Da Christus geboren | |
- Kindly Spring Again Is Here
- Sovereign Ruler of the Skies
Da Jesus an des Kreuzes | German for Then said Jesus on the cross. |
- Forgive, O Father!
- Our Blessèd Savior Seven Times Spoke
Dacia | The province in the Roman Empire. | Jesus Will Save |
Da Pacem | Latin for Give peace. | Give Peace in These Our Days |
Dadu | Winter capital of the Chinese Yuan dynasty. | Rest Awhile |
Daegu | Daegu, Korea. | Just Beyond (Hall) |
Daejon | The Korean city. | Till Christ Shall Come |
Dagenham | Dagenham, London. | Full Salvation (Rouse) |
Dagues | Composer Pierre Dagues. | Partout avec Jésus! |
Daily, Daily [Conqueror] | |
- Daily, Daily, Sing the Praises
- Hosts of God Go Forth to Battle
- Ring the Joy-Bells, Christ Has Risen
Dakar | DakarDakar, Senegal. | Song of the Dawning, A |
Dale Abbey | Dale Abbey, England. | Weary Souls, That Wander Wide |
Dalehurst | Dalehurst, Canada. |
- Come, Thou Desire of All Thy Saints
- Evening Winds Begin to Blow, The
- I Set the Lord Before My Face
- Lord Be with Us, The
- Lord Jesus, Are We One with Thee?
- Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray
- My Grieving Soul Revive, O Lord
- O for That Tenderness of Heart
- O Thou Who by a Star Didst Guide
- There Is a Path That Leads to God
- When Men, Pretending to Be Wise
- Who Is Thy Neighbor?
Dalkeith | Dalkeith, Scotland. | O Lord of Health and Life |
Dallas | Dallas, Texas. | Thine Forever! God of Love |
Dalmatia | Dalmatia, Croatia. | Friend of Sinners |
Dalston | Probably Dalston, London. |
- Hour Will Quickly Come, The
- How Pleasant ’Tis to See
- How Pleased and Blest Was I
- Lord Jehovah Reigns (2), The
Dalton | Dalton, Georgia. | On the Way |
Damaris | The woman in Acts 17:34. | Risen for Me |
Damascus | Damascus, Syria (دمشق). | Little Child the Savior Came, A |
Dan | The Israelite tribe. | My Savior Knows |
Dana [Amen, Jesus Han Skal Raade] | |
- Master, Speak! Thy Servant Heareth
- Night of Wonder
Danby | | ’Tis Winter Now, the Fallen Snow |
Dania | | Hear Us, Thou That Broodest |
Daniel | The Biblical prophet. | Hark! Hark! the Song |
Danvers | | Blest Are the Humble Souls That See |
Dar es Salaam | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. |
- God Loveth the Righteous
- Venid, Pastorcillos
Darak | Hebrew for lead or march. | Lead Us by Thy Hand |
Dare to Be Brave | | Dare to Be Brave |
Darien | Darien, Connecticut. | Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King |
Darjeeling | Darjeeling, India (दार्जीलिङ) | Christ Is Risen from the Dead |
Darley | |
- Christ’s Birthday
- My God, Accept My Early Vows
Darlington | |
- All Ye That Pass By
- O Jesus Our Head
Darmstadt | Darmstadt, Germany. | I Knot Not Why! |
Darwall’s 148th [Portsmouth] | Composer John Darwall’s musical setting for the 148th Psalm. |
- Angels in Bright Attire
- Awake, Ye Saints, Awake
- Before the Lord We Bow
- City of Our God, The
- Happy Morn Is Come, The
- Hark, ’Tis the Trumpet’s Sound!
- Hills of the North, Rejoice
- Indulgent God! How Kind
- Join All the Glorious Names
- Lord Jehovah Reigns, The
- Lord of the Worlds Above
- Night Is Now Far Spent, The
- No Righteousness of Mine
- O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
- O Zion, Tune Thy Voice
- O’er Hoarse Atlantic’s Wave
- On What Has Now Been Sown
- Praise Ye, Praise Ye the Lord
- Rejoice, the Lord Is King
- Shall Hymns of Grateful Love
- Sweet Place
- Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ
- Triune God Above, The
- Upward I Lift Mine Eyes
- What Was It, Blessèd God?
