Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
La BreaLa Brea Tar Pits, Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.O Trust Thy­self to Je­sus
La HabraLa Hab­ra, Ca­li­for­nia.New Mine, The
La JollaLa Jol­la, San Di­ego, Ca­li­for­nia.Not Far from Hea­ven’s Gate
La Me­saLa Me­sa, Ca­li­for­nia.Coming King, The
La Mi­raLa Mira, Si­er­ra de Gre­dos mount­ains, Spain.Lord’s My Shep­herd, The
La Mi­ra­daLa Mi­ra­da, Ca­li­for­nia.Prepare the Way
La Ni­ñaSpanish for the girl.Only Trust­ing
La PazLa Paz, Bo­li­via.¿Te Si­en­tes Ca­si Re­su­el­to Ya?
La Pla­taLa Pla­ta, Ar­gen­ti­na.God Help­ing Me
La PorteLa Porte, Tex­as.O Ho­ly Spir­it
La Pu­ri­si­maLa Pu­ri­si­ma Mis­sion, Lom­poc, Ca­li­for­nia.Abiding in Je­sus (En­low)
La RiojaLa Ri­oja, Spain.’Tis Je­sus!
La Ro­chelleLa Ro­chelle, France.Jésus Est Là, Qui t’Ap­pelle
La Sal­etteLa Sal­ette-Fal­la­vaux, France.In Fancy We Pic­ture That Land
La Vis­taLa Vis­ta, Ne­bras­ka.Bright Glo­ry Beams
LabanThe man in Ge­ne­sis.
  1. My Soul, Be on Thy Guard
  2. Now from the World With­drawn
  3. O Chris­tian Youth, Arise!
  4. O Lord Our God, Arise!
LabradorLabrador, Ca­na­da.Thy Daugh­ter Is Free
LacrimaWhen I Sur­vey the Won­drous Cross
  1. Heal Me, O My Sav­ior
  2. Present with the Two or Three
LadywellLadywell, Lon­don.O Thou Eter­nal Christ of God
LaetitiaAnna Lae­ti­tia War­ingFather, I Know That All My Life
  1. Glory to God the Fa­ther’s Name
  2. Lord un­to My Lord Hath Said, The
  3. My God, Who Makes the Sun to Know
  4. O God, to Our Re­peat­ed Cries
  5. Sin Has Un­done Our Wretch­ed Race
  6. There Was an Ed­en Once on Earth
  7. ’Tis by Thy Strength the Mount­ains Stand
  8. We Bless th’Eter­nal Source of Light
  9. When Paul Was Part­ed from His Friends
Lago Gar­daLago Gar­da, Ita­ly.Gently, Gent­ly, Kneel and Pray
Lagos (Steb­bins)Lagos, Ni­ger­ia.Blessèd Sav­ior, Hear My Pray­er
LahoreLahore, Pak­is­tan (لاہور).Only for Thee
Lake Bue­na Vis­taLake Bue­na Vis­ta, Flo­ri­da.Thank Him for the Sun­shine
Lake Dis­trictThe re­gion in north­west Eng­land.O Christ­mas Bells, Ring Out!
Lake En­onLake En­on, No­va Sco­tia.
  1. Best That Heav’n Could Bring, The
  2. Death! ’Tis an Aw­ful Word
  3. Jesus, De­light­ful Name!
  4. Jesus, I Live to Thee
  5. When Shall Thy Name Be Known?
Lake Itas­caLake Itas­ca, Min­ne­so­ta.Christmas Pic­ture, A
Lake KaribaThe lake be­tween Zam­bia & Zim­bab­we.Little Birds Are Sing­ing
Lake Lou­iseLake Lou­ise, Ca­na­da.The Hal­lowed Spot
Lake MeadLake Mead, Ari­zo­na.We Will Sing the Old, Old Sto­ry
Lake Mi­na­ta­reLake Mi­na­ta­re, Ne­bras­ka.’Twas at the Ma­tin Hour
Lake Oro­villeThe lake in north­ern Ca­li­for­nia.Believe and Live
Lake Pla­cidThe lake in New York state.When We Get Home (Chea­ney)
Lake St. ClairThe lake by De­troit, Mi­chi­gan.Christ Is Ris­en (Thomp­son)
Lake StreetSo Fades the Love­ly, Bloom­ing Flow­er
Lake Ta­hoeThe lake in Ca­li­for­nia & Ne­va­da.Why Tar­ry?
Lambeth (Schult­hes)The dis­trict in Lon­don.
  1. Dear Lord, Thy Word of Truth Af­fords
  2. Father, Thy Will Be Done
  3. God of Mer­cy Be Adored, The
  4. Hark, ’Tis Our Heav’n­ly Lead­er’s Voice
  5. He Comes, Thy God
  6. How Sweet and Si­lent Is the Place
  7. Lord, Give Me Light to Do Thy Work
  8. Lord, I Be­lieve, Thy Pow­er I Own
  9. O God, My Heart Is Ful­ly Bent
  10. On Spread­ing Clouds, the Judge Su­preme
  11. Trespass of the Wick­ed Man, The
  12. What Shall I Ren­der to the Lord?
Lambeth (Ak­er­oyd)O Lead My Blind­ness by the Hand
LamentHear the Wail
Lament ov­er Di­vine Judg­mentGod of Aw­ful Ma­jes­ty
LambillotteComposer Lou­is Lam­bil­lotte.Come, O Cre­at­or Spir­it Blest
LamborneChrist, in High­est Hea­ven En­thron­èd
LammasDraw Nigh and Take the Bo­dy of the Lord
Lammets FolkChosen Seed and Zi­on’s Child­ren
LampedusaLampedusa, Ita­ly.Whole Wide World for Jesus, The
LancashireThe area in north­west Engl­and.
