NameNamed AfterUsed By
TabascoThe Mexi­can state.I Am Thine Own
Table Mount­ainThe mount­ain near Cape Town, South Af­ri­ca.Learning of My Sav­ior
TablerBlest Be the Lord, Our Fa­thers’ God
TabrizThe Iran­i­an ci­ty.Bible (Er­ics­son), The
TacomaThe ci­ty in Wash­ing­ton state.Perfect Peace
TadcasterThe town and ci­vil par­ish in North York­shire, Eng­land.Jesus, Thou Hast Willed It
TahitiThe is­land in French Pol­y­ne­sia.No, Not My Pow­er
TaipeiThe ci­ty in Tai­wan.They’ll Soon Be O’er
Take a StandTake a Stand for Je­sus
Talbot (Gaunt­lett)In Hea­ven’s Eter­nal Glo­ries Blessed
TalladegaThe Ala­ba­ma ci­ty.Rejoicing To­ge­ther
TallahasseeThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.Cross of Christ
TallinnThe Es­to­ni­an ci­ty.Missionary Tri­umph, The
Tallis’ Can­on
  1. All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night
  2. Jehovah Hear Thee in Thy Grief
  3. Man Who Once Has Found Abode, The
  4. When Ma­ry Hugged Her New­born Son
Tallis’ Ev­en­ing HymnAll Praise to Thee, My God, This Night
Tallis’ La­men­ta­tion
  1. Come and Be­hold the Works of God
  2. Smoke Al­as, Must Still As­cend, The
  3. Thou, Lord, Who Didst Our Faith Be­stow
  4. While Sounds of War Are Heard Around
Tallis’ Or­din­alComposer Tho­mas Tall­is.
  1. All Ye Who Love Your Mak­er’s Name
  2. Behold! the Am­bass­ador Di­vine
  3. Come, Ho­ly Ghost, Cre­at­or, Come
  4. Come, Ho­ly Ghost, Eter­nal God
  5. Come, Migh­ty Spir­it
  6. Father of Mer­cies, in Thy Word
  7. Great God! to Me the Sight Af­ford
  8. Harp at Na­ture’s Ad­vent Strung, The
  9. In Sta­ture Grows the Heav’n­ly Child
  10. My Shep­herd Is the Lord My God
  11. O God, We Praise Thee, and Con­fess
  12. O Ho­ly Spir­it, Lord of Grace
  13. O Where Are Kings and Em­pires Now?
  14. When All Thy Mer­cies, O My God
  15. With Joy We Med­i­tate the Grace
  16. Ye Wretch­ed, Hun­gry, Starv­ing Poor
  17. Year Is Gone, Be­yond Re­call, The
Talmar [Dorr­nance]
  1. From the Ta­ble Now Re­tir­ing
  2. Mindful of Our Hu­man Frail­ty
  3. Take My Heart, O Fa­ther!
TamalpaisThe mount­ain in Ma­rin Coun­ty, Ca­li­for­nia.If Life Be Long
TamaulipasThe Mexi­can state.Why Do Hea­then Na­tions Rage?
TamboraThe In­do­ne­sian vol­ca­no.He’s My Friend (Lam­berth)
Tamil Na­duThe re­gion in In­dia.Cast Thy Cares upon the Sav­ior
TampaThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.We Shall Shine as the Stars
TampereThe Fin­nish ci­ty.Lay Up Thy Trea­sure in Hea­ven
TampicoThe Mexi­can ci­ty.Savior Bids Us Watch and Pray, The
TamworthThe town in Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.Hark, the Judg­ment Trum­pet Sound­ing
TanagaThe Alas­kan is­land and vol­ca­no.All Things Awake
TangerangThe In­do­ne­sian ci­ty.Blessèd Shep­herd
TangierThe Mo­roc­can ci­ty.Willing Hearts and Rea­dy Hands
Tantum Er­go [Cor­inth, Dul­ce Car­men]Latin for on­ly then.
