Hebrew for strong rock (מָעוֹז צוּר).
Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
MaastrichtMaastricht, Ne­ther­lands.Seedtime and Har­vest
MacArthur ParkMacArthur Park, Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.
  1. Oh, Earth! Through­out Thy Bor­ders
  2. Stars Are Bright­ly Shin­ing, The
MaceHymnist Fran­ces Mace.Waiting
  1. Honor and Praise, O Christ, Re­ceive
  2. Last Loud Trum­pet’s Won­drous Sound, The
MacedoniaThe re­gion in Greece.World’s Astir!, The
MacfarrenThou, Who Didst Call Thy Saints of Old
Macht hoch die TürFling Wide the Door
Mach’s mit mir, Gott
  1. Come, Fol­low Me, the Sav­ior Spake
  2. Lord God of Morn­ing
Machu Pic­chuMachu Pic­chu, Pe­ru.Onward, Ye Pil­grims
MaconMacon, Geor­gia.Forward into Ser­vice
MadeiraMadeira, Por­tu­gal.
  1. All-Seeing God, The
  2. We Bring No Glit­ter­ing Trea­sures
Madhya Pra­deshMadhya Pra­desh, India (मध्य प्रदेश).Take My Hand, Dear Je­sus
MadrasFormer name of Chen­nai, In­dia (சென்னை).He Bore Our Sins
Madrid (Carr)Madrid, Spain.
  1. Come, Ye Child­ren of the Lord
  2. Give the Word, Eter­nal King
  3. Happy Mag­da­lene, to Whom
  4. Lord, Have Mer­cy When We Pray
  5. Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee
  6. Morn Awakes, and Wood­lands Sing
  7. Thou from Whom All Be­ing Sprang
  8. ’Tis My Hap­pi­ness Be­low
  9. What Good News the An­gels Bring!
  10. What With­in Me and With­out
Madrid (Ev­ans)Come, Chris­tians, Join to Sing
MaduraiMadurai, In­dia (மதுரை).Lo, Sum­mer Comes Again!
MadvigJohn Mad­vig, for­mer pas­tor of Com­mun­ity Co­ve­nant Church, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Give Your Heart to Je­sus (Has­kell)
MaesgwynO Fen­di­gaid Geid­wad
MagdalenSee Rest (Stai­ner)
Magdalen Col­lege [King­ston]The col­lege at Ox­ford Uni­ver­si­ty, Eng­land.We Sing of God
MagdalenaI Could Not Do With­out Thee
MagdeburgBless, O My Soul! the Liv­ing God
MagiMagi Came from Lands Afar, The
MagillCome, Je­sus, Re­deem­er
MagnifyO Mag­ni­fy the Lord with Me (Lauf­er)
MagnusIf We Have For­got­ten the Name of Our God
MaharashtraMaharashtra, In­dia (महाराष्ट्र).He Died for Me
MahlonHow Wel­come Was the Call
MaidstoneMaidstone, Kent, Eng­land.
  1. Christ Is Ris­en from the Dead (Beck­er)
  2. Happy Soul, That, Free from Harms
MaiduguriMaiduguri, Ni­ge­ria.It Is I
MainzerComposer Jo­seph Mainz­er.
  1. As Birds Their In­fant Brood Pro­tect
  2. Author of Faith, Eter­nal Word
  3. Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun
  4. Away from Ev­ery Mor­tal Care
  5. For One Im­pris­oned for Right­eous­ness’ Sake
  6. From Heav’n the Sin­ning An­gels Fell
  7. God Is a Spir­it, Great and Just
  8. God On­ly Wise, and Great, and Strong
  9. Great Shep­herd of Thy Chos­en Flock
  10. Now Let Us Join with Hearts and Tongues
  11. We Pray for Those Who Do Not Pray
  12. With Thee, O Lord, Be­gins the Year
  13. Zion, from Thee Is Sound­ed Forth
  1. Arise and Shine, Your Light Is Come
  2. Children of Zi­on, Know Your King
  3. Father, I Long, I Faint to See
  4. He Who on Earth as Man Was Known
  5. How Hast Thou, Lord, from Year to Year
  6. How Shall I Look up­on That Brow?
  7. In Mer­cy, Not in Wrath, Re­buke
  8. Must Je­sus Bear the Cross Alone?
  9. My Sav­ior, How Thy Soul Was Awed
  10. No Time
  11. Son For­sook the Fa­ther’s Home, The
  12. Sweet Is the Light, What­e’er It Be
  13. Thou On­ly Couldst, Great Three in One
  14. Thy Greatness, Lord
  15. ’Tis Good, Be­yond All Oth­er Good
  16. When Any Turn from Zi­on’s Way
  17. When in the Night I Me­di­tate
  18. While Sin­ners Ut­ter Boast­ing Words
  19. Wonders of Re­deem­ing Love, The
MajestyJehovah Is Our Strength
Majesty (Bill­ings)Lord Des­cend­ed from Above, The
MakassarMakassar, Su­la­we­si, In­do­ne­sia.Sinking Down
MakatiMakati, Phil­ip­pines.Jesu, Re­deem­er of the World
MálagaMálaga, Spain.Daily Cares and Wor­ries
MalatyaMalatya, Tür­ki­ye.Glad Songs
MalawiThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Mother’s Gone (Brack­een)
MaldenMalden, Mas­sa­chu­setts.There Is a God
MaldivesThe Ind­ian Ocean is­land na­tion.Peter’s De­ni­al
  1. Earth and the Fulln­ess with Which It Is Stored, The
  2. Lord Has Come Down, The
MaléMalé, Mal­dives.Jesus, Sav­ior, We Would See Thee
MaliThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Our Best Friend
MalibuMalibu, Ca­li­for­nia.Trust in Je­sus
Malin BridgeMalin Bridge, Shef­field, Eng­land.Bright and Joy­ful Is the Morn
MallaryComposer Ray­mond Mal­la­ry.
  1. God Eter­nal, Migh­ty King
  2. Hark! How Time’s Wide Sound­ing Bell
  3. Word of God, Eter­nal Son
MallorcaMallorca, Spain.O, Give Us to Eat
MalmöMalmö, Swe­den.We Lift Our Songs to Thee
  1. Before Thee, Lord, a Peo­ple Waits
  2. Once More in the Re­deem­er’s Name
MaltaThe Me­di­ter­ran­ean is­land.Peace Be to This Ha­bi­ta­tion
MalvernMalvern, Penn­syl­van­ia.
