Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
EagleyPossibly the vil­lage near Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.
  1. Although Je­ho­vah Chang­es Not
  2. Blessed Are the Souls That Hear and Know
  3. Come in, Thou Bless­èd of the Lord
  4. Father of Mer­cies, Send Thy Grace
  5. Is There Am­bi­tion in My Heart?
  6. Jesus, My Lord, How Rich Thy Grace!
  7. Light of the Lone­ly Pilg­rim’s Heart
  8. Light of the World, Come Nigh and Bless
  9. Lord, Thou Wilt Hear Me When I Pray
  10. Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow, The
  11. My God, Thy Ser­vice Well De­mands
  12. O Saints of Old, nor Yours Alone
  13. Thrice Joy­ful Night
  14. Unstable Souls, the Slaves of Sense
  15. When We Are Raised from Deep Dis­tress
EalingThe Lon­don bo­rough.Jesus, Thou Joy of Lov­ing Hearts
EardisleyThe vil­lage and ci­vil par­ish in He­re­ford­shire, Eng­land.Lord, I Would Own Thy Ten­der Care
EarlGod Who Built the Lof­ty Sky, The
Earl’s CourtThe dis­trict in Lon­don.Oh, Send the Bi­ble
East ChurchMy God and Fa­ther! While I Stray
East Horn­donVillage in the bo­rough of Brent­wood, Es­sex, Eng­land.I Think, When I Read That Sweet Sto­ry
East Lin­tonSee Es­pañ­o­la
EastbourneThe town in East Sus­sex, Eng­land.Great Source of Un­ex­haust­ed Good
EastcoteThe old vil­lage in his­tor­ic Mid­dle­sex (now great­er Lon­don), En­gland.Jesus Is Mine (Dow­ling)
Easter An­gelsAngels, Roll the Rock Away
Easter ca­rolHow in the Flow­ery Spring
Easter ChantLight’s Glit­ter­ing Morn Be­decks the Sky
Easter ChimesRing, Hap­py Bells of East­er Time
Easter DawnEaster Day Hath Dawned Again
Easter Glo­rySee Fred Til Bod
Easter Hymn
  1. Christ the Lord Is Ris­en To­day
  2. Lord, We Come and Of­fer Praise
  3. Lord, Re­move the Veil Away
Easter IslandThe south Pa­ci­fic is­land.Little Things
Easter Joy (Lut­kin)Joy, Joy, Im­mor­tal Joy
Easter SongEaster Song
Easter-Tide [Vreuch­ten]This Joy­ful East­er-Tide
Easter-Tide (Sab­bath)O Je­sus, Lord of Hea­ven­ly Grace
EastergateHoly Fa­ther, in Thy Mer­cy
  1. Among His Peo­ple God Is Known
  2. Remember, Man, That Aw­ful Day
EastwickO Lord Most High, Eter­nal King
EatingtonHappy the Souls to Je­sus Joined
Eaton (Barn­by)Lighted Lamps
Eaton (Chad­wick)
  1. No Hu­man Eyes Thy Face May See
  2. O Child of Low­ly Man­ger Birth
  3. One Aw­ful Word Which Je­sus Spoke
Eaton (Wy­vill)O Light, Whose Beams Il­lum­ine All
Ebeling [Lü­ne­burg]Composer Jo­hann Ebel­ing.
  1. Ah! Lord God, the World’s Cre­at­or
  2. All My Heart This Night Re­joi­ces
  3. All the Skies To­night Sing o’er Us
  4. Lightly Bound My Bo­som, Ring­ing
  5. Why Should Cross and Tri­al Gri­eve Me?
Ebenezer [Tôn-y-Bo­tel]Ebenezer Cha­pel, near Swan­sea, Wales, which com­pos­er Tho­mas Will­iams at­tend­ed.
