O Bread of Life | | O Bread of Life from Heaven |
O Canada | |
- Lord of the Lands
- O Canada
O dass ich tausend | |
- Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy
- Soul, What Return Has God, Thy Savior
O dass ich tausen Zungen [Elbe] | German for O that I had a thousand tongues. |
- Now I Have Found the Firm Foundation
- O That I Had a Thousand Voices
- This Night a Wondrous Revelation
O der alles | | Hark! An Awful Voice Is Sounding |
O du Liebe [O Liebe meiner Liebe, Bohemia No. 11] | German for Oh, love. |
- Blessèd Savior, Who Hast Taught Me
- Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
- Oh the Love That Us Redeemèd
- Rise, Thou Light of Gentile Nations
- Suffering Son of Man, Be Near Me
O Durchbrecher | German for O breakthrough. | Hail, Thou Source of Every Blessing |
O Esca Viatorum | | O Food to Men Wayfaring |
O Filii et Filiae | Latin for O sons and daughters. | O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing! |
O God of Love | | O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing |
O grosser Gott | German for O great God. | O God of God |
O heilige Dreifaltigkeit | German for O Holy Trinity. |
- Almighty Father, Heaven and Earth
- O Blessèd Holy Trinity
O Herre Gott begnade Mich | German for O Lord God, be gracious to me. | O Lamb of God, in Mercy Hear |
O Jesu | | O North with All Thy Vales of Green |
O Jesu Christ | | O Jesu, Blessèd Lord, to Thee |
O Jesu Christ, mein’s | |
- Blest Is the Man, Forever Blest
- Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light
O Jesus Christ, dein Kripplein | German for O Jesus Christ, your crib. |
- O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is
- We Christians May Rejoice Today
O Lamm Gottes | German for O Lamb of God. | O Lamb of God Most Holy |
O Liebe meiner Liebe | | See O du Liebe |
O Lux Beata | | All Hail, Adorèd Trinity |
O Quanta Qualia [Regnator Orbis] | Latin for O how much? |
- Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power
- God of Compassion, in Mercy Befriend Us
- O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be
O Salutaris Hostia | Latin for O salvation host. | O Saving Victim Open Wide |
O Sing a New Song | | O Sing a New Song to the Lord |
O Store Gud | | What Shall We Say? |
O Traurigkeit | German for O, sadness. |
- O Darkest Woe
- O Hour of Doom
- So Rest—My Rest!
- Thou Who Hast Blest My Soul with Rest
O Voice | | O Voice of the Beloved |
O Welt, ich muss dich lassen | German for O world, I must leave you. |
- Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow
- O Bread of Life from Heaven
- O Food to Pilgrims Given
O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben | German for O world, behold your life. |
- O World, Behold Him Dying
- Upon the Cross Extended
O wie selig | German for O how blissful. | Oh, How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils Are Ended |
O Wonder Amazing | | O Wonder Amazing |
Oahu | O‘ahu, Hawaii. | Brother, Hast Thou Wandered Far? |
Oak | |
- Now I Have Found a Friend
- Sing Ye the Songs of Praise
Oak Lea | | Father, by Thy Love and Power |
Oak Park | Oak Park, Illinois, where composer William Bartlett wrote the tune. | Shining Star, A |
Oakland | Oakland, California. |
- Christmas Bells, The
- Jesus, Savior, We Implore Thee
Oakley | Composer William Oakley. | There Is a Land of Pure Delight |
Oaksville | |
- Come, Shout Aloud the Father’s Grace
- Sing to the Lord, Ye Distant Lands!
Oakville | The Ontario, Canada, birth place of composer J. Albert Johnson. | Father, Above the Concave Sky |
Oakwood | | Jesus, My Saviour |
Oaxaca | The city and state in Mexico. | Take Thou My Hand |
Oberhausen | Oberhausen, Germany. | Clouds Are the Dust of His Feet, The |
Oberlin (Bost) | | O Thou My Soul, Forget No More |
Oberlin (Demuth) | | Still, Still with Thee |
Oblation | | Wherefore, O Father |
Ocala | Ocala, Florida. | Lead Thou Me, My Savior! |
Ocean | | They That Toil upon the Deep |
Ocean Grove | Ocean Grove, New Jersey. | Now I Have Found a Friend |
Oceanside | Oceanside, California. | Throw Open the Door of Your Heart |
Ocooee | The Tennessee river. | I’m Coming to Thee (Bacon) |
Octavius | |
- Eternal Depth of Love Divine
- Hark! Hear Ye Not the Angel Song?
