Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
RabatRabat, Mo­roc­co.Heavenly Race, The
RachelWhen Mo­ther Love Makes All Things Bright
RachieThe com­pos­er’s niece Ra­chel.Hark! the Sounds of Sing­ing
RacibórzComposer Vic­tor Ben­ke’s birth­place.Stronger Faith, A
RacineRacine, Wis­con­sin.O Thou, in All Thy Might so Far
RadfordDay Thou Gav­est, Lord, Is End­ed, The
Radiant MornRadiant Morn Hath Passed Away, The
RahwayThe New Jer­sey ci­ty.My Fa­ther’s House
RajasthanThe In­di­an state.Save Me from Sin
RajkotThe In­di­an ci­ty.There’s a Place for Ev­ery­one
RakemThe man in 1 Chro­ni­cles 7:16.
  1. Day of Rest Once More Comes Round, The
  2. Savior, We Now Re­joice in Hope
RakestrawAwake, O Lord, As in the Time of Old!
RaksirangThe town in south­ern Ne­pal.Hark! The Skies with Mu­sic Sound
Raleigh (Gil­bert)Lord un­to My Lord Thus Spake, The
Raleigh (Kirk­pat­rick)The ci­ty in North Ca­ro­li­na.In God’s Own Time
RamallahThe ci­ty in the West Bank ar­ea of the Jor­dan Ri­ver.O Love That Pass­eth Know­ledge
RamothThe town in Gi­le­ad (1 Chro­ni­cles 6:73).
  1. Little That the Right­eous Hold, A
  2. Thou Vi­sit­eth the Earth in Love
Ramoth (Cal­kin)Lord, to Thee Alone We Turn
RamsgillThe vil­lage in York­shire, Eng­land.Lord, in the Full­ness of My Might
RanchiThe In­di­an ci­ty.Salvation Free to All
RangoonThe city in My­an­mar.Trumpet of God, Sound High
RandeggerComposer Al­ber­to Ran­deg­gerNow Let Us Sing the An­gels’ Song
RandolphComposer Ralph Vaugh­an Will­iams’ cou­sin Ralph Wedg­wood.God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Raphael (Hop­kins) [St. Ra­pha­el]
  1. From Thy Ha­bi­ta­tion Ho­ly
  2. Hail That Bliss­ful Day Ap­proach­ing
  3. Holy Sav­ior, We Adore Thee
  4. In Thy Name, O Lord, As­sem­bling
  5. Jesu, Lord of Life and Glo­ry
Raphael (Ora­to­ry)
  1. Come, Let Us Join Our Songs of Praise
  2. Though Low­ly Here Our Lot
Rapid CityThe South Da­ko­ta ci­ty. Take My Hand, Fa­ther
RapidesRapides Par­ish, Lou­isi­ana.O What a World This World Would Be
Rapture (Schole­field)Saved, Saved
Rapture (Hum­phreys)O How Hap­py Are They

