Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
O Bread of LifeO Bread of Life from Hea­ven
O Ca­na­da
  1. Lord of the Lands
  2. O Ca­na­da
O dass ich taus­end
  1. Baptized in­to Thy Name Most Ho­ly
  2. Soul, What Re­turn Has God, Thy Sav­ior
O dass ich taus­en Zung­en [Elbe]German for O that I had a thou­sand tongues.
  1. Now I Have Found the Firm Foun­da­tion
  2. O That I Had a Thou­sand Voices
  3. This Night a Won­drous Re­ve­la­tion
O der all­esHark! An Aw­ful Voice Is Sound­ing
O du Liebe [O Liebe mein­er Lie­be, Bo­he­mia No. 11]German for Oh, love.
  1. Blessèd Sav­ior, Who Hast Taught Me
  2. Jesus, Ref­uge of the Wea­ry
  3. Oh the Love That Us Re­deem­èd
  4. Rise, Thou Light of Gen­tile Na­tions
  5. Suffering Son of Man, Be Near Me
O Durch­bre­cherGerman for O break­through.Hail, Thou Source of Ev­ery Bless­ing
O Es­ca Vi­a­tor­umO Food to Men Way­fa­ring
O Fil­ii et Fil­iaeLatin for O sons and daugh­ters.O Sons and Daugh­ters, Let Us Sing!
O God of LoveO for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
O gross­er GottGerman for O great God.O God of God
O heil­ige Drei­fal­tig­keitGerman for O Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty.
  1. Almighty Fa­ther, Hea­ven and Earth
  2. O Bless­èd Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty
O Her­re Gott beg­na­de MichGerman for O Lord God, be gra­cious to me.O Lamb of God, in Mer­cy Hear
O Je­suO North with All Thy Vales of Green
O Je­su ChristO Je­su, Bless­èd Lord, to Thee
O Je­su Christ, mein’s
  1. Blest Is the Man, For­ev­er Blest
  2. Lord Je­sus Christ, My Life, My Light
O Je­sus Christ, dein Kripp­leinGerman for O Je­sus Christ, your crib.
  1. O Je­sus Christ, Thy Man­ger Is
  2. We Chris­tians May Re­joice To­day
O Lamm Gott­esGerman for O Lamb of God.O Lamb of God Most Ho­ly
O Liebe meiner Lie­beSee O du Liebe
O Lux Be­a­taAll Hail, Ador­èd Tri­ni­ty
O Quan­ta Qual­ia [Reg­na­tor Or­bis]Latin for O how much?
  1. Blessing and Hon­or and Glo­ry and Pow­er
  2. God of Com­pas­sion, in Mer­cy Be­friend Us
  3. O What Their Joy and Their Glo­ry Must Be
O Sal­u­tar­is Hos­tiaLatin for O sal­va­tion host.O Sav­ing Vic­tim Open Wide
O Sing a New SongO Sing a New Song to the Lord
O Store GudWhat Shall We Say?
O Trau­rig­keitGerman for O, sad­ness.
  1. O Dark­est Woe
  2. O Hour of Doom
  3. So Rest—My Rest!
  4. Thou Who Hast Blest My Soul with Rest
O VoiceO Voice of the Be­loved
O Welt, ich muss dich lass­enGerman for O world, I must leave you.
  1. Now Rest Be­neath Night’s Sha­dow
  2. O Bread of Life from Hea­ven
  3. O Food to Pil­grims Giv­en
O Welt, sieh hier dein Le­benGerman for O world, be­hold your life.
  1. O World, Be­hold Him Dy­ing
  2. Upon the Cross Ex­tend­ed
O wie se­ligGerman for O how bliss­ful.Oh, How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils Are End­ed
O Won­der Am­az­ingO Won­der Am­az­ing
OahuThe Ha­wai­ian is­land.Brother, Hast Thou Wan­dered Far?
  1. Now I Have Found a Friend
  2. Sing Ye the Songs of Praise
Oak LeaFather, by Thy Love and Pow­er
Oak ParkThe Il­li­nois ci­ty where com­pos­er Will­iam Bart­lett wrote the tune.Shining Star, A
OaklandThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.
  1. Christmas Bells, The
  2. Jesus, Sav­ior, We Im­plore Thee
OakleyComposer Will­iam Oak­ley.There Is a Land of Pure De­light
  1. Come, Shout Aloud the Fa­ther’s Grace
  2. Sing to the Lord, Ye Dist­ant Lands!
OakvilleThe On­tar­io, Ca­na­da, birth place of com­pos­er J. Al­bert John­son.Father, Above the Con­cave Sky
OakwoodJesus, My Sav­iour
OaxacaThe ci­ty and state in Mex­ico.Take Thou My Hand
OberhausenThe Ger­man ci­ty.Clouds Are the Dust of His Feet, The
Oberlin (Bost)O Thou My Soul, For­get No More
Oberlin (De­muth)Still, Still with Thee
OblationWherefore, O Fa­ther
OcalaThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Lead Thou Me, My Sav­ior!