  1. Blest Hour, When Mor­tal Man Re­tires
  2. How Shall the Sons of Men Ap­pear?
  3. Jesus, Wher­e’er Thy Peo­ple Meet
  4. O Thou Whose Of­fer­ing on the Tree
  5. من فوق عن موتى الصلاح
MamreSee Lux­em­bourg
Man of GriefPoor Way­far­ing Man of Grief, A
ManaguaThe Ni­ca­ra­guan ci­ty.On the Heights
ManausManaus, Bra­zil.Looking to Je­sus
Manchester New
  1. Earth, O Lord, Is One Wide Field, The
  2. Sinners, Be­hold the Lamb of God
MandalayMandalay, My­an­mar.Memories of the Past
Manele BayManele Bay, Ha­wa­ii.Children’s Pray­er
Manger Throne, TheLike Sil­ver Lamps in a Dist­ant Shrine
ManipurManipur, In­dia (मणिपुर).Take Off the Old Coat
ManisaManisa, Tür­ki­ye.Step Out on the Pro­mise (Cox)
ManitobaManitoba, Ca­na­da.Passing Away
MankatoMankato, Min­ne­so­ta.Mizpah
MannaO Food That Wea­ry Pil­grims Love
MannheimMannheim, Ger­ma­ny.Lead Us, Hea­ven­ly Fa­ther
ManoahSamson’s fa­ther (Judg­es 13).
  1. Again Our Earth­ly Cares We Leave
  2. Begin, My Tongue, Some Hea­v’n­ly Theme
  3. Behold, Where in a Mor­tal Form
  4. Dear Fa­ther, to Thy Mer­cy Seat
  5. Firm as the Earth Thy Gos­pel Stands
  6. Hosannah to Our Con­quer­ing King
  7. How Beau­ti­ful the Mys­te­ry
  8. I Love the Voice Di­vine
  9. I Walk the King’s High­way
  10. In An­ger, Lord, Re­buke Me Not
  11. My Thoughts on Aw­ful Sub­jects Roll
  12. O Je­sus Christ, Grow Thou in Me
  13. O Mys­te­ry of Love Di­vine
  14. O What a Con­quest Je­sus Won
  15. Our Pil­grim Breth­ren, Dwell­ing Far
  16. Sleep of the Mas­ter, The
  17. Upon Ju­de­a’s Mid­night Plains
  18. Vouchsafe, O Lord, Thy Pre­sence Now
  19. Why Did the Na­tions Join to Slay?
  20. Ye Child­ren, Come, Give Ear to Me
  21. Ye Shep­herds, Lend a List­en­ing Ear
  22. Ye Sin­ners on Back­slid­ing Bent
Mansfield (Barn­by)On Wings of Liv­ing Light
Mansfield (Tur­pin)On the Res­ur­rec­tion Morn­ing
MantHymnist Ri­chard Mant.Happy Soul, Thy Days Are End­ed
MantecaManteca, Ca­li­for­nia.Glorious Time Com­ing
MantonSee St. Pris­ca
  1. Blest Are the Poor
  2. Search Me, O God
Maoz Tsur
  1. Men and Child­ren Ev­ery­where
  2. Rock of Ag­es, Let Our Song
MaplewoodMaplewood, Mis­sou­ri.Lead Thou Me (Kim­brough)
MaputoMaputo, Mo­zam­bique.Our Hearts O’er­flow with Prais­es
MaquoketaMaquoketa, Io­wa.He Con­strained Them
MaraNaomi’s en­do­nym (Ruth 1:20).Unshaken as the Sac­red Hill
MaracaiboMaracaibo, Ve­ne­zue­la.Step ov­er the Line
MarathonMarathon, Greece.Mon Cœur Joy­eux
MaravillasSpanish for won­ders.Glorious Home
MarbellaMarbella, Spain.Stars of the Night
Marble ArchThe Lon­don mo­nu­ment.Pentecostal Flame, The
MarbleheadMarblehead, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Nations That Long in Dark­ness Walked
MarburgMarburg, Ger­ma­ny.Morn of Beau­ty!
  1. Great God, Thy Glo­ries Shall Em­ploy
  2. Great Source of Be­ing
  3. We Bless the Lord, the Just, the Good
MarchingStrong of Bo­dy, High of Spir­it
Marching Through Geor­giaMarching to Ca­naan
Marching to Zi­on
  1. Earth Be­longs to the Lord, The
  2. Marching to Zi­on
Marcho di RèiMarch of the Three Kings

Also see Port Lou­is

MardinMardin, Tür­ki­ye.Revive Thy Work, O Lord (Cros­by)
MarenzoSee Nun dank­et
Margalla HillsMargalla Hills, Pa­kis­tan.Father, Guide Me
  1. God the Lord Does Ask
  2. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
MargateMargate, Kent, Eng­land, where com­pos­er Ed­ward Bell­er­by played the or­gan.Shine on Me, O Lord Je­sus!
Maria jung und zartGerman for Ma­ry Young and Ten­der.Soul Where­in God Dwells, The
MaricopaMaricopa, Ari­zo­na.Joyful Giv­ing
MariborMaribor, Slo­ven­ia.In Hymns of Praise
MarinMarin Coun­ty, Ca­li­for­nia.Let Ev­ery Voice for Glad­ness Sing
Marina del ReyMarina del Rey, Ca­li­for­nia.Is It True?
MarinersSong for Christ­mas Eve, A

Also see Si­cil­ian Ma­rin­ers

MarionMarian S. Ma­lim, mo­ther of com­pos­er Ar­thur Mes­si­ter.
  1. Ascribe to the Lord Our God
  2. O Seek the Lord in Pray­er
  3. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
MariupolMariupol, Uk­raine (Марі­упо­ль). Dawning Love
Marlborough (San­key) We Praise Thee, We Bless Thee
Marlborough (Sul­li­van) Down the Dark Fu­ture
Marley God Knows
  1. How Great the Wis­dom
  2. Not for the Pro­phet Tongue of Fire
  3. O Lord, My Hope and Con­fi­dence
  4. Teach Us, O Lord, True Bro­ther­hood
MarmaraMarmara, Tür­ki­ye.Flee to the Re­fuge
MarmoraLatin for mar­ble.My Mo­ther’s Pray­er (Van DeVen­ter)
MarneMarne River, France.
  1. Oh, Come with Cheer­ful Voic­es
  2. Oh, Com­fort Ye My Peo­ple!
Maroon BellsThe Co­lo­ra­do mount­ains.Judgment, The
MarosaSee Bro­ther James’ Air
MarquetteMarquette, Mi­chi­gan.Broken Chord, The
MarrakeshMarrakesh, Mo­roc­co (مراكش).Mercy’s Gate
MarsalaMarsala, Si­ci­ly.Happy Christ­mas Morn­ing
MarsdenPraise the Lord—His Pow­er Con­fess
MarseilleMarseille, France.How Can I Let Thee Go?
MarseillaiseMissionary Mar­seil­laise, The
MarsettMarsett, North York­shire, Eng­land.Hark! What Mean Those Ho­ly Voic­es?