Also see Dar­wen

RaquetteRaquette Lake, New York.Is There Not a Place for Me?
RashtRasht, Ir­an (رشت).Where Are They Go­ing?
RathbunBeriah Rath­bun, one of com­pos­er Ith­amar Con­key’s choir mem­bers at the Cen­tral Bap­tist Church, Nor­wich, Con­nec­ti­cut.
  1. ¡Gloria a Di­os!
  2. Hark, a Joy­ful Voice Is Thrill­ing
  3. Hark! Ten Thou­sand Voic­es Cry­ing
  4. Hark, the Crash of Roa­ring Thun­der
  5. Hark! the Notes of An­gels Sing­ing
  6. Hark! What Mean Those Ho­ly Voic­es?
  7. In the Hea­v’ns the Lord Al­migh­ty
  8. In the Cross of Christ I Glo­ry
  9. Oh, How Wond­rous Is the Sto­ry
  10. Oh! My Soul, Bless Thou Je­ho­vah!
  11. Savior, Vi­sit Thy Plan­ta­tion
  12. Shall This Life of Mine Be Wast­ed?
  13. Valley Li­lies
RatisbonFormer name of Re­gens­burg, Ger­ma­ny.
  1. Christ Whose Glo­ry Fills the Skies
  2. Christian, Wouldst Thou Boast Aright?
  3. God of Mer­cy, God of Grace
  4. We Be­lieve in One True God
RavendaleFear Not, O Lit­tle Flock
RavenglasProbably the vil­lage of Ra­ven­glass, Cum­bria, Eng­land, in the Lake Dis­trict Na­tion­al Park.O Lord, Our Lan­guid Souls In­spire
RavenshawLord, Thy Word Abid­eth
RavensworthTake My Life and Let It Be
RawalpindiThe ci­ty in Pa­kis­tan.Master Is Com­ing, The
RawlinsSee Hai­nault
RayThou, Who Dwell’st En­throned on High
RaynoldsSee Con­so­la­tion (Men­dels­sohn)
ReapersFar and Near
RebeccaThe daugh­ter of com­pos­er John M. Shenk.Come, Hea­ven-Bound Pil­grims
RecifeThe Bra­zil­ian ci­ty.Out of the Sha­dow
Rector Po­tensLatin for pow­er­ful rul­er.
  1. Hark, ’Tis the Ho­ly Tem­ple’s Bell
  2. Shine Forth, O Sun of Bound­less Love
Red HookThe neigh­bor­hood in Brook­lyn, New York.Mine the Cross
Red OakThe Io­wa ci­ty.Heavy La­den, Sick with Sin
Red Wing Se­mi­na­ryThe Lu­ther­an se­mi­na­ry in Red Wing, Min­ne­so­ta (op­erat­ed 1879–1932).Safely Through An­oth­er Week
RedalLord, Thou Hast Fa­vor Shown Thy Land
  1. Morn’s Ro­se­ate Hues Have Decked the Sky
  2. Rosy Morn Has Robed the Sky, The
RedcliffeBe Thou Su­preme
Redeemer (Em­er­son)Blest Is He Who Loves God’s Pre­cepts
Redeemer (Loes)Blessed Re­deem­er (Chris­tian­sen)
Redeemer’s SongGood News for You
Redemption Ground
  1. Come While You May (Boles)
  2. Great Shep­herd of Thine Is­ra­el
  3. Redemption Ground
  4. Starry Fir­ma­ment on High, The
  5. Who Hath Be­lieved the Tid­ings?
Redemptor Mun­diLatin for Re­deem­er of the World.O Come, Re­deem­er of Man­kind
Redhead [Aja­lon, Nor­wood, Pe­tra]Composer Ri­chard Red­head.
  1. By Thy Birth and by Thy Tears
  2. Go to Dark Geth­se­ma­ne
  3. God, Be Mer­ci­ful to Me
  4. Gracious Spir­it, Dwell with Me
  5. Lamb of God, Who Bear’st Away
  6. Mistful Are Our Wait­ing Eyes
  7. Savior, Prince of Is­ra­el’s Race
  8. Resting from His Work To­day
  9. Son of God, In­car­nate Word
  10. To Av­ert from Men God’s Wrath
  11. Wherefore Should I Make My Moan?