  1. Al Tro­no Majes­tu­oso
  2. All Hail, Thou Res­ur­rec­tion!
  3. Day of Res­ur­rec­tion, The
  4. Endless Line of Splen­dor, An
  5. From Ocean un­to Ocean
  6. Go For­ward, Chris­tian Sol­dier
  7. How Ma­ny Are Your Works, Lord
  8. Lead On, O King Eter­nal
  9. O Day of Light and Glad­ness
  10. O Je­sus, Bless­èd Je­sus!
  11. Our Fa­ther, God, and Sav­ior
  12. When War on Earth Sus­pend­ed
Land of Beu­lah, TheMy Lat­est Sun Is Sink­ing Fast
Land of Rest
  1. Lord Is Rich and Mer­ci­ful, The
  2. O Where Is He That Trod the Sea?
LandåsLandås, Nor­way.
  1. Cursed Is the One Who Trusts in Man
  2. Go, Tell the Na­tions Christ Is King
  3. My Faith Has Found a Rest­ing Place
  4. O Shep­herd of the Name­less Fold
LandesLandes, France.Be Pa­tient
  1. All Hail, Vic­to­ri­ous Sav­ior, Hail!
  2. Blest Morn­ing, Whose Young Dawn­ing Rays
  3. Glories of My Mak­er God, The
  4. Lord of Glo­ry Is My Light, The
LanetonI Love My God
LangaLanga, Spain, birth­place of com­pos­er Fran­cis­co So­to de Lan­ga.Still Will We Trust
Langdale (Red­head) [St. Ni­cho­las]Praise the Lord: Ye Hea­vens, Adore Him
Langdale (So­mer­vell)Every Morn­ing the Red Sun
LangdonWatchmen! On­ward to Your Sta­tions
Lång­fre­dag, Lång­fre­dagNorwegian for Good Fri­day, Good Fri­day.My Beau­ti­ful Home Is in Hea­ven Above
LanghorneAmid the Fears That Op­press Our Day
LanguedocLanguedoc, France.On Chris­tmas Day (Cooke)
LangkawiHoly Is the Seed-Time
LangportSee Him in Rai­ment Rent
Langran [St. Ag­nes]
  1. Come Ye Your­selves Apart
  2. For This New Year
  3. Hail to the King
  4. Lead Us, O Fa­ther
  5. Not What I Am, O Lord
  6. O Thou Great Shep­herd of Thy Chos­en Race
  7. Our Sins, Our Sor­rows
  8. Weary of Earth, and La­den with My Sin
  9. Why Is Thy Faith So Small?
LangtonEnthroned Is Je­sus Now
LanherneLove Thy­self Last
LanierInto the Woods
LansdowneAngels from the Realms of Glo­ry
Lansing (Ga­bri­el)Lansing, Il­li­nois, where com­pos­er Charles Gab­ri­el set­tled in 1895.Ye Gates, Lift Your Heads
Lansing (Sab­bath)Let All the Lands, with Shouts of Joy
LarvottoLarvotto, Mo­na­co.In Dark Geth­se­ma­ne
Las Flor­esThere’s a Friend for Lit­tle Child­ren
Las Pal­masLas Pal­mas, Ca­na­ry Is­lands.Jesus of Na­za­reth Pass­eth By
Las Ve­gasLas Ve­gas, Ne­va­da.Jesus, On­ly Je­sus
LashburnLashburn, Sas­kat­che­wan, Ca­na­da.We Speak of the Realms of the Blest
Lasset uns mit Je­su zie­henGerman for Let us go with Je­sus.Let Us Ev­er Walk with Je­sus
Lasst uns alleGerman for let us all.
  1. Let Us All with Glad­some Voice
  2. Unto Us a Boy Is Born
Lasst uns er­freu­enGerman for let us de­light.
  1. All Cre­atures of Our God and King
  2. Ere One Cre­ation Pil­lar Stood
  3. He Is Ris­en!
  4. Hymn of Glo­ry Let Us Sing, A
  5. Let Us Re­joice, the Fight Is Won
  6. Now Let the Vault of Hea­ven Re­sound
  7. Ye Watch­ers and Ye Ho­ly Ones
Last Days PleaHymn of the Last Days
Last HopeSee Mer­cy
Last Rose of Sum­mer, TheHark, the Voice of Je­sus Call­ing (March)
Last Sleep, TheSleep Thy Last Sleep
LatakiaLatakia, Syria (اللاذقية).
  1. Now the King in Thy Strength Shall Be Joy­ful
  2. There Is Life for a Look
LatchfordTo Thee Our God We Fly
LatimerSovereign of All the Worlds on High
LattimoreHymnist W. O. Lat­ti­more.Out of Dark­ness in­to Light
  1. Come Ye That Love the Sav­ior’s Name
  2. Lord, I Be­lieve Thy Work of Grace
Lauda Ani­maLatin for praise, my soul.
