NameNamed AfterUsed By
Vacant Chair, TheCome, Thou Fount of Ev­ery Bless­ing
VacavilleVacaville, Ca­li­for­nia.Jesus Is the Friend of Child­ren
VadodaraVadodara, In­dia (વડોદરા).Whosoever
VagharshapatVagharshapat, Ar­me­nia (Վաղարշապատ).Speak Lov­ing Words
VaihingenThe sub­urb of Stutt­gart, Ger­ma­ny.I Gave My Life for Thee (Mal­ay­al­am)
Val-d’OiseThe French dé­parte­ment.See the Har­vest­ers Reap­ing
ValdezThe Al­as­kan ci­ty. Coming One, The
ValelandCome to the Ark
ValenciaValencia, Spain.Name of Je­sus (Cush­ing), The
ValentiaO Gift of Gifts!
Valet will ich dir ge­ben [Tesch­ner]German for I want to bid you fare­well.
  1. Farewell I Glad­ly Bid Thee
  2. Forgive Them, O My Fa­ther
  3. Lord, How Shall I Be Meet­ing
  4. O Je­sus, King of Glo­ry
  5. O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?
  6. Preserve in Full­est Mea­sure
  7. Rejoice, Re­joice Ye Chris­tians
  8. Thou Light of Gen­tile Na­tions
ValeteAn ar­cha­ic term mean­ing fare­well.Sweet Sav­ior, Bless Us Ere We Go
ValettaValetta, Mal­ta.Jesu, Who from Thy Fa­ther’s Throne
ValladolidValladolid, Spain.Why I Sing (Root)
Valle del Cau­caValle del Cau­ca, Co­lom­bia.Savior, I Am Coming Home
VallejoThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Christ Our Lead­er
ValorSee The New Year
ValparaísoValparaíso, Chi­le.Blessèd Na­tion, The
Van NuysVan Nuys, Ca­li­for­nia.I On­ly Know It Reach­es Me
Van SantComposer Mon­roe Van Sant.Bring Your Bur­den
VancouverVan­cou­ver, Bri­tish Co­lum­bia, Ca­na­da.
  1. Cradle on the Nile, The
  2. Here Is Love
  3. Jesus On­ly
  4. Raise His Praise
Vander WerpGod Saved His Peo­ple from Dis­tress
VanderbiltVanderbilt Uni­ver­si­ty, Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see.Open Door (Lu­cas), The
VanmeterSavior Bids Us Watch and Pray, The
VanuatuThe South Pa­cific is­land na­tion.
  1. I Will Sing My Cheer­ful Song
  2. Pensive, Doubt­ing, Fear­ful Heart
VarVar, France.All the Beau­ty Out of Doors
Var Jag GårSwedish for where I go.Wheresoe’er I Roam
VaraderoVaradero, Cu­ba.Beauties of Zi­on
VaranasiVaranasi, In­dia (वाराणसी).Beautiful Shore, The
VaraždinVaraždin, Cro­atia.We Are Lit­tle Pil­grims
VarenVaren, Swit­zer­land.Loving Friend
VarinaThere Is a Land of Pure De­light
VästeråsVästerås, Swed­en.Bergen Må Vi­ka
Vater un­serGerman for our Fa­ther.
  1. Awake, Thou Guil­ty World, Awake
  2. Before Thee, God, Who Know­est All
  3. Before Thy Throne, O God, We Kneel
  4. Lord Je­sus, in the Days of Old
  5. My Sav­ior! I Be­hold Thy Life
  6. O God, Most Ho­ly Are Thy Ways
  7. O Lord of Hosts, Who Didst Up­raise
  8. Our Fa­ther, Thou in Hea­ven Above
  9. Th’Abyss of Ma­ny a For­mer Sin
  10. Then, Then, th’In­tes­tine War Is O’er
  11. Thou Hid­den Love of God
  12. With Rev­er­end Awe, Tre­men­dous Lord
VaudCanton Vaud, Swit­zer­land.Over the Ri­ver
Vaye’ethayuAll the World Shall Come
VelankanniVelankanni, In­di­a (வேளாங்கண்ணி).He Calls for You
VelloreVellore, In­dia (வேலூர்).I Will Fol­low Je­sus
VendéeVendée, France.Christ Is Ris­en (Roy­er)
VenetiaAnd Am I On­ly Born to Die?