- Look Down, O Lord
Ode an die Freude [Europe] | The ode by Friedrich Schiller. |
- Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!
- Hear What God the Lord Hath Spoken
- Holy One, Thy Gift Anoints Us
- It Is Good to Praise th’Almighty
- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
- On This Day of Celebration
- Sing with All the Saints in Glory
Odense | Odense | Drifting (Dunagan) |
Odenwald | Odenwald, Germany. | Carol, Sweetly carol |
Odessa | The Ukrainian city. | Three in One, and One in Three |
Odisha | Odisha, India (ଓଡ଼ିଶା). | Redeeming Love (Woolsey) |
Ofakim | Ofakim, Israel (אֳפָקִים). | Christ Is Risen (Beasley) |
Offertorium | | O Father, We Would Thank Thee |
Oh, the Bitter | | O the Bitter Shame and Sorrow |
Oise | The French river. | Rifted Rock, The |
Okanogan | Okanogan, Washington. | New Year’s Greeting |
Okinawa | Okinawa, Japan (沖縄県). | Whoever Will |
Oklahoma City | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. | Wise Men Saw a Light Afar, The |
Okmulgee | The city in Oklahoma where composer Harry Loes once served at a Baptist church. | All Things in Jesus |
Olaf | | My God, My Portion, and My Love |
Olam | | Where Will You Spend Eternity? |
Ölander [Om Jag Ägde Allt] | The poet Anna Ölander. | If I Gained the World |
Old 22nd | |
- O Unity of Threefold Light
- Thou God of All, Whose Spirit Moves
- We Limit Not the Truth of God
Old 23rd | | Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein |
Old 25th | | Thou Art Gone Up on High |
Old 44th | | What Time the Evening Shadows Fall |
Old 50th | | Almighty Father, Unoriginate |
Old 81st | | We Praise Thy Name, All-Holy Lord |
Old 100th | |
- All People That on Earth Do Dwell
- Be Present at Our Table, Lord
- Be Thou, O God, Exalted High
- Behold with Pleasing Ecstasy
- God of Thunder, The
- Law Commands and Makes Us Know, The
- Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise
- O Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord (Conder)
- O Lord! Thy Ancient Churches Spare
- Summer Harvest Spreads the Field, The
- Though in the Outward Church Below
Old 104th | |
- Ah, What Can I Do?
- How Wondrous and Great Thy Works
Old 107th | | God’s Word Is Like a Flaming Sword |
Old 112th | | See Vater unser |
Old 113th [Lucerne, Westminster College] | |
- From Highest Heav’n the Eternal Son
- I Love the Volumes of Thy Word
- I’ll Praise My Maker
- Judges, Who Rule the World by Laws
- O Thou Who at Thy Creature’s Bar
- Tho’ Wicked Men Grow Rich or Great
Old 117th | | Lo, God Is Here! |
Old 120th | |
- I Wandered Sore Distressed
- O Thou Not Made with Hands
Old 122nd | | When Morning Gilds the Skies |
Old 124th | |
- Christmas Tears
- Come to the Lord Now
- Dying Robber Raised His Aching Brow, The
- Father of Spirits, Whose Divine Control
- Now Israel May Say
- One Life, The
- Turn Back, O Man
Also see Toulon |
Old 124th (2) | | Father Eternal, Ruler of Creation |
Old 137th | |
- Great King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer
- How Shall I Sing That Majesty
Also see Norwich |
Old German | | O Jesus, My Hope |
Old Martyrs | |
- Arrayed Against Our Church and Faith
- By the Poor Widow’s Oil and Meal
- Fig Tree Near the Wayside Showed, The
- He Comes, the Royal Conqueror Comes
- Lord, Hast Thou Cast the Nation Off?
