Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
GabrielJust When I Need Him Most
Gabriel’s Mes­sageAngel Gab­ri­el from Hea­ven Came, The
GadThe tribe of Is­ra­el.Lord Knows Why, The
GadaraThe De­ca­po­lis ci­ty on the Sea of Ga­li­lee (Mark 5:1).Lord in Zi­on Ev­er Reigns, The
GadeComposer Niels Gade.Year Now Hast­ens to Its End, The
Gairney BridgeThe vil­lage near Kin­ross, Scot­land.
  1. O God of All Re­deem­ing Grace
  2. Not un­to Us, O Lord of Heav’n
GalápagosThe Pa­ci­fic Ocean ar­chi­pel­a­go.Living Way, The
GalatiaThe pro­vince in the Ro­man Em­pire.Farewell Song
GalenaThe Il­li­nois town.
  1. Shall Mor­tals Dare Con­tend?
  2. Thou Art, O Christ, the Way
GalileanHark, the Voice of Je­sus Call­ing
Galilee (Armes)One Cup of Heal­ing Oil and Wine
Galilee (Hol­born)
  1. O’er the Dark Wave of Ga­li­lee
  2. ’Tis God, Whose All Dis­pos­ing Sway
Galilee (Jude)
  1. Ever Would I Fain Be Read­ing
  2. Hallelujah! Song of Tri­umph
  3. How, Can I, Lord, Keep My Way Pure?
  4. Jesus Calls Us
GalvestonThe Tex­as ci­ty.Learn of Him
GalwayCharge to Keep I Have, A
Gambia (Fill­more)The Af­ri­can coun­try.
  1. In Tri­umph, Joy and Ho­ly Fear
  2. Riches of Hea­ven, The
Gambia (Tow­ner)The Af­ri­can coun­try.At Cal­va­ry
GangesThe In­di­an ri­ver.When with a Mind Di­vine­ly Pressed
Gants HillThe Lon­don dis­trict.Son Hath Made Me Free, The
GarabandalThe vil­lage in Spain’s Pe­ña Sa­gra mount­ains.God’s Best Gift
GaraisonSowing and Reap­ing
Garden City
  1. Church Has Wait­ed Long, The
  2. Day Is Past and Gone, The
  3. Far as Thy Name Is Known
  4. Send Down Thy Truth, O God
Gardiner [Ded­ham]Composer Will­iam Gar­di­ner.
  1. Hear, Lord, the Voice of Praise and Pray­er
  2. O How I Love Thy Ho­ly Law
  3. O Thou Great Teach­er from the Skies
Garfirth O God, the Rock of Ag­es
Garmisch-Par­ten­kirch­enThe Ba­var­ian town.Turn to Je­sus
GarrettsSee For­give­ness
GarsideGarside Bi­ble Church, Ham­il­ton, On­tar­io, where com­pos­er Ed­ward Cot­trill played the or­gan.Jesus, I Live to Thee
GartanThe par­ish and lake in Coun­ty Do­ne­gal, Ire­land. Some­times mis­spelled as Gar­ton.Love Came Down at Christ­mas
GaryThe In­di­ana ci­ty.Dews of the Night
Gascon ca­rolInfant So Gen­tle
GastoriusComposer Se­ver­us Ga­sto­ri­us.
  1. O Son of God, We Wait for Thee
  2. Whate’er My God Or­dains Is Right
Gates AjarGates Ajar
GatheringGathering of the Na­tions, The
GatwickThe Lon­don air­port.Meet Me There!
Gaudeamus Par­ti­terLatin for Let us re­joice to­ge­ther.See Ave Vir­go Vir­gin­um
GaudeteLatin for re­joice.Joy Fills Our In­most Hearts To­day!
