The Cyber

Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
Da Christ­us ge­bor­en
  1. Kindly Spring Again Is Here
  2. Sovereign Rul­er of the Skies
Da Je­sus an des Kreuz­esGerman for Then said Je­sus on the cross.
  1. Forgive, O Fa­ther!
  2. Our Bless­èd Sav­ior Se­ven Times Spoke
DaciaThe pro­vince in the Ro­man Em­pire.Jesus Will Save
Da Pa­cemLatin for Give peace.Give Peace in These Our Days
DaduWinter ca­pi­tal of the Chi­nese Yuan dy­nas­ty.Rest Awhile
DaeguDaegu, Ko­rea.Just Be­yond (Hall)
DaejonThe Ko­re­an ci­ty.Till Christ Shall Come
DagenhamDagenham, Lon­don.Full Sal­va­tion (Rouse)
DaguesComposer Pi­erre Dagues.Partout avec Jé­sus!
Daily, Dai­ly [Con­quer­or]
  1. Daily, Dai­ly, Sing the Prais­es
  2. Hosts of God Go Forth to Bat­tle
  3. Ring the Joy-Bells, Christ Has Ris­en
DakarDakarDakar, Se­ne­gal.Song of the Daw­ning, A
Dale Ab­beyDale Ab­bey, Eng­land.Weary Souls, That Wan­der Wide
DalehurstDalehurst, Ca­na­da.
  1. Come, Thou De­sire of All Thy Saints
  2. Evening Winds Be­gin to Blow, The
  3. I Set the Lord Be­fore My Face
  4. Lord Be with Us, The
  5. Lord Je­sus, Are We One with Thee?
  6. Lord, While for All Man­kind We Pray
  7. My Griev­ing Soul Re­vive, O Lord
  8. O for That Ten­der­ness of Heart
  9. O Thou Who by a Star Didst Guide
  10. There Is a Path That Leads to God
  11. When Men, Pre­tend­ing to Be Wise
  12. Who Is Thy Neigh­bor?
DalkeithDalkeith, Scot­land.O Lord of Health and Life
DallasDallas, Tex­as.Thine For­ev­er! God of Love
DalmatiaDalmatia, Cro­atia.Friend of Sin­ners
DalstonProbably Dalston, Lon­don.
  1. Hour Will Quick­ly Come, The
  2. How Plea­sant ’Tis to See
  3. How Pleased and Blest Was I
  4. Lord Je­ho­vah Reigns (2), The
DaltonDalton, Geor­gia.On the Way
DamarisThe wo­man in Acts 17:34.Risen for Me
DamascusDamascus, Syr­ia (دمشق).Little Child the Sav­ior Came, A
DanThe Is­ra­el­ite tribe.My Sav­ior Knows
Dana [Amen, Je­sus Han Skal Raade]
  1. Master, Speak! Thy Ser­vant Hear­eth
  2. Night of Won­der
Danby’Tis Win­ter Now, the Fall­en Snow
DaniaHear Us, Thou That Brood­est
DanielThe Bib­li­cal pro­phet.Hark! Hark! the Song
DanversBlest Are the Hum­ble Souls That See
Dar es Sa­laamDar es Sa­laam, Tan­za­nia.
  1. God Lov­eth the Right­eous
  2. Venid, Pas­tor­ci­llos
DarakHebrew for lead or march.Lead Us by Thy Hand
Dare to Be BraveDare to Be Brave
DarienDarien, Con­nec­ti­cut.Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King
DarjeelingDarjeeling, In­dia (दार्जीलिङ)Christ Is Ris­en from the Dead
  1. Christ’s Birth­day
  2. My God, Ac­cept My Ear­ly Vows
  1. All Ye That Pass By
  2. O Je­sus Our Head
DarmstadtDarmstadt, Ger­ma­ny.I Knot Not Why!
Darwall’s 148th [Ports­mouth]Composer John Dar­wall’s mus­ic­al set­ting for the 148th Psalm.
