The Cyber

Tune NameNamed AfterUsed By
JabalpurJabalpur, In­dia (जबलपुर).Our Abid­ing Home
Jacob LakeJacob Lake, Ari­zo­na.Teach Us, Lord, to Love Thee
JacintaThrough the Val­ley
Jackson [By­zan­ti­um]Composer Tho­mas Jack­son.Eternal Wis­dom, Thee We Praise
JacksonvilleJacksonville, Flo­ri­da.At My Re­deem­er’s Feet
JaelThe wo­man in Judges 4:21.Fill Me, Ho­ly Spir­it, Fill Me
JaénThe Span­ish ci­ty.Coming Christ, The
Jag har en vänSwedish for I have a friend.I Have a Friend, so Pa­tient, Kind, For­bear­ing
JaipurJaipur, In­dia (जयपुर).
  1. Why Sleep We, My Breth­ren?
  2. World Is Grown Old, The
JakartaJakarta, In­do­ne­sia.Jesus, We Love to Meet
JalalabadJalalabad, Af­ghan­is­tan (جلال آباد).Jesus the Sav­ior
JaliscoJalisco, Mexi­co.Singing as We Jour­ney
Jama Cam­payHark! How the Bells
Jamaica BayThe bay on south­ern Long Island, New York.Shepherd of Is­ra­el
JamestownThe first per­ma­nent Eng­lish set­tle­ment in North Am­eri­ca.His Blood Is Drop­ping Down
JamisonBlest Are the Pure in Heart
JamshedpurJamshedpur, In­dia (जमशेदपुर).O Dwell with Me
JanesGod Is the Name My Soul Adores
  1. O Praise Ye the Name of Je­ho­vah
  2. Thou, Lord, Hast Dealt Well with Thy Ser­vant
JaphetNoah’s son (Ge­ne­sis 10:2).With Tear­ful Eyes I Look Around
JasperJasper Na­tion­al Park, Ca­na­da.Little Mis­sion­ary (But­ter­worth), The
JavaVoice up­on the Mid­night Air, A
Jazer (Brad­bu­ry)The town in Gi­le­ad (Num­bers 32:1).
  1. Lord, Our Lord, How Rich His Grace!, The
  2. Ye Hearts with Youth­ful Vig­or Warm
Jazer (To­zer)Thou Son of God, Whose Flam­ing Eyes
Jeboult [St. Ma­ry Mag­da­lene]Forgive Them, O My Fa­ther
Jefferson Ci­tyJefferson Ci­ty, Mis­sou­ri.Keep Your Eyes on Je­sus
Jefferson StreetChrist the Con­quer­ing King
JefferyComposer Frank Jef­fe­ry.Our God Is in the Sun­shine Gay
Jeg vil mig Herren loveO How Shall I Re­ceive Thee?
Jehovah-NissiHebrew for The Lord is our ban­ner (Exo­dus 17:15).O Lord Our Ban­ner
JejuniaGood It Is to Keep the Fast
JeninThe ci­ty in the West Bank area of the Jor­dan Riv­er (ג'ני, جنين).Save Me at the Cross
JennerFor Thee, O Dear, Dear Coun­try
JeremiahDiz O Sen­hor
JeromeSee Au­gus­ta
Jersey Ci­tyJersey Ci­ty, New Jer­sey.Last Com­mand, The
Jerusalem (Gros­ve­nor)Why Should the Dread of Sin­ful Man
Jerusalem (Par­ry)Jerusalem
Jerusalem (Prae­to­ri­us) [Mel­chi­or]