Gaudium Cæ­lesteLatin for joy in Hea­ven.There Was Joy in Hea­ven
GauntlettComposer Hen­ry Gaunt­lett.As Joseph Was a Walk­ing
GautengThe South Af­ri­can pro­vince.We Have Heard the Won­drous Sto­ry
GaylordHo­ly Father! Thou Hast Taught Us
GazaFor Those We Love With­in the Veil
GaziantepThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Our Lord’s Res­ur­rec­tion
GdańskThe Pol­ish ci­ty.My Sav­ior Tells Me So
GdyniaThe Pol­ish ci­ty.Harvest Fields Are Wait­ing
GederThe Ca­naan­ite ci­ty cap­tured by the Is­rael­ites (Jo­shua 12:13).To God Our Voic­es Let Us Raise
Geduld, die soll’n wir ha­benGerman for we should have pa­tience.While Yet the Morn Is Break­ing
GeeComposer Sam­uel Gee.Shades of Si­lent Night Di­vid­ing
GeelongThe Aus­tra­li­an ci­ty.Happiest Day, The
GeerSee Elim
GelderlandThe Dutch pro­vince.Louder, Loud­er
GeldingadalurThe vol­ca­no in Ice­land.Bird So Blithe
Gelobt sei GottGerman for God be praised.O Lord of Life, Wher­e’er They Be
Gelobet seistGerman for praise be.O Je­su Christ, All Praise to Thee
GelsenkirchenThe Ger­man ci­ty.My Heart’s Pray­er
GemenskapSwedish for com­mu­ni­ty or fel­low­ship.Child This Day Is Born, A
GenesisO Fa­ther, All Cre­at­ing
GenevaWhen All Thy Mer­cies, O My God
Genevan 42Thou, Whose Com­ing Seers and Sag­es
Genevan Psalm CXLord, Through This Ho­ly Week of Our Sal­va­tion
Genevan Psalm CXVIII
  1. Christians, Sing Out with Ex­ul­ta­tion
  2. Rendez à Dieu Lou­ange et Gloire
Genevan Psalm XIIMy Lord, My Mas­ter, at Thy Feet Ador­ing
GennesaretThe plain bor­der­ing the west shore of the Sea of Ga­li­lee be­tween Ca­per­na­um and Mag­da­la. The Sea of Ga­li­lee is some­times called Lake Gen­ne­sa­ret.Lord, I Am Thine, En­tire­ly Thine
Genoa (Barn­by)The Ita­li­an ci­ty.From the Cross the Blood Is Fall­ing
Gentle Je­sus
  1. Gentle Je­sus, Meek and Mild
  2. Gently, Gent­ly Lay Thy Rod
GeorgetownThe area in Wash­ing­ton, DC.Hereafter Thou Shalt Know
Gerald [Je­ru­sa­lem]Dr. Fitz­ger­ald Sale Par­ker & Ger­al­dine Reid Sher­rill, who helped com­pile the 1935 Me­tho­dist hym­nal.
  1. Give Thanks to God the So­ve­reign Lord
  2. Hour-Glass, The
  3. I Want a Prin­ci­ple With­in
  4. O Praise the Lord, His Deeds Make Known
  5. Our Souls, by Love To­ge­ther Knit
  6. World With­in, The
GerarThe place where Ab­ra­ham stayed (Gen­e­sis 20:1).
  1. God Is the Fount­ain Whence
  2. O Roy­al Bride, Give Heed
  3. O That I Could Re­pent
GerardSee No­el
GerhardtHymnist Paul Ger­hardt.O Sac­red Head, Now Wound­ed
GeringThe Ne­bras­ka town.My On­ly Com­fort
GermanDo No Sin­ful Ac­tion
Germany [Ful­da, Wal­ton]
  1. Brethren, Be­loved for Je­su’s Sake
  2. Come, Let Us Praise God’s Ho­ly Name
  3. Day Hath Dawned—The Day of Days, The
  4. Eastern Sag­es Sought Their Lord, The
  5. From Cal­va­ry a Cry Was Heard
  6. God of the Strong, God of the Weak
  7. Great God, We Sing Your Migh­ty Hand
  8. Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth
  9. I Love You, Christ, My Cru­ci­fied
  10. Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise
  11. Jesu, Re­deem­er of the World
  12. Jesus, Thy Blood and Right­eous­ness
  13. Lord of the Sab­bath, Hear Us Pray
  14. O Give the Lord Whole-heart­ed Praise
  15. O God, in Whom We Live and Move
  16. O God, My God, My All Thou Art!
  17. Take Up Thy Cross
  18. This Bless­ed Night
  19. Thou True and On­ly God
  20. To Thee, My Heart, Eter­nal King
  21. We Seek Thy Face
  22. We Sing to Thee, Im­ma­nu­el
  23. When I the Lone­ly Tomb Sur­vey
  24. Where Cross the Crowd­ed Ways of Life
  25. Why Do the Proud In­sult the Poor?
  26. With What De­light, Great God, I Trace
  27. Withering as Grass Is Hu­man­kind
GeronimoBehold the Bride­groom Draw­eth Nigh
GerontiusJohn New­man’s 1865 po­em, The Dream of Ge­ron­ti­us.