  1. Alleluia, Song of Glad­ness
  2. Word Su­preme, Be­fore Cre­ation
TappanThe lo­ca­tion in Rock­land Coun­ty, New York.Lord Our God Is Clothed with Might, The
TarantoThe It­a­li­an ci­ty.I’ve Passed the Cross
Tarpon SpringsThe Flo­ri­da ci­ty.On Life’s Dark, Un­fa­thomed Ocean
TarragonaThe Span­ish city.Songs of Glad­ness
TarringChild of Sin and Sor­row
Tarry with MeTarry with Me (Scott)
TarrytownThe New York ci­ty.God of Mer­cy and Com­pas­sion
TartuThe Es­ton­i­an ci­ty.O Rock of Ag­es
TasmaniaThe Aus­tral­ian is­land state.Savior with Me, The
TauntonMaiden name of Is­aac Watts’ mo­ther.
  1. Herdsmen Keep­ing Lone­ly Vi­gil
  2. Triumphal En­try
Tavy CleaveThe val­ley in Dart­moor, Eng­land.Come, Ye Dis­con­so­late
TavoyLo! Round the Throne at God’s Right Hand
Taylor (Low­ry)
  1. Battle Song of the Church, The
  2. Something to Feast the Soul
Taylor (Proc­tor)Father of Light, Con­duct My Feet
Ta’izzThe Ye­me­ni ci­ty.Christmas Time
TbilisiThe Georg­ia ci­ty.There Is Rap­ture To­night
Te De­um [Gross­er Gott, Pas­cal]Probably from the op­en­ing words of the hymn Te De­um Lau­da­mus, writ­ten by Ca­esar­i­us, Ab­bot of Lé­rins, cir­ca 500.Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Te Laud­ant Om­niaLatin for all praise to you.All Things Praise Thee
Te LucisBefore the End­ing of the Day
Teacher’s Ded­i­ca­tion HymnO God, My Pow­ers Are Thine
TehranThe Iran­i­an ci­ty.Is It for Me?
TeignmouthThe town in De­von, Eng­land.While Shep­herds Watch­ed Their Flocks (Tate)
TekirdağThe Turk­ish ci­ty.God Give Ye Mer­ry Christ­mas Tide
Tel Av­ivThe Is­rae­li ci­ty.Hearts to Hea­ven and Voic­es Raise
TelanganaThe In­di­an state.I Will Trust My Re­deem­er
Telemann’s ChantGeorg Phi­lipp Tel­e­mann (1681–1767).Praise the Lord—His Pow­er Con­fess
TelemarkThe tra­di­tion­al re­gion in Nor­way.Happy Christ­mas Day
TellurideThe Co­lo­ra­do town.Blessings
TemeculaThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Pleading Voice, The
TempeThe Ari­zo­na ci­ty.Royal Road, The
Temple (Da­vies)O King En­throned on High
Temple (Hop­kins)God, That Mad­est Earth and Hea­ven
Temple (North)Lord Je­ho­vah, in Thy Tem­ple
Temple Bo­roGod Is Known Among His Peo­ple
Tempus Ad­est Flor­i­dumLatin for spring has un­wrapped her flow­ers.
  1. Flower ca­rol
  2. Gentle Ma­ry Laid Her Child
  3. Good King Wen­ces­las
Tender Shep­herdSee Peace (Nar­ra­tive)
Tender ThoughtArise, My Ten­der­est Thoughts, Arise
TendernessSee Car­i­tas
TenerifeThe larg­est of the Ca­na­ry Is­lands.Praise Ye the Lord (Hof­fman)
TennentFrom Ocean un­to Ocean
Ter Sanc­tusLatin for thrice ho­ly.
  1. To All the Saints of God on Earth
  2. Vi Lo­va Dig, O Store Gud
  3. We Wor­ship Thee, Al­migh­ty Lord
TernopilThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.Let Me Die
Terra Be­a­taLatin for bless­ed earth.
  1. Fear Not!, the An­gel Said
  2. Forever with the Lord
  3. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
  4. I Had a Dream of Hea­ven
  5. Messiah, Prince of Peace
  6. This Is My Fa­ther’s World
TeschnerSee Va­let will ich dir ge­ben
TetworthO the Bi­tter Shame and Sor­row
Teutoburg ForestThe range of low hills in the Ger­man states of Low­er Sax­ony and North Rhine-West­phal­ia.As I Kept Watch Be­side My Sheep
ThalbergComposer Sig­is­mond Thal­berg.He’s Com­ing in the Morn­ing
ThaneThe In­di­an ci­ty.My Home (Kor­ris)
ThanetEre I Sleep, for Ev­ery Fa­vor
Thanksgiving (Bass­wood)Can a Lit­tle Child Like Me
Thanksgiving (Gil­bert)Bethlehem Sleeps Be­neath the Stars
Thanksgiving (Rod­die)When East­er Comes
Thanksgiving (Sta­tham)Arm of the Lord, Awake, Awake!