  1. Before His Eye
  2. God Has Spok­en by the Proph­ets
  3. O the Deep, Deep Love of Je­sus
  4. Once to Ev­ery Man and Na­tion
  5. Round the Lord in Glo­ry Seat­ed
  6. Ruler’s Daugh­ter, The
  7. Send Thy Spir­it, I Be­seech Thee
  8. To a Place of Ce­le­bra­tion
  9. Who Is This, with Gar­ments Go­ry
EboracumThe Ro­man pre­de­cess­or to the ci­ty of York, Eng­land.Scatter Gold­en Grain
EcatepecThe Mexi­can mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty.Whom Have I in Hea­ven but Thee?
Ecce Ag­nusLatin for be­hold the lamb.Behold the Lamb of God
Ecce Ho­moLatin for be­hold the man.
  1. Bound up­on the Ac­curs­èd Tree
  2. Earth to Earth, and Dust to Dust
  3. Who Be­lieves the Tid­ings?
Ecce Ve­nitLatin for be­hold, he comes.Behold, the Bride­groom Com­eth (Moul­trie)
Eccles (Bog­gett)Reverend A. Ec­cles Far­rer.Hail, Co-es­sen­tial Three
Eccles (Luard-Selby)I Hun­ger and I Thirst

If Christ Is Mine

Eden (Bos­ton)Voice That Breathed o’er Eden, The
Eden (Feilden)
  1. Angel’s Mes­sage, The (Mur­ray)
  2. Lord, Be Thy Word My Rule
Eden (Ha­ver­gal)Eternal Source of Joys Di­vine
Eden (Ma­son)
  1. Earth with All Her Full­ness Owns, The
  2. God of My Life, Through All My Days
  3. Savior, When to Hea­ven He Rose, The
Eden of LoveHow Sweet to Re­flect on Those Joys
EdengroveThere’s a Friend for Lit­tle Child­ren
EdgbastonThe area in Birm­ing­ham, Eng­land.Christ, We Come Be­fore Thee
EdgecumbeBy Thy Birth, O Lord of All
EdgewaterThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Little Drops of Wa­ter
EdinaSavior, Bless­èd Sav­ior (Thring)
EdinburghThe ci­ty in Scot­land.Forget Not the Dead
EdirneThe Turk­ish pro­vince and ci­ty.Hour of Part­ing
EdithWhen the King Comes Back
EdmestonJudge Me, O God, and Plead My Cause (Psal­ter)
EdmiastonAre You Work­ing?
EdomWho Is This That Comes from Edom
EdstastonThe vil­lage in Shrop­shire, Eng­land.Angels, Shout Your Al­le­lu­ias
EdwardsWith Joy We Med­i­tate the Grace
EffieSweet the Mo­ments, Rich in Bless­ing
  1. O Thou, Our Sav­ior, Bro­ther, Friend
  2. Thine Earth­ly Sab­baths, Lord, We Love
  3. When Shall Thy Love­ly Face Be Seen?
Egg RockThe out­crop of at the con­flu­ence of the As­sa­bet and Sud­bu­ry rivers in Con­cord, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Half Was Nev­er Told, The
EgloshayleThe vil­lage in north Corn­wall.Sown in Tears
EgyptThe north Af­ri­can coun­try.And Must This Bo­dy Die?
  1. Look, O Chris­tian!
  2. Who Is This, So Weak and Hel­pless?
EighmeyC. H. Eigh­mey, of Du­buque, Iowa.Oft in Sor­row, Oft in Woe
EignbrookThe church in He­re­ford, Eng­land.Brethren in Christ, and Well Be­loved
Ein feste BurgGerman for a sol­id for­tress.
  1. Be Strong in God
  2. Mighty Fort­ress Is Our God, A
  3. Rejoice To­day with One Ac­cord
  4. Safe Strong­hold Our God Is Still, A
  5. We Bless the Tri­une God of Might
EindhovenThe Dutch ci­ty.What a Friend We Have in Je­sus
Eins ist NotOne Thing’s Need­ful
EireneWe Are the Lord’s
EisenachArranger Bach’s home town in Thu­rin­gia.