MarshallThou Say’st, Take Up Thy Cross
Marter Chris­tiCurrently un­used (score)
MarthaSavior, Now with Con­trite Hearts
MarthamLord of the Sab­bath, Hear Us Pray
Martha’s Vine­yardMartha’s Vine­yard, Mas­sa­chu­setts.Follow Me (Bit­tle)
MarthinaBecause Thy Trust Is God Alone
MartiniqueThe Car­ib­be­an is­land.O Guid­ing Star
  1. At Thy Cross
  2. Buds and Blos­soms of the Spring
  3. Mary to the Sav­ior’s Tomb
Martyrdom [Avon, Ev­en­ing Twi­light]
  1. According to Thy Gra­cious Word
  2. Alas, and Did My Sav­ior Bleed?
  3. As Dar­ker, Dar­ker Fall Around
  4. Behold the Glo­ries of the Lamb
  5. Behold the Sav­ior of Man­kind
  6. Behold the Sav­ior of the World
  7. From Days of Ear­ly Youth, O God
  8. How Blest the Shin­ing Forms Above
  9. How Dread­ful Is the Sin­ner’s Fate
  10. How Hap­py Are Thy Ser­vants, Lord
  11. In Ev­il Long I Took De­light
  12. In Thy Great Name, O Lord, We Come
  13. Land Be­fore Them, Where to Choose, The
  14. Lord, We Have Broke Thy Ho­ly Laws
  15. O Christ, the King of Hu­man Life
  16. O Gra­cious God, For­sake Me Not
  17. O Je­sus, Sav­ior of the Lost
  18. Oh Thou Who Art My Light, My Hope
  19. Our Guilt Do We Con­fess To­day
  20. Thou Love­ly Source of True De­light
  21. Too Ma­ny, Lord, Abuse Thy Grace
  22. Was It Enough?
  23. When Ad­am Sinned, Through All His Race
MartyrsO God of Truth

Also see Plaint­ive Mar­tyrs

MaryTo Thee, O Lord, I Fly
Mary Mag­da­lene (Dykes)O Let Him Whose Sor­row
Mary Mag­da­lene (Sul­li­van)Time, by Mo­ments, Steals Away
  1. I’ve Found the Sec­ret of Suc­cess
  2. Joyeux No­ël
  3. O Hear the Sav­ior’s Voice
  4. O King of Glo­ry, Da­vid’s Son (Hen­kel)
  5. Praise God the Fa­ther
  6. Teach Me the Pro­phets Smooth to Shun
Maryland HeightsMaryland Heights, Mis­sou­ri.Delightful Home
MaryleboneMarylebone, Lon­don.Chief Among Ten Thou­sand, The
MarytonAn old farm, or man­or, name.
  1. Come, Ho­ly Spir­it, Dove Di­vine
  2. Father of Men, Thy Care We Bless
  3. Great Arch­an­gel’s Trump, The
  4. Great God! To What Glo­ri­ous Height
  5. My Song For­ev­er Shall Re­cord
  6. O Breath of God, Breathe on Us Now
  7. O Hap­py Day When Saints Shall Meet
  8. O Lord, the Ho­ly In­no­cents
  9. O Mas­ter, Let Me Walk with Thee
  10. O Thou, Who Hast at Thy Com­mand
  11. This Child We De­di­cate to Thee
  12. Thy Man­sion Is the Chris­tian’s Heart
MashhadMashhad, Ir­an (مشهد).Love Each Oth­er
MasonLord, My Pe­ti­tion Heed
Mason’s ChantO God, Be Mer­ci­ful to Me (2)
MatagordaMatagorda, Tex­as.I Am Com­ing
MatamorosMatamoros, Mexi­co.Faith
MatanzasMatanzas, Cuba.’Twill Be Glo­ry
Matchless LoveSing the Love of Je­sus
MaterO Bless­èd Day of Mo­ther­hood!
Mater Mi­se­ri­cor­diæTis Christ­mas Eve
  1. Come un­to Me (Pe­ter­son)
  2. God Is Our Re­fuge and Our Strength
  3. O Beau­ti­ful for Spa­cious Skies
  4. O Mo­ther Dear, Je­ru­sa­lem
  1. Day, the Dread­ful Day Draws Nigh, The
  2. Lord, While Afar Our Bro­thers Fight
  3. Through Mid­night Gloom from Ma­ce­don
Mato Gro­ssoMato Gro­sso, Bra­zil.God Is Good
MatrimonyVoice That Breathed o’er Eden, The
MatthewsThere Came a Lit­tle Child to Earth
MauburnDost Thou in a Man­ger Lie?
MauiMaui, Ha­wa­ii.As Twi­light Soft­ly Falls
MaulbronnMaulbronn, Ger­ma­ny.Jesus the Cru­ci­fied Reigns
Mauna LoaMauna Loa, Ha­wa­ii.Beautiful Star of Beth­le­hem
MayfairMayfair, Lon­don.Remember Ev­ery Bless­ing
MauritiusThe is­land na­tion in the In­dian Ocean.When Each Oth­er’s Face We See
MayotteThe In­di­an Ocean ar­chi­pel­ago.My Mo­ther’s Face
MazandaranMazandaran, Ir­an (مازندران).Little Ship Was on the Sea, A
MazatlánMazatlán, Mexi­co.Dying Mil­lions
  1. I Am the Lord, Your God
  2. Near to the Heart of God
  3. O Hea­vy Bur­dened, Wea­ry One
McAnallyAm I a Sol­dier of the Cross?
McCabeIn Imi­ta­tion, Lord of Thee
McConnelsvilleMcConnelsville, Ohio, com­pos­er Le­lia Mor­ris’ home town.Let Je­sus Come into Your Heart
McEwanComposer Will­iam Mc­Ew­an.One by One, We’re Pass­ing Over
McGranahanHallelujah! Christ Is Ris­en
McIntoshSee New Bri­tain
  1. How Love­ly Is Thy Dwell­ing Place
  2. John Saw the Heav’n and Earth Made New
McPhailComposer Mat­thew Mc­Phail.Man of Ga­li­lee, The
  1. Beneath Our Feet and o’er Our Head
  2. How Did My Heart Re­joice to Hear
  3. Now Bless­ing, Hon­or, Glo­ry, Praise
  4. Now Let Our Mourn­ing Hearts Re­vive
  5. O That I Knew the Sec­ret Place
MechlinHigh Word of God
MecklenburgThe North Ca­ro­li­na coun­ty.Fields Are White to Har­vest, The
MedanThe In­do­ne­sian ci­ty.Go to Je­sus
MedfieldSovereign of All the Worlds on High
MediaSee Ad­vent (Goss)
Medicine HatThe city in Al­ber­ta, Ca­na­da.Faith and Sight
MediolanumThe an­cient Ro­man name for the ci­ty of Mi­lan, It­aly.I Come to Thee (New­man)
  1. Forever Trust­ing in the Lord
  2. That Man Is Blest Who, Fear­ing God
MeđugorjeMeđugorje, Bos­nia and Her­ce­go­vi­na.Breathe up­on Us
MedwayMy God, Per­mit Me Not to Be
MeerutMeerut, Ut­tar Pra­desh, In­dia.O My Sav­ior, Thou Art Pre­cious
Meet Me at the Fount­ain
  1. Meet Me at the Fount­ain
  2. Wanted, Hearts Bap­tized with Fire
MeghalayaThe In­di­an state.Hosanna to Jesus
MehlvilleMehlville, Mis­so­uri.What a Sav­ior! (Sho­wal­ter)
Mein HeilandGerman for My Sav­ior.My Sav­ior Sin­ners Doth Re­ceive
Mein Schöp­ferGerman for My Mak­er.My Mak­er, Be Thou Nigh
Meinem Je­sum lass ich nicht
  1. Come, O Pre­cious Ran­som
  2. Jesus I Will Nev­er Leave
  3. Jesus Sin­ners Doth Re­ceive
MeinholdGentle Shep­herd, Thou Hast Stilled
MeiningenSee Frommer
Meins Le­bens LichtGerman for Light of My Life.Jesus, Thy Church with Long­ing Eyes
MeiringenMeiringen, Swit­zer­land.