VenetoVeneto, Ita­ly.Shining for Je­sus (Brown)
VenezuelaDoor Was Shut, The
VeniI Love Thy King­dom, Lord
Veni CitoLatin for come quick­ly.O Quick­ly Come, Dread Judge of All
Veni Creator (Dykes)Come, Ho­ly Ghost, Our Souls In­spire
Veni Creator (Mechlin)Come, Ho­ly Ghost, Our Souls In­spire
Veni Emmanuel
  1. Behold, These Words Are Trust­wor­thy and True
  2. O Come, O Come, Em­ma­nu­el
Veni Sanc­te Spi­ri­tus
  1. Come, Thou Ho­ly Pa­ra­clete
  2. Come, Thou Ho­ly Spir­it, Come
  3. Holy Spir­it, Come and Shine
Venice (Amps)If, on a Qui­et Sea
Venice (Campbell)
VennSee Hes­per­us
VenturaThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Feeding the Five Thou­sand
VeracruzThe Mexi­can ci­ty.Hear My Pray­er (Bloch­er)
Verbum Pac­isLatin for word of peace.With the Sweet Word of Peace
Verdi [Hu­bert]Composer Giu­sep­pe Ver­di.He’s Com­ing Once Again
Verleih uns Fried­en gnä­dig­lichGerman for In Thy mer­cy, grant us peace.His Tri­al O’er
Vernon (In­galls)
  1. Alone (Lee)
  2. Blow Ye the Trump, in Si­on Blow
  3. Hear, Hea­ven and Earth, Your God’s Ap­peal
Vernon (La­cy)Slowly Sinks the Set­ting Sun
VeronaThe Ita­li­an city.Lo, at Noon ’Tis Sud­den Night
VersaillesThe French pal­ace.I Will Nev­er Leave Thee
Vesper (Ack­field)
  1. God of Our Sal­va­tion
  2. Old Year and the New, The
  3. With Thy Be­ne­dict­ion
Vesper (Cot­tage)My Sav­ior and My Lord
Vesper (Stainer)Holy Fa­ther, Cheer Our Way
Vesper Hymn (Ev­er­ett)All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night
Vesper Hymn (Ren­dle)Day Is Slow­ly Wend­ing, The
Vesper Hymn (Ste­ven­son)
  1. Hark! the Ves­per Hymn Is Steal­ing
  2. Now, on Land and Sea Des­cend­ing
  3. Take Me, O My Fa­ther, Take Me
Vespers (El­li­ott)Again, as Ev­en­ing’s Sha­dow Falls
Vespers (Hart)When Je­sus Came to Earth of Old
  1. Blest Je­sus, Source of Grace Di­vine
  2. When, by the Tempt­er’s Wiles Be­trayed
VesuviusThe vol­ca­no near Na­ples, It­aly.As I Ought to Do
VeveyThe Swiss ci­ty.Écoutez Tous une Bonne Nou­velle
VexillaRoyal Ban­ners For­ward Go, The
Vexilla Re­gisRoyal Ban­ners For­ward Go, The
VexillumLatin for stan­dard (a mi­li­ta­ry flag)Forward! Be Our Watch­word
Via PacisLatin for way of peace.
  1. Encouraged by Thy Word
  2. Father of All, to Thee
ViatorOh, Walk with Je­sus
Victim Di­vineVictim Di­vine, Thy Grace We Claim
Victor Fu­ner­isSon of Da­vid Bowed to Die, The
Victoria FallsThe wa­ter­fall on Af­ri­ca’s Zam­be­zi Ri­ver.He Reigns Ev­er­more
VictorvilleThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Jesus Died for All
Victory (Pal­es­tri­na)Strife Is O’er, the Bat­tle Won, The
Victory (Row­ton)Far Be Sor­row, Tears, and Sigh­ing
Victory (White­head)I the Good Fight Have Fought
  1. Blest Cre­at­or of the Light
  2. Brightly Did the Light Di­vine
  3. Now the Shades of Night Are Gone
  4. ’Tis for Con­quer­ing Kings to Gain
VienneThe French com­mune.Draw Me to Thee (Cros­by)
Viens à Jé­susFrench for come to Je­sus.Viens à Jé­sus: Il t’Ap­pelle
VigHymn writ­er Pe­ter Vig.How Glad­ly I My Place Have Tak­en
Vigil [Haf Trones Lam­pa Fär­dig]Rejoice, Re­joice, Be­liev­ers
Vigil (Al­bans)
  1. My Times Are in Thy Hand
  2. Tomorrow, Lord, Is Thine
VigilateChristian! Seek Not Yet Re­pose
  1. Rejoice in Je­su’s Birth
  2. Roll Out, O Song, to God!
Village Ves­persOpen Now Thy Gates of Beau­ty
VillarricaThe vol­ca­no in south­ern Chile.Blessèd Sun­shine
VillavicencioThe Co­lom­bi­an ci­ty.Heaven-Bound Ma­ri­ner, The
Ville du HavreThe ship that car­ried Horatio Spaf­ford’s wife and child­ren.It Is Well with My Soul
Villiers-sur-MarneVilliers-sur-Marne, France.Jesus Is Call­ing (Da­vis)
VilniusVilnius, Lith­ua­nia.My Re­fuge (Bliss)
VincennesVincennes, In­di­ana.Give Your Heart to Je­sus (Clair)
VincentBishop John H. Vin­cent.