- Ye Various Tribes of Men
Darwen [Harwood, Rapture] | Composer Edward Harwood’s home town. | Wicked, Watching for Their Prey, The |
Das herrlich hohe Fest | German for The glorious high festival. | Merits of the Saints, The |
Das ist meine Freude | German for this is my joy. | Dost Thou Truly Seek Renown? |
Das Leiden des Herrn | German for the passion of the Lord. | O Come and Mourn with Me |
Das Lieben bringt groß Freud [Lischer] | German for loving brings great joy. |
- O for a Shout of Joy
- On Wings of Living Light
- Welcome, Delightful Morn
Das neugeborne Kindlein | German for the newborn child. |
- Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!
- How Vain Was Impious Herod’s Dread
Das walt Gott Vater | German for God the Father. |
- Bless Thou the Gifts Our Hands Have Brought
- Invited Lord, by Boundless Grace
- No More, My God
- O Happy Day, When First Was Poured
- O Thou Who Gavest Power to Love
Datchet | Datchet, England. | O Where Are the Reapers? |
Davao | Davao City, Philippines. | Looking Backward Through the Year |
Davenport | Davenport, Iowa. | Mighty, Yet Meek |
David | | Fountain of Life and of Grace, A Also see Morley |
David’s Harp | | We Saw Thee Not |
Davis | | O Thou in Whose Presence |
Davos | Davos, Graubünden, Switzerland. | Dare to Stand Like Joshua |
Dawn (Funk) | | Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun |
Dawn (Goudimel) | | Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Waking |
Dawn (Parker) | | And Is There, Lord, a Rest? |
Dawsonville | Dawsonville, Georgia. | Come to Jesus, Dying Sinner |
Day by Day [Ascham] | | Hail, Thou Source of Every Blessing |
Day of Rest | |
- Do This; Remember Me!
- From Bethany, the Master
Day-Spring | | Bethlehem Song, The |
Day-Star | | Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies |
Dayspring (Bryan) | | This Is the Day of Light |
Dayspring (Freylinghausen) | | Dayspring of Eternity (Brown-Borthwick) |
Dayton | The Ohio city. | Tell It to Jesus (Lorenz) |
Daytona | The Florida city. | Land Ahead |
Daytona Beach | Daytona Beach, Florida. | Hail, Hail! the Risen Son! |
De Fleury | | See Green Fields |
De Profundis | Latin for of the depths. |
- To My Humble Supplication
- Whilst the Careless World Is Sleeping
De Reef | Composer R. E. De Reef. | Father in Heaven, We Lift Our Voice to Thee |
Dear Jesus Is the One I Love | | Now, in a Song of Grateful Praise |
Dearborn | Dearborn, Michigan. | Stars of Glory, Shine More Brightly |
Death | | God the Father, God the Son |
Debden | Debden, Essex, England. | My Shepherd Is the Lord |
Deborah | The prophetess in Judges 4:4. | Little Heralds |
Decalogue | A name for the Ten Commandments. | Going Home to Glory (Greenhaw) |
Decius | | To God on High Be Thanks and Praise |
Dedekam | Composer Sophie Dedekam. | How Blest the Man Who Thoughtfully |
Dedham | | See Gardiner |
Dedication (Calkin) | | My Sins and Faults of Youth |
Dedication (Foster) | | Onward Speed Thy Conquering Flight |
Dedication (Gilding) [St. Edmund] | | O Word of God Above |
Dedication (McGranahan) | | I Belong to Jesus |
Deemster | | What Did He Do? |
Deep Harmony | | Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King |
Deerhurst | | Lamb of God! Our Souls Adore Thee |
Dehradun | Dehradun, India (देहरादून). | Praise to God, Our Heavenly Father |
DeKalb | DeKalb County, Georgia, where composer Jewel Burns was born. | Remember Your Promise to Jesus |
Del Rio | Del Rio, Texas. | Love and Power of Jesus, The |
Delaware Water Gap | The location in Pennsylvania. | Christ Is Risen! |
Delft | Delft, Netherlands. | Then Tell Jesus |
Deliverance | | Thou Who Breakest Every Chain |
Delphine | | Make Haste, O My God, to Deliver |
Deming | Deming, New Mexico. | I’m Going to Live with Jesus |
Den die Hirten | | See Quem Pastores |
Den Haag | The Hague, Netherlands. | Judgment (Bonar), The |
Den Mun Är Tyst | Swedish for the mouth is silent. | Mute Are the Pleading Lips of Him |
Denali | The Alaskan mountain. | Little Missions |
Denbigh | Denbigh, Wales. | Hark! ’Tis the Trump of God |
Denby | | Lord, Hear Me in Distress |
Denfield | | See Azmon |
Denizli | The Turkish city. | Come, Listen to the Story |
Denmark | The northern European country. | Praise of Jesus’ Name, The |
Dennis | Possibly Dennis, Massachusetts. |
- And Are We Yet Alive?