  1. Captain of Is­ra­el’s Host
  2. Come Then, Thou Pro­phet of the Lord
  3. Great God, Who, Hid from Mor­tal Sight
  4. Let Us Go Forth
  5. Oh, World! Be­hold up­on the Tree
  6. One Sits up­on the Throne
  7. Thou Hal­lowed Chosen Morn of Praise
  8. To Realms of Glo­ry
El Ca­jonThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Christ Is Born (Geth­ing)
El Co­breSpanish for co­pper.Study of God’s Word, The
El Ka­derMy Mak­er and My King
El Mon­teThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.I Glo­ry in the Cross of Christ (Eck­stein)
El Na­thanI Know Whom I Have Be­lieved
El Ni­ñoSpanish for Christ Child.My God, Thy Bound­less Love I Praise
El Par­anThe lo­ca­tion in Gen­e­sis 14:6.Another Six Days’ Work Is Done
El Pa­soThe Tex­as ci­ty.
  1. Life’s Air­line to Hea­ven
  2. Life’s Rail­way to Hea­ven
  3. Out of Ev­ery Clime and Peo­ple
El Se­gun­doThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Little Cap­tive Maid, The
ElâzığThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Oh, Dread on the Mount­ains
Elbe (Lieb­ich)The Ger­man ri­ver.Here Is My Heart

Also see O dass ich taus­en Zung­en

Elephant and Cas­tleThe road junc­tion in Lon­don.Be Still
  1. My Gra­cious Re­deem­er I Love
  2. No Pro­phet or Dream­er of Dreams
  3. O Come Let Us Sing to the Lord
ElfåkerO How Hap­py Are They Who the Sav­ior Obey
EliadaDavid’s son (2 Sam­uel 5:16).Though Sor­rows Rise and Dan­gers Roll
Elim (Cal­kin)The lo­ca­tion in Ex­o­dus 15:27.My Sins, My Sins, My Sav­ior
Elim (Great­or­ex) [Geer]The lo­ca­tion in Ex­o­dus 15:27.
  1. Are Sin­ners Now so Sense­less Grown?
  2. Great Lead­er of Thine Is­ra­el’s Host
  3. How Bright These Glo­ri­ous Spir­its Shine
  4. Lord, He Is Our Sun and Shield, The
  5. Thanks, Fa­ther, That Again Our Feet
  6. There Is a Fold Whence None Can Stray
  7. Who Can De­clare the Day or Hour?
ElizabethJudge My In­teg­ri­ty
  1. Joy Is a Fruit That Will Not Grow
  2. When Cold Our Hearts
EllaSave Me, O God
EllacombeThe vil­lage in De­von, Eng­land.
  1. Ah! Woe Is Me, Con­strained to Dwell
  2. Arise, the King­dom Is at Hand
  3. Bethlehem (Ben­nett)
  4. Branch of Jes­se’s Stem, Arise
  5. Come, Sing with Ho­ly Glad­ness
  6. Fill Thou My Life
  7. Glory Be to God on High
  8. God of Might Dis­pels the Night, The
  9. Hail to the Lord’s An­oint­ed
  10. Hosanna, Loud Ho­san­na
  11. Jehovah Reigns in Ma­jes­ty
  12. Jesus, My Mas­ter, and My Lord
  13. Lord! How Ten­der Is His Love, The
  14. My Mas­ter Was a Wor­ker
  15. O God of Migh­ty Wind and Flame
  16. O Lord, by Thee De­li­vered
  17. Princely Ci­ty Pass­ing By, The
  18. Roseate Hues of Ear­ly Dawn, The
  19. Sword of the Lord and of Gid­e­on (Thwaites), The
  20. When Ma­ry Poured a Rich Per­fume
  21. Ye Sons of Pride
Ellan Van­ninJesus On­ly (Con­rey)