  1. Come, Lord Je­sus, Our Re­deem­er
  2. God Is Known Among His Peo­ple
  3. Jesus Came, the Hea­vens Ador­ing
  4. Praise, My Soul, the King of Hea­ven
  5. Thanks to God Whose Word Was Spok­en
Lauda Si­on Sal­va­tor­emLatin for praise the Sav­ior of Zi­on.See Cobb
Laudate Do­mi­num (Par­ry)Latin for praise the Lord.Sing Praise to the Lord!
Laudes Chris­tiLatin for prais­es of Christ.Sing, O Sing, This Bless­èd Morn
Laudes Do­mi­niLatin for prais­es of God.
  1. Hear Now My Praise, O Lord
  2. When Morn­ing Gilds the Skies
LaudsO Je­sus, Lord of Hea­ven­ly Grace
LauferComposer Calv­in Lau­fer.Light of God Is Fall­ing, The
LaurentiLaurentius Lau­ren­ti.O Thou Es­sen­tial Word
LaurinusIn Heav’n Above
Laus DeoLatin for praise God.Yes, the Re­deem­er Rose
Laus Matu­ti­naLatin for morn­ing praise.Now, When the Dus­ky Shades of Night
Laus Re­gis [Shamokin]Latin for praise the king.Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Laus Ti­bi, Chris­teLatin for Praise be to Thee, O Christ.God’s Trum­pet Wakes the Slum­ber­ing World
LausanneLausanne, Swit­zer­land.Shine Thou up­on Us, Lord
Lawrence (Kirk­pat­rick)Asleep in Je­sus
LawistonSee Thanks­giv­ing (Sta­tham)
LawsonI Will Fol­low Thee (El­ginburg)
LaxeyThe vil­lage on the Isle of Man.On Ju­dah’s Hills a Low­ly Band
LaytonComposer John Turn­er Lay­ton, Sr.Savior, Hear Us, Through Thy Mer­it
LazarusChristmas car­ol (Smith)
Lazio [Joy­ful Praise]Lazio, It­aly.Praise Him, Praise Him
Lead Me OnLead Me On
LeadenhallSavior, Bless­èd Sav­ior
LeafO Where­fore Hast Thou Cast Us Off?
Lebanon (Darn­ton)Little While! Our Lord Shall Come, A
Lebanon (Zun­del)
  1. Defend Me, Lord, from Shame (Psal­ter)
  2. I Was a Wan­der­ing Sheep
LebbaeusSee Hamp­den-Sid­ney
LecceLecce, It­aly.For Me! For Me!
  1. I Too Will Mag­ni­fy the Lord
  2. Sabbath School Hymn
LedburyThe town in Here­ford­shire, Eng­land.Sweet Babe, That Wrapped in Twi­light Shade
LeDroit ParkThe neigh­bor­hood in Wash­ing­ton, DC.Come and Wor­ship
LeeSoftly Sing Our Part­ing Lay
LeeuwardenThe Dutch ci­ty.Beautiful Coun­try, The
  1. Forsaken, Yet Hop­ing
  2. How Sweet the Hour of Clos­ing Day
Leicester (Bi­shop)
  1. O King of Kings, Be­fore Whose Throne
  2. Thou Hast Searched Me and Known Me
Leicester (Hurst)I Am Not Wor­thy, Ho­ly Lord
LeicestershireThe Eng­lish coun­ty.When the Clouds Were Dark
  1. Lord, I Am Vile, Con­ceived in Sin
  2. We Are a Gar­den Walled Around
Leighton (Great­or­ex) [Ahi­ra]
  1. Laborers of Christ, Arise
  2. My God! Per­mit My Tongue
Leipzig (Psal­mo­dist) Morning Dawns up­on the Place, The
Leipzig (Schein)The ci­ty where com­pos­er Jo­hann Schein died.
  1. Do We Not Know That Sol­emn Word?
  2. Incarnate Word, Who, Wont to Dwell
  3. Oh May the Gos­pel Swift­ly Spread
  4. Salvation Is For­ev­er Nigh
  5. See How Rude Win­ter’s Icy Hand
Leipzig (Schop)Christ, Whose Glo­ry Fills the Skies
LejeuneComposer George Le­Jeune.Christ Our King to Hea­ven As­cend­eth
L’EmmanuelloTarry with Me (Smith)
LemmelTurn Your Eyes up­on Je­sus
LeniIndulgent Lord, Thy Good­ness Reigns
LenoalLord Him­self, the Migh­ty Lord, The
LenoirSoldiers of Christ, Arise
LenoxThe town in com­pos­er Lew­is Ed­son’s home state of Mas­sa­chu­setts.
  1. Arise, My Soul, Arise
  2. Blow Ye the Trum­pet, Blow
  3. Ye Ran­somed Sin­ners, Hear
  4. Ye Tribes of Ad­am, Join
LentzLord Will Come! The Earth Shall Quake, The
  1. Ah! Whi­ther Should I Go?
  2. Few More Years Shall Roll, A
  3. How Blest the Right­eous Are
  4. My Heart Doth Ov­er­flow
  5. Not What My Hands Have Done
  6. Wide Op­en Are Thy Hands
LeonburgO Glo­ry of Thy Chos­en Race
LeoniThe li­tur­gi­cal name for Mey­er Ly­on.