- Blest Be the Tie That Binds
- Give Thou Thy Youth to God
- Holy Ghost Has Come, The
- How Gentle God’s Commands
- How Tender Is Thy Hand
- In Every Trying Hour
- Man Is Ever Bless’d, The
- My Soul Desires the Word
- Rites Cannot Change the Heart
- Thou Very Present Aid
- To Thee I Lift My Soul
- Who Has Believed Thy Word?
- Ye Saints of God, Awake
Dennis (Thalben-Ball) | | Belovèd, Let Us Love |
Denny | | O God, Whose Smile Is in the Sky |
Denpasar | The city on the island of Bali. | Onward! Onward! |
Dent Dale | | Hark! the Herald Angels Sing |
Denton | | Father, Whate’er of Earthly Bliss |
Denver | | Jesus of Nazareth |
Deo Gracias [Agincourt] | |
- O Love, How Deep
- To Thee Whose Eye All Nature Owns
Deo Gratias | | Ships Glide in at the Harbor’s Mouth, The |
DePauw | DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. |
- Can Aught Below Engross My Thoughts?
- Come, Christian Brethren!
- Easter Flowers
- Eternal Lord! From Land to Land
- Father of Jesus Christ Our Lord
- God of the Seas!
- Great God of Abraham!
- Kindred in Christ, for His Dear Sake
- Lord, I Am Thine
- My Lord, Didst Thou Endure Such Smart?
- O, Father, Thou Who Givest All
- O Lord, Our Nation’s Help and Friend
- Oh Thou Whom Neither Time nor Space
- See, Whilst the Saint Expiring Lies
- Thou Art, O God! A Spirit Pure
- Where Should I Be, if God Should Say
- Whilst Shepherds Kept Their Flocks by Night
Deptford | The district in southeast London. | I Love the Lord My Savior |
Der am Kreuz | German for on the cross. |
- Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing
- On My Heart Imprint Thine Image
Der Tag bricht an | German for the day breaks. | My God! My God! and Can It Be |
Der Tag, der ist | | Holy Spirit, God of Love |
Derbent | The Russian city. | To God My Earnest Voice I Raise |
Derby | The English city. | Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices? |
Derbyshire | The county in the East Midlands of England. | Day of Wonder |
Derrick (Yeocum) | | Lo! The Glorious Dawn Is Breaking |
Derry (Dykes) | | Forsaken Once, and Thrice Denied |
Derry (Holmes) | | In the East Is Morning Breaking |
Derwent | | Behold, How Good a Thing |
Des Moines [Auf meinen lieben Gott] | The Iowa city. | In God, My Faithful God |
Descend on Me | | Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart |
Desert | | See Lyngham |
DeSoto | The Texas city. | Let Evening Twilight Turn to Dawn |
Destin | The Florida city. | Home All Bright and Fair, A |
Det Är Ett Fast Ord | | See Blomqvist |
Detroit | The Michigan city. | My Life Is Thine, Lord Jesus |
Detroit (Hastings) | | O Lord, Thy Work Revive |
Deus Tuorum Militum | Latin for your soldiers’ God. |
- Almighty Father, Who Dost Give
- Bless Thou the Gifts Our Hands Have Brought
- Eternal Monarch, King Most High
- From God the Father, Virgin-Born
- God Help Our Country to Be Strong
- Great God, to Thee My Evening Song
- Hark! Heard Ye Not the Ancient Seer?