  1. Jerusalem, Thou Ci­ty Built on High!
  2. Jerusalem, Thou Ci­ty Fair and High
Jerusalem (Pur­day)Jerusalem, Je­ru­sa­lem
Jerusalem (Stain­er)We Sing the Glo­ri­ous Con­quest
Jerusalem (Sta­ni­forth)

O Lord, My Best De­sire Ful­fill

Jerusalem, AriseJerusalem, Arise
Jervaulx Ab­beySaints of God! Their Con­flict Past, The
JeshurunPoetic name for Is­ra­el used in the He­brew Bible.None Is Like Je­shu­run’s God
JesseRod of the Root of Jes­se
Jesu Co­ro­naFast, as Taught by Ho­ly Lore, The
Jesu der du meine SeeleGerman for Je­sus, You are my soul.Jesu! Who in Sor­row Dy­ing
Jesu Di­lec­tis­si­meLatin for be­loved Je­sus.I Could Not Do With­out Thee
Jesu Dul­cis Mem­or­iaLatin for sweet me­mo­ry of Je­sus.Jesu, the Vir­gins’ Crown
Jesu, Je­su, du mein Hirt
  1. Bread of Heav­en, on Thee We Feed
  2. God the Fa­ther, God the Son
  3. Quiet, Lord My Fro­ward Heart
Jesu Kreuz, Leid­en und PeinGerman for Je­sus’ cross, suf­fer­ing and pain.
  1. Jesu! Be Thy Suf­fer­ing Love
  2. Jesus, I Will Pon­der Now
Jesu, Ma­gis­ter BoneLatin for Jesus, good Teach­er.
  1. I Sleep, but Love Still Wak­eth
  2. O Thou, Be­fore Whose Pre­sence
Jesu, meine FreudeGerman for Je­sus, my joy.
  1. Jesu, Price­less Trea­sure
  2. Now Be­hold Him Dy­ing
Jesu, meine Zu­ver­sichtGerman for Je­sus, my con­fi­dence.Welcome God and Ma­ry’s Son
Jesu, mein­es Le­bens Le­ben
  1. Christ, the Life of All the Liv­ing
  2. Jesu! Life! The Life of Heav­en
Jesu Re­demp­tor Om­ni­umLatin for Jesus, Re­deem­er of all
  1. Give Heed, My Heart
  2. Winter in His Heart of Gloom
Jesu Re­demp­tor Sae­cu­liLatin for Je­sus, Re­deem­er of the Cen­tu­ry.Lamb’s High Ban­quet We Await, The
Jesulein süssGerman for Sweet lit­tle Je­sus
  1. O Je­su­lein süss
  2. O Spir­it of Life
Jesus Allt Mitt Goda ÄrRise, O Sa­lem, Rise and Shine
Jesus Chris­tusJesus Christ, Our Bless­èd Sav­ior
Jesus Chris­tus, un­ser Hei­landGerman for Je­sus Christ, Our Sav­iorJesus Christ, Our Great Re­deem­er
Je­sus Chris­tus un­ser HerrGerman for Je­sus Christ, Our LordChrist Is Ris­en (Rus­sell)
Jesus, HearJesus, Hear My Hum­ble Plead­ing
Jesus, I ComeOut of My Bon­dage, Sor­row, and Night
Jesus Is Call­ingJesus Is Ten­der­ly Call­ing You Home
Jesus Is God
  1. Jesus Is God!
  2. O Lord, Thy All Dis­cern­ing Eyes
Jesus ist das schönste LichtGerman for Jesus is the most beau­ti­ful light.Savior, Who Didst Heal­ing Give
Jesus, Je­sus, nicht als Je­susJesus, Je­sus, On­ly Je­sus
Jesus LivesJesus Lives
Jesus, meine Zu­ver­sichtJesus Christ, My Sure De­fense
  1. I’m Wait­ing for Thee, Lord
  2. When He Com­eth (Cush­ing)
Jesus, Thy Name I LoveJesus, Thy Name I Love
  1. God, Who Cre­at­ed Me
  2. My Je­sus, as Thou Wilt
JharkandJharkand, In­dia (झारखंड).Hence from My Soul, Sad Thoughts, Be­gone
JiangsuJiangsu, Chi­na (江苏省).Heaven’s Nice
JihlavaJihlava, Cze­chia.Through the Sha­dows
JilinJilin, Chi­na.Christmas Time (Kurz­en­knabe)
JoannaSee St. De­nio
JodhpurJodhpur, In­dia (जोधपुर).Jesu, Who from Thy Fa­ther’s Throne
JohannesburgJohannesburg, South Af­ri­ca.Shut in with Thee
John Brown’s Bo­dy19th Cen­tu­ry Am­eri­can abo­li­tion­ist John Brown.