OceanThey That Toil up­on the Deep
Ocean GroveThe New Jer­sey camp meet­ing site.Now I Have Found a Friend
OceansideThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Throw Op­en the Door of Your Heart
OcooeeThe Ten­nes­see ri­ver.I’m Com­ing to Thee (Ba­con)
  1. Eternal Depth of Love Di­vine
  2. Hark! Hear Ye Not the An­gel Song?
  3. Look Down, O Lord
Ode an die Freude [Eur­ope]The ode by Fried­rich Schill­er.
  1. Christ Is Ris­en! Shout Ho­san­na!
  2. Hear What God the Lord Hath Spok­en
  3. Holy One, Thy Gift An­oints Us
  4. It Is Good to Praise th’Al­migh­ty
  5. Joyful, Joy­ful, We Adore Thee
  6. On This Day of Ce­le­bra­tion
  7. Sing with All the Saints in Glo­ry
OdenseThe Dan­ish ci­ty.Drifting (Dun­a­gan)
OdenwaldCarol, Sweet­ly ca­rol
OdessaThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.Three in One, and One in Three
OdishaThe In­di­an state.Redeeming Love (Wool­sey)
OfakimThe Is­ra­eli ci­ty.Christ Is Ris­en (Beas­ley)
OffertoriumO Fa­ther, We Would Thank Thee
Oh, the Bit­terO the Bit­ter Shame and Sor­row
OiseThe French ri­ver.Rifted Rock, The
OkanoganThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.New Year’s Greet­ing
OkinawaThe Jap­a­nese is­land.Whoever Will
Oklahoma Ci­tyWise Men Saw a Light Afar, The
OkmulgeeThe city in Ok­la­ho­ma where com­pos­er Har­ry Loes once served at a Bap­tist church.All Things in Je­sus
OlafMy God, My Por­tion, and My Love
OlamWhere Will You Spend Eter­ni­ty?
Ölander [Om Jag Äg­de Allt]The po­et An­na Ölan­der.If I Gained the World
Old 22nd
  1. O Uni­ty of Three­fold Light
  2. Thou God of All, Whose Spir­it Moves
  3. We Li­mit Not the Truth of God
Old 23rdNow I Have Found the Ground Where­in
Old 25thThou Art Gone Up on High
Old 44thWhat Time the Ev­en­ing Sha­dows Fall
Old 50thAlmighty Fa­ther, Un­o­rig­in­ate
Old 81stWe Praise Thy Name, All-Ho­ly Lord
Old 100th
  1. All Peo­ple That on Earth Do Dwell
  2. Be Pres­ent at Our Ta­ble, Lord
  3. Be Thou, O God, Ex­al­ted High
  4. Behold with Pleas­ing Ec­sta­sy
  5. God of Thun­der, The
  6. Law Com­mands and Makes Us Know, The
  7. Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise
  8. O Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Lord (Con­der)
  9. O Lord! Thy An­cient Church­es Spare
  10. Though in the Out­ward Church Be­low
Old 104th
  1. Ah, What Can I Do?
  2. How Won­drous and Great Thy Works
Old 107thGod’s Word Is Like a Flam­ing Sword
Old 112thSee Va­ter un­ser
Old 113th [Lu­cerne, West­min­ster College]
  1. From High­est Heav’n the Eter­nal Son
  2. I Love the Vol­umes of Thy Word
  3. I’ll Praise My Mak­er
  4. Judges, Who Rule the World by Laws
  5. O Thou Who at Thy Crea­ture’s Bar
  6. Tho’ Wick­ed Men Grow Rich or Great
Old 117thLo, God Is Here!
Old 120th
  1. I Wan­dered Sore Dis­tressed
  2. O Thou Not Made with Hands
Old 122ndWhen Morn­ing Gilds the Skies
Old 124th
  1. Christmas Tears
  2. Come to the Lord Now
  3. Dying Rob­ber Raised His Ach­ing Brow, The
  4. Father of Spir­its, Whose Di­vine Con­trol
  5. Now Is­ra­el May Say
  6. One Life, The
  7. Turn Back, O Man

Also see Tou­lon

Old 124th (2)Father Eter­nal, Rul­er of Cre­ation
Old 137th
  1. Great King of Na­tions, Hear Our Pray­er
  2. How Shall I Sing That Ma­jes­ty

Also see Nor­wich