  1. Angels in Bright At­tire
  2. Awake, Ye Saints, Awake
  3. Before the Lord We Bow
  4. City of Our God, The
  5. Happy Morn Is Come, The
  6. Hark, ’Tis the Trum­pet’s Sound!
  7. Hills of the North, Re­joice
  8. Indulgent God! How Kind
  9. Join All the Glo­ri­ous Names
  10. Lord Je­ho­vah Reigns, The
  11. Lord of the Worlds Above
  12. Night Is Now Far Spent, The
  13. No Righ­teous­ness of Mine
  14. O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
  15. O Zi­on, Tune Thy Voice
  16. O’er Hoarse At­lan­tic’s Wave
  17. On What Has Now Been Sown
  18. Praise Ye, Praise Ye the Lord
  19. Rejoice, the Lord Is King
  20. Shall Hymns of Grate­ful Love
  21. Sweet Place
  22. Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ
  23. Triune God Above, The
  24. Upward I Lift Mine Eyes
  25. What Was It, Bless­èd God?
  26. Ye Va­ri­ous Tribes of Men
Darwen [Har­wood, Ra­pture]Composer Ed­ward Har­wood’s home town.Wicked, Watch­ing for Their Prey, The
Das herr­lich ho­he FestGerman for The glo­ri­ous high fes­tiv­al.Merits of the Saints, The
Das ist meine FreudeGerman for this is my joy.Dost Thou Tru­ly Seek Re­nown?
Das Leid­en des HerrnGerman for the pass­ion of the Lord.O Come and Mourn with Me
Das Lieb­en bringt groß Freud [Lisch­er]German for lov­ing brings great joy.
  1. O for a Shout of Joy
  2. On Wings of Liv­ing Light
  3. Welcome, De­light­ful Morn
Das neu­ge­borne Kind­leinGerman for the new­born child.
  1. Come, Ho­ly Spir­it, God and Lord!
  2. How Vain Was Im­pi­ous Her­od’s Dread
Das walt Gott Va­terGerman for God the Fa­ther.
  1. Bless Thou the Gifts Our Hands Have Brought
  2. Invited Lord, by Bound­less Grace
  3. No More, My God
  4. O Happy Day, When First Was Poured
  5. O Thou Who Gav­est Pow­er to Love
DatchetDatchet, Eng­land.O Where Are the Reap­ers?
DavaoDavao Ci­ty, Phil­ip­pines.Looking Back­ward Through the Year
DavenportDavenport, Io­wa.Mighty, Yet Meek
DavidFountain of Life and of Grace, A

Also see Mor­ley

David’s HarpWe Saw Thee Not
DavisO Thou in Whose Pre­sence
DavosDavos, Grau­bün­den, Swit­zer­land.Dare to Stand Like Jo­shua
Dawn (Funk)Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun
Dawn (Gou­di­mel)Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Wak­ing
Dawn (Par­ker)And Is There, Lord, a Rest?
DawsonvilleDawsonville, Georg­ia.Come to Je­sus, Dy­ing Sin­ner
Day by Day [Asch­am]Hail, Thou Source of Ev­ery Bless­ing
Day of Rest
  1. Do This; Re­mem­ber Me!
  2. From Be­tha­ny, the Mas­ter
Day-SpringBethlehem Song, The
Day-StarChrist Whose Glo­ry Fills the Skies
Dayspring (Bry­an)This Is the Day of Light
Dayspring (Frey­ling­hau­sen)Dayspring of Eter­ni­ty (Brown-Borth­wick)
DaytonThe Ohio ci­ty.Tell It to Je­sus (Lo­renz)
DaytonaThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Land Ahead
Daytona BeachDaytona Beach, Flo­ri­da.Hail, Hail! the Ris­en Son!
De Fleu­rySee Green Fields
De Pro­fun­disLatin for of the depths.
  1. To My Hum­ble Sup­pli­ca­tion
  2. Whilst the Care­less World Is Sleep­ing
De ReefComposer R. E. De Reef.Father in Heav­en, We Lift Our Voice to Thee
Dear Je­sus Is the One I LoveNow, in a Song of Grate­ful Praise
DearbornDearborn, Mi­chi­gan.Stars of Glo­ry, Shine More Bright­ly
DeathGod the Fa­ther, God the Son
DebdenDebden, Es­sex, Eng­land.My Shep­herd Is the Lord
DeborahThe proph­et­ess in Judg­es 4:4.Little Her­alds
DecalogueA name for the Ten Com­mand­ments.Going Home to Glo­ry (Green­haw)
DeciusTo God on High Be Thanks and Praise
DedekamComposer So­phie De­de­kam.How Blest the Man Who Thought­ful­ly
DedhamSee Gar­din­er
Dedication (Cal­kin)My Sins and Faults of Youth
Dedication (Fos­ter)Onward Speed Thy Con­quer­ing Flight
Dedication (Gil­ding) [St. Ed­mund]O Word of God Above
Dedication (Mc­Gra­na­han)I Belong to Je­sus
DeemsterWhat Did He Do?