  1. Commissioned by the Great I AM
  2. Eternal God, Our Won­der­ing Souls
  3. My God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine
  4. Now I’m Con­vinced the Lord Is Kind
  5. Praise to the Ho­li­est in the Height
  6. What Shall I Ren­der to My God? (Wes­ley)
  7. Word of Truth’s a Spa­cious Field, The
Gethsemane (Dykes)The gar­den near Je­ru­sa­lem where Je­sus was tak­en in­to cus­to­dy be­fore be­ing cru­ci­fied.Gracious God, My Heart Re­new
Gethsemane (Hull) [Re­mem­ber Me]Gethsemane
Gethsemane (Monk)Go to Dark Geth­se­ma­ne
Gethsemane (Ouse­ley)When in Dark and Dread­ful Gloom
GhattasPalestinian Chris­tian nun Marie-Al­phon­sine Da­nil Ghatt­as.In Just a Lit­tle While
GhaziabadThe In­di­an ci­ty.Tell Me, Ye Wing­èd Winds

Also see Con­so­la­tion

GhentThe Bel­gian ci­ty.Room for Je­sus
GibbonsComposer Orl­an­do Gib­bons.I Lay My Sins on Je­sus
GibeonGlory to God! the Morn Ap­point­ed Breaks
GibraltarIn the Hush of Ear­ly Morn­ing
GiessenThe Ger­man town. The town’s name is al­so spelled Gießen.O Lord of Glo­ry! Who Couldst Leave
Gift of Love
  1. Gift of Love, The
  2. My Shep­herd Fills My Ev­ery Need
GiggleswickThe vil­lage in the Cra­ven dis­trict of North York­shire, Eng­land.Sin No More (Mc­Cabe)
GilanThe Ir­an­i­an pro­vince.Pearly Gate (Boyn­ton), The
GilderComposer Ri­chard Gil­der.To Thee, Eter­nal Soul, Be Praise!
Gilead (Mé­hul)Come, Let Us Sing Be­fore the Lord
Gilead (To­ron­to)Thou, the Great, Eter­nal God
GilgalThe town in Is­ra­el (1 Sam­uel 7:16).My Dear Re­deem­er and My Lord
GiraudIn the Hap­py By and By
GiresunThe Turk­ish city and pro­vince.Sweetly Rest­ing
GirondeThe French dé­parte­ment.Jesus, My Sav­ior, Look on Me
GironaThe Span­ish ci­ty.Gos­pel Trum­pet Sounds, The
GizaThe Egypt­ian ci­ty.Abiding in Je­sus (Wil­lough­by)
Glad Day
  1. Day of God, Thou Bless­èd Day
  2. Hail the Day, When in the Sky
  3. Hail the Night, All Hail the Morn
  4. He Has Come, the Christ of God
  5. Mary to Her Sav­ior’s Tomb
  6. Morning Spreads Her Crim­son Rays
  7. Sing Ye Low­ly, Sing Ye Great
  8. Sing, Ye Ran­somed Na­tions, Sing
  9. Soldiers of the Cross, Arise!
  1. Let An­gels and Arch­an­gels Sing
  2. Lion of Ju­dah’s Tribe, Draw Near
  3. O God, Thou High and Lof­ty One
  4. O Hap­py Earth
  5. Ye Ho­ly Souls, in God Re­joice
  6. While Na­ture Yield­ing to Des­pair
Glädje Utan Gud Ej FinnesOnly God Can Bring Us Glad­ness
GladnessCome Re­joic­ing, Prais­es Voic­ing

Also see St. An­selm

GlamorganshireThe his­tor­ic Welsh coun­ty.Shall I Wait?