- Heart Dejected Sighs to Know, The
- How Long Will Ye Despise My Name?
- I Will Extol Thee, Lord on High
- Lord Is King! (Terry), The
- Lord, What a Thoughtless Wretch Was I
- My Soul Once Had Its Plenteous Years
- O God, Thy Soldiers’ Crown and Guard
- Return, My Soul, and Seek Thy Rest
- Satan Confined in Massy Chains
- See, the Destruction Is Begun
- Thy Father’s House
- Whom Shall I Send?
Deva | | Tell the Blessèd Tidings |
Deventer | The Dutch city. |
- Great God! Beneath Whose Piercing Eye
- O Thou Who Sealest Up the Past
- Thou Lord of Light, Across the Years
Devizes | The town in Wiltshire, England. | Thrice Happy Souls |
Devonshire | | Year Is Swiftly Waning, The |
Devonshire (Wesley) | |
- Lord, How My Numerous Foes Increase
- No Common Vision This I See
Devotion | | See Timna |
Devotion (Carden) | | O for a Sweet, Inspiring Ray |
Devotion (Gower) | | Not for Our Sins Alone |
Dewitt | |
- Last Great Day Is Drawing Nigh, The
- Raise Not Thy Hand in Judgment, Lord
- Satan, by Artifice and Fraud
- ’Twas I That Did It
Dhaka | The city in Bangladesh. | Sing to Me of Heaven |
Diadem | | All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name |
Diadema | |
- Still Will We Trust
- Thy People, Lord of Many Lands and Nations
Diademata | Greek for crowns. |
- Away, My Needless Fears
- Captain, We Look to Thee
- Christians, Dismiss Your Fear
- Crown Him with Many Crowns
- Father, in Whom We Live
- Give Thanks to God the Lord
- Hark, How the Watchmen Cry
- I Lift My Heart to Thee (Sternhold)
- Jesus, the Conqueror, Reigns
- Lord My Shepherd Is, The
- Make Me a Captive, Lord
- Mighty God, the Lord, The
- My God, My Strength, My Hope
- Now in the Days of Youth
- O Thou Who Dwell’st on High
- Prisoners of Hope, Arise
- Taking of Jericho, The
- Thou Judge of Quick and Dead
- Ye Men of Israel, Hear
Diamond Bar | The California city. | He Careth for Me (Lewis) |
Dias Ridge | The location near Sausalito, California. | Opening Prayer |
Dibdin | Composer Henry Dibdin. |
- Daughters of Pity, Tune the Lay
- Jesus, Descend with Glory Crowned
- Mortals, Give Ear
Die güldne Sonne | German for the golden sun. | Evening and Morning |
Die helle Sonn’ leucht’t jetzt herfür | German for the bright sun shines forth now. | Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies, The |
Dies Dominica | | We Pray Thee, Heavenly Father |
Dies Est Lætitiæ | Latin for day of joy. | Royal Day That Chaseth Gloom |
Dies Iræ (Dykes) | Latin for day of wrath. |
- Day of Wrath (O’Hagan)
- Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourning
Dies Irae (Hiller) | | Day of Wrath (Faber & Irons) |
Dies Irae (Montreal) | | Day of Anger, Day of Wonder |
Dies Irae (Parry) | |
- Jerusalem! Thy Judge Will Come
- Y Dydd Olaf
Dies sind die Heil’gen | German for these are the saints. | That Man a Godly Life Might Live |
Dijon | |
- Father, Bless the Gifts We Bring Thee
- In the Land of Ancient Story
Dili | The city in East Timor. | We Are Coming (Crosby) |
Diligence | | Let Every Lamp Be Burning Bright
Also see Work Song
Dilwyn | Home town of John Evans, who provided the melody for the Oxford Book of carols. | Dives and Lazarus |
Diman | | Oh, Blessèd Life! |
Dir, Dir, Jehovah [Crasselius] | German for You, You, Jehovah |
- Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee
- Lift Up the Banner of Salvation
Dirge (Gibson) | | Sleep, Thou Dust and Ashes |