  1. Another Son Is Killed
  2. God of Ab­ra­ham Praise, The
  3. My Shep­herd Is the Lamb
  4. Shine Thou up­on Us, Lord
LeonoraThe niece of com­pos­er Ca­ra­dog Ro­berts.Da Yw Bod Wrth Draed Yr Iesu
LeopoldstadtThe dis­trict in Vi­en­na, Aus­tria, where com­pos­er Carl Czer­ny was born.Quand Tu Vien­dras, Jé­sus, par Ta Puis­sance
LermanComposer Jo­seph Ler­man.Jesus, Take This Heart of Mine
LesnevenThe com­mune in the Fin­is­tère dé­parte­ment of Brit­ta­ny in north­wes­tern France.Winds Were Wail­ing, The
LeslieComposer H. D. Les­lie.Guard Thy Lips
Leslie (Camp­bell)How Calm and Beau­ti­ful the Morn

Also see Naph­ta­li

Lest We For­get
  1. Dear Dy­ing Lamb
  2. Gloomy Night Em­braced the Place
  3. God of Our Youth, to Whom We Yield
  4. Howe’er the Ni­co­lai­tans Claim
  5. Is This a Time to Plant and Build?
  6. Lord God of Hosts, Whose Migh­ty Hand
  7. O God the Great
  8. Oh Hand of Boun­ty, Large­ly Spread
  9. Past No Long­er in My Pow­er, The
  10. Peace, Doubt­ing Heart!
  11. Servant of God, and Son of Man
Let Me StayLet Me Stay
LeucharsThe town near Fife, Scot­land.Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
LeuvenLeuven, Bel­gium.Gospel Trum­pet (War­ren), The
LevalloisLevallois-Per­ret, France.Will There Be One Soul to Greet Me?
LeverkusenLeverkusen, Ger­ma­ny.Fils Bien-Aimé
LeviThe tribe of Is­ra­el.Have Thy Way, Lord
Lew Tren­chardLewtrenchard, Eng­land.Hark! A Glad, Ex­ult­ing Throng
LewesLewes, East Sus­sex.If There Be That Skills to Reck­on
LewishamLewisham, Lon­don.Home Be­yond the Ri­ver, The
LewotobiThe In­do­ne­sian vol­ca­no.Christmas Bells (Sher­man)
Lex NosterLatin for our law.Holy Word of God, The
LexingtonLexington, Ken­tuc­ky.Our Gifts to Je­sus
LeydenLeiden, Ne­ther­lands.
  1. Believer, Free from Care, A
  2. Who Are These Ar­rayed in White?
LeytonstoneLeytonstone, Lon­don.Lord, Be Thou My Help­er
LiaoningLiaoning, Chi­na.Long Ago on Christ­mas
LiberiaLiberia, Af­ri­ca.Coming
Liberty HallAlas! and Did My Sav­ior Bleed?
LibyaLibya, Af­ri­ca.Christ, Our Sav­ior
Liebster Im­ma­nu­elBrightest and Best of the Sons of the Morn­ing
Liebster Je­suGerman for dear­est Je­sus.
  1. Blessèd Je­sus, at Thy Word
  2. Blessèd Je­sus! Here We Stand
  3. Book of Books
  4. Christ, th’Eter­nal Lamb of God
  5. Dearest Je­su, We Are Here
  6. Look up­on Us, Bless­èd Lord
  7. Now, the Hour of Wor­ship O’er
LiechtensteinThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.O Come to the Mer­ci­ful Sav­ior
Life and LoveO Per­fect Love
LightThou, Whose Al­migh­ty Word
Light after Dark­nessLight Af­ter Dark­ness
Light of the Na­tionsBehold! Be­hold! What Won­ders Here!
Light of the WorldLight of the World, We Hail Thee

Also see Him­mel

LiguriaLiguria, It­aly.I Shall Be There
LilleThe ci­ty in France.Savior, While My Heart Is Ten­der
LillenasComposer Hal­dor Lil­le­nas.Jesus Has Lift­ed Me
Lilliard [Ly­ness]I Can­not Drift Be­yond Thy Love
Lilly Dale
  1. Jesus Hail
  2. O Ed­en, Dear Ed­en
Lilly Dale (no refrain)Love from God, Our Lord
LilongweThe ci­ty in Ma­la­wi.Watch and Pray (Noyes)
LimaThe ci­ty in Pe­ru.Safely Through An­oth­er Week
LimburgThe Dutch pro­vince.My Heart Says Amen
LimogesThe ci­ty in France.Chantons, Chan­tons sans Cesse
LimpsfieldJesus Saves
LinbyThe vil­lage in Not­ting­hams­hire, Eng­land.
