NameNamed AfterUsed By
YakimaThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton State.Jesus, the Ark of Safe­ty
YakutskThe Rus­sian ci­ty in east­ern Si­ber­ia.Come to Me (Ken­ning)
YaleThe uni­ver­si­ty in New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut.
  1. Behold, He Comes, the Sav­ior Comes
  2. Behold, the King of Zi­on Rides
  3. Dear Savior, Take My Hand
  4. From the Far-Blaz­ing Gate of Morn
  5. Let Us Adore th’Eter­nal Word
  6. Now Fain My Joy­ous Heart Would Sing
  7. Son of God! The Lord of Life!, The
YalovaThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Linger at the Cross
YamaguchiThe Ja­pa­nese ci­ty.Hail, Bless­èd Morn!
YaoundéThe ci­ty in Cam­er­oon. I’ve Found the Pearl
  1. Lamb, Whose Blood for All Men Streamed
  2. There Is Pur­pose in This Waste
Yarmouth [Ro­maine]Mellow Eve Is Glid­ing, The
Yattendon 46The Yat­ten­don Hym­nal, in which the tune ap­peared.Lord, What a Fee­ble Piece
YekaterinburgThe Russ­ian ci­ty.Secret Pray­er (Cros­by)
YellowknifeThe Ca­na­di­an ci­ty.He Comes in Glo­ry
YellowstoneThe ri­ver and park in Wy­om­ing.I’m Glad I Have a Sav­ior
YerevanThe Ar­me­ni­an ci­ty.Say, Are You Rea­dy?
Yet There Is RoomYet There Is Room
YoakleyJesus, Thy Bound­less Love to Me
YokohamaThe Ja­pa­nese ci­ty.Something for Child­ren to Do
Yorba Lin­daThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.God Our Father
  1. All Round the Globe Does Sa­tan Trace
  2. Behold That Great and Aw­ful Day
  3. Deceivers as the World May Deem
  4. Let Earth and Hell Their Pow­ers Em­ploy
  5. Many Are Not Al­ways Right, The
  6. O Lord, Al­migh­ty God
  7. O Night of Nights, Su­preme De­lights
  8. O Zi­on, When Thy Sav­ior Came
  9. Praise Waits in Si­on, Lord, for Thee
  10. Pray That Je­ru­sa­lem May Have
  11. Promise of My Fa­ther’s Love, The
  12. Savior, What a No­ble Flame, The
  13. This Pre­sent Ev­il World
  14. This World Is All En­chant­ed Ground
  15. Vain Are the Hopes That Re­bels Place
  16. When Je­sus, by the Vir­gin Brought
Yorkshire [Stock­port]
  1. As Jon­ah, Is­su­ing from His Three Days’ Tomb
  2. Christians Awake, Sa­lute the Hap­py Morn
  3. Glory to God! We Were in Bit­ter Need
  4. God of Glo­ry Sends His Sum­mons Forth, The
  5. He Shed His Blood
  6. Humble In­qui­ry, The
  7. Left Be­hind
  8. Not to Our Names
  9. Oh More Than Mer­ci­ful!
  10. Prayer for Rain
  11. Stay, Mas­ter, Stay up­on This Hea­ven­ly Hill
  12. To Christ the Mo­narch
  13. Told in the Mar­ket-Place
YosemiteThe Ca­li­for­nia loc­a­tion.In the Ad­vent Light
Your Sav­iour Wept
  1. How Sweet in Eve­ry Try­ing Scene
  2. O Faith! Thou Work­est Mi­ra­cles
Youthful GloryO, in the Morn of Life
Youthful PietySee Tri­bu­la­tion
YozgatThe Turk­ish ci­ty and pro­vince.Cast Thy Bread up­on the Wa­ters (Ed­gar)
YucatánThe pen­in­su­la be­tween the Gulf of Mex­ico & the Car­ib­be­an Sea.Sweet Sur­pris­es
YukonThe ter­ri­to­ry in north­west Ca­na­da.Into Thy Ser­vice, Lord
YumaThe Ari­zo­na ci­ty.Peaceful the Won­drous Night
YunnanThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Little Mis­sion Band
YvelinesThe French dé­parte­ment.Christ Is Knoc­king at the Door