GlasburyThe vil­lage in Powys, Wales.Thee, Fa­ther, We Bless
GlasgowBehold! the Mount­ain of the Lord
GlastonCome Ye Your­selves Apart
GlastonburyThe town in Som­er­set, Eng­land.Weary with My Load of Sin
GleasonChicago mu­si­cian Fred­er­ick Grant Glea­son.Slowly, Slow­ly Dark­en­ing
Glebe Field
  1. Hail, All Hail the Joy­ful Morn!
  2. Joy! Be­cause the Circ­ling Year
Glen El­lynThe Il­li­nois town.Jesus Is Our Lov­ing Shep­herd
GlencoeThe lo­ca­tion in Scot­land.Twine the East­er Gar­land
GlendaleThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Light at Ev­en­tide
GlenifferThe hills south of Pais­ley, Scot­land.Jesus Bids Us Shine
Glens FallsThe ci­ty in New York.I’ll Speak a Word for Je­sus
GlezenComposer Ed­ward Gle­zen.My Times Are in Thy Hand
GliwiceThe Po­lish ci­tyJerusalem the Beau­ti­ful!
  1. By the Thought­less World De­rid­ed
  2. God in Hea­ven Hath a Trea­sure
Gloria (Barnes)
  1. Angels We Have Heard on High
  2. Hearken, All! What Ho­ly Sing­ing
  3. Praise Be un­to Our God
Gloria (Buck­nall)Glorious Is Thy Name, O Lord
Gloria (Smart)Hark! the Sound of Ho­ly Voic­es
Glorious PeaceLike a River Glo­ri­ous
GloryGlory, All Is Glo­ry
Glory in the High­estDo You Know the Song That the An­gels Sang
Glory Song
  1. O That Will Be Glo­ry
  2. Sing We the King
Glory to Beth­le­hemGlory to Beth­le­hem
Glory to God (Wag­ner) [Brid­al Cho­rus]
  1. Glory to God (Ro­bin­son)
  2. Hail, East­er Day!
  3. O Star­ry Night
Glory to Je­susGlory to Je­sus
Glossop RoadMy God, How Won­der­ful Thou Art
  1. He Sat to Watch o’er Cus­toms Paid
  2. Look Down up­on Us, God of Grace
GloucestershireWill You Take Je­sus To­day?
GloverniaBeloved, Let Us Love
GobaithWelsh for hope.See, the Con­quer­or Mounts in Tri­umph
God Be with YouGod Be with You Un­til We Meet Again
God Loved the WorldGod Loved the World
God Made MeGod Made Me for Him­self
God MovesGod Moves in a Mys­te­ri­ous Way
God of the Liv­ingGod of the Liv­ing, in Whose Eyes
God OrdainsWhate’er My God Or­dains Is Right
GoderichBe Joy­ful in God
GodfreySavior, Bless­èd Sav­ior
God Is Love (Lo­renz)God Is Love (Wells)
Goethe [Lynd­hurst, Re­pose (Har­mo­nia)]
  1. Bethlehem Re­joices
  2. Holy Spir­it, Hear Us
  3. Purer Yet and Pur­er
  4. Unto God Our Sav­ior
God’s Love
  1. God of the Glo­ri­ous Sun­shine
  2. Grander Than Ocean’s Sto­ry
GoiâniaThe Bra­zil­ian ci­ty.Savior at the Door, The
GoiásThe Bra­zil­ian state.At Ev­en­ing Time It Shall Be Light
GolcondaThe fort­ress near Hy­de­ra­bad, In­dia.He’s Com­ing Soon
Gold BarThe town in Wash­ing­ton state.Cross Be­fore the Crown, The
Gold CreekThe neigh­bor­hood in Sno­ho­mish, Wash­ing­ton.Guide Us, Pi­lot, to the Har­bor
Gold und SchätzeDank dir, O Herr, daß Gold und Schätze
Golden Chain
  1. Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwell­ing Place (Gill)
  2. Lord, Thou Has Been Thy Peo­ple’s Rest
Golden Deed Somebody Did a Gold­en Deed
Golden GateThe park & bridge in San Fran­cis­co, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. Far Out on the De­so­late Bil­low
  2. God Bless the Home
Golden GroveChrist in His Hea­ven­ly Gar­den
Golden Hill
  1. Is This the Kind Re­turn?
  2. My Savior, I Am Thine
Golden KeyPrayer Is the Key
Golden Rule, TheStill Small Voice, The
Golden SheavesTo Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise
Golder’s GreenThe area in Lon­don.Dream of Pi­late’s Wife, The
GomaThe Con­go­lese ci­ty.Thank God That To­wards Eter­ni­ty
Gonfalon Roy­alSing to the Lord a Joy­ful Song
GontenschwilThe town in Can­ton Aar­gau, Swit­zer­land.Is Your Life Ful­ly Yield­ed?