Deep Har­mo­nySweet Is the Work, My God, My King
DeerhurstLamb of God! Our Souls Adore Thee
DehradunDehradun, In­dia (देहरादून).Praise to God, Our Heav­en­ly Fa­ther
DeKalbDeKalb Coun­ty, Geor­gia, where com­pos­er Jew­el Burns was born.Remember Your Pro­mise to Je­sus
Del RioDel Rio, Tex­as.Love and Pow­er of Je­sus, The
Delaware Wa­ter GapThe lo­ca­tion in Penn­syl­vania.Christ Is Ris­en!
DelftDelft, Ne­ther­lands.Then Tell Jes­us
DeliveranceThou Who Break­est Eve­ry Chain
DelphineMake Haste, O My God, to De­liv­er
DemingDeming, New Mex­ico.I’m Go­ing to Live with Je­sus
Den die Hir­tenSee Quem Pas­tor­es
Den HaagThe Hague, Ne­ther­lands.Judgment (Bo­nar), The
Den Mun Är TystSwedish for the mouth is si­lent.Mute Are the Plead­ing Lips of Him
DenaliThe Alas­kan mount­ain.Little Mis­sions
DenbighDenbigh, Wales.Hark! ’Tis the Trump of God
DenbyLord, Hear Me in Dis­tress
DenfieldSee Az­mon
DenizliThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Come, List­en to the Story
DenmarkThe north­ern Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.Praise of Je­sus’ Name, The
DennisPossibly Den­nis, Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. And Are We Yet Alive?
  2. Blest Be the Tie That Binds
  3. Give Thou Thy Youth to God
  4. Holy Ghost Has Come, The
  5. How Gen­tle God’s Com­mands
  6. How Ten­der Is Thy Hand
  7. In Eve­ry Try­ing Hour
  8. Man Is Ev­er Bless’d, The
  9. My Soul Desires the Word
  10. Rites Can­not Change the Heart
  11. Thou Ve­ry Pre­sent Aid
  12. To Thee I Lift My Soul
  13. Who Has Be­lieved Thy Word?
  14. Ye Saints of God, Awake
Dennis (Thal­ben-Ball)Belovèd, Let Us Love
DennyO God, Whose Smile Is in the Sky
DenpasarThe ci­ty on the isl­and of Ba­li.Onward! On­ward!
Dent DaleHark! the Her­ald An­gels Sing
DentonFather, What­e’er of Earth­ly Bliss
DenverJesus of Na­za­reth
Deo Gra­ci­as [Agin­court]
  1. O Love, How Deep
  2. To Thee Whose Eye All Na­ture Owns
Deo Gra­tiasShips Glide in at the Har­bor’s Mouth, The
DePauwDePauw Uni­ver­si­ty, Green­cas­tle, In­di­ana.
  1. Can Aught Be­low En­gross My Thoughts?
  2. Come, Chris­tian Breth­ren!
  3. Easter Flow­ers
  4. Eternal Lord! From Land to Land
  5. Father of Je­sus Christ Our Lord
  6. God of the Seas!
  7. Great God of Ab­ra­ham!
  8. Kindred in Christ, for His Dear Sake
  9. Lord, I Am Thine
  10. My Lord, Didst Thou En­dure Such Smart?
  11. O, Father, Thou Who Giv­est All
  12. O Lord, Our Na­tion’s Help and Friend
  13. Oh Thou Whom Nei­ther Time nor Space
  14. See, Whilst the Saint Ex­pir­ing Lies
  15. Thou Art, O God! A Spir­it Pure
  16. Where Should I Be, if God Should Say
  17. Whilst Shep­herds Kept Their Flocks by Night
DeptfordThe dis­trict in south­east Lon­don.I Love the Lord My Sav­ior
Der am KreuzGerman for on the cross.