  1. Darkness, The
  2. It Will Not Come
  3. O Mak­er of the Migh­ty Deep
  4. Star in the East, The
  5. Though Rude Winds Ush­er Thee
  6. Who Keep­eth Not God’s Word
MeirionnyddThe re­gion in Wales.
  1. O God, to Us Show Mer­cy
  2. O Je­sus, We Adore Thee
  3. Pray When the Morn Is Break­ing
  4. Voice of God Is Call­ing, The
MelanchthonHymnist Phi­lipp Me­lanch­thon.Jesus, Sun and Shield Art Thou
MelbourneThe Aus­tra­li­an ci­ty.Prepare Thy God to Meet
MelchiorSee Je­ru­sa­lem (Prae­to­ri­us)
MelcombePossibly Mel­combe Re­gis, Eng­land.
  1. Abide Not in the Realm of Dreams
  2. All Things Are Thine
  3. As Near the Wished for Port We Draw
  4. How Blest the Man Who Fears the Lord
  5. Morning Walks up­on the Earth, The
  6. New Ev­ery Morn­ing Is the Love
  7. O for That Flame of Liv­ing Fire
  8. O Let My Sup­pli­cat­ing Cry
  9. O Lord, How Joyf­ul ’Tis to See
  10. O Lord of Hosts, Whose Glo­ry Fills
  11. O Ris­en Christ
  12. O Who Like Thee So Calm, so Bright
  13. What Shall the Dy­ing Sin­ner Do?
  14. When Is­ra­el, of the Lord Be­loved
MelfordJesus, to Thy Ta­ble Led
MelillaThe Span­ish au­to­no­mous ci­ty in north­west Af­ri­ca, bor­der­ing Mo­roc­co.Why I Sing (Lew­is)
MelitaThe is­land of Me­li­ta (Ma­lta), where Paul was ship­wrecked (Acts 28:1).
  1. By Will­ful Sin the Man Who Wrongs
  2. Chaplain to the For­ces
  3. Enthroned amid the Se­ra­phim
  4. Eternal Fa­ther, Strong to Save
  5. God of the Liv­ing, in Whose Eyes
  6. Great God, Who, Rea­dy to For­give
  7. Him Dead and Bur­ied We Con­fess
  8. I Sing the Birth Was Born To­night
  9. Let Glo­ry Be to God on High
  10. Lord, I De­serve Thy Deep­est Wrath
  11. Lord, Shall Thy Child­ren Come to Thee?
  12. Mourners Came at Break of Day, The
  13. Now Let Us All Arise and Sing
  14. O Je­sus, Son of God, in Thee
  15. O Lord, to Us Thy Mer­cy Show
  16. O Mas­ter of the Wak­ing World
  17. O Thou, with Whom, in Sweet Con­tent
  18. Sinners, Re­joice: Your Peace Is Made
  19. Strong, Right­eous Man of Ga­li­lee
  20. Surrounded by a Host of Foes
  21. Thou Aw­ful God, Whose Right­eous Ire
  22. We Wor­ship Thee, O Cru­ci­fied
  23. When Ga­ther­ing Clouds Around I View
MelkMelk, Aus­tria.Head of the Hosts in Glo­ry!
  1. How Long Hath God Be­stowed His Care
  2. My Fa­ther Knows
  3. O for a Heart Pre­pared to Sing
  4. When Zi­on in Her Low Es­tate
  1. God Send Us Men
  2. When God Sur­veyed the New Made World
MeltonAt Mid­night—A Cry
Melton Mow­brayMelton Mow­bray, Eng­land.Voice of God’s Cre­ation Found Me, The
MemoriaClean Heart, A
MemphisMemphis, Ten­nes­see.See Twen­ty-Fourth
  1. Now Be the Gos­pel Ban­ner
  2. O Day of Rest and Glad­ness
MendelssohnComposer Fe­lix Men­dels­sohn.
  1. All of You Who Walked in Dark­ness
  2. Christ Is Com­ing (Os­trom)
  3. Christ the Lord Is Ris­en To­day (Storrs)
  4. Hark! the Her­ald An­gels Sing
MendipThere Is a Land of Pure De­light
MendocinoMendocino, Ca­li­for­nia.More and Bet­ter Work
Mendon [Pro­vi­dence]
  1. Come, Ho­ly Ghost, Cre­at­or Blest
  2. Go, Preach My Gos­pel
  3. Great God, Whom Hea­ven, and Earth, and Sea
  4. Great Rul­er of the Earth and Skies
  5. I Love the Lord, His Strength Is Mine
  6. In Is­ra­el’s Fane, by Si­lent Night
  7. Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Ar­rayed
  8. Thee We Adore, Eter­nal Name
  9. With Glo­ry Clad, with Strength Ar­rayed
Menlo ParkEither Men­lo Park, Ca­li­for­nia, or Men­lo Park, New Jer­sey.He Is Near
MercedMerced, Ca­li­for­nia.Time Is Ear­nest
Mercy [Last Hope]
  1. Cast Thy Bur­dens on the Lord
  2. Father, in Thy Pre­sence Now
  3. Father of Eter­nal Grace
  4. God of Love, That Hear­est Pray­er
  5. Gracious Spir­it, Dove Di­vine
  6. Holy Ghost, with Light Di­vine
  7. If You Love Me
  8. Now May He Who from the Dead
  9. Sinner, What Hast Thou to Show?
  10. Sovereign Grace Has Pow­er Alone
  11. Whence Ap­pears This Bril­liant Star?
MerdinBurst, Ye Em­er­ald Gates

Also see Trans­port­ing Vi­sion

MeredithSee St. Ed­ith
MeremacThe ri­ver in Mis­sou­ri.For Me
MeribahThe place where wa­ter came from the rock struck by Mo­ses (Num­bers 20:13).