Redhead No. 4See Pad­ding­ton
Redhead No. 46Bright the Vi­sion That De­light­ed
Redhead No. 66See Metz­ler’s Red­head
RedmondRedmond, Wash­ing­ton.Thou Who Canst Nev­er Change nor Fail
RednerComposer Lew­is Red­ner.Everywhere, Ev­ery­where, Christ­mas To­night!
RedondoI Praise Thy Name
Redwood Ci­tyThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Long Years Ago in Beth­le­hem
ReedWelcome, De­light­ful Morn
Reeves [Ti­mi­os]Composer Charles Reeves.Jesus, Pre­cious Sav­ior
RefugeSafe with Je­sus
Regent SquareRegent Square Pres­by­ter­ian Church, Lon­don, where com­pos­er Hen­ry Smart was or­gan­ist.
  1. All the Sac­ri­fice Is End­ed
  2. Angels Come on Joy­ous Pin­ion
  3. Angels from the Realms of Glo­ry
  4. Are You Rea­dy? (Ly­ra)
  5. Christ Is Born, and Heav’n Re­joic­es
  6. Christ Is Made the Sure Foun­da­tion
  7. God, the Lord, a King Re­main­eth
  8. Glory Be to God the Fa­ther
  9. He Who Suns and Worlds Up­hold­eth
  10. Holy Fa­ther, Great Cre­at­or
  11. Householder Send­ing Forth His Son, The
  12. Jesus, Bless­èd Lord and Sav­ior
  13. Light’s Abode, Ce­les­ti­al Sa­lem
  14. Love Must Be Sin­cere and Hon­est
  15. Lovely Youth, with Ar­dent Zeal
  16. Now Again the World Is Shak­en
  17. Now the Long Ex­pect­ed Sav­ior
  18. Saints of God! The Dawn Is Bright­en­ing
  19. We the Blessed of Re-cre­ation
ReginaThe ca­pi­tal of Sas­kat­che­wan, Ca­na­da.My Soul Shall Be Sa­tis­fied
Regnator Or­bisLatin for Rul­er of the World.See O Quan­ta Qual­ia
ReichelsheimThe town in Ger­ma­ny’s Od­en­wald re­gion.Oh, ’Twas Love
Reichenbach FallsThe wa­ter­fall casc­ade in the Ber­ne­se Ob­er­land re­gion of Switz­er­land (Reich­en­bach­fäl­le).In the Sha­dow of Thy Wings
RejoiceOn Wings of Liv­ing Light
ReleaseThy Word, O Lord, Like Gen­tle Dews
Reliance (Gow­er)When Thy Sol­diers Take Their Swords
Reliance (Ladds)Strong Son of God, Im­mor­tal Love
Reliance (Wes­ley)Awake, O Lord, as in the Time of Old!
Remember MeSee Geth­se­ma­ne (Hull)
Remember the PoorDay of the Lord Is at Hand, The
Remember Your Mo­ther’s Pray­erRemember Your Mo­ther’s Pray­er
RemsbergComposer W. L. Rems­berg.Savior, I Have Need of Thee
  1. Established in the High­est Hea­vens
  2. Sin Has a Thou­sand Trea­cher­ous Arts
Rendez à Dieu [Na­varre]French for re­turn to God.
  1. Give Thanks un­to the Lord, Je­ho­vah
  2. When John Bap­tized by Jor­dan’s Ri­ver
RenfieldWhen Ho­san­nas Loud Re­sound­ing
RenoThe Ne­va­da ci­ty.Our Sun­day School (Cros­by)
RentonThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.Go and Tell (Simp­son)
ReoNow Plead My Cause, Al­migh­ty God
  1. Absent from Flesh! O Bliss­ful Thought!
  2. Lord, Thou Hast Great­ly Blessed Our Land
  3. Thy Word Sheds Light up­on My Path
  4. When on the Cross, My Lord I See
Repose (Black­mer)After All, Eter­ni­ty!
Repose (Har­mo­nia)Thou On­ly So­ver­eign of My Heart

