri­ver.Lord Is Ris­en (Da­vis­on), The
ConisboroughConisborough, Don­cas­ter, South York­shire, Eng­land.Master’s Touch, The
ConquerorWhat a Friend We Have in Je­sus

Also see Dai­ly, Dai­ly.

Consecration (Al­drich)These Are the Crowns That We Shall Wear
Consecration (By­ers)Consecration (How­ard)
Consecration (Vin­cent)
  1. Glory Be to God on High (Words­worth)
  2. When My Love to God Grows Weak
Consolation (Cra­mer)Gentle Shep­herd, Thou Hast Stilled
Consolation (Lin­de­man)Come to Cal­va­ry’s Ho­ly Mount­ain
Consolation (Men­dels­sohn) [Fe­lix, Ray­nolds, Rey­nolds, As­pi­ra­tion]
  1. As Pants the Hart for Streams
  2. How Long?
  3. I Hear Thy Voice
  4. Still, Still with Thee

Also see Gha­zi­abad

Consolation (Ul­ster)See Morn­ing Song.
Consolator [Al­ma, Al­ma Re­demp­tor­is]
  1. Blood of His Co­ve­nant
  2. Come, Ye Dis­con­so­late
Constance (Gaunt­lett)Ye Ser­vants of Our Glo­ri­ous King
Constance (Sul­li­van)
  1. Almighty Lord, Whose So­ver­eign Right
  2. Give Thanks to God, for Good Is He
  3. I’ve Found a Friend
  4. Today in Beth­le­hem Hear I
ContagemContagem, Min­as Ger­ais, Bra­zil.Twilight Is Fall­ing
Contemplation (Gore-Ou­se­ley)
  1. Amazing Sight: The Sav­ior Stands
  2. Oh, Bright and Hap­py Ol­iv­et
  3. So New-Born Babes De­sire the Breast
Contemplation (Funk)When Qui­et in My House I Sit
Contra Cos­taContra Cos­ta, Ca­li­for­nia.Our Pro­mised Help
ContrastSee Green Fields
ContritionJesus, Let Thy Pi­ty­ing Eye
ConverseSee Erie
ConwayHail, Migh­ty Je­sus!
Cook Is­landsThe Pa­ci­fic is­land na­tion.O Child of God
CookhamPossibly Cook­ham, Berk­shire, Eng­land.Hark! the Her­ald An­gels Sing
  1. I Know Not What the Fu­ture Hath
  2. I Wor­ship Thee, O Ho­ly Ghost
  3. O Could I Find, from Day to Day
Cooling StreamsAs Pants the Hart for Cool­ing Streams
CopacabanaCopacabana, Rio de Ja­nei­ro, Bra­zil.Perishing Mill­ions, The
CopelandHymnist Ben­ja­min Cope­land.Christ’s Life Our Code
CopenhagenKøbenhavn, Den­mark.Joy to the World
CoquitlamCoquitlam, Brit­ish Co­lum­bia, Ca­na­da.How Can I Live for Jesus?
Corbet (Mac­far­ren)Hymnist Ri­chard Sin­gle­ton.With Glad­some Feet We Press
Cordis Do­numLatin for gift of the heart.To Thee My Heart I Of­fer
CórdobaCórdoba, Spain.Man the Life-Boat!
CordovaCordova, Ala­ba­ma.Wonderful Love! (Cros­by)
CorinthSee Bene­dic­tion, Tan­tum Er­go
CorneliusThe cen­tu­ri­on in Acts 10:1.Crowned with Thorns up­on the Tree
CornellComposer John Cor­nell (1828–1894).
  1. Let Zi­on’s Watch­men All Awake
  2. Our God Is Love
  3. Thus Sa­ith the Lord, the Spa­cious Fields
CorningCorning, New York.Sing of Je­sus’ Love
CornwallCornwall, Unit­ed King­dom.To Us the Joy­ful News Is Brought
CoronadoPossibly Co­ro­na­do, Ca­li­for­nia.God the Giv­er
CoronaeLatin for crowns.
  1. Bright with All His Crowns of Glo­ry
  2. Christ Is Born, Go Tell the Sto­ry
  3. Come, Thou Con­quer­or of the Na­tions
  4. Gathered Here in That Great Pre­sence
  5. God Al­migh­ty and All See­ing
  6. God Is Love, by Him Up­hol­den
  7. Last Judg­ment, The
  8. Lord, Thy Word Abid­eth Ev­er
  9. Mighty Lord, Ex­tend Thy King­dom
  10. Savior, Has­ten Thine Ap­pear­ing
  11. Thou, Je­ho­vah, Art My Shep­herd
  12. Who but Thou, Al­migh­ty Spir­it?
CoronationThe line crown Him Lord of all in All Hail the Pow­er of Je­sus’ Name.