  1. And Must Thou Per­ish in Thy Blood?
  2. Awaked by Si­nai’s Aw­ful Sound
  3. Desponding Soul, O Cease Thy Woe
  4. Eternal Mind, Who Rules the Fates
  5. Gladly I Take Thy Love’s Ad­vice
  6. Jehovah from His Throne on High
  7. Jesus, to Me the Joy Im­part
  8. Lord God of Hosts, Who Dost Ful­fill
  9. Lord in­to His Gar­den Comes, The
  10. Lord Je­sus, Thou Dost Keep Thy Child
  11. Lord, Thou Hast Won
  12. May We, Thy Pre­cepts, Lord, Ful­fill
  13. Methinks I Stand up­on the Rock
  14. O God, Re­gard My Hum­ble Plea
  15. O God, Mine In­most Soul Con­vert
  16. O Lord! How Hap­py Should We Be
  17. O Thou, Who Plead’st the Wid­ow’s Cause
  18. Peace and Good Will
  19. Prophetic Era! Bliss­ful Day!
  20. Thou God of Glo­ri­ous Ma­jes­ty
  21. Thou God of Pow­er, Thou God of Love
  22. When Thou, My Right­eous Judge, Shall Come
MéridaThe ci­ty in Yu­ca­tán, Mex­ico.Take Up the Cross
MerimnaGreek for care or an­xi­ety (μέριμνα).Don’t You Know He Cares?
MeroeO God, Whom I De­light to Praise
MerrialMary L. Ro­bin­son, daugh­ter of Charles Ro­bin­son, who in­clud­ed the tune in his 1878 Spir­it­ual Songs (orig­in­al­ly named Em­me­lar, his daugh­ter’s ini­tials).Now the Day Is Over
Merry ChristmasSing We Mer­ry Christ­mas
MersinThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Hear Me, Bless­èd Je­sus
Merthyr Tyd­filComposer Jo­seph Parry’s birth place in Wales.
  1. Should Fam­ine o’er the Mourn­ing Field
  2. Sinners, Obey the Gra­cious Call
Merton (Monk)
  1. Hark! An Aw­ful Voice Is Sound­ing
  2. Lord, a Sav­ior’s Love Dis­play­ing
  3. Lord! Whose Love, in Pow­er Ex­cel­ling
  4. Son of God! All Glo­ri­ous Sav­ior
Merton (Ol­iv­er)Lord of Sab­bath Let Us Praise, The
MesaHo­ly Father! Thou Hast Taught Us
MeschachThe Is­ra­el­ite cap­tive in Ba­by­lon (Da­ni­el 1:6).Jesus, Our Won­der­ful Sav­ior
MessageWe’ve a Sto­ry to Tell to the Na­tions
MesseComposer F. W. Messe.O Walk in the Foot­steps of Je­sus
  1. Brethren, While We So­journ Here
  2. Come, Ye Wea­ry Sin­ners, Come
  3. Cross of Je­sus (Friz­zelle)
  4. Glory Be to God on High! (Mon­sell)
  5. Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly Lord God of Hosts
  6. See the Ran­somed Mil­lions Stand
  7. Sinners, Turn: Why Will You Die?
  8. Take My Life and Let It Be
  9. Wherefore Do the Na­tions Rage?
MessinesGod, the Om­ni­po­tent!
MetropolitanThe Me­tro­po­li­tan Af­ri­can Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Church, Wash­ing­ton, DC.
  1. From Out the Tomb the Sav­ior Comes
  2. Truth of God Shall Still En­dure, The
MetzThe French ci­ty.Again the Round­ed Year
Metzler’s Red­head [Red­head No. 66]Composer Ri­chard Red­head con­trib­uted the tune to George Metz­ler’s 1859 An­cient Hymn Me­lo-dies.
  1. Far from the World, O Lord, I Flee
  2. Jesu, Our Hope, Our Heart’s De­sire
MexicaliMexicali, Mexi­co.Bethlehem’s Star (Earle)
MeyerComposer Lu­cy Mey­er.God of All Com­fort

Also see Es ist kein Tag

MiamiThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Hang the Hol­ly Gar­lands
MichiganYield Not to the Temp­ter
MichoacánMichoacán, Mexi­co.Oh, Pass Not By
MickelCharge to Keep I Have, A
MiddleburyMiddlebury, Ver­mont.Come Away to the Skies
Middleham (Smith)Middleham, North York­shire, Eng­land.Oh! Had I the Voice of an An­gel
Middleham (Wes­ley)Now An­cient Sha­dows Flee
MiddlesbroughMiddlesbrough, North York­shire, Eng­land.Jesus in the Ves­sel
  1. Father of Faith­ful Ab­ra­ham
  2. My Heart Is Fixed, O God (Wes­ley)
  3. Savior, on Me the Grace Bes­tow
Middletown (Eng­lish)O How Kind­ly Hast Thou Led Me
Middletown (Har­ring­ton)Burial place of ar­rang­er Karl Har­ring­ton.I Know Not if or Dark or Bright
MidianThe son of Ab­ra­ham and Ke­tur­ah (Ge­ne­sis 25:1–2).Christian, Dost Thou See Them?
Midlane (Doane)ജീവിപ്പിച്ചീടേണം
MidlothianMidlothian, Scotland.Jesus, I Wait
MidnightIn the Si­lent Mid­night Watch­es
Midsomer Nor­tonMidsomer Nor­ton, Som­er­set, Eng­land.To Thee and to Thy Christ, O God
MigdolThe lo­ca­tion in Exo­dus 14:2.O Thou, Who Art Above All Height
Mighty to SaveJoyful News to All Man­kind
Mighty Tri­umphShout of Migh­ty Tri­umph, A
MijatovićWho’ll Stand Up for Je­sus?