Also see Goethe

Repose (Holmes)I Take Thy Pro­mise, Lord
Repose (Van Vleck)Blest Tri­ni­ty, from Mor­tal Sight
ReptonDear Lord and Fa­ther of Man­kind
Republic [Am­eri­ca Be­friend]O Lord, Our God, Thy Migh­ty Hand
RequestThy Spir­it’s Might
  1. All Is O’er, the Pain, the Sor­row
  2. Thou to Whom the Sick and Dy­ing
RequiesFather of Mer­cies! God of Love!
RequiescatNow the La­bor­er’s Task Is O’er
RescueRescue the Per­ish­ing
ResignationO God, We Have Heard
Resignation (Cross)We Hope in Thee, O God!
Resignation (Hurn­dall)Thy Will Is Done
Resonet in Lau­di­busLatin for let our prais­es re­sound.Joseph Dear­est
Rest (Beech­er)When Winds Are Rag­ing
Rest (Brad­bu­ry)
  1. Asleep in Je­sus
  2. Blest He Who Wise­ly Helps the Poor
  3. Comfort, Ye Mi­nis­ters of Grace
  4. How Do Thy Mer­cies Close Me Round
  5. Lord Has Heard and An­swered Pray­er, The
  6. Lord, When Thine Is­ra­el We Sur­vey
  7. My Right­eous God, Who Oft of Old
  8. O Thou, Who All Things Canst Con­trol
  9. Should Hos­tile Pow­ers Against Me Join
  10. To Thee Be­fore the Close of Day
Rest (Mak­er)
  1. Blood of Christ, Thy Spot­less Lamb, The
  2. Dear Lord and Fa­ther of Man­kind
  3. O Thou Whose Gra­cious Pre­sence Blest
  4. Oh Thou All Ho­ly, Wise and Just
  5. One Se­pul­cher, One Lit­tle Spot
Rest (Stain­er) [Mag­da­len]
  1. None Else but Thee, For­ev­er­more
  2. We Sing His Love, Who Once Was Slain
Rest in Je­susRest in Je­sus
Resting PlaceI Bow My Fore­head to the Dust
Restoration (with re­frain)
  1. Come, Ye Sin­ners, Poor and Nee­dy
  2. What This Host?
Restoration (no re­frain)God, Re­new Us by Your Spir­it!
Resurgenti Na­za­re­noIn One True God We All Be­lieve
Resurrection (Ne­vin)Lord of Life Is Ris­en, The
Resurrection MornOn the Re­sur­rec­tion Morn­ing
ResurrexitChrist Is Ris­en! Christ Is Ris­en!
RetirementSee Har­ing­ton
RetreatLast word of the third line in From Ev­ery Stor­my Wind.
  1. Another Six Days’ Work Is Done
  2. From Every Stor­my Wind
  3. Great God, Thou Giv­er of All Good
  4. We Bless the Name of Christ, the Lord
Return (Monk)Return, O Wan­der­er, to Thy Home
Return (Squires)
  1. It Is the Lord Our Sav­ior’s Hand
  2. Return, O Wan­der­er, Re­turn
  3. Return to Bless My Wait­ing Eyes
  4. Thanksgiving, The

Also see In­vi­ta­tion

ReubenThe Is­ra­el­ite tribe.He Lives Again (Smith)
  1. God’s Word Is Our Great He­rit­age
  2. Our Lord and God, Oh, Bless This Day
Reva FallsThe wa­ter­fall in On­tario, Ca­na­da.Hark! The An­gels Bright Are Sing­ing
RevivalMy God Will Add the Rest
Revive Us AgainRevive Us Again
Reviving LightHow Hea­vy Is the Night
Rex Glo­ri­æLatin for king of glo­ry.Lift the Strain of High Thanks­giv­ing
Rex Glo­ri­oseLatin for glo­ri­ous king.
  1. Lamb’s High Ban­quet We Await, The
  2. O Glo­ri­ous King of Mar­tyr Hosts
Rex Glo­rio­se Mar­tyr­umLatin for King of glo­ri­ous mar­tyrs.Let All on Earth Their Voic­es Raise
Rex Max­im­usHelp Us, O Je­sus, Thou Migh­ty De­fen­der
Rex Re­gumLatin for King of kings.
  1. And Let This Fee­ble Bo­dy Fail
  2. O King of Kings, O Lord of Hosts
Rex TerrarumLatin for king of the world.O King of Earth and Air and Sea!
ReynoldsSee Con­so­la­tion (Men­dels­sohn)
ReynoldstoneDay of Wrath, O Dread­ful Day!
RhauNun laßt uns den Leib Be­grab­en
RhineLoud to the Prince of Heav’n