GonzalesThe Tex­as ci­ty.Show Us Thy Way
Good NewsWhat’s the News?
Good Shep­herd
  1. Lord Is My Shep­herd, The
  2. Thou, Lord, Hast For­sak­en
GoodrestOne Is Kind Above All Oth­ers
GopsalThe Lei­ces­ter­shire home, near Ath­er­stone, of Charles Jen­nens, who wrote the li­bret­to for Han­del’s Mes­si­ah.Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Gordon [Car­i­tas, Clar­en­don Street]Composer Ado­ni­ram Gor­don.
  1. Approach Not the Al­tar
  2. Glory of God from the Way of the East, The
  3. Great Shep­herd Who Lead­est Thy Peo­ple in Love
  4. I Once Was a Strang­er
  5. My Je­sus, I Love Thee
  6. O Lord, Life Is Sac­red
  7. Voice from the Des­ert, A

Also see St. Pan­tel­ej­mon

Gorton (Brunk)Hail, Thou Once Des­pis­èd Je­sus
Gorton (West)
  1. Lord of the Hearts of Men
  2. My Spir­it on Thy Care
  3. Remember Not, O God
  4. While My Re­deem­er’s Near
Goshen (Gaw­ler) [St. Mi­chel’s]The re­gion in Egypt where the Is­ra­el­ites lived (Genesis 45:10).
  1. As Sha­dows Cast by Cloud and Sun
  2. O Praise the Lord, for He Is Good
  3. O Thou Who in Jor­dan
  4. Our Fa­ther in Hea­ven
Goshen (Da­vis)
  1. I Was Made a Chris­tian
  2. Jesus Is Our Shep­herd (Stow­ell)
Gospel Mes­sageGreat Mes­sage, The
GossComposer John Goss.Praise to God, Your Prais­es Bring
  1. King of Glo­ry Stand­eth, The
  2. When Spring Unlocks the Flow­ers
Gotha (Al­bert)Praise the Lord: Ye Hea­vens, Adore Him
Gotha (Knecht)I Will Ev­er Sing Thy Prais­es
GothenburgSee Schmücke dich
Gott ein Va­terLittle Drops of Wa­ter
Gott sei dank [Lü­beck, Pitts­burgh]German for thank God.
  1. As Thy Day, Thy Strength Shall Be
  2. First of Mar­tyrs, Thou Whose Name
  3. Heaven and Earth, and Sea and Air
  4. I Will Praise Thee Ev­ery Day
  5. In the Sun, and Moon, and Stars
  6. Jesu! Our Eter­nal King!
  7. Jesus, Sav­ior, Come to Me
  8. Lamb of God, to Thee We Raise
  9. On This Day, the First of Days
  10. Spread, O Spread, Thou Migh­ty Word
  11. To Thy Tem­ple I Repair
Gott sei ge­lo­betO Lord, We Praise Thee
Gott will’s mach­enSpouse of Christ, in Arms Con­tend­ing
Gottes Sohn ist kom­menOnce He Came in Bless­ing
GöttingenThe Ger­man ci­ty.
  1. Ah! Whi­ther Should We Fly?
  2. Ah! Whith­er Would Ye Fly?
  3. Evil I Then Must Be
  4. Get Thee Be­hind Us, Fiend
  5. O All-Aton­ing Lamb
  6. Was Ev­er Grief Like Thine?
  7. World, Who Know Not God, The
Gottlob, es geht nun­mehr zu EndeGerman for Thanks be to God, my end is near meDeath of Je­sus Christ, Our Lord, The
GoudaThe Dutch ci­ty.