TharawThe vill­age of Tha­rau, in what was hi­stor­ic­al­ly East Prus­sia.
  1. Chosen Not for Good in Me
  2. Lord, Be­fore Thy Throne We Bend
  1. Come, Ho­ly Spirit, Come (Bed­dome)
  2. Man That Fears the Lord, The
ThaxtedThe vil­lage in Es­sex, Eng­land, where com­poser Gus­tav Holst lived for sev­eral years.
  1. I Vow to Thee, My Coun­try
  2. Mighty God, Come Build Your Migh­ty Church
Theodora (Han­del)
  1. Angels Ev­er Bright and Fair
TheodoreAmerican pre­si­dent Theo­dore Roo­se­velt.Our Fa­thers’ God, to Thee We Raise
Theodora (Legge)Rest of the Wea­ry
TheoktistusTheoktistus of the Stu­di­um.Jesu! Name All Names Above
TheophanyWho’ll Send the News?
ThessalonikiThe Greek ci­ty.Waiting by the Ri­ver (Grif­fin)
Third Mode Mel­odyWhen Ris­ing from the Bed of Death
ThirstingI Thirst, but Not as Once I Did
This End­ris NyghtMiddle Eng­lish for the oth­er night or a few nights ago.
  1. Behold the Great Cre­at­or Makes
  2. Behold We Come, Dear Lord, to Thee
  3. This En­dris Night
  4. What Grace, O Lord, and Beau­ty Shone
ThompsonSoftly and Ten­der­ly Je­sus Is Call­ing
ThornburyThe mar­ket town near com­pos­er Ba­sil Har­wood’s birth place of Ol­ve­ston.Thy Hand, O God, Has Guid­ed
Thornton’Twas I That Did It
Those Christ­mas BellsThree Peals of Bells
Thou Wilt Re­mem­ber MeThou Wilt Re­mem­ber Me
Thousand OaksThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.I Am Saved
Thurland Cas­tleThe lo­ca­tion in Lan­ca­shire, Eng­land.Not One For­got­ten
Thy Bro­ther Calls to TheeThy Bro­ther Calls to Thee
Thy LifeI Gave My Life for Thee
TianjinThe Chi­nese ci­ty.Acquaint Thy­self with Je­sus
TiogaThe New York coun­ty.See Is­ra­el’s Gen­tle Shep­herd Stand
TibbertonThe vil­lage in Shrop­shire, Eng­land.Crown Him with Ma­ny Crowns
TichfieldSee Titch­field
TicinoThe Swiss can­ton.Way He Leads Us, The
Tidings (All­an)What’s the News?
Tidings (Walch)
  1. Hark, Hark, My Soul! (All­on)
  2. O Come, My Soul, Bless Thou the Lord Thy Mak­er
  3. O Zi­on, Haste
TijuanaThe Mexi­can ci­ty.Transformation
TilburgThe Dutch ci­ty.When the Har­vest Is Past
Tillkomme Ditt RikeO Fa­ther, Thy King­dom Is Come up­on Earth
Tiltey Ab­beyThe mon­as­tery in Es­sex, Eng­land.O for a Clos­er Walk with God
Times SquareThe New York Ci­ty lo­ca­tion.Live for Je­sus
TimiosSee Reeves
TimișoaraThe Ro­man­i­an ci­ty.Some Day (El­li­ott)
Timna [De­vo­tion]
  1. How Vast Is the Trib­ute I Owe
  2. Inspirer and Hear­er of Pray­er
  3. O Je­sus, De­light of My Soul
  4. To Je­sus, the Crown of My Hope
TimonThe dea­con in Acts 6:5. All for Me
TiranaThe Al­ban­i­an ci­ty.Praise to the Ho­ly One
TiraspolThe ci­ty on the eas­tern bank of the Dnies­ter Ri­ver.Early Seek­ing, Ear­ly Find­ing
TiruchirappalliThe In­di­an ci­ty.Aid
TirunelveliThe In­di­an ci­ty.Fear Not! (Tay­lor)
Tis Mid­night HourHow Far from Home?