EllerkerSee Bat­ty
  1. By Ba­bel’s Ri­ver­side
  2. Change, The
  3. Divine Wrath
  4. He Gave Him­self
  5. How Won­der­ful It Is to Walk with God
  6. In Hope We Lift Our Wish­ful, Long­ing Eyes
  7. Lighten the Dark­ness
  8. Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name
  9. Search Me, O Lord
  10. Thy Lov­ing­kind­ness, Lord, Is Good and Free
  11. Through Death to Life
  12. True Bread, The
  13. True Mir­ror of the God­head!
  14. We Praise Thee, Lord, with Ear­li­est Morn­ing Ray
EllertonSee Ado­ro Te
  1. Gracious Fa­ther, Guard Thy Child­ren
  2. It Is Good to Sing Thy Prais­es
  3. Lord, Her Watch Thy Church Is Keep­ing
  4. Vain Are All Ter­res­tr­ial Plea­sures
Ellesmere [Kid­ling­ton]Jehovah Reigns—He Dwells in Light
Ellingham (God­frey)Love Is Strong­er Than Death
Ellingham (Wes­ley)Thy King­dom Come! O Fa­ther, Hear Our Pray­er
ElliottFrom Hands That Would Our Land De­flow­er
EllonWise May Bring Their Learn­ing, The
ElmO Thou Who Driest the Mour­ner’s Tear
ElmcroftI Plead Thy Love
  1. O God of Love, to Thee We Bow
  2. O God of Mer­cy, God of Might
  3. Send Thou, O Lord, to Ev­ery Place
ElmiraThe New York ci­ty.Jesus, King Most Won­der­ful
ElmwoodWhen All Thy Mer­cies, O My God
ElnoHigh in the Hea­vens, Eter­nal God
ElthamHasten, Lord, the Glo­ri­ous Time
EltonGive to Our God Im­mor­tal Praise
  1. Dead Be My Heart to All Be­low
  2. My Soul Be­fore Thee Pros­trate Lies
  1. How Vain the Cru­el Her­od’s Fear
  2. O Je­sus, Lord of Hea­ven­ly Grace
  3. What Thanks and Praise to Thee We Owe
Emain MachaThe an­cient ce­re­mo­ni­al mo­nu­ment near Ar­magh, North­ern Ire­land.There Are a My­ri­ad Means, O Lord
Emancipation OakThe his­to­ric tree in Hamp­ton, Vir­gin­ia.Oh, the Joy I Feel
EmbarcaderoThe area in San Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­for­nia.Ruth the Glean­er
Embry (Lay­ton)Composer James C. Em­bryI Give Im­mor­tal Praise
Embry [An­nie]Composer James C. Em­bryHither, Ye Faith­ful
EmeraldOn the Dewy Breath of Ev­en
Emerald CoastThe area in northwest Flo­ri­da.Old Jor­dan’s Waves I Do Not Fear
EmesaRoman name for the ci­ty of Homs, on the Oron­tes River in Sy­ria, known in Bib­li­cal times as Kadesh (Num­bers 13:26).Currently un­used (score)
EmilieEmily Baume, sis­ter of com­pos­er John Baume.Spirit of God, Desc­end up­on My Heart
EmmanuelHebrew for God with us.
  1. Ascend, My Soul, to Pis­gah’s Hill
  2. Awake, Je­ru­sa­lem, Awake
  3. Behold How Sin­ners Dis­a­gree
  4. Behold the Glo­ri­ous Dawn­ing Bright
  5. Blush, Ath­e­ists, Blush
  6. Fountain of Grace
  7. Glory to God Who Reigns Above
  8. Happy Christ­mas Comes Once More, The
  9. O Fa­ther, Take the New-Built Shrine
  10. Spirit Moved up­on the Waves, The
EmmausTeach Me, My God and King
Emmelar [Arm­strong]
  1. Bartimeus
  2. Lord, Through All the Ge­ne­ra­tions
  3. My Mo­ther’s Pray­er (O’Kane)
  4. Yes, for Me He Car­eth
Emmons [Rhine]Thou Dear Re­deem­er, Dy­ing Lamb
EmswilerComposer Ruth Ems­wi­ler.O Cry Aloud and Spare Not
EmsworthThe town in Hamp­shire, Eng­land.Thou Who Wast Once a Child
EncinoThe neigh­bor­hood in the San Fer­nan­do Val­ley re­gion of Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.I’ll Fol­low Where He Leads
Endless PraiseSee Al­styne
  1. Let the God of Truth and Love
  2. O Christ, Thou Hast As­cend­ed
  3. We Thank Thee, O Our Fa­ther
EnergyGrace, ’Tis a Charm­ing Sound
Enfield (Bede)Shall We Ga­ther at the Ri­ver?