  1. O Lord, with Toil Our Days Are Filled
  2. We Jour­ney Through a Vale of Tears
GouldSing to the Great Je­ho­vah’s Praise
Gower’s Litany
  1. Father, Hear Thy Child­ren’s Call
  2. Spirit, Strength of All the Weak
GrabesruheGerman for peace of the grave.Yes, He Knows Your Way is Drea­ry
Grace (Be­van)Come, Ho­ly Spir­it, Calm My Mind
Grace Church [St. Po­ly­carp (Pley­el)]
  1. Arise, Great God
  2. Captain of My Sal­va­tion, Hear!
  3. Come, O Cre­at­or Spir­it Blest
  4. He Comes! He Comes!
  5. O Son of God, in Glo­ry Crowned
  6. Spirit of Pow­er
  7. When God Is Nigh
  8. With Brok­en Heart and Con­trite Sigh
Gracious Spir­itGracious Spir­it, Ho­ly Ghost
GräfenbergThe Ba­va­ri­an town.
  1. As o’er the Past My Me­mo­ry Strays
  2. Blest with the Joys of In­no­cence
  3. Come, Let Us Join Our Cheer­ful Songs
  4. Father of Glo­ry, to Thy Name
  5. Father, Whose Will Is Life and Good
  6. Great God, I Own Thy Sen­tence Just
  7. Hail, Ho­ly Ghost! Je­ho­vah!
  8. Heal Us, Em­ma­nu­el, Hear Our Pray­er
  9. Jesus! the Name High ov­er All
  10. Lo, the Des­troy­ing An­gel Flies
  11. Lowliness of the Mes­si­ah, The
  12. My Trust Is in My Hea­ven­ly Friend
  13. Oh Say Not, I Will Yet De­lay
  14. Old Age, with All Its Sick­ly Train
  15. Promised Land, The
  16. Save Me, O God
  17. Save Me, O Lord, from Ev­ery Foe
  18. ’Tis All Too Late
  19. To Our Al­migh­ty Mak­er, God
  20. With Thine Own Pi­ty, Sav­ior, See
GraftonNow, My Tongue, the Mys­te­ry Tell­ing
Grafton StreetLord of Life, All Praise Ex­cel­ling
GrahamEvangelist Bil­ly Gra­ham.Christians, Lis­ten, While We Sing
Gramercy ParkThe neigh­bor­hood in Man­hat­tan, New York.Tell Me, Je­sus
GranadaThe Span­ish ci­ty.When the King Shall Claim His Own
Grand Canyon [Mill­ing­ton]What Is Life?
Grand IslandThe Ne­bras­ka ci­ty.Bright An­gel Hosts Are Heard on High
Grand RapidsThe Mi­chi­gan ci­ty.What Would Je­sus Have You Do?
GrangeYes, He Knows Your Way is Drea­ry
Granite FallsThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton State.’Tis Him Alone, I Need
GrandpontBeloved, Let Us Love
GranthamComposer George Gran­tham.Shout of Migh­ty Tri­umph, A
GrasmereThe lake in Cum­bria, Eng­land.Smitten Rock, The
Grateful Sub­mis­sionWe Bow to Thee, O Lord
  1. My God, How End­less Is Thy Love
  2. With Ma­ny a Swift and Crash­ing Stroke
GravitySee Rock­ing­ham (Ma­son)
Grayton BeachThe loc­a­tion in north­west Flo­ri­da.Each Day a Lit­tle Near­er
GrazThe Aus­trian ci­ty.Look Not Be­hind Thee
Great Salt LakeThe lake in Utah.Saints’ Im­mor­tal Home
Great WallThe Great Wall of Chi­na.Praise Ye the Lord
Great White HostBehold a Host, Ar­rayed in White
GreatorexSprings and Streams No Long­er Bless
Greek HymnChristian, Dost Thou See Them?
Green BayThe Wis­con­sin ci­ty.Oh! Hea­ven So Bright!