  1. All Well
  2. Hosanna, Now Through Ad­vent
Lincoln (Chor­al­ist)Blessèd Be Thy Name for Ev­er
Lincoln (Ra­vens­croft)
  1. Lord, in Thy Name Thy Ser­vants Plead
  2. Thou Spak­est, Lord, and in­to One
  3. While Men Grow Bold in Wick­ed Ways
LincolnshireThe Eng­lish coun­ty.When the Pear­ly Gates Un­fold
LindemanJesu, Price­less Trea­sure
LindenVoice up­on the Mid­night Air, A
LinderhofThe Ba­va­ri­an pal­ace.Work, Watch and Pray
LindisfarneThe is­land off the Eng­lish coast near Ber­wick-up­on-Tweed.Jesus Lives!
Lindsey HouseSing Hal­le­lu­jah, Christ Doth Live
LingolsheimThe ci­ty in Bas-Rhin, France.His Trial O’er
LinköpingThe Swed­ish ci­ty.Beautiful Ci­ty of God, The
LinwoodPrayer Is Ap­point­ed to Con­vey
  1. Lord, Who Shall Come to Thee?
  2. Welcome, Sweet Day of Rest
LischerSee Das Lie­ben bringt groß Freud
LiskeardThe town in Corn­wall.What Shall I Bring?
LisseThe ci­ty in Hol­land.I Have the Glo­ry in My Soul
Litany (Her­vey)God, the Hope of Those Who Pray
Litany (Mor­ley)Jesu, Sav­ior Ev­er Mild
Litany (Schole­field)Jesus, We Are Far Away
Litany for Those at Sea, Part 1Father, Whose Cre­at­ing Hand
Litany No. 1Jesus, We Are Far Away
LitchfieldMy God, the Co­ve­nant of Thy Love
LithuaniaThe Eu­ro­pe­an coun­try.I Love Him Far Bet­ter
Litlington Tow­erThe tow­er by the Lit­tle Clois­ters, West­min­ster Abbey, Lon­don.When, as Re­turns This Sol­emn Day
Little Birds, TheLittle Birds Now Seek Their Nest, The
Little Child­renLittle Child­ren, Rise and Sing
Little King­dom, A
  1. Come, Let Us Join a Joy­ful Tune
  2. Galilean Fish­ers Toil, The
  3. Little King­dom I Pos­sess, A
  4. Nativity, The
  5. Triumphant Song of De­bo­rah and Ba­rak, The
  6. What Sound of Lof­ty Praise
Little Marl­bo­roughLord, What a Fee­ble Piece
Little RockThe Ar­kan­sas ci­ty.’Tis Sum­mer in My Heart
Little Round TopThe rocky hill south of Get­tys­burg, Pen­nsyl­van­ia.On This Glo­ri­ous East­er Mor­ning
Little While, A
  1. Little While, A
  2. O God Our Fa­ther
LittlefieldMy Life, Dear Lord, I Give to Thee
LivermoreFather, Lov­ing Fa­ther
Liverpool (Da­vis)Currently un­used (score).
Liverpool (Ro­berts)Nearer, My God, to Thee

Also see Au­gus­ta

LjubicicClinging to the Cross
LjubljanaThe Slo­ven­ian ci­ty.Jesus Christ Our Sav­ior
LjubuškiThe ci­ty in Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Consecration (Whit­ing)
LlanberisThe vil­lage in north­west Wales.O Je­sus, I Have Pro­mised
LlandaffThe su­burb of Car­diff, Wales.Jesu, Re­deem­er of Man­kind
LlanfairApparently named af­ter composer Ro­bert Will­iams’ home town of Llan­fair­pwllgwyn­gyll­gogery­chwyrnd­rob­wllllandty­silio­go­go­goch (in Eng­lish, church of St. Ma­ry in the hol­low of white ha­zel near the ra­pid whirl­pool of the Church of St. Tysil­lio by the red cave).
  1. Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
  2. Jesucristo Re­su­ci­tó
  3. Jesus Christ Is Ris­en To­day
  4. Let the Whole Cre­ation Cry
  5. Praise the Lord, God’s Glo­ries Show
LlanfyllinWonder Work­ing Mas­ter, The
LlanganSpeak, I Pray Thee, Gen­tle Je­sus!
LlangeithoThe Welsh vil­lage.Lo! I Come with Joy to Do
  1. Choose the Liv­ing Way
  2. Not in Dumb Res­ig­na­tion
  3. O Bro­thers, Lift Your Voic­es
  4. O God of Earth and Al­tar
  5. O God of Ev­ery Na­tion
  6. O God, Our Hearts Were Shat­tered
  7. O Lord of Hosts, How Love­ly
  8. Rejoice, Re­joice, Be­liev­ers
  9. When Jo­seph Went with Ma­ry
LlangoedmorFather of Men, in Whom Are One
LlangollenSee Lled­rod
LlangristiolusDebtor to Mer­cy Alone, A
LlanllyfniMake Me a Cap­tive, Lord
LlansannanWho Is This So Weak and Help­less?
LlanthonyThe vall­ey & ab­bey in east­ern Wales.
  1. Glad That I Live Am I
  2. Jesus! Je­sus! Je­sus!
Lledrod [Llang­ollen]Sweet Is the Breath of Morn­ing Air
LlefWelsh for a cry.