  1. Jesus, Grant That Balm and Heal­ing
  2. On My Heart Im­print Thine Im­age
Der Tag bricht anGerman for the day breaks.My God! My God! and Can It Be
Der Tag, der istHoly Spir­it, God of Love
DerbentThe Russian ci­ty.To God My Ear­nest Voice I Raise
DerbyThe Eng­lish ci­ty.Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voic­es?
DerbyshireThe coun­ty in the East Mid­lands of Engl­and.Day of Won­der
Derrick (Yeo­cum)Lo! The Glo­ri­ous Dawn Is Break­ing
Derry (Dykes)Forsaken Once, and Thrice De­nied
Derry (Holmes)In the East Is Morn­ing Break­ing
DerwentBehold, How Good a Thing
Des Moines [Auf mein­en lieb­en Gott]The Io­wa ci­ty.In God, My Faith­ful God
Descend on MeSpirit of God, Des­cend up­on My Heart
DesertSee Lyng­ham
DeSotoThe Tex­as ci­ty.Let Ev­en­ing Twi­light Turn to Dawn
DestinThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Home All Bright and Fair, A
Det Är Ett Fast OrdSee Blom­qvist
DetroitThe Mi­chi­gan ci­ty.My Life Is Thine, Lord Je­sus
Detroit (Hast­ings)O Lord, Thy Work Re­vive
Deus Tuo­rum Mi­li­tumLatin for your sol­diers’ God.
  1. Almighty Fa­ther, Who Dost Give
  2. Bless Thou the Gifts Our Hands Have Brought
  3. Eternal Mon­arch, King Most High
  4. From God the Fa­ther, Vir­gin-Born
  5. God Help Our Coun­try to Be Strong
  6. Great God, to Thee My Ev­en­ing Song
  7. Hark! Heard Ye Not the An­cient Seer?
  8. Heart De­ject­ed Sighs to Know, The
  9. How Long Will Ye Des­pise My Name?
  10. I Will Ex­tol Thee, Lord on High
  11. Lord Is King! (Ter­ry), The
  12. Lord, What a Thought­less Wretch Was I
  13. My Soul Once Had Its Plen­te­ous Years
  14. O God, Thy Sol­diers’ Crown and Guard
  15. Return, My Soul, and Seek Thy Rest
  16. Satan Con­fined in Massy Chains
  17. See, the De­struc­tion Is Be­gun
  18. Thy Fa­ther’s House
  19. Whom Shall I Send?
DevaTell the Bless­èd Tid­ings
DeventerThe Dutch ci­ty.
  1. Great God! Be­neath Whose Pierc­ing Eye
  2. O Thou Who Seal­est Up the Past
  3. Thou Lord of Light, Across the Years
DevizesThe town in Wilt­shire, Eng­land.Thrice Hap­py Souls
DevonshireYear Is Swift­ly Wan­ing, The
Devonshire (Wes­ley)
  1. Lord, How My Nu­mer­ous Foes In­crease
  2. No Com­mon Vi­sion This I See
DevotionSee Tim­na
Devotion (Car­den)O for a Sweet, In­spir­ing Ray
Devotion (Gow­er)Not for Our Sins Alone
  1. Last Great Day Is Draw­ing Nigh, The
  2. Raise Not Thy Hand in Judg­ment, Lord
  3. Satan, by Ar­ti­fice and Fraud
  4. ’Twas I That Did It
DhakaThe ci­ty in Ban­gla­desh.Sing to Me of Heav­en
DiademAll Hail the Pow­er of Je­sus’ Name
  1. Still Will We Trust
  2. Thy Peo­ple, Lord of Ma­ny Lands and Na­tions
DiademataGreek for crowns.