EngediLo! Now the Time Ac­cept­ed Peals
EngelsThe ci­ty in Sa­ra­tov Oblast, Rus­sia (for­mer­ly known as Pok­rovsk and Ko­sa­ken­stadt)Glad New Year, The
EngelschwingenChristmas Night (Prutz)
England’s LaneSing, O Sing, This Bless­èd Morn
EnglewoodThe Co­lo­ra­do ci­ty.Gather and Sing
EnniusThe La­tin po­et.
  1. Little Trav­el­ers Zi­on­ward
  2. People of the Liv­ing God
  3. Pilgrim, Bur­dened with Thy Sin
  4. Stillness Reigns
EnschedeThe Dutch ci­ty.Bethlehem
Entrambasaguas The mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty in the com­mu­ni­ty of Can­ta­bria, Spain.Work On
EntreatyBehold, a Strang­er at the Door
EnumclawThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.Saved For­ev­er
EpaphroditusThe man in Phil­ip­pi­ans 2:25.Abundantly Able to Save
EpenetusThe first Chris­tian con­vert in the Ro­man prov­ince of Asia (Ro­mans 16:5).Tell It Out (Ha­ver­gal)
EphratahThe village of Beth­le­hem.O Lit­tle Town of Beth­le­hem
EpimelDon’t You Know He Cares?
Epiphany (Fil­by)
  1. Lift Your Glad Voices in Tri­umph on High
  2. Praise the Re­deem­er, Al­migh­ty to Save
Epiphany (Smith)There Came Three Kings
Epiphany (Thrupp)Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
Epiphany (Wes­ley)Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
Epping ForestThe wood­land in south­east Eng­land, on the bor­der between Es­sex and Great­er Lon­don.Sing the Glo­ri­ous Vic­to­ry
EpsomCurrently un­used (score)
EpsteinComposer A. Ep­stein.I Bless Thee, Fa­ther, for the Grace
EquatoriaThe re­gion in South Su­dan.Wonderful Place, A
ErbarmungGerman for mercy.Raise High the Notes of Ex­ul­ta­tion
ErdemliThe town in Mer­sin Pro­vince, Tür­ki­ye.Angels, Get My Man­sion Rea­dy
ErezThe kib­butz in south­west­ern Is­ra­el.Blessèd Friend
Erfurt [Wit­ten­berg]The Ger­man ci­ty.
  1. Lord Will Come! the Earth Shall Quake, The
  2. O Christ, Re­deem­er of Our Race

Also see Il­se

ErfyniadHere, O My Lord, I See Thee
Erhalt uns, HerrGerman for pre­serve [or keep, or sus­tain] us, Lord.
  1. Awhile in Spir­it, Lord, to Thee
  2. Fiery Tri­al, The
  3. How Great, How Ter­ri­ble That God
  4. In Vain the Sav­ior’s Migh­ti­est Foes
  5. Law of God Is Good and Wise, The
  6. Lord, Keep Us Stead­fast in Thy Word
  7. Lord, Open Thou My Heart
  8. No God for Me! The Fool Ex­claims
  9. See the Old Dra­gon from His Throne
  10. Thine Hon­or Save, O Christ, O Lord
  11. When Christ’s Ap­pear­ing Was Made Known
  12. When Is­ra­el, Freed from Pha­raoh’s Hand
Erie [Con­verse]The Penn­syl­van­ia ci­ty.