Old Ger­manO Je­sus, My Hope
Old Martyrs
  1. Arrayed Against Our Church and Faith
  2. By the Poor Wid­ow’s Oil and Meal
  3. Fig Tree Near the Way­side Showed, The
  4. He Comes, the Roy­al Con­quer­or Comes
  5. Lord, Hast Thou Cast the Na­tion Off?
  6. Lord, Thou Hast Scourged Our Guil­ty Land
  7. My Soul Lies Cleav­ing to the Dust
  8. Now Sa­tan Comes with Dread­ful Roar
  9. O Ho­ly Fa­ther, Right­eous God!
  10. Quickly My Days Have Passed Away
  11. Sinner, That Slum­b’rest on the Brink
  12. When Sod­om’s Rich but Guil­ty Plains
  13. With Rad­iant Beams the Sun Arose
Old Or­chardThe neigh­bor­hood in the St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri, suburb of Web­ster Groves.God of Eter­ni­ty
Old Pal­a­tineThe town of Pal­a­tine, Il­li­nois.When I Sur­vey the Won­drous Cross
Old Sax­onyTempter to My Soul Hath Said, The
  1. For All the Bless­ings of the Year
  2. God of All Grace, Thy Mer­cy Send
Old Ten Com­mand­mentsWith One Con­sent, Let All the Earth
Old-Time Pow­er (Ga­bri­el)Pentecostal Pow­er
OleanWhy Should I Fear the Dark­est Hour?
OliphantGuide Me, O Thou Great Je­ho­vah
OlivaHow Long Wilt Thou For­get Me?
Oliva Spe­ci­o­saLatin for fair ol­ive tree.Crown Him with Ma­ny Crowns
OlivantComposer Wal­ter Wil­kin­son.From All Thy Saints in War­fare
OlivariusMaiden name of com­pos­er Peter Lut­kin’s mo­ther.Our Thought of Thee Is Glad with Hope
OliverComposer John Ol­iver.Sing Out Your Hal­le­lu­jahs
Olive’s Brow
  1. Away from Earth My Spir­it Turns
  2. By Bab­el’s Streams We Sat and Wept
  3. ’Tis Fin­ished! the Mes­si­ah Dies
  4. ’Tis Mid­night, and on Ol­ive’s Brow
Olivet (Dykes)
  1. Angels Your March Op­pose
  2. Caution Is Not Vain, The
  3. Lord, We Have All For­sook
  4. My Gra­cious, Lov­ing Lord
  5. On Tak­ing Down the Christ­mas Greens
  6. Thou Art Gone Up on High
Olivet (Hirst)Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glo­ri­ous
Olivet (Ma­son)
  1. Come, Ho­ly Ghost, in Love
  2. O God, How Good Thou Art
  3. Our Fa­ther, un­to Thee
  4. My Faith Looks Up to Thee
OlmutzFormer Ger­man name for the ci­ty of Olo­mouc, Czech­ia.
  1. Not Haugh­ty Is My Heart
  2. Now Is the Ac­cep­ted Time (Do­bell)
  3. Oh Do Not Bar Your Mind
  4. To Praise Our Shep­herd’s Care
  5. Your Harps, Ye Trem­bling Saints
Olney (Gou­nod)The town in Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land, where John New­ton was cu­rate & pro­duced Ol­ney Hymns with Will­iam Cow­per.
  1. O How Can They Look Up to Hea­ven?
  2. Our Ban­ner Is th’Ete­rnal God
Olney (Ma­son)Grace, ’Tis a Charm­ing Sound
Olney (Stath­am)O God, Who Didst Thy Will Un­fold
OlsztynThe Po­lish ci­ty.I Want to Be an An­gel Here
Olvera StreetThe street in Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.One Step at a Time
OlympiaThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.Rejoice with Me (At­chin­son)
Om Jag Ägde AlltSwedish for If I owned ev­ery­thing.See Ölan­der
OmaghThe town in Nor­thern Ire­land.Ye Vir­gin Souls, Arise
Omaha [Pro Pa­tria]The Ne­bras­ka ci­ty.O Lord of Life, Thy King­dom Is at Hand
OmbersleyA vil­lage in the East Wor­ces­ter­shire con­sti­tu­en­cy of com­pos­er Will­iam Glad­stone.
