Rabat | Rabat, Morocco. | Heavenly Race, The |
Rachel | | When Mother Love Makes All Things Bright |
Rachie | The composer’s niece Rachel. | Hark! the Sounds of Singing |
Racibórz | Composer Victor Benke’s birthplace. | Stronger Faith, A |
Racine | Racine, Wisconsin. | O Thou, in All Thy Might so Far |
Radford | | Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended, The |
Radiant Morn | | Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away, The |
Rahway | The New Jersey city. | My Father’s House |
Rajasthan | The Indian state. | Save Me from Sin |
Rajkot | The Indian city. | There’s a Place for Everyone |
Rakem | The man in 1 Chronicles 7:16. |
- Day of Rest Once More Comes Round, The
- Savior, We Now Rejoice in Hope
Rakestraw | | Awake, O Lord, As in the Time of Old! |
Raksirang | The town in southern Nepal. | Hark! The Skies with Music Sound |
Raleigh (Gilbert) | | Lord unto My Lord Thus Spake, The |
Raleigh (Kirkpatrick) | The city in North Carolina. | In God’s Own Time |
Ramallah | The city in the West Bank area of the Jordan River. | O Love That Passeth Knowledge |
Ramoth | The town in Gilead (1 Chronicles 6:73). |
- Little That the Righteous Hold, A
- Thou Visiteth the Earth in Love
Ramoth (Calkin) | | Lord, to Thee Alone We Turn |
Ramsgill | The village in Yorkshire, England. | Lord, in the Fullness of My Might |
Ranchi | The Indian city. | Salvation Free to All |
Rangoon | The city in Myanmar. | Trumpet of God, Sound High |
Randegger | Composer Alberto Randegger | Now Let Us Sing the Angels’ Song |
Randolph | Composer Ralph Vaughan Williams’ cousin Ralph Wedgwood. | God Be with You Till We Meet Again |
Raphael (Hopkins) [St. Raphael] | |
- From Thy Habitation Holy
- Hail That Blissful Day Approaching
- Holy Savior, We Adore Thee
- In Thy Name, O Lord, Assembling
- Jesu, Lord of Life and Glory
Raphael (Oratory) | |
- Come, Let Us Join Our Songs of Praise
- Though Lowly Here Our Lot
Rapid City | The South Dakota city. |
Take My Hand, Father |
Rapides | Rapides Parish, Louisiana. | O What a World This World Would Be |
Rapture (Scholefield) | | Saved, Saved |
Rapture (Humphreys) | | O How Happy Are They
Also see Darwen |
Raquette | Raquette Lake, New York. | Is There Not a Place for Me? |
Rasht | Rasht, Iran (رشت). | Where Are They Going? |
Rathbun | Beriah Rathbun, one of composer Ithamar Conkey’s choir members at the Central Baptist Church, Norwich, Connecticut. |
- ¡Gloria a Dios!
- Hark, a Joyful Voice Is Thrilling
- Hark! Ten Thousand Voices Crying
- Hark, the Crash of Roaring Thunder
- Hark! the Notes of Angels Singing
- Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices?
- In the Heav’ns the Lord Almighty
- In the Cross of Christ I Glory
- Oh, How Wondrous Is the Story
- Oh! My Soul, Bless Thou Jehovah!
- Savior, Visit Thy Plantation
- Shall This Life of Mine Be Wasted?
- Valley Lilies
Ratisbon | Former name of Regensburg, Germany. |
- Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies
- Christian, Wouldst Thou Boast Aright?