  1. All Hail the Com­ing Son of God
  2. All Hail the Pow­er of Je­sus’ Name
  3. Come All Ye Peo­ple, Great and Small
  4. How Mean­ly Dwells th’Im­mor­tal Mind
  5. Now Bless­èd Be Je­ho­vah, God
  6. Our God, Our God, Thou Shin­est Here
  7. Welcome, Thou Vic­tor in the Strife
Corpus Do­mi­niLatin for bo­dy of God.Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, Fount of Life Alone
CorrientesCorrientes, Ar­gen­ti­na.I Dreamed That the Great Judg­ment Morn­ing
ÇorumÇorum, Tür­ki­ye.Ask Him Now
CoruñaCoruña, Spain.Hope On
CorwinGod’s Trum­pet Wakes the Slum­ber­ing World
CorydonLord, Thy Church Hath Seen Thee Rise
Costa Me­saCosta Me­sa, Ca­li­for­nia.Shepherds Their Watch Amid Their Flocks
Cos­ta Sme­ral­daCosta Sme­ral­da, Sar­din­ia, Ita­ly.Praise to the Tri­ni­ty
Côte d’AzurThe Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an coast of south­east­ern France.Behold He Com­eth
Côte d’I­voireThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Thyself In­stead
Cottman [Beach­ley]Composer Ar­thur Cott­man.
  1. Dying Souls, Fast Bound in Sin
  2. Follow Me, the Mas­ter Said
CottonwoodThe Ari­zo­na ci­ty.Good Shep­herd (Web­ster), The
Courage [Bar­ony]Courage, Bro­ther, Do Not Stum­ble
CourcellesThe town in Hai­naut, Bel­gium.Arise, Ye Sol­diers of the Cross
Court SquareThe lo­ca­tion in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Currently un­used (score)
Cova da Ir­iaCova da Ir­ia, Fá­ti­ma, Por­tu­gal.So I Can Wait
Covenant (Barn­by)Whence Shall My Tears Be­gin?
Covenant (Stain­er)God of Ab­ra­ham Praise, The
Covenant (Town­er)God of My Life, Through All My Days
Coventry (Dor­rell)O Per­fect God, Thy Love
Coventry (Ma­son)O, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink
Coventry (Root)God Who Made Both Hea­ven and Earth, The
Covent Gar­denCovent Gar­den, Lon­don, Eng­land.Suffer Lit­tle Child­ren
CovertGod of Our Youth, to Whom We Yield
Covington (Doane)Covington, Con­nec­ti­cut, birth place of How­ard Doane.O Thou That Hear­est Pray­er, Now to My Soul
Cow Hol­lowCow Hol­low, San Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­for­nia.I Will Help Thee
CowperHymnist Will­iam Cow­per.There Is a Fount­ain Filled with Blood
CozumelCozumel, Mexi­co.Where Is Thy Sting?
Cradle Song
  1. How Blest Is the Sea­son
  2. O Mer­cy Di­vine, O Couldst Thou In­cline
  3. We Rear Not a Tem­ple
CraigHow Hap­py Are They
CranbrookGrace, ’Tis a Charm­ing Sound
CranhamCranham, Glou­ces­ter, Eng­land, birth place of Gus­tav Holst.
  1. In the Bleak Mid­win­ter
  2. While the World Await­ed
CrasseliusHymnist Bar­tho­lo­mäus Cras­se­li­us.See Dir, Dir, Je­ho­vah
Crawford (Em­er­son)On the Dewy Breath of Ev­en
CreationFranz Haydn’s ora­to­rio Cre­ation. The me­lo­dy is from the chor­us The hea­vens are tell­ing.
  1. Child Is Born—The Birth Pro­claim, A
  2. Exalt the Lord, His Praise Pro­claim
  3. Far as Cre­ation’s Bounds Ex­tend
  4. Head of Thy Suf­fer­ing Church Be­low
  5. Lord! In the Un­be­gin­ning Years
  6. O God, I Cried, No Dark Dis­guise
  7. O God, To­day We May For­get
  8. Oh Realm of Light
  9. Savior of Men, Our Joy Su­preme
  10. Spacious Fir­ma­ment on High, The
  11. Stupendous Grace!
  12. Sweet East­er Bells
  13. Thy Glo­ry, Lord, the Hea­vens De­clare
  14. Welcome the Bright Mil­len­ni­al Day