’Tis Not Far to Je­sus’Tis Not Far to Je­sus
TisburyLet Ev­ery Mor­tal Ear At­tend
Titchfield [Tich­field]See How Great a Flame As­pires
TivertonBehold the Mes­sen­gers of Christ
TjänaHark! What Mean Those Ho­ly Voic­es?
To God Be the Glo­ry
  1. To God Be the Glo­ry
  2. Whole-Heart­ed Thanks­giv­ing to Thee I Will Bring
TokatThe Turk­ish ci­ty.There Is a Land
TokmakThe Ukrain­ian ci­ty.So Near
TokelauThe New Zea­land ter­ri­to­ry.Long Years Ago, on Christ­mas Morn
ToledoThe Ohio ci­ty.Gathering Jew­els
TompkinsSong writ­er Jes­se Tomp­kins.Heal Me Now
Toms RiverThe New Jer­sey town­ship.Sinner’s In­vi­ta­tion, The
Ton-MânWhen the Day of Toil Is Done
Ton-y-Bo­telSee Eb­en­ezer
Tooth of Time, TheThe vol­can­ic out­crop in the San­gre de Cri­sto mount­ains of north­ern New Mex­ico.Forward
ToowoombaThe Aus­tra­li­an ci­ty.We Take the Guil­ty Sin­ner’s Name
ToowongThe suburb of Bris­bane, Aus­tral­ia.Be Thou My All
TopekaThe Kan­sas ci­ty.Everlasting Hills, The
TopladyHymn writ­er Au­gus­tus Top­la­dy.
  1. Rock of Ag­es
  2. Wide the Com­pass of the World
Torn SailWhen Through the Torn Sail
TorquaySee Con­fi­dence (You­ens)
TorranceThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.
  1. All Hail, Ho­ly Day!
  2. How Blest Was That Life
TorreónThe Mexi­can ci­ty.Long Ago on Christ­mas
Totally Sur­rend­eredMake Me a Cap­tive, Lord
TotlandProbably the par­ish on the Isle of Wight.From Ev­ery Stormy Wind
TottenhamHappy the Souls in Je­sus Joined
TotteridgeRise in the Strength of God
  1. God of the Na­tions, Who from Dawn of Days
  2. God of the Pro­phets, Bless the Pro­phets’ Sons
  3. I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Re­deem­er Art
  4. I May Not Go To­night to Beth­le­hem
  5. Immanuel
  6. Immortal Hon­ors Rest on Je­sus’ Head
  7. In Time of Health, Aid Me
  8. Sea Is His, The

Also see Old 124Th

ToulouseThe French ci­ty.Are You Rea­dy? (Rex­ford)
TourianArmenian Pri­mate Le­on Tour­i­an.Holiness Be­comes Thy House
Tours [Ber­thold]
  1. Come, Ye That Fear Je­ho­vah
  2. From Glo­ry un­to Glo­ry
  3. To Thee, My God and Sav­ior
  4. When, His Sal­va­tion Bring­ing
  5. With Hap­py Voic­es Ring­ing
TowerHis Word a Tow­er
Town of Beth­le­hemWinter Night Was Dark and Still, The
TownerO Thou God of My Sal­va­tion

Also see Brink

TrabzonThe Tur­kish ci­ty.Then Tell Je­sus
TracyComposer George Low­ell Tra­cy.To Cru­ci­fy Each Self­ish Need
TrafalgarThe 1805 na­val bat­tle off Cape Tra­fal­gar, Spain.
  1. God of Our Fa­thers, un­to Thee
  2. Seven Words on the Cross, The
TraffordThe bo­rough of Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.All Things Bright and Beau­ti­ful
TranmereThere Is a Book That All May Read
Tranquebar17th Cen­tury Dan­ish trad­ing post in Ta­mil Na­du, In­dia.All Things Bless Thee
Tranquility (Booth)I Sought the Lord
Tranquility (Mount­ain)Jesus, I Am Rest­ing, Rest­ing
Transfiguration (Lut­kin)O Love! O Life!