- God of Mercy, God of Grace
- We Believe in One True God
Ravendale | | Fear Not, O Little Flock |
Ravenglas | Probably the village of Ravenglass, Cumbria, England, in the Lake District National Park. | O Lord, Our Languid Souls Inspire |
Ravenshaw | | Lord, Thy Word Abideth |
Ravensworth | | Take My Life and Let It Be |
Rawalpindi | The city in Pakistan. | Master Is Coming, The |
Rawlins | | See Hainault |
Ray | | Thou, Who Dwell’st Enthroned on High |
Raynolds | | See Consolation (Mendelssohn) |
Reapers | | Far and Near |
Rebecca | The daughter of composer John M. Shenk. | Come, Heaven-Bound Pilgrims |
Recife | The Brazilian city. | Out of the Shadow |
Rector Potens | Latin for powerful ruler. |
- Hark, ’Tis the Holy Temple’s Bell
- Shine Forth, O Sun of Boundless Love
Red Hook | The neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. | Mine the Cross |
Red Oak | The Iowa city. | Heavy Laden, Sick with Sin |
Red Wing Seminary | The Lutheran seminary in Red Wing, Minnesota (operated 1879–1932). | Safely Through Another Week |
Redal | | Lord, Thou Hast Favor Shown Thy Land |
Redcliff | |
- Morn’s Roseate Hues Have Decked the Sky
- Rosy Morn Has Robed the Sky, The
Redcliffe | | Be Thou Supreme |
Redeemer (Emerson) | | Blest Is He Who Loves God’s Precepts |
Redeemer (Loes) | | Blessed Redeemer (Christiansen) |
Redeemer’s Song | | Good News for You |
Redemption Ground | |
- Come While You May (Boles)
- Great Shepherd of Thine Israel
- Redemption Ground
- Starry Firmament on High, The
- Who Hath Believed the Tidings?
Redemptor Mundi | Latin for Redeemer of the World. | O Come, Redeemer of Mankind |
Redhead [Ajalon, Norwood, Petra] | Composer Richard Redhead. |
- By Thy Birth and by Thy Tears
- Go to Dark Gethsemane
- God, Be Merciful to Me
- Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me
- Lamb of God, Who Bear’st Away
- Mistful Are Our Waiting Eyes
- Savior, Prince of Israel’s Race
- Resting from His Work Today
- Son of God, Incarnate Word
- To Avert from Men God’s Wrath
- Wherefore Should I Make My Moan?
Redhead No. 4 | | See Paddington |
Redhead No. 46 | | Bright the Vision That Delighted |
Redhead No. 66 | | See Metzler’s Redhead |
Redmond | Redmond, Washington. | Thou Who Canst Never Change nor Fail |
Redner | Composer Lewis Redner. | Everywhere, Everywhere, Christmas Tonight! |
Redondo | | I Praise Thy Name |
Redwood City | The California city. | Long Years Ago in Bethlehem |
Reed | | Welcome, Delightful Morn |
Reeves [Timios] | Composer Charles Reeves. | Jesus, Precious Savior |
Refuge | | Safe with Jesus |
Regent Square | Regent Square Presbyterian Church, London, where composer Henry Smart was organist. |
- All the Sacrifice Is Ended
- Angels Come on Joyous Pinion
- Angels from the Realms of Glory
- Are You Ready? (Lyra)
- Christ Is Born, and Heav’n Rejoices
- Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
- God, the Lord, a King Remaineth
- Glory Be to God the Father
- He Who Suns and Worlds Upholdeth
- Holy Father, Great Creator
- Householder Sending Forth His Son, The
- Jesus, Blessèd Lord and Savior
- Light’s Abode, Celestial Salem
- Love Must Be Sincere and Honest
- Lovely Youth, with Ardent Zeal
- Now Again the World Is Shaken
- Now the Long Expected Savior
- Saints of God! The Dawn Is Brightening
- We the Blessed of Re-creation
Regina | The capital of Saskatchewan, Canada. | My Soul Shall Be Satisfied |
Regnator Orbis | Latin for Ruler of the World. | See O Quanta Qualia |
Reichelsheim | The town in Germany’s Odenwald region. | Oh, ’Twas Love |
Reichenbach Falls | The waterfall cascade in the Bernese Oberland region of Switzerland (Reichenbachfälle). | In the Shadow of Thy Wings |
Rejoice | | On Wings of Living Light |
Release | | Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews
Reliance (Gower) | | When Thy Soldiers Take Their Swords |
Reliance (Ladds) | | Strong Son of God, Immortal Love |
Reliance (Wesley) | | Awake, O Lord, as in the Time of Old! |
Remember Me | | See Gethsemane (Hull) |
Remember the Poor | | Day of the Lord Is at Hand, The |
Remember Your Mother’s Prayer | | Remember Your Mother’s Prayer |
Remsberg | Composer W. L. Remsberg. | Savior, I Have Need of Thee |
Remsen | |
- Established in the Highest Heavens
- Sin Has a Thousand Treacherous Arts
Rendez à Dieu [Navarre] | French for return to God. |
- Give Thanks unto the Lord, Jehovah
- When John Baptized by Jordan’s River
Renfield | | When Hosannas Loud Resounding |
Reno | The Nevada city. | Our Sunday School (Crosby) |
Renton | The city in Washington state. | Go and Tell (Simpson) |
Reo | | Now Plead My Cause, Almighty God |
Repentance | |
- Absent from Flesh! O Blissful Thought!