Green Fields [Con­trast, De Fleu­ry]
  1. All Glo­ry to God in the Sky
  2. Away with Our Sor­row and Fear
  3. Elijah’s Ex­am­ple De­clares
  4. Encompassed by Clouds of Dis­tress
  5. Hosannah to Je­sus on High!
  6. How Te­di­ous and Taste­less
  7. I Long to Be­hold Him Ar­rayed
  8. In the Shade of His Wings
  9. Thou Shep­herd of Is­ra­el, and Mine
  10. Though Je­ri­cho Plea­sant­ly Stood
  11. We Speak of the Realms of the Blest
  12. When All Were En­joined by De­cree
  13. When Jo­seph His Breth­ren Be­held
Green Hill (Com­ley)There Is a Green Hill Far Away
Green Hill (Peace)
  1. And Now, My Soul, An­oth­er Year
  2. Religion Is the Chief Con­cern
  3. There Is a Safe and Sec­ret Place
  4. Why Should Our Tears in Sor­row Flow
Green Hill (Steb­bins)There Is a Green Hill Far Away
Green Mount­ainsThe Ver­mont mount­ain range.Thou Who Canst Nev­er Change Nor Fail
GreenfordThe Lon­don sub­urb.Still Clos­er to Je­sus
Greenland (Clark)From Green­land’s Icy Mount­ains
Greenland (Hay­dn)
  1. How Beau­te­ous on the Mount­ains
  2. O Hear Them March­ing, March­ing
GreensleevesWhat Child Is This?
Greenville [Rous­seau]
  1. Children, Hail the Ho­ly Stran­ger
  2. Hush, My Dear
  3. Long up­on the Mount­ains
  4. Thou Hast Said, Ex­alt­ed Je­sus
GreenwellHymnist Do­ro­thy Green­well.I Am Not Skilled to Un­der­stand
  1. And Are We Wretch­es Yet Alive?
  2. Oh, It Is Hard to Work for God
Greenwood (Prout)My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Greenwood (Sweet­ser)
  1. Base Tempt­er, Hence De­part
  2. It Is Not Death to Die
  3. Lord, in the Strength of Grace
  4. My End, Lord, Make Me Know
  5. Since Je­sus Is My Friend
  6. Stupendous Was the Love
  7. Sweetly the Ho­ly Hymn
  8. There Was No Room for Them in the Inn (Kim­ball)
GreetingBreak, New­born Year
Gregor’s 6th Me­treComposer Chris­tian Gre­gor.Lord, Thy Word Abid­eth
Gregor’s 7th Me­treComposer Chris­tian Gre­gor.Supper of Thanks­giv­ing, The
Gregor’s 45th Me­treComposer Chris­tian Gre­gor.
  1. Thou, Sore Op­pressed
  2. Weep, Zi­on, Weep
Gregor’s 46th Me­treComposer Chris­tian Gre­gor.Jesus, Call Thou Me
Gregor’s 54th Me­treComposer Chris­tian Gre­gor.Courage, My Sore­ly Tempt­ed Heart!
GregorianLord’s Pray­er, The
GregoryBlest Je­sus, When Thy Cross I View
Grenada [Sun­light]
  1. Farther Along
  2. Heavenly Sun­light
GrenobleThe French ci­ty.
  1. Man Was Not Made to Mourn
  2. One Thing I Can Do
GrettonThe vil­lage in North­amp­ton­shire, Eng­land.Great King of Na­tions, Hear Our Pray­er
GreystoneJesus, Faith­ful to His Word
Grieg [Ha­ger­up]Composer Ed­vard Grieg.O God of Hosts, with Thy Strong Hand
GrindavikThe town in Ice­land.He’s Real to Me
Grizzly DomeThe mount­ain in Ca­li­for­nia.Come un­to Me (Mar­tin)
GroningenThe Dutch cit­y.Since All the Down­ward Tracts of Time
GroombridgeHail the Sign, the Sign of Je­sus
GroseComposer How­ard Grose.To Thee, O Sav­ior Friend
GrosmontThe vil­lage in North York­shire, Eng­land.Haste, O Lord, My Spir­it Faints
Grosser GottSee Te De­um
GrossetoThe Ita­li­an ci­ty.With No Pomp of Earth­ly Splen­dor
  1. God in the Gos­pel of His Son
  2. Great God of Na­tions, Now to Thee
  3. O Is­ra­el, to Thy Tents Re­pair
Grosvenor (We­sley)