Transfiguration (An­ke­tell)Lord Je­sus, on the Ho­ly Mount
Transporting Vi­sionBurst, Ye Em­er­ald Gates

Also see Mer­din

TransylvaniaLord of All Be­ing
TrapaniThe ci­ty in west­ern Si­ci­ly.Lord, When Through Sin I Wan­der
TraskBehold the Bride­groom Com­eth (Moul­trie)
Tread Soft­lyTread Soft­ly
TreasureIn Hea­ven­ly Love Abid­ing
TrebelComposer Gott­fried Tr­ebel.Arise My Soul, New Light Re­ceiv­ing
TreffenThe town in south cen­tral Aus­tria.Speak, Speak for Je­sus
TrellAwake, Our Souls, Away, Our Fears
TreméThe neigh­bor­hood in New Or­le­ans, Lou­isi­ana.Lift Up the Gos­pel Ban­ner
TrenthamThe vil­lage in Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.
  1. Breathe on Me, Breath of God
  2. Firm and Un­moved Are They
  3. From Homes of Qui­et Peace
  4. Give to the Fa­ther Praise
  5. I Stand at Mer­cy’s Door
  6. In Sor­row and Dis­tress
  7. Jesus, Our Lord and King
  8. O Love of God Most Full
  9. There Is No Night in Hea­ven
  10. This Is Thy Will, I Know
  11. What Raised the Won­drous Thought
  12. Ye Mourn­ing Saints, Be­hold
TrentinoThe It­al­ian pro­vince.Odi Ko­odin Ye­shu­vo­du
TrenwhealThe town in Corn­wall.Hail! Hap­py Morn
TrésorFrench for trea­sure.I Heard a Voice the Sweet­est
TrevisoThe It­a­li­an ci­ty.Lights Along the Shore
TrewenThe ham­let and ci­vil pa­rish in east Corn­wall, Eng­land.Sovereign Pro­tec­tor I Have, A
TribecaThe neigh­bor­hood in New York Ci­ty (triangle below Canal Street).Worship of God, The
Tribulation [Youth­ful Pie­ty]Come, Let Us Now For­get Our Mirth
TriesteThe Ita­li­an ci­ty.Jesus Leads His Ar­my
TrimnellGranted Is the Sav­ior’s Pray­er
Trinity (Stone)Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly
Trinity (Wes­ley)Holy, Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Lord, Thy Dis­ci­ples
Trinity Col­lege
  1. Father’s Sole Be­got­ten Son, The
  2. From East to West, from Shore to Shore
TripoliThe Li­by­an ci­ty.Then Tell Je­sus
TrisagionGreek for thrice ho­ly.Stars of the Morn­ing
TristeLatin for sad.Holy Father! Thou Hast Taught Us
Tristes Er­antLatin for we were sad.Light’s Glit­te­ring Morn Be­decks the Sky
TriumphTo the Name of Our Sal­va­tion

Also see New­kirk

Triune Ado­ra­tionMy Fa­ther God of Pow’r and Might
TrivandrumThe In­di­an c­ity.Hand in Hand with Je­sus
TrocadéroThe ar­ea in Pa­ris, France.Beside the Still Wa­ters
TromsøThe Nor­we­gian ci­ty.I Am Je­sus’ Lit­tle Friend
TrondheimThe Nor­we­gian ci­ty.They Laid Him in the Tomb
TroyesThe French com­mune.Why Didn’t You Let Us Know?
True-HeartedTruehearted, Whole­heart­ed, Faith­ful and Loy­al
TrumanI Heard the Voice of Je­sus Say
TruroThe ci­ty in Corn­wall.