  1. Just for To­day
  2. Sun De­clines, The
VineyardIn the Vine­yard of Our Fa­ther
VinkovciVinkovci, Cro­atia.My Hope Is Still in Je­sus
VinnytsiaVinnytsia, Ukraine (Вінниця).Light of His Com­ing, The
VionicaVionica, Ser­bia.In Which Road Do You Tra­vel?
Virgin Un­spot­ted, A
  1. Great God of Hea­ven, The
  2. Virgin Un­spot­ted, A
Virginia BeachVirginia Beach, Vir­gin­ia.In Ho­ly Ex­ul­ta­tion
VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam, In­dia (విశాఖపట్నం).I Have Giv­en All to Je­sus!
Visio Do­mi­niLatin for vi­sion of God.We Would See Je­sus (War­ner)
Vision (Doane)
  1. Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear, The
  2. God of Our Strength, En­throned Above
  3. Let My­ri­ad Chords This Day Be Strung
  4. Our Lov­ing Hearts, O Sav­ior Dear
  5. Wherefore He Now in Mer­cy Cries
Vision (Tul­lar)
  1. Face to Face with Christ, My Sav­ior
  2. Praise the Lord, My Soul
VitaBrood o’er Us with Thy Shel­ter­ing Wing
VlaanderenFlanders, Bel­gium.Children’s Greet­ing Song
VolgaThe Rus­sian ri­ver.Thy King­dom Come (Mc­Kib­bin)
VolgogradVolgograd, Rus­sia (Вол­го­град).Bridegroom Came, The
Voller Wun­derGerman for full of won­der.
  1. Full of Won­der, Full of Art
  2. Work Is Sweet, for God Has Blest
Vom Him­mel hochGerman for from Hea­ven on high.
  1. Ah, Dear­est Je­sus
  2. Behold, the Joy­ful Day Is Nigh
  3. Ere Yet the Dawn Has Filled the Skies
  4. From Hea­ven Above to Earth I Come
  5. From High­est Hea­ven, on Joy­ous Wing
  6. From Yon­der World I Come to Earth
  7. God of All Pow­er, Truth and Grace (1742)
  8. Holy Son of God Most High, The
  9. I Come from th’Lofty Heav’ns To­day
  10. Image of That Hea­ven­ly Light, An
  11. Jerusalem, Lift Up Thy Voice
  12. Jesu, the Fa­ther’s On­ly Son
  13. Rejoice, Our Na­ture Christ Ass­umes
  14. Schaut! Schaut!
  15. Today We Ce­le­brate the Birth
  16. Wise Men’s Of­fer­ing, The
  17. With This New Year We Raise New Songs
  18. Ye Heav’ns, Oh Haste Your Dews to Shed
Von Gott will ich nicht lass­enGerman for I won’t let go of God.From God Shall Naught Di­vide Me
VoronezhVoronezh, Russ­ia (Во­ро­неж).Christian, The
VosgesThe French mount­ain range.Hark! The Song of Choirs An­gel­ic
Vox An­ge­li­caLatin for an­gel­ic voice.Hark! Hark, My Soul!
Vox Di­lec­tiLatin for be­lov­ed voice.
  1. Gifts
  2. I Heard the Voice of Je­sus Say
  3. Jehovah, to My Pray­er Give Ear
  4. O God, Ac­cord­ing to Thy Grace
  5. O Grant Me, Lord, That Sweet Con­tent
  6. Return, O God of Love
  7. Savior Comes, No Out­ward Pomp, The
  8. Sinners, the Ci­ty Where You Dwell
  9. Space to Re­pent
  10. Today They Know Not What They Do
  11. With Ear­nest Long­ings of the Mind
VreuchtenSee East­er Tide
VuhledarVuhledar, Ukraine (Вуг­ле­дар).Songs of Re­joic­ing
  1. Abide with Us, Our Sav­ior
  2. Long Hast Thou Wept and Sor­rowed
  3. My Soul, There Is a Coun­try
  4. Shepherd Now Was Smit­ten, The
  5. Thou Art the Migh­ty King of Kings