- Lord, Thou Hast Greatly Blessed Our Land
- Thy Word Sheds Light upon My Path
- When on the Cross, My Lord I See
Repose (Blackmer) | | After All, Eternity! |
Repose (Harmonia) | | Thou Only Sovereign of My Heart Also see Goethe |
Repose (Holmes) | | I Take Thy Promise, Lord |
Repose (Van Vleck) | | Blest Trinity, from Mortal Sight |
Repton | | Dear Lord and Father of Mankind |
Republic [America Befriend] | | O Lord, Our God, Thy Mighty Hand |
Request | | Thy Spirit’s Might |
Requiem | |
- All Is O’er, the Pain, the Sorrow
- Thou to Whom the Sick and Dying
Requies | | Father of Mercies! God of Love! |
Requiescat | | Now the Laborer’s Task Is O’er |
Rescue | | Rescue the Perishing |
Resignation | | O God, We Have Heard |
Resignation (Cross) | | We Hope in Thee, O God! |
Resignation (Hurndall) | | Thy Will Is Done |
Resonet in Laudibus | Latin for let our praises resound. | Joseph Dearest |
Rest (Beecher) | | When Winds Are Raging |
Rest (Bradbury) | |
- Asleep in Jesus
- Blest He Who Wisely Helps the Poor
- Comfort, Ye Ministers of Grace
- How Do Thy Mercies Close Me Round
- Lord Has Heard and Answered Prayer, The
- Lord, When Thine Israel We Survey
- My Righteous God, Who Oft of Old
- O Thou, Who All Things Canst Control
- Should Hostile Powers Against Me Join
- To Thee Before the Close of Day
Rest (Maker) | |
- Blood of Christ, Thy Spotless Lamb, The
- Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
- O Thou Whose Gracious Presence Blest
- Oh Thou All Holy, Wise and Just
- One Sepulcher, One Little Spot
Rest (Stainer) [Magdalen] | |
- None Else but Thee, Forevermore
- We Sing His Love, Who Once Was Slain
Rest in Jesus | | Rest in Jesus |
Resting Place | | I Bow My Forehead to the Dust |
Restoration (with refrain) | |
- Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
- What This Host?