  1. Battle Hymn of the Re­pub­lic
  2. From Age to Age They Ga­ther
  3. Gathering of the Saints, The
  4. My God in Whom I Trust
  5. Our Youth Are March­ing On
  6. Truth Tri­um­phant
Johor Bah­ruJohor Bah­ru, Ma­lay­sia.Blessèd Je­sus
JohnstownJohnstown, Penn­syl­van­ia, site of a ma­jor flood in 1889.Spread the Tid­ings All Abroad
JolieFrench for pret­ty.Summer
JönköpingJönköping, Swed­en.Do Thou Di­rect Thy Cha­ri­ot, Lord
JoplinJoplin, Mis­sou­ri.Up, Arouse Ye
  1. In Vi­sion to His Saints God Spake
  2. Lord Is Come!, The
JosephComposer Jo­seph Barn­by.
  1. Darkly Rose the Guil­ty Morn­ing
  2. Jesus, Life and Way to Heav­en
  1. Almighty Fram­er of the Skies
  2. As Near to Cal­va­ry I Pass
  3. Bridegroom Com­ing at Mid­night, The
  4. Fret Not Thy­self
  5. How Blest Are Hearts, Which Christ the Lord
  6. Jesus, Who Died a World to Save
  7. O Thou, the Help­less Or­phan’s Hope
  8. Sinner Se­cure, the Writ­ing See!
JoshuaDefend Us, Lord, from Ev­ery Ill
JosiahThe king of Is­ra­el (2 Kings 21:24).
  1. Great Is Our Re­deem­ing Lord
  2. Lo! The Sin-Aveng­ing Lord
JothamThe king of Is­ra­el (2 Kings 15:5).Penitent, The
JouardComposers Cal­vin & Far­el Jou­ard.Jesus, My Sav­ior, Died
Joyful PraiseSee Laz­io
Joyful SoundCleansed in Our Sav­ior’s Pre­cious Blood
JuárezJuárez, Mexi­co.Heavenly Je­ru­sa­lem, The
JubaThe ci­ty in Su­dan.Blessèd Sav­ior, Ev­er Near­er
JubilateRejoice, the Lord Is King
JubileeI Hear Ten Thou­sand Voic­es Sing­ing
JudahThe Israelite tribe.Glory Be to God on High
Judas Mac­ca­bae­us
  1. Great God and Sav­iour
  2. Thine Is the Glo­ry
Judd StreetJesus, Lov­er of My Soul
JudeaLord Is My Shep­herd, The
JudsonSee Lux Eoi
JuldagsmorgonSwedish for Christ­mas morn­ing.When Christ­mas Morn Is Dawn­ing
  1. Lo the Great God Will Come from High
  2. What Hath This Wretch­ed World to Give?
  3. Young Peo­ple All, At­ten­tion Give
JuneauJuneau, Alas­ka.Glory Be to Je­sus’ Name
JungfrauThe Jungfrau, Swit­zer­land.Nearer to Thee
JuniataSee Asleep in Je­sus
JunkinJesus, Friend of Sin­ners
JuraJura, In­ner He­bri­des.Come to the House of God
Just a WordSee Mount Me­ra­pi
Just as I AmSee Dunstan
Juxta Cruc­emLatin for Ac­cord­ing to the Cross.See St. Fa­bi­an
JyväskyläJyväskylä, Fin­land.O My Sav­ior, Hear Me