MilanoMilan, Ita­ly.Now, My Tongue, the Mys­te­ry Tell­ing
MilesThou Who Didst Stoop Be­low
Miles Can­yonThe Yu­kon Ri­ver can­yon in Ca­na­da.Caleb and Jo­shua
Miles LaneAll Lands, to God in Joy­ful Sounds
MiletinaMiletina, Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Open Fount­ain, The
MilfordMilford, Io­wa.I Hear the Words of Je­sus
  1. O How Hap­py Are They Who the Sav­ior Obey
  2. We Are Sol­diers of Christ
Millard [Underbar en Stär­na Blid]Millard, Oma­ha, Ne­bras­ka.Jesu! Name All Names Above
  1. Jehovah Is My Light
  2. Lord of Earth and Sky, The
MillingtonSee Grand Can­yon
  1. Backward with Hum­ble Shame We Look
  2. Judah’s Light
  3. O God, to Whom Re­venge Be­longs
  4. O Lord, Give Ear un­to My Voice
  5. There Is a Sound in Ev­ery Breeze
  6. They Clothed Him in a Pur­ple Robe
MilsterI Once Was a Strang­er
Milton (Long­hurst)Weary of Wan­der­ing from My God
Milton (Zun­del)No War nor Bat­tle’s Sound
Milvian BridgePonte Mil­vio, Rome, site of a de­cis­ive Ro­man ci­vil war bat­tle in 312 AD.Come While You May (Boles)
Milwaukee (Lemke)Milwaukee, Wis­con­sin.Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Migh­ty Gates
Milwaukee (Pro­ther­oe)
  1. I Thank Thee, Fa­ther, That I Live
  2. Lord, Thou Hast Heard Thy Ser­vant Cry
  3. Thou Art My Por­tion, O My God
Min Blo­di­ge Kon­ungMy Cru­ci­fied Sav­ior
Min Ijuf­va TröstSo Let Our Lips and Lives Ex­press
Min Själ og AandHow Blest Are They Who Hear God’s Word
  1. My Wak­ened Soul, Ex­tend Thy Wings
  2. To Thee, Great God, I Make My Pray­er
Minas GeraisMinas Ger­ais, Bra­zil.Come, Ho­ly Spir­it (Cros­by)
MinervaPraise Ye the Lord, for It Is Good
Ministres de l’Éter­nelChrist, Whose Glo­ry Fills the Skies
Ministry (Gow­er)I Thank Thee, Lord, for Strength of Arm
MinneapolisMinneapolis, Min­ne­so­ta.Galilee, Bright Ga­li­lee
MinnetonkaMinnetonka, Min­ne­so­ta.Christmas Morn­ing (Ben­nett)
MinnewaskaLake Min­ne­was­ka, New York.O God, That Midst the Part­ed Sea
MinshallComposer Wy­att Min­shall.Great High Priest, We See Thee Stoop­ing
MinskMinsk, Be­la­rus (Мінск).Bliss of One Sweet Hour, The
MinsterFather Most High, Be with Us
Minster CourtKnow Ye the Lord Hath Borne Away
Mir ist Er­bar­mung wi­der­fahr­enGerman for I have re­ceived mer­cy.I Now Have Found for Hope of Hea­ven
Miracle from Hea­venO Mi­ra­cle of Love and Might!
MiramarMiramar, Ca­li­for­nia.Live for Je­sus (Lee)
MirfieldMirfield, West York­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Break, New­born Year
  2. Golden Gates Are Lift­ed Up, The
  3. I Hate the Temp­ter and His Charms
MiriamOh, Fair the Gleams of Glo­ry
MirjanaAngels’ Joy, The
MiserereSavior, When in Dust to Thee
Miserere MeiHold Thou My Hands!
MisercordiaJust as I Am, With­out One Plea
MishaelThe Is­ra­el­ite cap­tive in Ba­by­lon (Da­ni­el 1:6).I Hear a Lov­ing Voice
MisquamicutMisquamicut, Rhode Is­land.Christmas Chimes, The
MisrataMisrata, Li­bya (مصراتة‎).Are You Wait­ing?
Mission Hymn
  1. Clap Your Hands, Ye Peo­ple All
  2. Great Je­ho­vah, Migh­ty Lord
Missionary CallGod’s Words to Thee Are Spok­en
Missionary (Com­muck)
  1. Come, Let Us As­cend
  2. White Pilg­rim, The
Missionary Chant
  1. Around the Sav­ior’s Lof­ty Throne
  2. Ascend Thy Throne, Al­migh­ty King
  3. Behold! the Chris­tian War­ri­or Stand
  4. Bless’d Is the Man Whose Con­fi­dence
  5. Exalted High at God’s Right Hand
  6. Go, Her­alds of Sal­va­tion, Forth
  7. Go, Mes­sen­ger of Peace and Love
  8. His Saints Shall Live
  9. Illustrious Sires, Un­daunt­ed Seers
  10. Let God Arise in All His Might
  11. Look Up, Ye Saints, with Sweet Sur­prise
  12. Lord Is King!, The
  13. Lord, on Thy Pro­mise I Re­ly
  14. Lord, When Thy Hand Is Lift­ed Up
  15. O Christ, For­get Not Them Who Stand
  16. Praise Ye the Lord, Ex­alt His Name
  17. Thou Pow­er and Peace
  18. To God the Great, the Ev­er Blest
  19. Where’er the Blus­ter­ing North Wind Blows
  20. Ye Chris­tian Her­alds, Go Pro­claim
  21. What Eq­ual Hon­ors Shall We Bring
Missionary Her­aldYe Mes­sen­gers of Christ
Missionary Hymn
  1. Disciples of All Na­tions
  2. From Green­land’s Icy Mount­ains
  3. From Our Be­lov­èd Na­tion
  4. Glorious Day Is Dawn­ing, A
  5. If God Him­self Be for Me
  6. Lord of the Liv­ing Har­vest
  7. Missionary Hymn
  8. O Lord, Thou Hast As­cend­ed
  9. Praise God! From Hea­ven Praise Him
  10. Praise Waits for Thee in Zi­on
Missionary’s AdieuMy Dear­est, Lov­ely, Na­tive Land
MississaugaThe Ca­na­di­an ci­ty.Old Story, The
MissoulaMissoula, Mon­ta­na7.Wondrous Story, The
Mit Freu­den zartSing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
Mit Fried’ und Freud’In Peace and Joy I Now De­part
Mitt Hjer­taThou Vir­gin-Born In­car­nate Word
MoabFar Off I See the Goal
MobileMobile, Ala­ba­ma.God Lov­eth the Right­eous
MochaMocha, Ye­men (المخا).O Love­ly Star (Gei­bel)
Modena (Ro­berts)Who the Mul­ti­tudes Can Num­ber?
Modena (Wood­bu­ry)I Gra­cious­ly Will Teach You
ModestoModesto, Ca­li­for­nia.At Har­vest Time
Moel LlysLet the Song Go Round the Earth
MoldovaThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.Saved from the Wreck
MolineMoline, Il­li­nois.O Lord, How Ma­ni­fold the Works
MoliseMolise, It­aly.Little Child­ren, Come to Je­sus
MonacoThe prin­ci­pal­ity near Nice, France.Of the Glo­ri­ous Bo­dy Tell­ing
MonarchSee St. Al­phege
MonclovaMonclova, Mex­ico.We Shall Meet Be­yond the R­iver
MondCome, O Thou Tra­vel­er Un­known
MonkComposer Will­iam H. Monk.God the Spir­it, We Adore Thee
Monk (EG)Composer Ed­win G. Monk.In the Pa­ra­dise of Je­sus
Monkland [Her­ald (Wilkes)]The town in Here­fords­hire, Eng­land, where ar­rang­er John Wilkes was a church or­gan­ist.
  1. Christ Is Ris­en from the Dead (New­ton)
  2. God with Us! O Glo­ri­ous Name!
  3. Let Us with a Glad­some Mind
  4. Lo, the Earth Is Ris­en Again
  5. Praise, O Praise Our God and King
  6. Songs of Praise the An­gels Sang
MonkwearmouthMonkwearmouth, Sun­der­land, Eng­land.Why Should I Fear the Dark­est Hour?