Restoration (no refrain) | | God, Renew Us by Your Spirit! |
Resurgenti Nazareno | | In One True God We All Believe |
Resurrection (Nevin) | | Lord of Life Is Risen, The |
Resurrection Morn | | On the Resurrection Morning |
Resurrexit | | Christ Is Risen! Christ Is Risen! |
Retirement | | See Harington |
Retreat | Last word of the third line in From Every Stormy Wind. |
- Another Six Days’ Work Is Done
- From Every Stormy Wind
- Great God, Thou Giver of All Good
- We Bless the Name of Christ, the Lord
Return (Monk) | | Return, O Wanderer, to Thy Home |
Return (Squires) | |
- It Is the Lord Our Savior’s Hand
- Return, O Wanderer, Return
- Return to Bless My Waiting Eyes
- Thanksgiving, The
Also see Invitation
Reuben | The Israelite tribe. | He Lives Again (Smith) |
Reuter | |
- God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage
- Our Lord and God, Oh, Bless This Day
Reva Falls | The waterfall in Ontario, Canada. | Hark! The Angels Bright Are Singing |
Revival | | My God Will Add the Rest |
Revive Us Again | | Revive Us Again |
Reviving Light | | How Heavy Is the Night |
Rex Gloriæ | Latin for king of glory. | Lift the Strain of High Thanksgiving |
Rex Gloriose | Latin for glorious king. |
- Lamb’s High Banquet We Await, The
- O Glorious King of Martyr Hosts
Rex Gloriose Martyrum | Latin for King of glorious martyrs. | Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise |
Rex Maximus | | Help Us, O Jesus, Thou Mighty Defender |
Rex Regum | Latin for King of kings. |
- And Let This Feeble Body Fail
- O King of Kings, O Lord of Hosts
Rex Terrarum | Latin for king of the world. | O King of Earth and Air and Sea! |
Reynolds | | See Consolation (Mendelssohn) |
Reynoldstone | | Day of Wrath, O Dreadful Day! |
Rhau | | Nun laßt uns den Leib Begraben |
Rhine | | Loud to the Prince of Heav’n
Also see Emmons |
Rhiw | The village in Gwynedd, Wales. |
I Come, the Savior Cries
- Still with Thee, O My God
Rhodes | The Greek island. |
- Another Day Begun
- Did Christ o’er Sinners Weep?
- Why Dost Thou Stand Afar?
Rhosymedre [Lovely] | Composer John Edwards’ vicarage in Ruabon, North Wales. | Arise O God, and Shine |
Rhuddlan | The town in Denbighshire, Wales. | Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendor |
Rhyddid | Welsh for liberty or freedom. | Sometimes a Light Surprises |
Rialto | The theater district in New York City, where composer George Root worked for some years. | Jehovah Sits Enthroned |
Richmond (Everett) | | Jesus, My Strength, My Hope |
Richmond (Haweis) [Chesterfield, Spa Fields Chapel] | Anglican cleric Leigh Richmond. |
- Attend, Mine Ear
- Behold Thy Waiting Servant, Lord
- Blest Day of God, Most Calm, Most Bright
- City of God, How Broad and Far
- How Few Receive with Cordial Faith
- In Judah’s Rugged Wilderness
- Let Us Adore the Grace That Seeks
- Lord, if Thine Eye Surveys Our Faults
- My God, the Spring of All My Joys
- O for a Heart to Praise My God
- O for a Shout of Sacred Joy
- O Lord, I Will Delight in Thee
- O Where Can Truth Be Found Today?
- Remark, My Soul, the Narrow Bounds
- To Jordan’s Stream the Savior Goes
- Walk in the Light
- What Shall I Do, My God to Love
Richmond Park | The park in London. | Thou Hast Redeemed Me |
Rickman | Hymnist Ernest Rickman. | There Is a Calm |
Rideau | | O Eyes That Are Weary |
Riga | The Latvian city. | I Believe (Bliss) |
Righini | Composer Vincenzo Righini. | Rise, Glorious Conqueror |
Rimington | The birthplace of composer Francis Duckworth in Yorkshire, England. | Teach Me, O Lord, Thy Holy Way |
Rimini | The Italian province. | Why Waitest Thou? |
Riley | | O Jehovah, Hear My Words |
Riney | Choral director Cecil J. Riney, Professor Emeritus (Retired) at Friends University, Wichita, Kansas. | O Blessèd Jesus! This |
Ring the Bells | | Ring the Bells of Heaven |
Ringe recht | German for rings right. |
- Lamb of God, We Fall Before Thee
- Lord, Thy Mercy Now Entreating
- Strive Aright When God Doth Call
Ringland | | Away with Our Fears! |
Rio de Janeiro | The city in Brazil. | Strike Our Tents |
Rio Grande | The river between Texas and Mexico. | Man the Life-Boat! |
Rio Hondo | The tributary of the Los Angeles River in California. | Ring Out, O Bells, Your Peals Today |
Ripley | |
- Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah
- We Believe in God the Father
Rippon | John Rippon. | Ím Sziklaszilárd, Órók És Jó Alap Also see Protection |
Riseholme | A fictional Elizabethan village in the Cotswolds in the Lucia novels of Edward Frederic Benson (1867–1940). |
- Father of All, from Land and Sea
- Thy Will Is Done
Rishon LeZion | The Israeli city. | Preciousness of Jesus, The |
Ristad | Hymn translator Ditlef Ristad. | I Walk in Danger All the Way |
Rivaulx | Possibly Rievaulx, a village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England. |
- Father of Heaven
- O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
- When Darkness Long Has Veiled My Mind
- Wherewith, O Lord, Shall I Draw Near?