  1. Behold God’s Great In­car­nate Son
  2. Bow Down Thine Ear, O Lord, and Hear
  3. Can Crea­tures to Per­fect­ion Find
  4. Dark Hills of Mo­ab
  5. How Long For­got­ten, Lord, by Thee?
  6. I Know That My Re­deem­er Lives (Wes­ley)
  7. Moon and Stars Shall Lose Their Light, The
  8. O Mer­ci­ful Cre­at­or, Hear Our Pray­er
  9. Terrible God, That Reign’st on High
  10. Viewed On­ly by the Fee­ble Rays
  11. While Jus­tice Waves Her Venge­ful Hand
LleidaThe Span­ish ci­ty.Confidence
LlewellynDear Fa­ther, Whom We Can­not See
LloydFill Thou My Life
Lob sei dem all­mäch­tig­en GottSee All­mäch­tig­er Gott
Lobe den Herr­en
  1. God of Our Fa­thers, the Strength of Our Peo­ple
  2. Praise to the Lord, the Al­migh­ty
  3. Triumph, Ye Hea­vens!
Lobe den Herr­en, O meine SeelePraise Thou the Lord, O My Soul
Lobe den Herrn, ihrSing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
Lobt den HerrnHark, the Church Pro­claims Her Hon­or
Lobt Gott, ihr Christ­enGerman for Praise God, you Chris­tians.
  1. O Gra­cious God, Whose Con­stant Care
  2. O Hap­py Day When We Shall Stand
  3. Sing to the Great Je­ho­vah’s Praise

Also see Ni­ko­laus

Lochbie Praise to the Hea­ven­ly Wis­dom
Lockwood He Nev­er For­gets His Own
LodsworthSweet Sav­ior, Bless Us Ere We Go
ŁódźThe Po­lish ci­ty.O Pre­cious Word
Log Col­legeO Christ, Who Didst Our Tasks Ful­fill
LoireThe French ri­ver.Dear Sav­ior, Take My Hand
Lombard StreetComposer Fred­er­ick Rus­sell was or­ganist and choir mas­ter at St. Ed­mund’s Church on Lom­bard Street, Lon­don.When Through the Whirl of Wheels
LombardiaLombardy, It­aly.Shining of His Face, The
LombardyLombardy, It­aly.Shining of His Face, The
LombokThe In­do­ne­sian is­land.Overshadowed
L’OmnipotentFather, to Thee We Look in All Our Sor­row
LompocThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Forward, Sol­diers
London (Ad­di­son’s)Spacious Fir­ma­ment on High, The
London New
  1. Come, Let Us Lift Our Joy­ful Eyes
  2. No Sleep nor Slum­ber to His Eyes
  3. O Why Should Gloo­my Thoughts Arise?
  1. Above the Hills of Time
  2. I Am the Vine
  3. I Can­not Tell Why
  4. My Own Dear Land
Lonely Mid­nightIn the Lone­ly Mid­night
Lonesome Val­leyJesus Walked This Lone­some Val­ley
Long BeachThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.
  1. Foreglow, The
  2. I Give My­self to Thee
  3. Thousands Com­plete­ly Fed
Long, Long Ago
  1. Cleansing for Me
  2. Had I the Wings of a Dove
  3. Shed Not a Tear
Long MottThe com­mu­ni­ty in Cal­houn Coun­ty, Tex­as.Christians, car­ol Sweet­ly
LongfellowLord, Hear the Right
LongstaffSee Ho­li­ness

Rejoice, Ye Saints, Re­joice and Praise

Longwood (Barn­by)
  1. Father, Again in Je­sus’ Name We Meet
  2. Great King! From Hea­ven’s High Throne
  3. See, Where a Ten­der Mo­ther Fond­ly Bends
LonsdaleSavior, Teach Me Day by Day

Also see Bride­head

Look Away to Je­susLook Away to Je­sus (Bur­ton)
Lord of MightUnto My Lord Je­ho­vah Said
Lord of Spir­itsLord of Spir­its, I Sur­ren­der
Lord, Show MeLord, Show Me What It Means
Lord’s ParkThe park in El­gin, Il­li­nois.Amazing Grace
Lord’s Sup­per (Cole)Obedient to Thy Sac­red Word
LoretoThe lo­ca­tion in Mex­ico.For the Man of Ga­li­lee
LorimerThe New York Ci­ty street.Keep Close to the Side of Je­sus
Los Al­tosThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Battle Hymn
Los An­ge­lesThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.O Lord, Our God, Al­migh­ty King
Los Cer­ri­tosThe neigh­bor­hood in Long Beach, Ca­li­for­nia.Gospel Is for All, The
Los FelizThe neigh­bor­hood in Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.Well of Liv­ing Wa­ter, The
Los Ga­tosThe Ca­li­for­nia town.Cast Thy Bread up­on the Wa­ters (Hood)
Los Pa­dresThe Ca­li­for­nia for­est.Lend a Help­ing Hand
Lost Ri­verThe gorge and caves in New Hamp­shire.Stand Up for Je­sus, Chris­tian
LottieMy Son, Know Thou the Lord
LostwithielThe town in Corn­wall.Head of Thy Church Tri­um­phant
  1. Alas! Eli­sha’s Ser­vant Cried
  2. Emerging from Yon Si­lent Grave
  3. Let Ja­cob to His Mak­er Sing
  4. There Is a Pure and Tran­quil Wave
  5. To Thee, Most Ho­ly, and Most High
  6. With Ma­ny a Swift and Crash­ing Stroke
Louez DieuCome, My Soul, Thy Suit Pre­pare
LoughtonCome, Let Us Join Our Cheer­ful Songs
LouisvilleThe ci­ty in Ken­tuc­ky.O Bless­èd Bi­ble
LourdesThe French ci­ty.O Bless­èd Day!