Also see Fan­euil Hall

CreatorCreator Spir­it, by Whose Aid
CreditonCrediton, Dev­on, Eng­land.
  1. Father of Peace, and God of Love
  2. Our Souls with Pleas­ing Won­der View
CredoWe Saw Thee Not
Credo Do­mi­neLatin for I be­lieve, Lord.My Sins Have Ta­ken Such a Hold on Me
CremonaCremona, Lom­bar­dy, It­aly.Eternity!
CrestwoodCrestwood, Mis­sou­ri.Seed Is Sown, The
Creve CœurCreve Cœur, Mis­so­uri, sub­urb.Go, Tell the Na­tions Christ Is King
CrewdsonJane Fox Crewd­son.Joy in Sor­row
CrimeaThe Black Sea pen­in­su­la.
  1. God in His Earth­ly Tem­ple Lays
  2. How Vain­ly Strive Un­god­ly Foes
  3. Let Si­on in Her King Re­joice
  4. Lord of Hosts, th’Al­migh­ty Lord, The
  5. O God, Who Met­est in Thy Hand
  6. When Mar­shaled on the Night­ly Plain
CrimondCrimond, Ab­erd­een­shire, Scot­land, where com­pos­er Jes­sie Ir­vine lived.
  1. Lord’s My Shep­herd, The
  2. Sovereign of Hea­v’n and Earth, Be­hold
  3. Yet God Is Good to Is­ra­el
CrimsonThough Your Sins Be as Scar­let
Crimson TideSee Riy­adh
CrispusThe man in Acts 18:8.Flee Away, Ye Shades of Night!
CristóbalCristóbal, Pa­na­ma Ci­ty.O Tyre
CritchlowGive Me the Wings of Faith
CroatiaThe coun­try on the Ad­ri­atic Sea.Don’t Stop Pray­ing
CroftonComposer Ed­ward Crof­ton.Lord Is My Shep­herd (Lew­is), The
Croft’s 136thYe Ho­ly An­gels Bright
Croft’s 148thLo! from the Des­ert Homes
Croix Bois­si­èreFrench for wood­en cross.Since Je­sus Came to Dwell with Me
CromerCromer, Nor­folk, Eng­land.
  1. All Mor­tal Va­ni­ties, Be­gone
  2. Countless Mul­ti­tudes on High, The
  3. O Christ, Our King, Cre­at­or, Lord
  4. To God, the Uni­vers­al King
  5. Who Shall the Lord’s Elect Con­demn?
CrosbyFanny Cros­by.Join All Ye Joy­ful Na­tions
Cross and Crown (El­li­ott)Who Is This so Weak and Help­less?
Cross and Crown (Hou­se­ley)While Sinks Our Land to Realms of Night
Cross of Je­sus (Stain­er) [Cru­ci­fix­ion]
  1. Cross of Je­sus (Spar­row-Simp­son)
  2. O the Dark­ness, O the Sor­row
Cross of Je­sus (Doane)Cross of Je­sus, The
CrosshillAt Cal­va­ry
CrowboroughCrowborough, East Sus­sex, Eng­land.What Va­ri­ous Hin­dranc­es We Meet
CrowellPossibly Crow­ell, Ox­ford­shire, Eng­land.See Peace (Nar­ra­tive)
CrowleCrowle, Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Dwelling Place of God, The
  2. Is There a World of Bit­ter Woe?
  3. Jesus, We Own Thy Sav­ing Pow­er
  4. O God, My God! Why, in This Hour?
  5. Powers of Earth and Hell Com­bine, The
  6. When Christ to Judg­ment Shall Des­cend
  7. When Fil­thy Pas­sions, or Un­just
Croydon (Ching)Croydon, Sur­rey, Eng­land.God Will Take Care of Me
Croydon (Hodg­es)Our Mo­ther
Croyland (La­trobe)Met Around the Sac­red Tomb
Croxley GreenCroxley Green, Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land.Just as Thou Art (Ball­ard)
CruciferLift High the Cross

Also see Be­tha­ny (Smart)