  1. Dark and Thor­ny is the Des­ert
  2. From House to House
  3. Though I Speak
  4. What a Friend We Have in Je­sus
ErkSing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
ErlangenThe Ba­va­ri­an ci­ty.By the Grace of God
  1. Fountain of Pow­er and Dig­ni­ty
  2. Savior, I Know Thy Gra­cious Will
Ermuntre dichGerman for en­cou­rage your­self.Break Forth, O Beau­te­ous Hea­ven­ly Light
ErnakulamThe In­di­an ci­ty (എറണാകുളം).One by One (Wall­ace)
  1. And Art Thou Come with Us to Dwell
  2. Happy the Church, Thou Sac­red Place
  3. He Wills That I Should Ho­ly Be
  4. It May Not Be Our Lot
  5. Lands That Long in Dark­ness Lay, The
  6. Life’s Ori­ent Morn Hath Passed Away
  7. Lord Pro­claims His Grace Abroad, The
  8. Star of Beth­le­hem (Chey­ney), The
  9. Thus Ear­ly Was Christ’s Course Be­gun
  10. We Thank Thee Lord, for This Fair Earth
  11. Where Two or Three, with Sweet Ac­cord
ErnsteinHoly Spir­it, Hear Us
Erschienen istGerman for ap­peared.
  1. Come, See the Place Where Je­sus Lay
  2. We Sing, Im­ma­nu­el, Thy Praise
  3. We Thank Thee, Je­sus, Dear­est Friend
ErskineThough Migh­ty Foes As­sail Me, Lord
ErsurgeLatin for arise.O Gold­en Day! so Long De­sired
ErzincanThe Turk­ish ci­ty and prov­ince.Gospel In­vi­ta­tion (Mur­rey), The
ErzurumThe Turk­ish ci­ty and prov­ince.O Bless­èd Day of Days
Es ist das HeilGerman for There is sal­va­tion.Salvation un­to Us Has Come
Es ist ein Ros’German for There is a rose.
  1. Great and Migh­ty Won­der (Neale), A
  2. Lo, a Fair Rose Abloom­ing
  3. Lo, How a Rose E’er Bloom­ing
Es ist ge­wiss­lichGerman for It is most cer­tain­ly.
  1. O Ho­ly Spir­it, Grant Us Grace
  2. ’Tis Sure, That Aw­ful Time Will Come
Es ist kein Tag [Mey­er]German for There is no day.O Lord of Heav’n and Earth and Sea
Es ist voll­brachtGerman for It is fin­ished.All Is Ful­filled
Es kommt ein Schiff
  1. Down Head­long from Their Na­tive Skies
  2. Es kommt ein Schiff ge­lad­en
  3. I Lift My Ban­ner, Saith the Lord
Es woll’ uns GottMay God Be­stow on Us His Grace
EsbjergThe Da­nish town.There Came a Mess­age from the Sky
Esca Via­to­rumLatin for Food for pil­grims.O Food That Wea­ry Pil­grims Love
EscholThe lo­ca­tion in Num­bers 13:23 (Esh­col).High in the Heav’ns, Eter­nal God
EscobedoThe mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty in Can­ta­bria, Spain.There Are No Tears in Hea­ven
EscoffierConverted to Je­sus
EscondidoThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.All for Je­sus (At­chin­son)
EshtemoaThe man men­tioned in 1 Chron­i­cles 4:17.Jesus, Mas­ter, Hear Me Now
EskişehirThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Holy Spir­it
EskridgeLaw That the Lord Has Or­dained, The
Española [East Lin­ton]The ci­ty in New Me­x­ico.I’ll Live for Him
Espírito San­toThe Bra­zil­ian state.Only Be­lieve (Phelps)
EsromJesus’ an­ces­tor (Mat­thew 1:3).Is Je­sus Able to Re­deem?