Dirge (Handel) | | Unveil Thy Bosom, Faithful Tomb |
Dismissal | | Gracious Savior, Gentle Shepherd |
Disney | Composer Jacob Disney. |
- Waiting for Thy Coming (Winslow)
- We Are Coming (Disney)
Distress | | So Fades the Lovely, Blooming Flower |
Diva Servatrix | | Now God Be with Us |
Divine Dependence | | Our God, Our Help in Ages Past |
Divine Friend, The | | There’s No Other Friend Like Jesus |
Divine Heritage | | O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand |
Divine Protection | | How Are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord! |
Divinity | | Awake, Awake the Sacred Song |
Divinum Mysterium | Latin for divine mystery. | Of the Father’s Love Begotten |
Dix | |
- As with Gladness, Men of Old
- Blessed Savior, Thee I Love
- Chief of Sinners
- Come, Divine Interpreter
- Father, Glorify Thy Son
- For the Beauty of the Earth
- Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord (Wordsworth)
- Let Us Go to Bethlehem
- Lord, Thy Children Guide and Keep
- O Give Thanks to Him Who Made
- Rebels, Who Had Dared to Show
Touch Me Not, to Mary Said
Diyarbakır | The Turkish city. | Sinner’s Awakening, The |
Djibouti | The East African country. | Arise, and Follow Me! |
Dnipro | The Ukrainian city. | Safe in the Arms of Jesus |
Doane | Composer Howard Doane. | Jesus, Thou Mighty Lord Also see Waltham (Calkin) |
Dodge | | O Lord Our God, with Earnest Care |
Doha | Doha, Qatar (الدوحة). | No Room in the Inn (Hawes) |
Dolgelly | The Welsh town (now named Dolgellau). |
- All Praise to God on High
- Thou, Lord, Has Power to Heal
- Ye Servants of the Lord (Wesley)
Dolomite Chant | | Not so in Haste, My Heart |
Domine Probasti | | Thou, Lord, by Strictest Search Hast Known |
Domingo | | See Ordenanza. |
Dominica | |
- Behold, the Lofty Sky
- O Everlasting Light
- Thou That Dost Savest Through Pain
Dominus Regit Me | Opening words of Psalm 23 in the Latin Vulgate Bible. In English, “The Master Rules Me.” | King of Love My Shepherd Is, The |
Dona | | See Rothley |
Donau | German name for the Danube River. | Jesus Was a Child Like Me (Crosby) |
Doncaster [Aswarby, Bethlehem] | The city in Yorkshire, England. |
- Advent of Our God, The
- Maker and Sovereign Lord
- O Lord, Our Heav’nly King
- Put Thou Thy Trust in God
Donegal | The Irish county. | Nearing the Better Land |
Donetsk | The Ukrainian city. | None Other Now but Jesus |
Dongguan | The Chinese city. | Second Temple, The |
Donora | | By All Whom Thou Hast Made |
Donne Secours | French for give help. |
- Hope of the World
- O Son of God, Our Captain of Salvation
- Our Nation, God, Its Heart to Thee Upraiseth
Donum Dei | Latin for gift of God. | O Gift of God, We Praise Thee |
Doomsday | | Behold! With Awful Pomp |
Door of Hope | | Teach Us to Pray |
Dorchester [Brunswick] | | Why Doth the Man of Riches Grow? |
Dordogne | The French département. | I Am Jesus’ Little Friend |
Dordrecht | The Dutch city. | Near the Tomb Where Jesus Slept |
Dorking | The town in Surrey, England. | O God, Thy Soldiers’ Great Reward |
Dorrnance | | See Talmar |
Dort | The 1618 Synod of Dort (Dordrecht, Netherlands). |
- Sound, Sound the Truth Abroad
- Thou, Whose Almighty Word
Dortmund | The German city. | O to Abide in Jesus |
Douala | The city in Cameroon. | Go On! |
Douglas | Douglas County, Nebraska. |
- In Judah God of Old Was Known
- Oh, Wondrous Name!