  1. Change Is Writ­ten Ev­ery­where
  2. Not a Thought of Earth­ly Things!
GuadalajaraThe Mexi­can ci­ty.Take the Pro­mise
GuadalupeGuadalupe Hi­dal­go, near Mex­ico Ci­ty.O Bless­èd, Bless­èd Bi­ble
GuadeloupeThe Car­ib­bean is­land group.Angel in the Cloud, The
GuajomeHeavenly Voice, The
GuamThe Pa­ci­fic island.Watchman, Tell Me
GuanajuatoThe Mexi­can ci­ty.He Will Hide Me
GuangdongThe Chi­nese pro­vince.Christ Thy Lord Is Wait­ing Now
GuangxiThe Chi­nese re­gion.Pentecostal Fire Is Fall­ing
GuangzhouThe Chi­nese ci­ty.In Lov­ing Ad­or­a­tion
GuardianMy God, Per­mit Me Not to Be
Guardian An­gelsAround the Throne of God a Band
GuarulhosThe Bra­zil­ian ci­ty.Missing
GuatemalaThe South Am­eri­can coun­try.Are You Rea­dy? (James)
GuayaberaOh, It Is Beau­ti­ful
GuayaquilThe ci­ty in Ecua­dor.Till the Day Break
Gud Fa­ders Søn En­baarneDanish for God the Fa­ther’s on­ly Son.Only Son from Hea­ven, The
Gud, Vår GudSwedish for God, Our God.Christ the Lord Is Ris­en To­day (Wes­ley)
Guds God­hetSwedish for God’s Good­ness.
  1. Gud, Min Gud Och Fa­der Kär
  2. Ring, Sweet Bells of Christ­en­dom
Guds Men­ighed, SyngNorwegian for Church of God, sing.Ye Lands, to the Lord Make a Ju­bi­lant Noise
GuernseyZion, on the Ho­ly Hills
GuerroThe Mexi­can state.Queen Es­ther
GuidanceShepherd, Show Me How to Go
  1. At the Birth of Christ Our King
  2. Darkness Ov­er­spreads Us Here
  3. Gather Up, O Earth, Thy Dead
  4. Hark! a Voice Di­vides the Sky
  5. Holy Spir­it, Faith­ful Guide
  6. Jesus, Full of Love Di­vine
  7. Listen Peo­ples, While I Tell
  8. Lord, We Come Be­fore Thee Now
  9. Savior, Now I Come to Thee
  10. See, An­oth­er Year Is Gone
  11. To the Hills I Lift Mine Eyes
GuilderlandThe New York town.Christmas! Glad Christ­mas! (Wes­ton)
GuildfordThe town in Sur­rey, Eng­land.Christ, Our Friend
GuildhallSee Shel­ter­ing Wing
GuimarãesThe ci­ty in north Por­tu­gal.Courts of the Lord, The
GuisboroughTo Thy Tem­ple I Re­pair
GujaratThe In­di­an state.Lift the Cross
GujranwalaThe Pa­kis­ta­ni ci­ty.There Are No Tears in Hea­ven
GulatiWon’t You Love the Pre­cious Sav­ior?
GümüşhaneThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Beautiful World, The
GunnersburyThe lo­ca­tion in Lon­don.Like Gen­tle Dew
GunstonHymnist Is­aac Watts’ friend Tho­mas Gun­ston (?–1700).Work for Je­sus
GurgaonThe In­di­an ci­ty (of­fi­ci­al­ly named Gu­ru­gram).What Should We Do With­out Je­sus?
Gute Bäume bring­enGerman for Bring good trees.Christian, Dost Thou See Them?
GuterhirtGerman for Good Shep­herd; com­poser Mi­chael Lonn­eke played the organ at Church of the Good Shep­herd in Pa­ris, Vir­gin­ia.O Lord, My In­most Heart and Thought
GüterslohThe Ger­man ci­ty.Redemption (Cros­by)
GuthrieThe town in Ok­la­ho­ma.Chime Out, Ye Bells of Beau­ty
GuwahatiThe In­di­an ci­ty.O Sto­ry Sweet
GwalchmaiThe town in Wales.
  1. Glory Be to God on High
  2. King of Glo­ry, King of Peace
GwaliorThe In­di­an ci­ty.Savior, Bless Me Now
GwangjuThe Ko­re­an ci­ty.Home of the Blest
GweedoreThe par­ish in Coun­ty Do­ne­gal, Ire­land (Ga­oth Dob­hair).Author of Life Di­vine
GwennappSee Kent
GwylfaJust as I Am, With­out One Plea