Monks GateHe Who Would Val­iant Be
MonkstownI Was a Wand­er­ing Sheep
MonmouthI’ll Praise My Mak­er
  1. Hear, Lord, the Voice of My Com­plaint
  2. My Shep­herd Will Sup­ply My Need
MonsThe Bel­gian ci­ty.Old Church Bell, The
  1. Descent from the Cross, The
  2. My Sins, My Sins, My Sav­ior
Monsell (Barn­by)O Lord, How Vile Am I
Monsell (Sher­win)
  1. What I Have Done
  2. Worship the Lord in the Beau­ty of Ho­li­ness
Monsey Cha­pelNew Hope Chris­tian Church in Mon­sey, New York.Wherefore Do the Na­tions Rage?
MonsonThe town in Mas­sa­chu­setts, death place of com­pos­er Sam­uel Brown.My Soul, How Love­ly Is the Place
Mont BlancThe mount­ain on the French-Ita­li­an border.Star of Ful­fil­lment
MontaubanMontauban, France.Room for Je­sus
MontaukMontauk, Long Is­land, New York.Lord, in the Strength of Grace
MontclairNow Be­fore Thee, Lord, We Ga­ther
Monte Cas­si­noMonte Cas­si­no, It­aly.When Christ Our Lord Has Passed Once More
MontecitoMontecito, Ca­li­fo­rnia.I Can’t Tell It All
Montego BayMontego Bay, Ja­mai­ca.Little Girls and Lit­tle Boys
MontenegroThe coun­try on the Adri­at­ic Sea.Ninety-Nine, The
MontereyMonterey, Ca­li­for­nia.I Need Thee, Pre­cious Je­sus
MontevideoMontevideo, Ur­ug­uay.Somebody Cares
Montgomery (Rob­john)Hark! The Song of Ju­bi­lee
Montgomery (Stan­ley)
  1. Be Still, My Soul! for God Is Near!
  2. Eternal Light, Di­vi­ni­ty
MonticelloMonticello, Virginia.Dwell in Me
MontluçonMontluçon, France.Take All My Sins Away
MontpelierMontpelier, Ver­mont.We Have Felt the Love of Je­sus
MontpellierMontpellier, France.Army of the Lord (Cros­by), The
MontréalMontréal, Ca­na­da.Oh, Won­der­ful Word!
Montreal (Har­ri­son)Graves of Ocean, The
MontreatMontreat, North Ca­ro­li­na.Christians, Lis­ten, While We Sing
MontserratThe Car­ib­bean island.There Is a Ho­ly Ci­ty
MoodyMoody Bi­ble In­sti­tute, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois, where com­pos­er Dan­iel Tow­ner was mu­sic di­rec­tor.Grace Great­er Than Our Sin
MooreJesus, Meek and Gen­tle
MoorgateGreat King of Na­tions, Hear Our Pray­er
MoradaMorada, Ca­li­for­nia.I’ve Tried to Do My Best
Moravia (Stan­ley)To Him Who for Our Sins Was Slain
Moravia (West) [Ty­ther­ton]
  1. Fierce Was the Storm of Wind
  2. O Praise the Lord of Hea­ven
  3. Salvation’s Work Is Done
MorbihanMorbihan, France.Sure By and By, The
More Like Je­susMore Like Je­sus Would I Be
More Than Tongue Can TellMore Than Tongue Can Tell
MorecambeMorecambe Bay in west­ern Eng­land, near com­pos­er Fred­er­ick At­kin­son’s home in Brad­ford.
  1. Come in, O Come!
  2. God, Keep Me Safe
  3. Home
  4. My Heart Was Glad to Hear the Wel­come Sound
  5. Not Wor­thy, Lord, to Ga­ther Up the Crumbs
  6. O Thou Who Hear­est Ev­ery Heart­felt Pray­er
  7. Spirit of God, Des­cend up­on My Heart
MoreliaMorelia, Mexi­co.Thinking of Home
MorelosMorelos, Mexi­co.For the Tempt­ed, Lord, We Pray
MorenoHow Ho­ly the Bi­ble
MorganO Throned, O Crowned with All Re­nown
Morgan (Gould)There Is a Spot of Con­se­crat­ed Ground
Morgenglanz der Ewig­keit
  1. Come, Thou Bright and Morn­ing Star
  2. Dayspring of Eter­ni­ty (Wink­worth)
MorgenliedGerman for morn­ing song.
  1. Christ Is Ris­en! Hal­le­lu­jah!
  2. Now the Year Is Crowned with Bless­ing
  3. Praise the Lord
MoriahLove Di­vine, All Loves Ex­cel­ling
Moriah (Ma­son)Ye Migh­ty Rul­ers of the Land
Morley [Da­vid, St. Al­ban’s]
  1. In Life’s Ear­nest Morn­ing
  2. Those Eter­nal Bow­ers
Morn of Glad­ness [Ros­well]Again the Morn of Glad­ness
MornaLong Ex­pect­ed Hour Draws Near, The
Morning (Monk)Oh How Fair That Morn­ing Broke
Morning (Wes­ley)Sweet Is the Breath of Morn­ing Air
Morning Hymn (Bar­thé­lé­mon)
  1. Behold, the Hea­then Waits to Know
  2. Head of Thy Church, Whose Spir­it Fills
  3. Little Child the Sav­ior Came, A
  4. Rich and Poor To­ge­ther Meet, The
  5. Though Now the Na­tions Sit Be­neath
  6. When God Des­cends with Men to Dwell
Morning Hymn (Boyce)With Joy I Heard My Friends Ex­claim
Morning LightSee Webb
Morning Pray­erMorning Pray­er
Morning Song [Con­so­la­tion (Ul­ster)]
  1. Awake, Awake to Love and Work
  2. Ballad of the Cross, The
  3. Ballad of Wise Men, A
  4. Go Not Far from Me
Morning Star
  1. Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
  2. Into the Dim Earth’s Low­est Parts Des­cend­ing
Morning Watch, TheMost Ho­ly Lord and God of Hea­ven
MorningsideHark! ’Tis the Watch­man’s Cry
MorningtonGar­rett Wel­les­ley, Earl of Morn­ing­ton.
  1. Enter and Wor­ship Here
  2. Fools Make a Mock at Sin
  3. God Je­ho­vah Reigns!, The
  4. Heavens In­vite Mine Eye, The
  5. How Charm­ing Is the Place
  6. Jesus, the Christ of God
  7. Jesus, We Look to Thee
  8. My Lord, My Truth, My Way
  9. O Lord, Thy Work Re­vive
  10. Servant of God, Well Done!
  11. Sing to the Lord, Our Might
  12. We Lift Our Hearts to Thee
MoroccoThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Will There Be Any Stars?