  1. All Glo­ry to Thy Won­drous Name
  2. Before My Jour­ney Is Com­plete
  3. Descend from Heav’n, Im­mor­tal Dove
  4. Descend, O Flame of Sac­red Fire
  5. God of My Life, to Thee I Call
  6. God of Our Sal­va­tion Hears, The
  7. Great Heal­er, The
  8. Great Is the Lord, Ex­alt­ed High
  9. Great Was the Day
  10. How Sweet the Praise
  11. Lo! What a Glo­ri­ous Cor­ner-Stone
  12. Look from the Sphere of End­less Day
  13. Lord of All Be­ing
  14. Lord of Our Life, God Whom We Fear
  15. Lord, Source of All Bless­ing
  16. My Help­er, God! I Bless His Name
  17. O Lord, All Glo­ri­ous, Life of Life
  18. Our God As­cends His Lof­ty Throne
  19. Sent from His Heav’n­ly Throne on High
  20. Thy Praise, O God, in Zi­on Waits
  21. Turf Shall Be My Frag­rant Shrine, The
  22. ’Twas the Com­mis­sion of Our Lord
  23. While Ma­ny Cry, in Na­ture’s Night
LouvreThe mu­se­um in Pa­ris, France.
  1. ’Round Our Spark­ling Christ­mas Tree
  2. Shepherds Keep­ing Watch by Night
Love Di­vine (Holmes)Till the Day Dawn
Love Di­vine (Le­Jeune)Jesus, Thou Di­vine Com­pan­ion
Love Di­vine (Stain­er)Holy Fa­ther, God Al­migh­ty
Love of GodLove of God, The
Love Un­knownMy Song Is Love Un­known
LovelySee Rhosy­medre
Loven Herr­enPraise the Lord, Each Tribe and Na­tion
Love’s Con­se­cra­tion
  1. Glory to God That Walks the Sky
  2. Hosanna un­to Da­vid’s Son
Love’s Of­fer­ingMaster, No Of­fer­ing Cost­ly and Sweet
Lovsang av Beet­ho­venHeav’ns Re­sound­eth, The
  1. Thy Lov­ing-Kind­ness, Lord, I Sing
  1. Jonah
  2. Living for Je­sus
Lowell (Ni­col)Alleluia! Sing to Je­sus!
Lowell (Rus­sian)Awake the Trum­pet’s Lof­ty Sound
LowestoftLowestoft, Eng­land.Let Us Sing!
LowmainAll Hail! Hap­py Day
LowryMorning Kin­dles All the Sky, The
LowtonJesus Calls Us
LoyolaLoyola, Ca­li­for­nia.Gospel Call, The
LuandaLuanda, An­go­la.Teach Me Thy Will
LuardDr. H. R. Lu­ard, for whose fun­er­al at Tri­ni­ty Col­lege Cha­pel, Cam­bridge, Eng­land, it was com­posed.Now the La­bor­er’s Task Is O’er
LubbockLubbock, Tex­as.Meditation
LübeckSee Gott sei Dank
LublinLublin, Po­land.I Will Tell Je­sus
LucasComposer James Lu­cas.Come, Let Us Anew Our Jour­ney Pur­sue
LuccaLucca, Ita­ly.Work and Pray (Cros­by)
LucerneLucerne, Swit­zer­land.Part in Peace: Is Day Be­fore Us?

Also see Old 113th

LucileO Sing a New Song to the Lord
Lucis Cre­at­orLatin for cre­at­or of light.O Blest Cre­at­or of the Light
Lucknow (Browne)Lucknow, In­dia (लखनऊ).Evening Hymn
Lucknow (Hus­band)Coming, Com­ing, Yes, They Are
  1. Lord, Pour Thy Spir­it from on High
  2. O God, of All the Strength and Pow­er
LudwigshafenLudwigshafen, Ger­ma­ny.Angels’s Song (An­der­son), The
LudhianaLudhiana, In­dia (ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ).He Knows It All (Mor­ris)
Luella (Ro­gers)Songwriter Luella Clark.Christmas Bells
Luella (Whit­ney)Jesus, Ten­der Sav­ior
LuffenhamO Love Di­vine, That Stooped to Share
LuganoLugano, Swit­zer­land.Heavenly Fa­ther, Send Thy Bless­ing
Lugn Vi­lar SjönHail, Ho­ly Light! the World Re­joic­es
LuhanskLuhansk, Ukraine (Луганська).Jesus On­ly (Crewd­son)
LuiseLet Thy Blood in Mer­cy Poured
LuluMy Son, Know Thou the Lord
LundieThe maid­en name of Jane Bonar.Jesus Is Mine
LüneburgBirthplace of com­pos­er Jo­hann Ebe­ling.See Ebe­ling
LunettiRun Not the Risk
LusakaLusaka, Zam­bia.Story That Nev­er Grows Old (Gray), The
LusatiaThe his­tor­ic­al re­gion in Ger­ma­ny and Po­land.