  1. Away, My Need­less Fears
  2. Captain, We Look to Thee
  3. Christians, Dis­miss Your Fear
  4. Crown Him with Ma­ny Crowns
  5. Father, in Whom We Live
  6. Give Thanks to God the Lord
  7. Hark, How the Watch­men Cry
  8. I Lift My Heart to Thee (Stern­hold)
  9. Jesus, the Con­quer­or, Reigns
  10. Lord My Shep­herd Is, The
  11. Make Me a Cap­tive, Lord
  12. Mighty God, the Lord, The
  13. My God, My Strength, My Hope
  14. Now in the Days of Youth
  15. O Thou Who Dwell’st on High
  16. Prisoners of Hope, Arise
  17. Taking of Je­ri­cho, The
  18. Thou Judge of Quick and Dead
  19. Ye Men of Is­ra­el, Hear
Diamond BarThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.He Car­eth for Me (Lew­is)
Dias RidgeThe lo­ca­tion near Sau­sa­li­to, Ca­li­for­nia.Opening Pray­er
DibdinComposer Hen­ry Dib­din.
  1. Daughters of Pi­ty, Tune the Lay
  2. Jesus, Des­cend with Glo­ry Crowned
  3. Mortals, Give Ear
Die güld­ne Son­neGerman for the golden sun.Evening and Morn­ing
Die helle Sonn’ leuch­t’t jetzt herfürGerman for the bright sun shines forth now.Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies, The
Dies Do­mi­ni­caWe Pray Thee, Heav­en­ly Fa­ther
Dies Est Læ­ti­tiæLatin for day of joy.Royal Day That Chas­eth Gloom
Dies Ir­æ (Dykes)Latin for day of wrath.
  1. Day of Wrath (O’Ha­gan)
  2. Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourn­ing
Dies Ir­ae (Hill­er)Day of Wrath (Fa­ber & Ir­ons)
Dies Ir­ae (Mont­real)Day of An­ger, Day of Won­der
Dies Ir­ae (Par­ry)
  1. Jerusalem! Thy Judge Will Come
  2. Y Dydd Olaf
Dies sind die Heil’genGerman for these are the saints.That Man a God­ly Life Might Live
  1. Father, Bless the Gifts We Bring Thee
  2. In the Land of An­ci­ent Sto­ry
DiliThe ci­ty in East Ti­mor.We Are Com­ing (Cros­by)
DiligenceLet Ev­ery Lamp Be Burn­ing Bright

Also see Work Song

DilwynHome town of John Ev­ans, who pro­vid­ed the me­lo­dy for the Ox­ford Book of car­ols.Dives and La­za­rus
DimanOh, Bless­èd Life!
Dir, Dir, Je­ho­vah [Cras­se­li­us]German for You, You, Je­ho­vah
  1. Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee
  2. Lift Up the Ban­ner of Sal­va­tion
Dirge (Gib­son)Sleep, Thou Dust and Ash­es
Dirge (Han­del)Unveil Thy Bo­som, Faith­ful Tomb
DismissalGracious Sav­ior, Gen­tle Shep­herd
DisneyComposer Ja­cob Dis­ney.
  1. Waiting for Thy Com­ing (Wins­low)
  2. We Are Com­ing (Dis­ney)
DistressSo Fades the Love­ly, Bloom­ing Flow­er
Diva Ser­va­trixNow God Be with Us
Divine De­pen­denceOur God, Our Help in Ag­es Past
Divine Friend, TheThere’s No Oth­er Friend Like Je­sus
Divine He­rit­ageO God, Be­neath Thy Guid­ing Hand
Divine Pro­tec­tionHow Are Thy Ser­vants Blest, O Lord!
DivinityAwake, Awake the Sacr­ed Song
Divinum Mys­te­ri­umLatin for di­vine mys­te­ry.Of the Fa­ther’s Love Be­got­ten
  1. As with Glad­ness, Men of Old
  2. Blessed Sav­ior, Thee I Love
  3. Chief of Sin­ners
  4. Come, Di­vine In­ter­pret­er
  5. Father, Glo­ri­fy Thy Son
  6. For the Beau­ty of the Earth
  7. Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Lord (Words­worth)
  8. Let Us Go to Beth­le­hem
  9. Lord, Thy Child­ren Guide and Keep
  10. O Give Thanks to Him Who Made
  11. Rebels, Who Had Dared to Show
  12. Touch Me Not, to Ma­ry Said
DiyarbakırThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Sinner’s Awak­en­ing, The
DjiboutiThe East Af­ri­can coun­try.Arise, and Fol­low Me!
DniproThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.Safe in the Arms of Je­sus
DoaneComposer How­ard Doane.Jesus, Thou Migh­ty Lord

Also see Wal­tham (Cal­kin)

DodgeO Lord Our God, with Ea­rnest Care
DohaDoha, Qa­tar (الدوحة).No Room in the Inn (Hawes)
DolgellyThe Welsh town (now named Dol­gel­lau).
  1. All Praise to God on High
  2. Thou, Lord, Has Pow­er to Heal
  3. Ye Ser­vants of the Lord (Wes­ley)
Dolomite ChantNot so in Haste, My Heart
Domine Pro­bas­tiThou, Lord, by Strict­est Search Hast Known
DomingoSee Or­de­nan­za.
  1. Behold, the Lof­ty Sky
  2. O Ev­er­last­ing Light
  3. Thou That Dost Sav­est Through Pain
Dominus Re­git MeOpening words of Psalm 23 in the La­tin Vul­gate Bi­ble. In En­glish, “The Mas­ter Rules Me.”King of Love My Shep­herd Is, The
DonaSee Roth­ley
DonauGerman name for the Dan­ube Riv­er.Jesus Was a Child Like Me (Cros­by)
Doncaster [As­war­by, Beth­le­hem]The ci­ty in York­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Advent of Our God, The
  2. Maker and So­ver­eign Lord
  3. O Lord, Our Heav’n­ly King
  4. Put Thou Thy Trust in God
DonegalThe Ir­ish coun­ty.Nearing the Bet­ter Land
DonetskThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.None Oth­er Now but Je­sus
DongguanThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Second Tem­ple, The
DonoraBy All Whom Thou Hast Made
Donne Se­coursFrench for give help.
  1. Hope of the World
  2. O Son of God, Our Cap­tain of Sal­va­tion
  3. Our Na­tion, God, Its Heart to Thee Up­rais­eth
Donum DeiLatin for gift of God.O Gift of God, We Praise Thee
DoomsdayBehold! With Aw­ful Pomp
Door of HopeTeach Us to Pray
Dorchester [Bruns­wick]Why Doth the Man of Rich­es Grow?
DordogneThe French dé­parte­ment.I Am Je­sus’ Lit­tle Friend
DordrechtThe Dutch ci­ty.Near the Tomb Where Je­sus Slept
DorkingThe town in Sur­rey, Eng­land.O God, Thy Sol­diers’ Great Re­ward
DorrnanceSee Tal­mar
DortThe 1618 Syn­od of Dort (Dor­drecht, Netherlands).
  1. Sound, Sound the Truth Abroad
  2. Thou, Whose Al­migh­ty Word
DortmundThe Ger­man ci­ty.O to Abide in Je­sus
DoualaThe ci­ty in Cam­er­oon.Go On!
DouglasDouglas Coun­ty, Ne­bras­ka.
  1. In Ju­dah God of Old Was Known
  2. Oh, Won­drous Name!
Dover [Hud­ders­field]O God, My Heav­en­ly King
  1. Jesus, My Ad­vo­cate Above
  2. O Life That Mak­est All Things New
  3. O Lord, Thou Art My God and King
  4. Why, Her­od, Why the God­head Fear?
Down AmpneyComposer Ralph Vaugh­an Will­iams’ birth­place in Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.Come Down, O Love Di­vine
DowneyThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Christian Liv­ing
  1. As When the He­brew Pro­phet Raised
  2. Blest Are the Un­de­filed in Heart
  3. But Few Among the Car­nal Wise
  4. Come, Ye That Know and Fear the Lord
  5. Lord, at Thy Ta­ble I Be­hold
  6. Lord, I Es­teem Thy Judg­ments Right
  7. My God, My Ev­er­last­ing Hope
  8. No, I Shall En­vy Them No More
  9. Prepare, Ye Saints, to Meet Your Lord
  10. Steps of Those Whom He Ap­proves, The
  11. To Thee This Tem­ple We De­vote
DragicevicLove That Res­cued Me, The
Drakes BroughtonDrakes Brough­ton, En­gland.Bethlehem in Land of Ju­dah
DraperIn Our Day of Thanks­giv­ing
DresdenSee Wir pflü­gen
DretzelThrough the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us
DrewDrew Th­eo­lo­gic­al Se­mi­na­ry, Ma­di­son, New Jer­sey (now Drew Theological School), where com­pos­er Le­on­ard Mc­Whood taught.From North and South and East and West
Drink to Me On­ly
  1. How Blest a Home!
  2. Lord Je­sus, Who Didst Once Ap­pear
Du Lif­vets BrödSwedish for Thou Bread of Life.