River City | Nickname for Omaha, Nebraska. | Come to the Master |
River of Life | | Fresh from the Throne of Glory |
Rivera | | Awake the Trumpet’s Lofty Sound |
Riverside (Kirkpatrick) | The California city. | Hear and Answer Prayer |
Riverside (Sellers) | | While Time Is Spent |
Riviera | The coastal region in southern France. | Nearer Home |
Riyadh [Crimson Tide] | The Saudi Arabian city. | Precious Blood |
Rize | The Turkish city and province. | Bird and Blossom |
Roanoke | The Virginia city. | Redeemed and Saved |
Robbins | The Illinois town. | One in Christ |
Robin Adair | A traditional Irish song (sometimes identified as Scottish) with lyrics by Lady Caroline Keppel. | Jesus, My All |
Robinson | | I Have Followed Truth and Justice |
Robotyne | The Ukrainian village. | We Are Coming |
Rochelle | | See Seelenbräutigam |
Rochester (Williams) | | Thought of God, The Also see Novello |
Rochester (Holdroyd) | |
- Come, Children, Learn to Fear the Lord
- Not to the Terrors of the Lord
Rock, The | | In the Shadow of the Rock |
Rock Hill | The South Carolina city. | Never Grow Old (Baily) |
Rock of Ages [Illuminatio] | | From the Cross |
Rock of Refuge, The | | O Sometimes the Shadows Are Deep |
Rock of Salvation | | If Life’s Pleasures Charm Thee |
Rockaway | The peninsula at the southern edge of the New York City borough of Queens on Long Island. | Friend of Sinners Dies, The |
Rockbridge | |
Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King
Also see Forest
Rockford | The Illinois city. | As with Gladness, Men of Old |
Rockingham (Mason) [Gravity, Rockingham New] | |
- My Opening Eyes with Rapture See
- Now I Resolve with All My Heart
- Of Him Who Did Salvation Bring
Rockingham (Miller) | |
- Almighty Father, Hear Our Cry
- And Will the Great Eternal God
- Eternal Power, Whose High Abode
- King of Glory Deigns to Stoop, The
- More Joy Than Earth Can E’er Afford
- My God, My King, Thy Various Praise
- My God, Thy Table Now Is Spread
- Not Here, as to the Prophet’s Eye
- O Lord Most High
- Remember, Lord, Our Mortal State
- Since with My God with Perfect Heart
- Thy Presence, Gracious God, Afford
- To God My Earnest Voice I Raise
- ’Twas on That Night When Doomed to Know
- We Lift Our Eyes, Our Hands, to Thee
Rockland | Rockland County, New York. | Charity |
Rockport | | Vain, Delusive World, Adieu |
Rodman | | Heir of the Kingdom |
Rodmell | The village in East Sussex, England. | When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem |
Rogers | Composer William Rogers. | Calm on the Listening Ear of Night |
Roland | | Let the Whole Creation Cry |
Rolland | | Incarnate God! What Tongue Can Tell |
Romaine | | See Yarmouth |
Romberg | | Enthroned on High, Almighty Lord! |
Rome | | Lamp of Our Feet |
Römerstraße | The street in Heidelberg, Germany. | Almost (Bilhorn) |
Romford | The town in the London borough of Havering, where composer Arthur Brown was once organist at St. Edward’s Church. | Arise and Hail the Sacred Day |
Rominger | Hymnist Charles Rominger. | Thou Art, O Christ, the Light and Life |
Rondônia | The Brazilian state. | Come, Ye, Lift Your Joyous Voices |
Room for Jesus | | Have You Any Room for Jesus? |
Roppongi | The area in the Minato ward of Tokyo, Japan. | I Will Sing of Jesus |