  1. Father, and God of Ab­ra­ham
  2. Thou, Lord, on Whom I Still De­pend
LutherJehovah, Thee We Praise
Luther League HymnO Chris­tians, Leagued To­ge­ther
Luther’s ChantWhen Dark­ness Long Has Veiled My Mind
Luther’s HymnSee Nun freut euch
Luton [New­ha­ven]The town in Bed­ford­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Awake, Je­ru­sa­lem, Awake!
  2. Bright as the Sun’s Me­ri­di­an Blaze
  3. Eternal Spir­it, We Con­fess
  4. Let Not the Wise His Wis­dom Boast
  5. O God! Ere Heav’n and Earth Were Planned
  6. Praise Ye the Lord, My Heart Shall Join
LützenThe Ger­man town near Leip­zig.Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Chris­tians!
Lux Be­ataLatin for blessed light.
  1. Immortal Love, With­in Whose Righ­teous Will
  2. Thy Word, O Lord
Lux Be­nig­naLatin for kind­ly light.
  1. Lead, Kind­ly Light
  2. My Shep­herd Is the Lord Who Knows
Lux Cœ­les­tisLatin for ce­les­tial light.Almighty God, Thy Lof­ty Throne
Lux Eoi [Jud­son]Latin for light of the dawn or light of the east.
  1. Come, Thou Uni­vers­al Bless­ing
  2. He Is Com­ing, He Is Com­ing
  3. Heav’nly Fa­ther, Thou Hast Brought Us
  4. Lord, Thy Ran­somed Church Is Wak­ing
  5. Seek the Lord Who Now Is Pres­ent
  6. When up­on the Rag­ing Wa­ters
Lux FiatLatin for cre­at­ing light.Send Out Thy Light and Thy Truth
Lux Mun­di (Sul­li­van)Latin for light of the world.
  1. Lord, When Through Sin I Wan­der
  2. O Je­sus, Lord Most Mer­ci­ful
Lux Mun­di (Gaunt­lett)Latin for light of the world.Great God, as Sea­sons Dis­ap­pear
Lux Pri­ma (Gou­nod)
  1. Come, O Come, Thou Quick­en­ing Spir­it
  2. Men Who Walk in Fol­ly’s Way
Lux Pri­ma (Stai­ner)Latin for first light or best light.Come, My Soul, Thou Must Be Wak­ing
Lux VeraLatin for true light.Still Throned in Heav’n
Lux Ves­pe­raLatin for ev­en­ing light.Come to Our Poor Na­ture’s Night
Luxembourg [Mamre]Bury Thy Sor­row
LuzThe Can­aan­ite ci­ty con­nect­ed with Beth­el (Ge­ne­sis 28:19 & 35:6).With Glo­ry Clad, with Strength Ar­rayed
LvivThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.His Last Com­mand
Lydia (Phil­lips)O for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
Lydia (Steb­bins)
  1. Bear the Burd­en of the Pre­sent
  2. Hasten, Lord, That Morn of Glo­ry
  3. One Bright Flow­er Has Drooped and Fad­ed
  4. Praise the Lord in Hea­ven­ly Plac­es
  5. Speak Not Harsh­ly
LymanIn Zi­on’s Sac­red Gates
LymingtonRoll On, Thou Migh­ty Ocean
  1. Tell Me, My Sav­ior
  2. Thou Art My Shep­herd
Lyndhurst (Mak­er)Calm Me, My God
Lyndhurst (Vail)Purer Yet and Pur­er
  1. Father, Lead Me Day by Day
  2. Hark, My Soul, How Ev­ery­thing
Lyngham [De­sert]O for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
LynnLet Songs of Prais­es Fill the Sky
LynessSee Lil­liard
LyntonWhen Morn­ing Lights the East­ern Skies
  1. Begone Un­be­lief
  2. Candle of Hope, The
  3. He Wa­ters the Hills
  4. O Praise Ye the Lord (Lyte)
  5. O Praise Ye the Lord, Pre­pare a New Song
  6. O Wor­ship the King
  7. Omnipotent King, Who Reign­est on High
  8. Thank God for Beth­le­hem
  9. We Knelt Be­fore Kings
  10. Ye Ser­vants of God
  11. Ye Hea­ven­ly Choir
  12. Ye Thirsty for God
LyræGolden Harps Are Sound­ing
Lystra (Court­nay)The ci­ty in cen­tral Ana­to­lia, vi­sit­ed by the apos­tle Paul (Acts 14:7).Crowd Fills the Court of the Tem­ple, A
Lystra (Wes­ley)Father, What­e’er of Eart­hly Bliss
Lyte (Hol­brook)Jesus, Thy Name I Love
Lyte (Wilkes)Far from My Hea­ven­ly Home
Lytham (Light­wood)Lytham , Eng­land, where com­pos­er James Light­wood died.
  1. Lord, When We Have Not Any Light
  2. To Calm the Sor­rows of the Mind
Lytham (Mal­ley)O Lord, Thou Judge