EssenThe Ger­man ci­ty.O Love Di­vine! Wher­e’er I Am
Essex [Sud­bu­ry]Praise the Lord! Ye Hea­vens, Adore Him
EstoniaThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.Angel’s Mes­sage, The (Pick­ell)
EstrellasSpanish for stars.Holy Spir­it, The
EstudilloLove of God Be with Us, The
EswatiniThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Carol, Child­ren
EtchmiadzinThe ca­thed­ral (Էջմիածին)in Vag­har­sha­pat, Ar­me­nia.Flowing Wa­ter, The
Eternal LightEternal Light
Éternelle Splen­deurFrench for eter­nal splen­dor.Quand Nous Voy­ons au Ciel
Eternity (Wes­ley)God of Pi­ty, God of Grace
EthelbergSee Al­sace
EthelbertComposer Eth­el­bert Bul­lin­ger.Morning, the Bright and the Beau­ti­ful Morn­ing, The
Etiam et Mi­hiLatin for ev­en me.Even Me
EthiopiaThe Af­ri­can coun­try.We Hom­age Pay
EtobicokeThe ad­min­is­tra­tive dis­trict and for­mer ci­ty in To­ron­to, Ca­na­da.Good Shep­herd (Mur­ray), The
EtonDay of Judg­ment! Day of Won­ders!
Eton Col­lege
  1. Lo, the Right­eous Judge Des­cend­ing
  2. Lord, Dis­miss Us with Thy Bless­ing (Buck­oll)
ÉtretatThe town in the Seine-Mar­i­time dé­parte­ment of Haute-Nor­man­die, France.What Is the Mes­sage?
EucharistWhen I Sur­vey the Wond­rous Cross
Eucharistic HymnBread of the World, in Mer­cy Brok­en
EucharisticusLatin for the Eu­char­ist.
  1. Jesus, Gent­lest Sav­ior
  2. True Friends Help Each Oth­er
EudoraHow Strong and Sweet My Fa­ther’s Care
EudoxiaA fe­mi­nine giv­en name, which orig­in­al­ly meant good fame or judg­ment or she whose fame or judg­ment is good in Greek (Εὐδοξία).
  1. Father, Who Hast Ga­thered
  2. Jesus, Kneel Be­side Me
  3. Let Me Learn of Je­sus
EugeneThe Ore­gon ci­ty.How Can I Let Thee Go?
EuphemiaThe saint mar­tyred for her faith in 303 AD.Lord I Will at All Times Bless, The
EuphoniaAll Hail! Bright Morn­ing Star
EuphonyWould Je­sus Have the Sin­ner Die?
EuropaO My God, I Fear Thee!
EuropeSee Hymn to Joy
Evan [Eva]