  1. See How He Loved
  2. Send Forth the Gos­pel!
  3. Spirit of Mer­cy, Truth and Love
Omni DieFather, Hear the Pray­er We Of­fer
OmskThe Rus­sian ci­ty.I’m on the Way to Glo­ry-Land
Once for AllFree from the Law
OneontaNot Al­ways on the Mount
OnidoHoly Lamb, Who Thee Re­ceive
OnslowSee Bat­chel­lor
OntarioThe Ca­na­di­an pro­vince.Come Clos­er, Child, to Me
OnwardOnward Will We Go
Onward, Sol­diersOnward, Sol­diers
Open My Eyes
  1. Blest Is the Man
  2. Open My Eyes, That I May See
Opequon ChurchOpequon Pres­by­ter­ian Church, Win­ches­ter, Vir­gin­ia.Psalm of the Val­ley
OportoGod Is Love; His Mer­cy Bright­ens
Ora La­bo­raCome, La­bor On
OranmoreThe town in Coun­ty Gal­way, Ire­land.David’s Ci­ty Dim­ly Lies
OrduThe Tur­kish ci­ty.Closer Still
ÖrebroThe Swed­ish ci­ty.Jesus, Our Friend
  1. To the Name That Is Sal­va­tion
  2. Lord of Life, Pro­phet­ic Spir­it
Orientis Par­ti­bus
  1. All That’s Good, and Great, and True
  2. Friendly Beasts, The
OrlandoThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Our War­fare Ac­comp­lished
OrlingtonLord’s My Shep­herd, The
OrmesbyThe town in York­shire, En­gland.
  1. Dreadful, Sin Chas­tis­ing God
  2. God of Glo­ri­ous Ma­jes­ty
  3. Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost
  4. Grace, the Fount­ain of All Good
  5. Jesu, Sin-Aton­ing Lamb
  6. Righteous, Sin-Aveng­ing God
  7. Tried Is Ev­ery Faith­ful Man
  8. True and Faith­ful Wit­ness
  9. Who Can Wor­thi­ly Com­mend
OrmistonEre Yet the Dawn Has Filled the Skies
OronoI Do Not Ask, O Lord
OrovilleThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Land With­out a Storm, A
OrringtonThe town in Maine.
  1. There Is Be­yond the Sky
  2. Vile Tempt­er, Quick Be Gone
  3. When Gloomy Thoughts and Fears
  1. Majestic Sweet­ness Sits En­throned
  2. O God, We Pray for All Man­kind
  3. Pilgrim Through This Lone­ly World, A
  4. Strait Is the Gate to All That Come
OrwellFriend of Sin­ners Dies, The
OrwigsburgComposer Eli­sha Hoff­man’s home town in Penn­syl­van­ia.I Must Tell Je­sus
OsakaThe Ja­pa­nese ci­ty.Some Sweet Day (French)
OsascoThe lo­ca­tion near São Pau­lo, Bra­zil.Saved to Serve (Whit­tle)
OsborneAll Ye That Pass By
OshawaThe city in On­ta­rio, Ca­na­da.Twinkle, Twin­kle, Christ­mas Star
OsmaniyeThe Turk­ish ci­ty.Sweet Sav­ior, Once Again This Year
OsnabrückThe Ger­man ci­ty.Say Yes to God
OssettYe Sons of Men, with Joy Re­cord
OstendO Praise the Lord, for He Is Good
OstravaThe Czech­ian ci­ty.On Cal­va­ry (Rex­ford)
Oswald’s TreeBeing of Be­ings
ŌtaThe ward in To­kyo, Ja­pan.I Know That Je­sus Keeps
OthelloSince I Have Been Re­deemed
Ottawa (Craw­ford)The Ca­na­di­an ci­ty.O Je­sus, Thou Art Stand­ing
Ottawa (Ma­son)Master, Speak! Thy Ser­vant Hear­eth
OuluThe Fin­nish ci­ty.O Sing a Song of Beth­le­hem
Our Fa­thers’ ChurchWe Are the Child­ren of the Church
OtterbourneSee Bo­wen
Our LeaderSee St. Da­vid (Cal­kin)
Our Of­fer­ingsWhat Shall We Bring to Thee?
OurenseThe Spa­nish ci­ty.Prospect (Bow­den), The
Over Jor­dan
  1. Con Gran Go­zo y Pla­cer
  2. Over Jor­dan (Slade)
OverbergGive Me a New, a Per­fect Heart
Overland ParkThe Kan­sas ci­ty.O Bless­èd Hour
OvertownBreak Thou the Bread of Life
OviedoThe Span­ish ci­ty.O Ga­li­lee, Sweet Ga­li­lee!
OvioO Peace For­ev­er Flow­ing
OwenMourn for the Thou­sands Slain
Oxford (Coombs)O God, We Praise Thee, and Con­fess
Oxford (Cow­ard)All Ye That Pass By
Oxford (Stai­ner)In the Cross of Christ I Glo­ry
Oxford NewO for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
OxnardThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Shiloh Has Come
OymyakonThe set­tle­ment on the In­di­gir­ka Ri­ver in Rus­sia.Beyond the Beau­ti­ful Gate