Dover [Huddersfield] | | O God, My Heavenly King |
Doversdale | |
- Jesus, My Advocate Above
- O Life That Makest All Things New
- O Lord, Thou Art My God and King
- Why, Herod, Why the Godhead Fear?
Down Ampney | Composer Ralph Vaughan Williams’ birthplace in Gloucestershire, England. | Come Down, O Love Divine |
Downey | The California city. | Christian Living |
Downs | |
- As When the Hebrew Prophet Raised
- Blest Are the Undefiled in Heart
- But Few Among the Carnal Wise
- Come, Ye That Know and Fear the Lord
- Lord, at Thy Table I Behold
- Lord, I Esteem Thy Judgments Right
- My God, My Everlasting Hope
- No, I Shall Envy Them No More
- Prepare, Ye Saints, to Meet Your Lord
- Steps of Those Whom He Approves, The
- To Thee This Temple We Devote
Dragicevic | | Love That Rescued Me, The |
Drakes Broughton | Drakes Broughton, England. | Bethlehem in Land of Judah |
Draper | | In Our Day of Thanksgiving |
Dresden | | See Wir pflügen |
Dretzel | | Through the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us |
Drew | Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey (now Drew Theological School), where composer Leonard McWhood taught. | From North and South and East and West |
Drink to Me Only | |
- How Blest a Home!
- Lord Jesus, Who Didst Once Appear
Du Lifvets Bröd | Swedish for Thou Bread of Life. |
- Day Is Surely Drawing Near, The
- Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared
Du Friedensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ | German for Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus Christ | Day Is Past and Over, The |
Du meine Seele, singe | | Lift Up Your Hearts, Ye People |
Duane Street | |
- Christmas Bells (Black)
- Come Back, Come Back Again
- Day, the Gospel Day Draws Near, The
- From Every Spire on Christmas Eve
- Hail, Sovereign Love
- I Saw One Weary
- Lord of All Worlds
- O That the Race of Men Would Raise
- Sing to the Lord with Joyful Voice
- That Man No Guard or Weapons Needs
Düben | | Hail, Thou Source of Every Blessing |
Dublin (Barton) [Coleshill] | | Out of the Deeps of Long Distress |
Dublin (Smith) | |
- As Gathered in Thy Precious Name
- My God, I Love Thee for Thyself
- Oft Have I Sat in Secret Sighs
Dubrovnik | The Croatian city. | Cross and Crown |
Duci Cruento Martyrum | | Lo! Round the Throne a Glorious Band |
Dudley | | City Paved with Gold, The |
Dugdale | Scott Dugdale, former music teacher at Millard West High School, Omaha, Nebraska. | Forth in the Dawn-Light |
Duisburg | The German city. | After |
Duke Street [Newry] | The street in St. Helen’s, township of Windle, where composer John Hatton lived. |
- Almighty Father, Bless the Word
- Awake, My Tongue, Thy Tribute Bring
- Awakened by Thy Threatenings, Lord
- Come, Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song
- For Thee, O God, Our Constant Praise
- Forever Settled in the Heavens
- Forth in Thy Name, O Lord
- From All That Dwell Below the Skies
- Glory to God the Trinity
- God of Glory Walks His Round, The
- God of the Morning, at Whose Voice
- How Long, Ye Sons of Men?