  1. Another Year Is Quick­ly Gone
  2. Blest Be the Dear Unit­ing Love
  3. Dread So­ver­eign! Let My Ev­en­ing Song
  4. Eternal Sun of Right­eous­ness
  5. Fools in Their Heart Be­lieve and Say
  6. Him Whom the Skies, the Earth, the Sea
  7. I Love to Sing of That Great Pow­er
  8. In Mer­cy, Lord, Re­mem­ber Me
  9. Jesus, Great Shep­herd of the Sheep
  10. Lord, I Be­lieve a Rest Re­mains
  11. Lord, It Be­longs Not to My Care
  12. Lord, When Wilt Thou Ex­tend Thy Sway?
  13. Mind at Per­fect Peace, A
  14. O Bless­èd Lord, What Hast Thou Done!
  15. Our Sav­ior’s Voice Is Soft and Sweet
  16. Sweet Was the Time When First I Felt
  17. To Praise the Ev­er Boun­te­ous Lord
  18. When Bloom­ing Youth Is Snatched Away
  19. Why, Why Re­pine?
EvangelTell Me the Old, Old Sto­ry

Also see Beth­le­hem (Fink)

EvangelistSing to the Great Je­ho­vah’s Praise
EvansWelcome, Day of Sweet Re­pose
EvanstonFather of Je­sus Christ, My Lord
EvansvilleThe In­di­ana ci­ty.Tomb, Thou Shalt Not Hold Him Lon­ger
EvartsPossibly Je­re­mi­ah Evarts (1781–1831), an ear­ly lead­er of the Am­eri­can Board of Com­mis­sion­ers for For­eign Mis­sions.Rejoice, Re­joice, Ye Chris­tians
Evelyn (Ash­ford)They Who Seek the Throne of Grace
Evelyn (Sul­li­van)Spirit Blest, Who Art Adored
EvelynsAt the Name of Je­sus
Even Me
  1. Even Me
  2. Lord, Thou Know­est All the Hun­ger
Evening (Sho­wal­ter)In Mer­cy, Lord, Re­mem­ber Me
Evening HymnEvensong Is Hushed in Si­lence
Evening In­vo­ca­tionBless Me, O My Sav­ior, Bless Me
Evening LightWhen Comes the Gold­en Sun­set
Evening PraiseLord, Our Lord, Thy Glo­ri­ous Name
Evening Pray­er (Ran­deg­ger)Grace and Truth Shall Mark the Way
Evening Pray­er (Steb­bins)
  1. From the Depths Do I In­voke Thee
  2. He That Lay in Low­ly Man­ger
  3. Savior, Breathe an Ev­en­ing Bless­ing
Evening Pray­er (von We­ber)Softly Sighs the Breath of Ev­en­ing
Evening Twi­lightSee Mar­tyr­dom
  1. Inside the Veil
  2. Nipa ife Ol­ug­ba­la
  1. Abide with Me
  2. And Is It So?
  3. As Sha­dows Length­en
  4. Go to the Grave in All Thy Glo­ri­ous Prime
  5. Now Lift We Hymns of Heart-Felt Praise to Thee
  6. Together for Our Coun­try Now We Pray
Ever Faith­fulLet Us with a Glad­some Mind
EvergreenGather Round the Christ­mas Tree
Everlasting Love
  1. I Am His, and He Is Mine
  2. One Named La­za­rus
EvermoreThine For­ev­er! God of Love
  1. No Rod of Ven­geance Je­sus Takes
  2. O Fa­ther, Hear My Morn­ing Pray­er
  1. Harp, Awake! Tell Out the Sto­ry
  2. King of Saints, to Whom the Num­ber
Every Morn­ing [Kelso]Every Morn­ing Mer­cies New
Every Day and Ev­ery HourSavior, More Than Life
EwingComposer Al­ex­an­der Ew­ing.
  1. Bend to Our Hymns, Re­deem­er
  2. From All Thy Saints in War­fare
  3. Good Shep­herd (Loy­er), The
  4. Heaven at Home
  5. I Can­not Think or Rea­son
  6. I Could Not Do With­out Thee
  7. Immanuel, God with Us!
  8. In God’s Most Ho­ly Pre­sence
  9. Jerusalem the Gold­en
  10. Light Came Out of Dark­ness, A
  11. Lord My Shep­herd Holds Me, The
  12. O Sav­ior, Pre­cious Sav­ior
  13. Oh, Land Re­lieved from Sor­row
  14. True His­to­ric Je­sus, The
Ewyas Har­oldThe vill­age in He­re­ford­shire, Eng­land.From Egypt Late­ly Come
ExcelsiorLooking Up­ward Ev­ery Day

Also see Be­tha­ny (Ma­son)

Exeter (Ma­son)I Know Not How That Beth­le­hem’s Babe
Exeter (Till­eard)Heavenly Fa­ther, All Cre­ation
ExhortationNow in the Heat of Youth­ful Blood
ExmouthSee Pu­rleigh
ExodusFar Be Sor­row, Tears, and Sigh­ing
  1. Delay Not, O Sin­ner, Draw Near
  2. O Turn Ye, for Why Will Ye Die?
Exsurgat De­usLatin for God arise.Let God Arise to Lead Forth Those
ExtremaduraThe Span­ish re­gion.If We Could Know
EzanaThe king of Ak­sum (king­dom in East Af­ri­ca and South Ara­bia), the first ma­jor rul­er to em­brace Chris­ti­an­ity.Servant of All
EzurumThe Turk­ish ci­ty.O Bless­èd Day of Days