  1. Day Is Sure­ly Draw­ing Near, The
  2. Lord Je­sus Christ, Thou Hast Pre­pared
Du Frie­dens­fürst, Herr Je­su ChristGerman for Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus ChristDay Is Past and Ov­er, The
Du meine Seele, singeLift Up Your Hearts, Ye Peo­ple
Duane Street
  1. Christmas Bells (Black)
  2. Come Back, Come Back Again
  3. Day, the Gos­pel Day Draws Near, The
  4. From Ev­ery Spire on Christ­mas Eve
  5. Hail, So­ver­eign Love
  6. I Saw One Wea­ry
  7. Lord of All Worlds
  8. O That the Race of Men Would Raise
  9. Sing to the Lord with Joy­ful Voice
  10. That Man No Guard or Wea­pons Needs
DübenHail, Thou Source of Ev­ery Bless­ing
Dublin (Bar­ton) [Coles­hill]Out of the Deeps of Long Dis­tress
Dublin (Smith)
  1. As Ga­thered in Thy Pre­cious Name
  2. My God, I Love Thee for Thy­self
  3. Oft Have I Sat in Sec­ret Sighs
DubrovnikThe Cro­atian ci­ty.Cross and Crown
Duci Cru­en­to Mar­tyr­umLo! Round the Throne a Glo­ri­ous Band
DudleyCity Paved with Gold, The
DugdaleScott Dug­dale, for­mer mu­sic teach­er at Mil­lard West High School, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Forth in the Dawn-Light
DuisburgThe Ger­man ci­ty.After
Duke Street [New­ry]The street in St. Hel­en’s, town­ship of Win­dle, where com­pos­er John Hat­ton lived.
  1. Almighty Fa­ther, Bless the Word
  2. Awake, My Tongue, Thy Trib­ute Bring
  3. Awakened by Thy Threat­en­ings, Lord
  4. Come, Let Us Tune Our Lof­ti­est Song
  5. For Thee, O God, Our Con­stant Praise
  6. Forever Set­tled in the Heav­ens
  7. Forth in Thy Name, O Lord
  8. From All That Dwell Be­low the Skies
  9. Glory to God the Tri­ni­ty
  10. God of Glo­ry Walks His Round, The
  11. God of the Morn­ing, at Whose Voice
  12. How Long, Ye Sons of Men?
  13. Hues of the Rich Un­fold­ing Morn
  14. I Know That My Re­deem­er Lives
  15. Jesus Shall Reign
  16. Lo, in the East a Star Ap­pears
  17. My Soul, with Humble Fervor Raise
  18. Now at the Lamb’s Im­pe­ri­al Feast
  19. Now Let Our Souls on Wings Sub­lime
  20. Now to the Lord a No­ble Song
  21. O God, Above the Drift­ing Years
  22. O God, Ben­eath Thy Guid­ing Hand
  23. O Hap­py, Ho­ly East­er Morn
  24. O Lord, Thou Art My God and King
  25. O Thou Whose Per­fect Good­ness Crowns
  26. Our Lord Is Ris­en from the Dead
  27. Perfect World, by Ad­am Trod, The
  28. Pour Out Thy Spir­it from on High
  29. Shepherd of Souls, with Pi­ty­ing Eye
  30. Soon May the Last Glad Song Arise
  31. Sovereign of Worlds! Dis­play Thy Pow­er
  32. ’Tis by the Faith of Joys to Come
  33. To Ad­am Thus Je­ho­vah Spake
  34. To Thee, O God, Whose Guid­ing Hand
  35. Unto Thy Tem­ple, Lord, We Come
  36. Ye Na­tions Round the Earth, Re­joice
  37. Ye Sim­ple Men of Hearts Sin­cere
Dulce Car­menLatin for sweet song.See Tantum Er­go
Dulce Do­mumLatin for sweet home.