Also see Em­mons

RhiwThe vil­lage in Gwyn­edd, Wales.
  1. I Come, the Savior Cries
  2. Still with Thee, O My God
RhodesThe Greek is­land.
  1. Another Day Be­gun
  2. Did Christ o’er Sin­ners Weep?
  3. Why Dost Thou Stand Afar?
Rhosymedre [Love­ly]Composer John Ed­wards’ vi­car­age in Ru­abon, North Wales.Arise O God, and Shine
RhuddlanThe town in Den­bigh­shire, Wales.Judge Eter­nal, Throned in Splen­dor
RhyddidWelsh for li­ber­ty or free­dom.Sometimes a Light Sur­pris­es
RialtoThe the­ater dist­rict in New York Ci­ty, where com­pos­er George Root worked for some years.Jehovah Sits En­throned
Richmond (Ev­er­ett)Jesus, My Strength, My Hope
Richmond (Haweis) [Ches­ter­field, Spa Fields Cha­pel]Anglican cler­ic Leigh Rich­mond.
  1. Attend, Mine Ear
  2. Behold Thy Wait­ing Ser­vant, Lord
  3. Blest Day of God, Most Calm, Most Bright
  4. City of God, How Broad and Far
  5. How Few Re­ceive with Cor­di­al Faith
  6. In Ju­dah’s Rug­ged Wil­der­ness
  7. Let Us Adore the Grace That Seeks
  8. Lord, if Thine Eye Sur­veys Our Faults
  9. My God, the Spring of All My Joys
  10. O for a Heart to Praise My God
  11. O for a Shout of Sac­red Joy
  12. O Lord, I Will De­light in Thee
  13. O Where Can Truth Be Found To­day?
  14. Remark, My Soul, the Nar­row Bounds
  15. To Jor­dan’s Stream the Sav­ior Goes
  16. Walk in the Light
  17. What Shall I Do, My God to Love
Richmond ParkThe park in Lon­don.Thou Hast Re­deemed Me
RickmanHymnist Er­nest Rick­man.There Is a Calm
RideauO Eyes That Are Wea­ry
RigaThe Lat­vi­an ci­ty.I Be­lieve (Bliss)
RighiniComposer Vin­cen­zo Ri­ghi­ni.Rise, Glo­ri­ous Con­quer­or
RimingtonThe birthplace of com­pos­er Fran­cis Duckworth in York­shire, Eng­land.Teach Me, O Lord, Thy Ho­ly Way
RiminiThe Ital­ian pro­vince.Why Wait­est Thou?
RileyO Je­ho­vah, Hear My Words
RineyChoral di­rec­tor Ce­cil J. Ri­ney, Pro­fes­sor Eme­ri­tus (Re­tired) at Friends Uni­ver­si­ty, Wi­chi­ta, Kan­sas.O Bless­èd Jesus! This
Ring the BellsRing the Bells of Hea­ven
Ringe rechtGerman for rings right.
  1. Lamb of God, We Fall Be­fore Thee
  2. Lord, Thy Mer­cy Now En­treat­ing
  3. Strive Aright When God Doth Call
RinglandAway with Our Fears!
Rio de Ja­nei­roThe city in Bra­zil.Strike Our Tents
Rio GrandeThe ri­ver be­tween Tex­as and Me­xico.Man the Life-Boat!
Rio Hon­doThe tr­ib­ut­ary of the Los An­ge­les Ri­ver in Ca­li­for­nia.Ring Out, O Bells, Your Peals To­day
  1. Hallelujah, Praise Je­ho­vah
  2. We Be­lieve in God the Fa­ther
RipponJohn Rip­pon.Ím Szi­klas­zil­árd, Ór­ók És Jó Al­ap

Also see Pro­tect­ion

RiseholmeA fic­tion­al Eli­za­be­than vil­lage in the Cots­wolds in the Lu­cia no­vels of Ed­ward Fred­er­ic Ben­son (1867–1940).
  1. Father of All, from Land and Sea
  2. Thy Will Is Done
Rishon Le­Zi­onThe Is­ra­eli ci­ty.Preciousness of Je­sus, The
RistadHymn trans­lat­or Dit­lef Ris­tad.I Walk in Dan­ger All the Way
RivaulxPossibly Rie­vaulx, a vil­lage and ci­vil pa­rish in North York­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Father of Hea­ven
  2. O Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord
  3. When Dark­ness Long Has Veiled My Mind
  4. Wherewith, O Lord, Shall I Draw Near?
River CityNickname for Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Come to the Mas­ter
River of LifeFresh from the Throne of Glo­ry
RiveraAwake the Trum­pet’s Lof­ty Sound
Riverside (Kirk­pat­rick)The Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Hear and An­swer Pray­er
Riverside (Sell­ers)While Time Is Spent
RivieraThe coast­al re­gion in south­ern France.Nearer Home
Riyadh [Crim­son Tide]The Sau­di Ara­bi­an ci­ty.Precious Blood
RizeThe Turk­ish ci­ty and pro­vince.Bird and Blos­som
RoanokeThe Vir­gin­ia ci­ty.Redeemed and Saved
RobbinsThe Il­li­nois town.One in Christ
Robin AdairA tra­di­tion­al Ir­ish song (some­times iden­ti­fied as Scot­tish) with lyrics by Lady Ca­ro­line Kep­pel.Jesus, My All
RobinsonI Have Fol­lowed Truth and Jus­tice
RobotyneThe Ukrain­ian vil­lage.We Are Com­ing
RochelleSee Seel­en­bräu­tig­am
Rochester (Will­iams)Thought of God, The