- Hues of the Rich Unfolding Morn
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives
- Jesus Shall Reign
- Lo, in the East a Star Appears
- My Soul, with Humble Fervor Raise
- Now at the Lamb’s Imperial Feast
- Now Let Our Souls on Wings Sublime
- Now to the Lord a Noble Song
- O God, Above the Drifting Years
- O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand
- O Happy, Holy Easter Morn
- O Lord, Thou Art My God and King
- O Thou Whose Perfect Goodness Crowns
- Our Lord Is Risen from the Dead
- Perfect World, by Adam Trod, The
- Pour Out Thy Spirit from on High
- Shepherd of Souls, with Pitying Eye
- Soon May the Last Glad Song Arise
- Sovereign of Worlds! Display Thy Power
- ’Tis by the Faith of Joys to Come
- To Adam Thus Jehovah Spake
- To Thee, O God, Whose Guiding Hand
- Unto Thy Temple, Lord, We Come
- Ye Nations Round the Earth, Rejoice
- Ye Simple Men of Hearts Sincere
Dulce Carmen | Latin for sweet song. | See Tantum Ergo |
Dulce Domum | Latin for sweet home. |
- Alas, What Mean Those Fears?
- One Sweetly Solemn Thought
- What Wait I for but Thee?
Dulce Nomen | Latin for sweet name. | There Is No Name So Sweet on Earth |
Dulcetta | | God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens |
Dulciana | | By Faith I View My Savior Dying |
Duluth | The Minnesota city. | Some Glad Day |
Dulwich | The area in south London. | Oh, to Love Thee |
Dulwich College | The school in London. | This Is the Day of Light |
Dumfries | The Scottish market town. | Prince of Glory, The |
Dunbar [No Sorrow There] | |
- I Love to Sing of Heaven
- There’ll Be No Sorrow There
Dundee [French] | The city on the Firth of Tay in eastern Scotland. |
- Abashed Be All the Boast of Age!
- Above the Trembling Elements
- Blest News! To Us a Child Is Born
- Father of Mercies, Heavenly Friend
- Go Forth, Ye Saints, Behold Your Lord
- God Makes a Path
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- He That Doth in the Secret Place
- How Long Shall Death, the Tyrant, Reign?
- I to the Hills Will Lift My Eyes
- King of Heav’n His Table Spreads, The
- Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds
- Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing
- Lion That on Sampson Roared, The
- Little Flock! So Calls He Thee, A
- New Wonders of Thy Mighty Hand
- Now Blessèd Be the Lord Our God
- O God, Though Countless Worlds of Light
- O Happy Place That Heard the Voice
- O Lord, Be Us When We Sail
- O Thou, Who Didst with Love Untold
- Thy Who Thyself Didst Sanctify
- Thou, Whose Unmeasured Temple Stands
- Why Do We Mourn Departing Friends?
- Ye Little Flock Whom Jesus Feeds
Dunfermline | |
- Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast
- And Now the Scales Have Left Mine Eyes
- Maker of Earth, to Thee Alone
- O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us
- O Lord, Our Lord
Dunlap’s Creek | | See Awful Majesty |
Dunsmuir | The California city. | Speak, Lord, for Thy Servant Heareth |
Dunstan [Just as I Am] | |
- Drawn to the Cross
- Before Thy People, I Confess
- I Waited for the Lord Most High
- Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be
Duntroon | | I Will Not Be Afraid |
Dupont Circle | The location in Washington, DC. | Savior, Blessèd Savior |
Dupuytren | | Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast |
Duquesne | The Pennsylvania city. | We Will Chant in Psalms of Glory |
Dura | | Hark! Upon the Morning Breezes |
Durban | The South African city. | We’ve Been Singing |
Durfee | | Love Surpassing Human Love |
Durham | | O Thou, the Contrite Sinner’s Friend |
Durrow | | Clouds of Judgment Gather, The |
Dursley |
The town in southern Gloucestershire, England. | Thou Shepherd of Israel, and Mine |
Dusseldorf | | High in the Heavens, Eternal God |
Dutch Harbor | Dutch Harbor, Alaska. | Jesus, I Love Thee |
Düzce | The Turkish province and city. | Some Day, Beyond the Valley |
Dwight | |
- God of the World! Thy Glories Shine
- Let Me but Hear My Savior Say
Dyb Af Kjærlighed | | Christ for the World We Sing |
Dying Stephen | | Head of Thy Church Triumphant |