- Lord, Thou Hast Scourged Our Guilty Land
- My Soul Lies Cleaving to the Dust
- Now Satan Comes with Dreadful Roar
- O Holy Father, Righteous God!
- Quickly My Days Have Passed Away
- Sinner, That Slumb’rest on the Brink
- When Sodom’s Rich but Guilty Plains
- With Radiant Beams the Sun Arose
Old Orchard | The neighborhood in Webster Groves, Missouri. | God of Eternity |
Old Palatine | Palatine, Illinois. | When I Survey the Wondrous Cross |
Old Saxony | | Tempter to My Soul Hath Said, The |
Oldbridge | |
- For All the Blessings of the Year
- God of All Grace, Thy Mercy Send
Old Ten Commandments | | With One Consent, Let All the Earth |
Old-Time Power (Gabriel) | | Pentecostal Power |
Olean | | Why Should I Fear the Darkest Hour? |
Oliphant | | Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah |
Oliva | | How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me? |
Oliva Speciosa | Latin for fair olive tree. | Crown Him with Many Crowns |
Olivant | Composer Walter Wilkinson. | From All Thy Saints in Warfare |
Olivarius | Maiden name of composer Peter Lutkin’s mother. | Our Thought of Thee Is Glad with Hope |
Oliver | Composer John Oliver. | Sing Out Your Hallelujahs |
Olive’s Brow | |
- Away from Earth My Spirit Turns
- By Babel’s Streams We Sat and Wept
- ’Tis Finished! the Messiah Dies
- ’Tis Midnight, and on Olive’s Brow
Olivet (Dykes) | The Mount of Olives, by Jerusalem. |
- Angels Your March Oppose
- Caution Is Not Vain, The
- Lord, We Have All Forsook
- My Gracious, Loving Lord
- On Taking Down the Christmas Greens
- Thou Art Gone Up on High
Olivet (Hirst) | | Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glorious |
Olivet (Mason) | |
- Come, Holy Ghost, in Love
- O God, How Good Thou Art
- Our Father, unto Thee
- My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Olmutz | Former German name for Olomouc, Czechia. |
- Not Haughty Is My Heart
- Now Is the Accepted Time (Dobell)
- Oh Do Not Bar Your Mind
- To Praise Our Shepherd’s Care
- Your Harps, Ye Trembling Saints
Olney (Gounod) | Olney, England, where John Newton was curate & produced Olney Hymns with William Cowper. |
- O How Can They Look Up to Heaven?
- Our Banner Is th’Eternal God
Olney (Mason) | | Grace, ’Tis a Charming Sound |
Olney (Statham) | | O God, Who Didst Thy Will Unfold |
Olsztyn | Olsztyn, Poland. | I Want to Be an Angel Here |
Olvera Street | Olvera Street, Los Angeles, California (also known as Calle Olvera). | One Step at a Time |
Olympia | Olympia, Washington. | Rejoice with Me (Atchinson) |
Om Jag Ägde Allt | Swedish for If I owned everything. | See Ölander |
Omagh | Omagh, Northern Ireland. | Ye Virgin Souls, Arise |
Omaha [Pro Patria] | Omaha, Nebraska. | O Lord of Life, Thy Kingdom Is at Hand |
Ombersley | A village in the East Worcestershire constituency of composer William Gladstone. |
- See How He Loved
- Send Forth the Gospel!
- Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love
Omni Die | Latin for every day. | Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer |
Omsk | Omsk, Russia. | I’m on the Way to Glory-Land |
Once for All | | Free from the Law |
Oneonta | | Not Always on the Mount |
Onido | | Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive |
Onslow | | See Batchellor |
Ontario | Ontario, Canada. | Come Closer, Child, to Me |
Onward | | Onward Will We Go |
Onward, Soldiers | | Onward, Soldiers |
Open My Eyes | |
- Blest Is the Man
- Open My Eyes, That I May See
Opequon Church | Opequon Presbyterian Church, Winchester, Virginia. | Psalm of the Valley |
Oporto | | God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens |
Ora Labora | | Come, Labor On |
Oranmore | Oranmore, County Galway, Ireland. | David’s City Dimly Lies |
Ordenanza [Domingo] | Spanish for ordinance. | Obediente á Tu Mandato |
Ordu | Ordu, Türkiye. | Closer Still |
Örebro | Örebro, Sweden. | Jesus, Our Friend |
Oriel | |
- To the Name That Is Salvation
- Lord of Life, Prophetic Spirit
Orientis Partibus | Latin for eastern parts. |
- All That’s Good, and Great, and True
- Friendly Beasts, The
Orlando | Orlando, Florida. | Our Warfare Accomplished |
Orlington | | Lord’s My Shepherd, The |
Ormesby | Ormesby, Yorkshire, England. |
- Dreadful, Sin Chastising God
- God of Glorious Majesty
- Good Thou Art, and Good Thou Dost
- Grace, the Fountain of All Good
- Jesu, Sin-Atoning Lamb
- Righteous, Sin-Avenging God
- Tried Is Every Faithful Man
- True and Faithful Witness
- Who Can Worthily Commend
Ormiston | | Ere Yet the Dawn Has Filled the Skies |
Orono | | I Do Not Ask, O Lord |
Oroville | Oroville, California. | Land Without a Storm, A |
Orrington | Orrington, Maine. |
- There Is Beyond the Sky
- Vile Tempter, Quick Be Gone
- When Gloomy Thoughts and Fears
Ortonville | |
- Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned
- O God, We Pray for All Mankind
- Pilgrim Through This Lonely World, A
- Strait Is the Gate to All That Come
Orwell | | Friend of Sinners Dies, The |
Orwigsburg | Composer Elisha Hoffman’s home town in Pennsylvania. | I Must Tell Jesus |
Osaka | Osaka, Japan (大阪市). | Some Sweet Day (French) |
Osasco | Osasco, Brazil. | Saved to Serve (Whittle) |
Osborne | | All Ye That Pass By |
Oshawa | Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. | Twinkle, Twinkle, Christmas Star |
Osmaniye | Osmaniye, Türkiye. | Sweet Savior, Once Again This Year |
Osnabrück | Osnabrück, Germany. | Say Yes to God |
Ossett | | Ye Sons of Men, with Joy Record |
Ostend | | O Praise the Lord, for He Is Good |
Osterreich | The country of Austria. | It Won’t Be Very Long |
Ostrava | Ostrava, Czechian. | On Calvary (Rexford) |
Oswald’s Tree | | Being of Beings |
Ōta | Ōta, Tokyo, Japan. | I Know That Jesus Keeps |
Othello | | Since I Have Been Redeemed |
Ottawa (Crawford) | Ottawa, Canada. | O Jesus, Thou Art Standing |
Ottawa (Mason) | | Master, Speak! Thy Servant Heareth |
Oulu | Oulu, Finland. | O Sing a Song of Bethlehem |
Our Fathers’ Church | | We Are the Children of the Church |
Otterbourne | | See Bowen |
Our Leader | | See St. David (Calkin) |
Our Offerings | | What Shall We Bring to Thee? |
Ourense | Ourense, Spain. | Prospect (Bowden), The |
Ourique | Ourique, Portugal. | To Know That He Knows |
Over Jordan | |
- Con Gran Gozo y Placer
- Over Jordan (Slade)
Overberg | | Give Me a New, a Perfect Heart |
Overland Park | The Kansas city. | O Blessèd Hour |
Overtown | | Break Thou the Bread of Life |
Oviedo | Oviedo, Spain. | O Galilee, Sweet Galilee! |
Ovio | | O Peace Forever Flowing |
Owen | | Mourn for the Thousands Slain |
Oxford (Coombs) | Oxford, England. | O God, We Praise Thee, and Confess |
Oxford (Coward) | | All Ye That Pass By |
Oxford (Stainer) | | In the Cross of Christ I Glory |
Oxford New | | O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing |
Oxnard | Oxnard, California. | Shiloh Has Come |
Oymyakon | Oymyakon, Russia. | Beyond the Beautiful Gate |