Also see No­vel­lo

Rochester (Hol­droyd)
  1. Come, Child­ren, Learn to Fear the Lord
  2. Not to the Ter­rors of the Lord
Rock, TheIn the Sha­dow of the Rock
Rock HillThe South Ca­ro­li­na ci­ty.Never Grow Old (Bai­ly)
Rock of Ag­es [Il­lu­mi­na­tio]From the Cross
Rock of Ref­uge, TheO Some­times the Sha­dows Are Deep
Rock of Sal­va­tionIf Life’s Plea­sures Charm Thee
RockawayThe pe­nin­su­la at the south­ern edge of the New York Ci­ty bo­rough of Queens on Long Is­land.Friend of Sin­ners Dies, The

Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King

Also see For­est

RockfordThe Il­li­nois ci­ty.As with Glad­ness, Men of Old
Rockingham (Ma­son) [Gra­vi­ty, Rock­ing­ham New]
  1. My Op­en­ing Eyes with Rap­ture See
  2. Now I Re­solve with All My Heart
  3. Of Him Who Did Sal­va­tion Bring
Rockingham (Mill­er)
  1. Almighty Fa­ther, Hear Our Cry
  2. And Will the Great Eter­nal God
  3. Eternal Pow­er, Whose High Abode
  4. King of Glo­ry Deigns to Stoop, The
  5. More Joy Than Earth Can E’er Af­ford
  6. My God, My King, Thy Va­ri­ous Praise
  7. My God, Thy Ta­ble Now Is Spread
  8. Not Here, as to the Pro­phet’s Eye
  9. O Lord Most High
  10. Remember, Lord, Our Mor­tal State
  11. Since with My God with Per­fect Heart
  12. Thy Pre­sence, Gra­cious God, Af­ford
  13. To God My Ear­nest Voice I Raise
  14. ’Twas on That Night When Doomed to Know
  15. We Lift Our Eyes, Our Hands, to Thee
RocklandRockland Coun­ty, New York.Charity
RockportVain, De­lu­sive World, Adieu
RodmanHeir of the King­dom
RodmellThe vil­lage in East Sus­sex, Eng­land.When Christ Was Born in Beth­le­hem
RogersComposer Will­iam Rog­ers.Calm on the List­en­ing Ear of Night
RolandLet the Whole Cre­ation Cry
RollandIncarnate God! What Tongue Can Tell
RomaineSee Yar­mouth
RombergEnthroned on High, Al­migh­ty Lord!
RomeLamp of Our Feet
RömerstraßeThe street in Hei­del­berg, Ger­ma­ny.Almost (Bil­horn)
RomfordThe town in the Lon­don bo­rough of Ha­ver­ing, where com­pos­er Ar­thur Brown was once or­gan­ist at St. Ed­ward’s Church.Arise and Hail the Sac­red Day
RomingerHymnist Charles Ro­min­ger.Thou Art, O Christ, the Light and Life
RondôniaThe Bra­zil­ian state.Come, Ye, Lift Your Joy­ous Voic­es
Room for Je­susHave You Any Room for Je­sus?
RoppongiThe area in the Mi­na­to ward of To­kyo, Ja­pan.I Will Sing of Je­sus
RorateFrom the La­tin phrase Ro­rate coe­li de­su­per! (Drop down the hea­vens from above!)Rorate
RosarioRosario, Ar­gen­ti­na.Savior Is Ris­en for You and for Me, The
RoscoeBe Firm, Be Bold
Rose HillWhy Will Ye Waste on Trif­ling Cares
  1. God Eter­nal, Lord of All
  2. Walking on the Wing­èd Wind
RosedaleShall Man, O God of Light and Life
Roseate HuesO Jesus, Crowned with All Re­nown
RosecransComposer James Ro­se­crans.I’ll Trust the Lord
  1. Blessèd Are the Sons of God
  2. Hearts of Stone, Re­lent, Re­lent
  3. They That Traf­fic on the Sea
  4. Weary Souls, That Wan­der Wide
RosepineThe town in Ver­non Pa­rish, Lou­isi­ana.Lift Up Thine Eyes, O Watch­man
RosevilleO Lord and Lead­er of Our Needy Race
  1. From the East­ern Mount­ains
  2. Hail the He­ro Work­ers
RossAs the Sun Doth Dai­ly Rise
RossettiNone Oth­er Lamb
RosslynIn Our Work and in Our Play
RoswellSee Morn of Glad­ness.
Rothley [Do­na]
  1. Give Light, O Lord
  2. Guest Cham­ber, The
  3. World Was Dark with Care and Woe, The
RotoruaThe New Zea­land ci­ty.Love of God (Jack­son), The
Rothwell (Tan­s’ur)
  1. Earth’s Tran­si­to­ry Things De­cay
  2. He Lives! the Great Re­deem­er Lives!
RotterdamThe Dutch ci­ty.Light Along the Ag­es, The
RoubaixThe French ci­ty.Sing the Prais­es of the Sav­ior
RouenThe French ci­ty.When on My Day of Life
Rouen (Gou­nod) [Re­demp­tion]The French ci­ty.Lo! He Comes with Clouds Des­cend­ing
Round RockThe Tex­as ci­ty.Let Me Go
  1. Hark! The Gos­pel News Is Sound­ing
  2. If So Poor a Worm as I