  1. Alas, What Mean Those Fears?
  2. One Sweet­ly Sol­emn Thought
  3. What Wait I for but Thee?
Dulce No­menLatin for sweet name.There Is No Name So Sweet on Earth
DulcettaGod Is Love; His Mer­cy Bright­ens
DulcianaBy Faith I View My Sav­ior Dy­ing
DuluthThe Min­ne­so­ta ci­ty.Some Glad Day
DulwichThe area in south Lon­don.Oh, to Love Thee
Dulwich Col­legeThe school in Lon­don.This Is the Day of Light
DumfriesThe Scot­tish mar­ket town.Prince of Glo­ry, The
Dunbar [No Sor­row There]
  1. I Love to Sing of Heav­en
  2. There’ll Be No Sor­row There
Dundee [French]The ci­ty on the Firth of Tay in eas­tern Scot­land.
  1. Abashed Be All the Boast of Age!
  2. Above the Trem­bling Ele­ments
  3. Blest News! To Us a Child Is Born
  4. Father of Mer­cies, Heav­en­ly Friend
  5. Go Forth, Ye Saints, Be­hold Your Lord
  6. God Makes a Path
  7. God Moves in a Mys­te­ri­ous Way
  8. He That Doth in the Sec­ret Place
  9. How Long Shall Death, the Ty­rant, Reign?
  10. I to the Hills Will Lift My Eyes
  11. King of Heav’n His Ta­ble Spreads, The
  12. Let Child­ren Hear the Migh­ty Deeds
  13. Let Saints on Earth in Con­cert Sing
  14. Lion That on Samp­son Roared, The
  15. Little Flock! So Calls He Thee, A
  16. New Won­ders of Thy Migh­ty Hand
  17. Now Bless­èd Be the Lord Our God
  18. O God, Though Count­less Worlds of Light
  19. O Hap­py Place That Heard the Voice
  20. O Lord, Be Us When We Sail
  21. O Thou, Who Didst with Love Un­told
  22. Thy Who Thy­self Didst Sanc­ti­fy
  23. Thou, Whose Un­mea­sured Tem­ple Stands
  24. Why Do We Mourn De­part­ing Friends?
  25. Ye Lit­tle Flock Whom Je­sus Feeds
  1. Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast
  2. And Now the Scales Have Left Mine Eyes
  3. Maker of Earth, to Thee Alone
  4. O God, Thou Hast Re­ject­ed Us
  5. O Lord, Our Lord
Dunlap’s CreekSee Aw­ful Ma­jes­ty
DunsmuirThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Speak, Lord, for Thy Ser­vant Hear­eth
Dunstan [Just as I Am]
  1. Drawn to the Cross
  2. Before Thy Peo­ple, I Con­fess
  3. I Wait­ed for the Lord Most High
  4. Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be
DuntroonI Will Not Be Af­raid
Dupont Cir­cleThe lo­ca­tion in Wash­ing­ton, DC.Savior, Bless­èd Sav­ior
DupuytrenCome, Sin­ners, to the Gos­pel Feast
DuquesneThe Penn­syl­van­ia ci­ty.We Will Chant in Psalms of Glo­ry
DuraHark! Up­on the Morn­ing Breez­es
DurbanThe South Af­ri­can ci­ty.We’ve Been Sing­ing
DurfeeLove Sur­pass­ing Hu­man Love
DurhamO Thou, the Con­trite Sin­ner’s Friend
DurrowClouds of Judg­ment Ga­ther, The
Dursley The town in south­ern Glou­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.Thou Shep­herd of Is­ra­el, and Mine
DusseldorfHigh in the Heav­ens, Eter­nal God
Dutch Har­borDutch Har­bor, Alas­ka.Jesus, I Love Thee
DüzceThe Turk­ish pro­vince and ci­ty.Some Day, Be­yond the Val­ley
  1. God of the World! Thy Glo­ries Shine
  2. Let Me but Hear My Sav­ior Say
Dyb Af Kjær­lighedChrist for the World We Sing
Dying Ste­phenHead of Thy Church Tri­umph­ant