  1. Awake, Ye Na­tions of the Earth
  2. Christmas Night (Smith)
  3. Deluge at th’Al­migh­ty’s Call, The
  4. Ere the Blue Heav’ns Were Stretched Abroad
  5. Eternal Pow­er, of Earth and Air!
  6. Father in Hea­ven, Who Lov­est All
  7. Fixed up­on God as on a Rock
  8. Go, Wor­ship at Im­ma­nu­el’s Feet
  9. God of My Life, Thy Con­stant Care
  10. God of the Na­tions, Hear Our Call
  11. Great God, in Vain Man’s Nar­row View
  12. How Many Kin­dred Souls Are Fled
  13. In Heav’n the Heart O’er­flows with Love
  14. Jehovah Built the Earth and Skies
  15. Jesus, the Truth and Pow­er Di­vine
  16. Jesus, Thou Ev­er­last­ing King
  17. Land of Our Birth, We Pledge to Thee
  18. Let God Arise, and by His Might
  19. Lord, When Thou Didst As­cend on High
  20. More Light Shall Break
  21. O Let the Heart Beat High with Bliss
  22. O Ren­der Thanks to God Above
  23. Rejoice Ye Peo­ple, Hom­age Give
  24. Servants of God, in Joy­ful Lays
  25. Shout, for the Bless­èd Je­sus Reigns
  26. Thee, O Im­ma­nu­el, We Praise
  27. Thou Lord of Hosts
  28. ’Tis Christ­mas Morn
  29. To Us a Child of Roy­al Birth
  30. When Ad­am Fell
  31. Yes, God Is Good
  32. Zion Is Glad This Glo­ri­ous Morn
Trust (Men­dels­sohn)Come, O Lord, Like Morn­ing Sun­light
Trust (Stock­ton)Come, Ev­ery Soul by Sin Op­pressed
Trust (Tor­rance)O Savior, I Have Naught to Plead
TruthMy Mak­er and My King
Truth from AboveO Chief of Cities, Beth­le­hem
Tryggare Kan Ing­en VaraAlleluia! Lord Most Ho­ly
TryphenaA Chris­tian wor­ker men­tioned by the Apos­tle Paul (Ro­mans 16:12).God Shall Wipe All Tears Away
TrystHere from the World We Turn
TualatinThe Ore­gon ci­ty.Sweetly Sleep
TuamThe town in Coun­ty Gal­way, Ire­land.Lord God, the Ho­ly Ghost
TübingenThe Ger­man ci­ty.Nearer Home
TuckerSend the Fire
TucsonThe Ari­zo­na ci­ty.Millennial Dawn, The
TudorJesus, My Lord, How Rich Thy Grace!
TugwoodSing We Tri­um­phant Hymns of Praise
TulsaThe Ok­la­ho­ma ci­ty.Christ, the King of Zi­on
TulumThe Mexi­can town on the Yu­ca­tan pe­nin­su­la.Jesu, Re­deem­er of the World
  1. Fearful Thought of End­less Doom
  2. Sinful, Sigh­ing to Be Blest
TunguskaThe Si­ber­ian ri­ver.On the Shores of Ga­li­lee
TunicaThe Mis­sis­sip­pi town.Jesus Died for Me (Will­iams)
TunisThe Tu­ni­sian ci­ty.Our Light and Life
TunisiaThe north Af­ri­can coun­try.Everything for Je­sus (Hawks)
TurinThe Ital­ian ci­ty.As the Hart, with Ea­ger Looks
TürkiyeThe coun­try on the An­a­to­li­an Pe­nin­su­la in wes­tern As­ia.Let Me Walk with Thee
TurkuThe Fin­nish ci­ty.City of Light, The
TurnerGuide Me, O Thou Great Je­ho­vah
TuscanyThe re­gion in It­aly.Clinging and Rest­ing
Tuxedo ParkThe vil­lage in Orange Coun­ty, New York.Rest in Thee
TuzlaThe ci­ty in Bos­nia and Her­ze­go­vi­na.Christ Is Ris­en (Clea­tor)
Twentynine PalmsThe Ca­li­for­nia ci­ty.Grow Like Je­sus
Twenty-Fourth [Chelms­ford, Prim­rose, Mem­phis]
  1. Consider All My Sor­rows, Lord
  2. Hail, Tran­quil Hour of Clos­ing Day
  3. Holy and Re­ver­end Is the Name
  4. Keep Si­lence, All Cre­at­ed Things
  5. Love Con­se­crates the Hum­blest Act
TwilightSun Is Sink­ing Fast, The
TynemouthThe ci­ty in Tyne and Wear, Eng­land.There Are a My­ri­ad Means, O Lord
TyreThe Le­ba­nese ci­ty.Passing On­ward, Quick­ly Pass­ing
TyrolThe re­gion in Aus­tria.Come, Shep­herds, Come!
TyroneO How I Love Je­sus
TythertonSee Mo­ra­via (West)
TyumenThe Rus­sian ci­ty.Give Me Wel­come