Also see Green­ville

RowlandSee hu­mil­ity (Tuck­er­man)
RowleyO How Hap­py Are They Who the Sav­ior Obey
Royal FortEternal Light
Royal OakAll Things Bright and Beau­ti­ful
RoyapettahThe area in Chen­nai, In­dia.Satisfied with Je­sus (Mas­ters)
RoxburyThe neigh­bor­hood in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Tell Me the Sweet Sto­ry
RuapehuThe New Zea­land vol­ca­no.Toilers in the Vine­yard
RuebushComposer James H. Ru­ebush.He Set the Task for Me
RugglesThe Rug­gles Street Church in Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts.O Short Was His Slum­ber
RuhetagGerman for day of rest.This Day in Je­sus’ Name We Meet
RuizMi Amor y Vi­da
RunyanBehold, the Dawn!
RuskinI Sing the Migh­ty Pow­er of God
RusperCome un­to Me, Ye Wea­ry (Dix)
  1. As Once the Sav­ior Rose on High
  2. Come, Let Us Sing the Song of Songs
  3. Lift Up, Ye Saints, Your Weep­ing Eyes
  4. When Christ His Body Up Had Born
Russian Hymn
  1. Glorious Yule­tide
  2. God, the Om­ni­po­tent!
  3. God Save Am­eri­ca
RustingtonSee, the Con­quer­or Mounts in Tri­umph
RutgersThe uni­ver­si­ty in New Bruns­wick, New Jer­sey.My God and Fa­ther! While I Stray
Ruth (Harts­horn)Thy Ten­der Mer­cies, O My Lord
Ruth (Smith)
  1. God’s Free Mer­cy Stream­eth
  2. Summer Suns Are Glow­ing
Ruth (Web­ster)O for a Clos­er Walk with God
RutherfordScottish mar­tyr Sam­uel Ruth­er­ford (1600–1661).
  1. How Blest Is He Whose Tres­pass
  2. O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me
  3. Sands of Time Are Sink­ing, The
RyleHymnist John Ryle.Good News (Ryle)
RzeszówThe Po­lish ci­ty.Heavenly Road, The