Crucifix’Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee
CrucifixionSee Cross of Je­sus
Crucis Mi­li­tesLatin for sol­diers of the cross.Soldiers of the Cross, Arise! (How)
Crucis Um­braLatin for sha­dow of the cross.Beneath the Cross of Je­sus
Crucis Vic­tor­iaLatin for vic­to­ry cross.Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates of Brass
Crusaders’ Hymn [As­ca­lon]The Cru­sad­ers of the Mid­dle Ag­es, who some be­lieve sang the tune en route to the Ho­ly Land.
  1. Fairest Lord Je­sus
  2. Jerusalem Di­vine
  3. My Heart and Voice I Raise
  4. O God of Love­li­ness
CrügerComposer Jo­hann Crü­ger.Hail to the Lord’s An­oint­ed
Crux Cru­del­isVoice up­on the Mid­night Air, A
Crux Chris­ti­an­tiSee An­gel’s Sto­ry
Cry of FaithLord, When Thy King­dom Comes
CrystalBy the Sea of Crys­tal
Crystal Pal­aceThe ex­hi­bi­tion hall built in Lon­don in 1851.Army of Re­dem­ption, The
Crystal SeaSavior, I by Faith Am Touch­ing
CubaThe Car­ib­be­an coun­try.
  1. Abide in Me, O Lord
  2. He Is Ris­en (Bo­nar)
CuckfieldCuckfield, West Sus­sex, Eng­land.Trusting in Je­sus (Stan­ton)
CúcutaSan Jo­sé de Cú­cu­ta, Co­lom­bia.My Sav­ior Jour­neys by My Side
CuddaloreCuddalore, In­dia.Singing I Go
CuencaCuenca, Ecua­dor.Shield of Faith, The
CuestaAs the Dew from Hea­ven
CugnauxCugnaux, France.He Took My Place
CuiabáCuiabá, Bra­zil.Look Away to Je­sus (Hough)
  1. Life of Ag­es, Rich­ly Poured
  2. Ruler of the Dread Im­mense
CulfordCulford, West Suf­folk, Eng­land.
  1. Go, Ye Mes­sen­gers of God
  2. Jesu, for the Beacon-Light
  3. Jesu, Name of Sweet­est Thought
  4. Loving Shep­herd of Thy Sheep
  5. See How Great a Flame As­pires
  6. Thou, the Christ For­ev­er One
  7. Virgin Mo­ther, Oh, Re­joice!
  8. What Are These in Bright Ar­ray?
CullingworthCullingworth, West York­shire, Eng­land.Thou Know­est, Lord (Hawkes)
CumberlandCumberland, Eng­land, the his­tor­ic coun­ty now part of Cum­bria.My Soul, In­spired with Sac­red Love
Cumbre Vi­ejaCumbre Vi­eja, La Palma, Ca­na­ry Is­lands.With Hap­py Voic­es Ring­ing
CupertinoCupertino, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. Lord’s My Re­deem­er, The
  2. Night Com­eth, The
  3. While Shep­herds in Jew­ry
CuraçaoThe Dutch Car­ib­be­an is­land.Remember Me
CurfewPeacefully Round Us the Sha­dows Are Fall­ing
CushmanWe Would See Je­sus
CutlerSee All Saints
  1. Calm Was the Hal­lowed Night!
  2. God, Who Om­nis­ci­ent Art
  3. My Stead­fast Heart, O God
Cuttle MillsProbably Cut­tle Mill, Curd­worth, North War­wick­shire, Eng­land.Jesus, Friend of Lit­tle Child­ren
Cutty SarkThe 19th Cen­tu­ry clip­per ship.Take Our Gifts
CuvilRemember Thy Cre­at­or
CuyahogaCuyahoga Coun­ty, Ohio.Keep Thou My Steps
CuylerTheodore Led­yard Cuy­ler, found­ing pas­tor of the La­fay­ette Ave­nue Church, Brook­lyn, New York.Rock of Ag­es
Cwm Rhon­ddaRhondda val­ley, Wales.
  1. Come Ye Saints, Look Here and Won­der
  2. God of Grace and God of Glo­ry
  3. Guide Me, O Thou Great Je­ho­vah
  4. Let Us Rise in Ear­ly Morn­ing
CyprusThe Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an is­land.O Fa­ther, Glo­ri­fy Thy Name
CyrusThe Per­sian king who cap­tured Ba­by­lon and freed the cap­tive Is­ra­el­ites (Ez­ra 1:1).Spring
CzernyComposer Carl Czer­ny.Dieu Fort et Grand!
CzerwonaCzerwona, Po­land.Loving Name—Jesus, The
CzęstochowaCzęstochowa, Po­land.Gloomy Night Em­braced the Place