Rorate | From the Latin phrase Rorate coeli desuper! (Drop down the heavens from above! ) | Rorate |
Rosario | Rosario, Argentina. | Savior Is Risen for You and for Me, The |
Roscoe | | Be Firm, Be Bold |
Rose Hill | | Why Will Ye Waste on Trifling Cares |
Rosebank | |
- God Eternal, Lord of All
- Walking on the Wingèd Wind
Rosedale | | Shall Man, O God of Light and Life |
Roseate Hues | | O Jesus, Crowned with All Renown |
Rosecrans | Composer James Rosecrans. | I’ll Trust the Lord |
Rosefield | |
- Blessèd Are the Sons of God
- Hearts of Stone, Relent, Relent
- They That Traffic on the Sea
- Weary Souls, That Wander Wide
Rosepine | The town in Vernon Parish, Louisiana. | Lift Up Thine Eyes, O Watchman |
Roseville | | O Lord and Leader of Our Needy Race |
Rosmore | |
- From the Eastern Mountains
- Hail the Hero Workers
Ross | | As the Sun Doth Daily Rise |
Rossetti | | None Other Lamb |
Rosslyn | | In Our Work and in Our Play |
Roswell | | See Morn of Gladness. |
Rothley [Dona] | |
- Give Light, O Lord
- Guest Chamber, The
- World Was Dark with Care and Woe, The
Rotorua | The New Zealand city. | Love of God (Jackson), The |
Rothwell (Tans’ur) | |
- Earth’s Transitory Things Decay
- He Lives! the Great Redeemer Lives!
Rotterdam | The Dutch city. | Light Along the Ages, The |
Roubaix | The French city. | Sing the Praises of the Savior |
Rouen | The French city. | When on My Day of Life |
Rouen (Gounod) [Redemption] | The French city. | Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending |
Round Rock | The Texas city. | Let Me Go |
Rousseau | |
- Hark! The Gospel News Is Sounding
- If So Poor a Worm as I
Also see Greenville |
Rowland | | See humility (Tuckerman) |
Rowley | | O How Happy Are They Who the Savior Obey |
Royal Fort | | Eternal Light |
Royal Oak | | All Things Bright and Beautiful |
Royapettah | The area in Chennai, India. | Satisfied with Jesus (Masters) |
Roxbury | The neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts. | Tell Me the Sweet Story |
Ruapehu | The New Zealand volcano. | Toilers in the Vineyard |
Ruebush | Composer James H. Ruebush. | He Set the Task for Me |
Ruggles | The Ruggles Street Church in Boston, Massachusetts. | O Short Was His Slumber |
Ruhetag | German for day of rest. | This Day in Jesus’ Name We Meet |
Ruiz | | Mi Amor y Vida |
Runyan | | Behold, the Dawn! |
Ruskin | | I Sing the Mighty Power of God |
Rusper | | Come unto Me, Ye Weary (Dix) |
Russia | |
- As Once the Savior Rose on High
- Come, Let Us Sing the Song of Songs
- Lift Up, Ye Saints, Your Weeping Eyes
- When Christ His Body Up Had Born
Russian Hymn | |
- Glorious Yuletide
- God, the Omnipotent!
- God Save America
Rustington | | See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph |
Rutgers | The university in New Brunswick, New Jersey. | My God and Father! While I Stray |
Ruth (Hartshorn) | | Thy Tender Mercies, O My Lord |
Ruth (Smith) | |
- God’s Free Mercy Streameth
- Summer Suns Are Glowing
Ruth (Webster) | | O for a Closer Walk with God |
Rutherford | Scottish martyr Samuel Rutherford (1600–1661). |
- How Blest Is He Whose Trespass
- O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me
- Sands of Time Are Sinking, The
Ryle | Hymnist John Ryle. | Good News (Ryle) |
Rzeszów | The Polish city. | Heavenly Road, The |