Morris’ ChantHymnist G. P. Mor­ris.Forever Trust­ing in the Lord
MorrisonThe rec­tor at the Church of the Good Shep­herd, Pa­ris, Virg­in­ia, where com­pos­er Mi­chael Lon­ne­ke played the or­gan.
  1. Awake, My Heart; Arise, My Tongue
  2. My Soul for Thy Sal­va­tion Faints
Morrow’s HillMy God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine
MortonEliza H. Mor­ton, a teach­er at Bat­tle Creek Col­lege, Mi­chi­gan, al­ma ma­ter of com­pos­er Ed­win Barnes.O Let Me Walk with Thee
MorvenMorven, Scot­land.Little Birds, The
MorwellhamMorwellham, Ta­vis­tock, Eng­land.
  1. Father, I Know That All My Life
  2. O Ho­ly Ci­ty, Seen of John
  3. Our Hymn of Thanks We Sing To­day
MoscowMoscow, Rus­sia (Моск­ва)See Ita­li­an Hymn
MoseleyAnd Now This Ho­ly Day
MoselleThe ri­ver flow­ing through France, Lux­em­bourg & Ger­ma­ny.De Sa Di­vine Pré­sence
MossleighO Je­sus, Thou Art Stand­ing
MostarMostar, Bos­nia & Her­ze­go­vi­na.I Thank Thee, Lord
MosulMosul, Iraq.Looking un­to Je­sus
Mother Ma­chreeMany Thoughts Stir My Heart
MotherhoodGracious Sav­ior, Who Didst Hon­or
MotherlandFather Di­vine, I Come to Thee
MoultrieBright o’er Beth­le­hem’s Low­ly Mang­ers
Mount Au­burn
  1. When the Last Trum­pet’s Aw­ful Voice
  2. Ye Trem­bling Souls! Dis­miss Your Fears
Mount Bal­dyMount Bal­dy, New Mex­ico.Only a Brok­en Heat
Mount Cal­va­ryThe hill where Je­sus was cru­ci­fied.
  1. Heav’n Is the Seat of Light and Bliss
  2. How Sweet, How Hea­ven­ly Is the Sight
  3. Oh, Sing the Bless­èd Hope
Mount Eph­ra­imCharge to Keep I Have, A
Mount Her­mon (הַר חֶרְמוֹן, جبل الشيخ)Mountain on the Syr­ian-Le­ba­nese bor­der.O Master, It Is Good to Be
Mount HoodMount Hood, Ore­gon.Cross of Christ! Lead Onward
Mount Ka­tah­dinMount Ka­tah­din, in Maine.Just Be­yond (Har­ris)
Mount Me­ra­pi [Just a Word]The In­do­ne­sian vol­ca­no.Just a Word for Je­sus
Mount of OlivesThe hill by Je­ru­sa­lem.This Is Je­sus’ Pre­cious Bi­ble
Mount Plea­santThese Glo­ri­ous Minds, How Bright They Shine
Mount Ro­rai­maMount Ro­rai­ma, Gu­ya­na.Look Be­yond (Ad­ams)
Mount Si­naiArm These Thy Sol­diers, Migh­ty Lord
Mount Si­onO ’Twas a Joy­ful Sound to Hear
Mount Ver­nonThe home of Am­eri­can pre­si­dent George Wash­ing­ton.
  1. Christian Wor­ship—How In­vit­ing
  2. Lord, in Thee Am I Con­fi­ding
Mount Wash­ing­tonMount Wash­ing­ton, New Hamp­shire.Little Word, A
Mount Zi­on (Ma­son)Great God, Whose Uni­vers­al Sway
Mount Zion (Sul­li­van)
  1. Lord of Pow­er, Lord of Might
  2. When This Pass­ing World Is Done
MountainHow Love­ly on the Mount­ain
Mountain ViewThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Way of Ho­li­ness, The
MoyleBrother, Thou Art Gone Be­fore Us
MozambiqueThe Af­ri­can coun­try.Bright Glo­ry Land!
MozartComposer Wolf­gang Ama­de­us Moz­art.
  1. As Thou, O Lord, Hast Made Me Strong
  2. Lord, I Can Suf­fer Thy Re­bukes
  3. O Love Di­vine, That Stooped to Share
  4. Highest Hea­vens, the Bright­est Sun, The

Also see Ar­iel

Mt. Ho­ly­okeMt. Ho­ly­oke, Mas­sa­chu­setts.There’s a Light up­on the Mount­ains
  1. Away in a Man­ger
  2. I Met the Good Shep­herd
  3. To Us, to Us a Child Is Born
MuğlaThe Turk­ish pro­vince.Angels’ Call, The
MukilteoMukilteo, Wash­ing­ton.No Bet­ter Time Than Now
MulhouseMulhouse, France.I Know My Lord Will Come
MumbaiMumbai, In­dia (मुंबई; for­mer­ly Bom­bay).Where He Leads We Will Fol­low
MunichMunich, Ger­ma­ny.
  1. Amémonos, Her­ma­nos
  2. Deliver Me from Ev­il
  3. How Lost Was My Con­di­tion
  4. O Word of God In­car­nate
  5. We Sing the Glo­ri­ous Con­quest
MünsterMünster, Ger­ma­ny.Christ Is Stand­ing on the Shore
MunusLatin for gift.
  1. Day by Day the Man­na Fell
  2. Lord of Hosts, to Thee We Raise
  3. Soldiers Who to Christ Be­long
MurfreesboroMurfreesboro, Ten­nes­see.By the Thor­ny Way of Sor­row
MurielSee, the Con­quer­or Mounts in Tri­umph
MurphyChild of Sin and Sor­row
MurrayAround the Throne of God
Murray’s ChantO Ren­der Thanks to God Above
MuşThe Turk­ish pro­vince and ci­ty.Wondrous Birth, The
MuscatThe ci­ty on the Gulf of Oman.Blessèd An­gels
Muswell HillMuswell Hill, Lon­don, Eng­land.See Staff of Faith, The
My An­chor Holds
  1. Christ a Blind Man Saw One Day
  2. My An­chor Holds
My Bon­nie Lies ov­er the OceanGod’s Love Is as High as the Hea­vens
My Fa­ther KnowsI’m a Pilg­rim (Max­well)
My Help­less­nessBefore Thy Face, with Lift­ed Hands
My Old Ken­tuc­ky Home
  1. Beyond the Blue
  2. Weep No More
My Sav­ior’s LoveI Stand Am­azed in the Pre­sence
MyanmarThe As­ian coun­try formerly known as BurmaJesus, Bless­èd Je­sus (Mc­Cor­mick)
MylonBegin, My Tongue, Some Hea­ven­ly Theme
Myrtle BeachMyrtle Beach, South Ca­ro­li­na.Ring Out the Name of Je­sus
MysoreMysuru, In­dia (ಮೈಸೂರು).Ring the Christ­mas Bells Again